Big Media: Are They Really Stupid or Unpatriotic Americans!!!

A memorable statement from the movie Forrest Gump is ‘Stupid is as stupid does.’ He may have “looked” stupid, but he did his best not to act that way. A stupid person does not realize what they are doing is stupid. So don’t most of the establishment media owners, management and their reporters who have been ‘liberalized’ at the great universities who lockstep follow the liberal way like good little minions?

‘Lame Stream Media’ (as Ann Coulter called them on Hannity recently) and most of their affiliated local comrades are stupid or unpatriotic Americans when they support the utter stupidity and insanity of not just liberals but the socialist, Marxists crazies of the far left with little pretense for questioning nor hardly any semblance of investigative reporting.

How can this be determined? Let’s see. Since the United States is a nation of laws based on our Constitution in a capitalist system that’s generated more success and wealth than any country in the history of earth making it the model and envy of the world, and these sorry media elitists unabashedly and continually do all they can to injure and affect negative change to traditional America should they be considered patriotic Americans? No! They are either unpatriotic Americans or they are stupid is the only answer there can be. Stupid is as stupid does.


Did these people only study wordsmithing in school and no math? It must be outside their comprehension that the landslide of great sounding socialist programs of the last several decades are paid for only from the tax troughs of our tax paying commerce driving businesses and their tax paying employees as well as the taxes paid from the horrendous numbers of new and existing government employees whose salaries happen to be likened to beneficiaries of those very taxes. Supportive big media has constantly promoted big government expansion that has confiscated an on-going greater share of our national productivity. For instance, the current non-sense pushing a $15 minimum wage increase will further erode both our freedom and opportunities. The first objective of all businesses is to make a profit that will sustain and hopefully grow the enterprise. It has been said that businesses don’t pay taxes since a balance sheet dictates that taxes are just another cost that has to be factored in like all others. So either prices or something else needs adjusting such as reducing staff in order to remain in business and viable in the market. There’s a word these socialist elitists run from. Accountability …the missing word in the socialists’ mantra. Common sense doesn’t seem to exist in these liberal minds.

America’s commerce is drowning in too many laws, overregulation, taxation, unfair trade practices, and programs that are choking the life out of once flourishing small businesses. I want to say ‘Where is the responsible investigative reporting that should be outing the waste, corruption, scandals and secrecy in our government that is now operating like the secretive Cosa Nostra? But that would be like slighting the Cosa Nostra who at least live by a code of honor and consequences.


Control over the media has been a long-term objective of the globalist elite. In 1917 JP Morgan Banking interests and their allies got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and had them select 25 of the greatest newspapers from a select list of 179 papers they studied.

As William Norman Grigg stated in his article ‘Behind the Bias’ in 2003 in The New American magazine, “The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international of these papers; an agreement was reached; the policy of the papers were bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information…[on matters] considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.

“The late Georgetown University historian Carroll Quigley stated that the Morgan interests figured prominently in the ‘international Anglophile network’ as the spine of the global power elite. In his 1966 work Tragedy and Hope – after writing disdainfully of ‘conspiracy theorists’ – admitted the existence of a partially submerged elite that ‘operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and many of its instruments.’ The network’s ‘aim’ Quigley continued, is ‘nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.’”


How derelict in responsible reporting, absence in reporting or guilty of tainting facts can these ‘extremely liberal’ news organizations get? As L. Brent Bozell, III states in his book ‘Weapons of Mass Distortion,’ “The fawning media acted as publicity agents for Hillary Clinton in 1999 when she announced her candidacy for the U.S. Senate, there was an almost perverse element to it all.

“Mrs. Clinton’s record didn’t matter to the media. They didn’t care that Hillary Clinton had been the architect of a failed national healthcare proposal. That it was Hillary who had invented the ‘vast right-wing conspiracy.’ That it was Hillary, not Bill, who had been the White House Stonewaller-in-Chief. That it was Hillary’s Rose Law Firm that couldn’t find and reportedly destroyed key documents. That it was in Hillary’s own bedroom in the White House, no less, where other Rose Law Firm billing records mysteriously reappeared. That it was Hillary who had been the force behind firing the White House Travel Office staff, or that the charges of fraud used to justify the firing were so dishonest that a jury needed a whopping two hours to acquit Travel Office chief Billy Dale. That it was Hillary who had given one fanciful explanation after another about how she came to make $100,000 from a $1,000 investment in the commodities market. That it was Hillary who had hired Craig Livingstone, the former bar bouncer who collected hundreds of raw FBI files on the Clintons’ political opponents. That it was Hillary, supposedly a feminist leader, who had first denied the charges of adultery against her husband and then when the truth could no longer be denied, refused to acknowledge the seriousness of what he had done.

“The record established Hillary Clinton as a liar and a relentless character assassin. But the media were not going to question Hillary about any of these things, and just as important, they were going to challenge anyone who had the audacity to do so. …The mainstream media would be too busy praising Mrs. Clinton to bother investigating not-fully-explored scandals that they considered ‘old news.’”

Now Hillary’s problems with Benghazi, the Benghazi cover-up, classified email/servergate and the millions of dollars she and Bill reaped from his ‘coincidental’ on-going speaking engagements with contacts in countries Hillary was calling on as Secretary of State are all begging for investigative reporting from big media and all we are hearing is crickets.


These folks just don’t get it. Socialism always fails. There is just not enough of other people’s money to support their endless falderal. Once again, there has never been a successful nation of socialism and our capitalist system in a nation of laws outlined in the U.S. Constitution has made us the greatest nation on earth in the history of mankind. And these cretins are fulltime hell-bent to ruin it.

I detest the words New York Times (NYT), cannot tolerate the politics of NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC or the C-SPANS except for sporting events some of them air. Other affiliated networks they own such as Disney, The History Channel, National Geographic, Discovery, MTV and The Weather Channel are also full of liberal and socialist propaganda on the green message, global climate change, morality and especially ‘factual’ history.

Some believe that the media abuses to the conservative movement are just examples of incompetency or an amoral attitude. As in most endeavors, possibly some. But for the most part, these are driven leftists who really believe that fundamentalist conservatives are all the way from wrong to evil and crazy and that our Constitution is outdated and should be thought of as a living breathing instrument that should adapt to changing times (socialism).

As Bernard Goldberg states in his book ‘Arrogance,’ “These are people who operate by a double standard that gives even double standards a bad name! No matter how they cast it or try to dodge the issue, to most in the big-time media, a liberal is, by definition, a good guy, someone who is decent and compassionate. A conservative, on the other hand, by definition is a selfish, mean-spirited moral slug.”

They also believe that New York City is the heartbeat of America and that the New York Times is the high church of our national news gathering since so many dependent, unquestioning, ‘clinger,’ large newspapers, television and radio stations across our nation wouldn’t know what to report without their NYT ‘lead’ infusion.

A last quote from William Norman Grigg, “Instead of investigating and exposing the actions of the power elite, the major media are complicit in that elite’s drive for total control.”

And I call that being very unpatriotic or being very stupid.

The Insanity of Liberalism


Liberals can’t help themselves from constantly dreaming up ideas they believe to be best for everyone, as they see it. The basis of their daydreams are usually rooted in their compulsion to control others in their quest for power. It appears nothing is too farfetched or actually bizarre for their creations. The real talent these charlatans possess lies in often developing incredibly righteous sounding names that feature similar righteous sounding and memorable acronyms for endless programs such as Common Core, TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), Planned Parenthood, ACA (Affordable Care Act), Agenda 21, ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform), No Child Left Behind, AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) and the list seems to go into infinity… all to help us.

The insanity of all this liberal socialism is that we taxpayers have to pay for it all until there are no more of us working enough to supply the tax money it requires because the onslaught of so many costly programs with their subsequent costs of expanded government, it’s inefficiencies and wastes on the back of expanded taxes making us the highest taxed nation on earth are killing our golden goose commerce and its commensurate jobs. Foolishness is part of the definition for insanity and the refusal to balance a balance sheet is a big symptom.

Then there are all those far left leaning organizations out there with great sounding names that are steadily trying to dissolve us down to 3rd world nation status which most of seem to be funded by or partly by George SorosWith names like Advancement Project, All of Us or None, Alliance for Justice, America Coming Together, America’s Voice, American Bar Association Commission on Immigration Policy, American Bridge 21st Century, American Constitution Society for Law and Policy, American Family Voices, American Federation of Teachers, American Friends Service Committee, American Immigration Council, American Immigration Law Foundation, American Independent News Network, American Institute for Social Justice and this is only about half way through just the A’s in this very long ultra-liberal list of efforts to clandestinely take America in a non-traditional direction toward socialism and a World Government. See the complete list here.

“The Whiggish assumption in contemporary politics that today must be better than yesterday, this year more advanced than last year, this century wiser than the one that preceded it is held most dogmatically by so-called progressives. For them history is a vehicle with no reverse gear, and the engine that powers it is nothing more or less than the State. This is the hardened metaphysical, dogmatic cliché that makes it possible for journalists to glibly describe any expansion of the government into our lives as a ‘step forward’ or an ‘advancement’ and any retrenchment of government as a step ‘backward.’ A Republican proposal of market-based reform always amounts to ‘turning back the clock.’” – Quote from Jonah Goldberg in his book ‘The Tyranny of Cliches’

Another quote that is apropos here comes from Ronald H. Nash in his book ‘Closing of the American Heart,’

“The proper response to any report card about American education must include such emotions as anger, resentment, despair and grief. We should feel grief and despair at the millions of young lives that have been deprived of a proper education and at what those individuals, their families, and our nation will lose as a result.

“But we should also feel real anger and resentment at those people and institutions that are responsible for all this. These were people and institutions that readily took billions of dollars in public and private money, profited personally from the system, and have through their incompetence, ignorance, greed and assorted intellectual and moral vices created the intellectual and moral crisis that now afflicts every level of American education.”

Both parties have been part of all this destruction of our once great system. There are certainly way too many neo-conservatives and RINO’s (Republicans In Name Only). Republicans are supposed to be about limited government, free markets, personal responsibility, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. R-i-i-g-g-h-t-t. So much for oaths and party platforms. Case in point: their recent vote on the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) which they were actually giddy about and proudly presented to Obama.

Liberalism is socialism and socialism demands big government. Liberals have traditionally been about balancing social mores, establishing equality and even guarantees for individuals and commerce through government programs. The more programs the more power they expropriate. Socialism has never succeeded as a government and the true mark of the insanity of liberals is that liberal/socialist provocateurs keep making the same mistakes in the face of all their existing failures. If what they are doing is not about power and world domination then they have exhibited – the true mark of insanity by continuing to doing the same kind of stupid stuff repeatedly: Government hand-outs are dis-incentivizing people to work • subsidies and bailouts unbalancing the free market • 30 hour work weeks forcing people to get 2nd jobs falsely props up job reports • overburdening regulations, high taxes and poor fair trade laws are forcing layoffs as well as closing businesses • and the sheer weight of constant bad news and outright lies trumpeted by the sorry ultra-liberal media supporting the liberal agenda. All this and much more is overwhelmingly taking its toll on citizens’ faith in the people we have elected in both parties who are part and parcel to it all.

Of the many definitions that can be found for liberalism on such sites as ‘The Free Dictionary, reality today recognizes the far left of the democratic party as the liberals’ ‘liberal elite Crème de la crème’ in American politics. Their agenda is socialism for everyone right out of the world of Karl Marx and they are very much aligned with the deceitful and clandestine Council on Foreign Relations that is joined at the hip with the United Nations. All these folks would have you believe our Constitutional system of the rule of law is old and clearly doesn’t work anymore. Well it has been responsible for making America the greatest and unquestioned most successful nation on earth until their kind started becoming very successful with their insanity laced endeavors that have been so effective in transforming us away from what brought us. They’ve been accomplishing all they have by using naive and foolish politicians (and that’s being polite) as well as the many on the take from the overabundance of special interest LOBBYI$T$ and PAC’s. Never mind their oaths to our Constitution.

America’s citizens have facilitated what we are getting by our inattentiveness and careless attitudes regarding the violations of our trust and oaths to our Constitution on the part of most elected officials. The liberal mantra, alive and well, is insanity. We need to stop tolerating it. So like I said in the last issue, we get the government we deserve. Obama is just the ‘Great Facilitator.’ We must stand up and fight these fools or geniuses of iniquitous character by studying issues, informing others, studying voting records in the U.S. Congress by going to and at the Statehouse here in Idaho by going to and then culling our political poison in the poll booth with enthusiasm. Repeating myself, we must inform others, and especially make the effort to awaken young people about the ‘real world’ and the eminent crisis we are charging toward in our reckoning with utter accountability. Note: You must check out the article from National Review called Liberal Bullshit.

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” – Sir Winston Churchill

“No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots.’ – Barbara Ehrenreich, The Worst Years of Our Lives: Irreverent Notes from a Decade of Greed

Of Fisherman and Preachers


Some of the fondest memories of my childhood are of the many, many enjoyable experiences I had with a fishing pole attached to me. In my early teens I came into a couple steel rowboats for the bargain prices of $15 and $25 from a friend who owned a boat rental business with plans to sink them if he didn’t get a buck for them. The first one I sank, the second one my brother Jerry, deprived me of an inevitable repeat performance by doing the same on his way back across the lake after a camping trip with a friend, while I was in the Air Force. For months after I got out of the service there was a dampening sound to his voice when I would ask, “Where was my sleeping bag, or my bow and arrows, or camp stove, and of course, my fishing tackle?”

Unfortunately, as life has ‘pressed on,’ a thing called work has gotten in the way of my pursuit of the fishes. But I’ll always cherish my many hours before and after school, and later work, trolling for trout, shore lining with a popper for bass, and catfishing across the lake all night with night crawlers in front of a fire. And when I wasn’t in the boat I was usually on the shore with my grandfather fishing for perch. And we usually, ‘tore them up.’

Exemplifying the true American spirit of freedom and enterprise is the straight commissioned American salesmen who have largely helped keep our system of commerce vibrant. Salesmen have been called a lot of things, likened to a lot of others and compared to a lot of other professions through the years. Two of my favorite comparisons are fisherman and preachers.

Fisherman. Oh…for so many reasons… I mean real fishermen! Not some ‘could care less’ line wetter’s, but real ‘acid’ fishermen. Because after all I am comparing them with real professional ‘heavyweight’ salesmen. The causes and effects of their similarities are so alike.


Many of these fishing ‘nuts’ are arisen, departed and arrived before the rooster stirs and waiting for the sun’s first glitter upon the water. If they don’t catch anything here, they try there. If still nothing, then there. There. There. There… At a point, and usually there are several, in the course of a typical trip, many weighty decisions have to be made. Like using weights. Like: sinkers, egg lead, split shot, BB’s or not using weights. Then there are many other decisions to be made. Such as changes in tackle, or whether to go to artificial bait, lures, plugs, bobbers, snags, nets, dynamite and almost anything on the way to everything until the reason for the purpose of being there presents itself. The right ‘chemistry’ could even include shades of witchcraft like a lucky hat, crossed fingers and even holding your tongue in a particular configuration. A favorite person in my childhood, Bob Graham, my uncle’s father-in-law, convinced me when I was young that holding my tongue just right (curled up) made luck just right and we’d catch fish. He cracked me up. And when you went fishing with Bob Graham you always caught fish. (It’s doubtful that this one would work for many salesmen.) But, the main similarities with salesmen should be obvious: faith, energy, imagination, flexibility, application and persistence.

Now these fishermen, suppose they ever had days they didn’t catch anything? Many! But like the successful salesmen they just can’t wait to get back and get their chemistry, timing or particular witchcraft right. Because aside from their hunger to succeed, one of the strongest assets they have is their faith.


You guessed it. Now for my preacher routine. Well, it goes without saying that preachers certainly exemplify faith. But, I think of them more as teachers and motivators. Preachers’ calling as the strongest believers are judged on their ability to teach and motivate. No experienced salesman worth his salt could possibly have gone far in his career without at some point reminding himself of the pulpit pounding man of the cloth trying to make a vivid impact on his flock.

In my opinion, if salesmen cannot relate to this, they are not running on a full charge and might possibly need some pumpin’ up in the good ol’ product knowledge/comparison/enthusiasm departments. American patriots that don’t get it likewise need to begin discovering what America is really all about. Opportunity, freedom and working hard at persistently applying ourselves to accomplish whatever goals we wish to achieve.

I say great fisherman would make great salesmen. I say preachers are great salesmen. I also say that America would be doing just fine if all Americans understood the mindset of great fisherman and preachers like the heart of great salesmen and lived their lives accordingly.

As the often quoted old Chinese proverb says, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime;” we must get our citizens, and especially our younger ones that aren’t getting the traditional educations we got, to understand that America is not about freebies, entitlements and guarantees. It is about the unrestrained freedom to work hard in our pursuit of our dreams.

Talk show host Dennis Prager, a Jewish conservative, in May 2010 during a panel discussion at the University of Denver is quoted by Scott Hennen in his book Grass Roots as saying, “I believe the greatest threat facing America…is that we have not passed on what it means to be an American to this generation…. The average American who loves his country, and even has conservative values, cannot articulate what those values are.”

Go fish, and get in touch with your inner patriotic self… and take a kid with you. And fish until you catch ’em.

Simpson, Crapo, and Risch Are Part of the Problem


I don’t care a whit about how well a U.S. senator or representative has done for a state, but when they vote the way these three did on the gift of the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to someone as devious as Obama that’s constitutionally theirresponsibility, that’s one thing. But when you recognize all dangers to our future that this extremely secretive and deceitful project is really about that makes it even much worse. Then if all that isn’t bad enough congress’s caveat to us for all that will probably happen is to assure us that they will assure availability of Trade Adjustment Assistance to pay Americans who lose their jobs as a result of this insane fiasco with more of our tax money.

Now let me see, our tax coffers will be lightened from the loss of jobs, and the rest of us are supposed to pay these folks with what’s left in our tax coffers to compensate them for not working. Have you ever heard of anything on earth more socialistic than that? Socialism has never succeeded in history.

Senators Crapo and Risch have been very good at their job and Congressman Simpson fairly well as voting records go. But if upstanding productive citizens all of a sudden rob your uninsured bank where your savings are, do you look the other way or deal with them. These men are not stupid and they are not uninformed. They have bought into a very sorry scenario for the future of our republic and in a perfect world they should be replaced with better real conservative patriots. However, since Crapo and Risch are not likely to be replaced easily they should at least go forward knowing that they will not have the trust they once enjoyed.


States Joe Wolverton, II, JD of The New American magazine, “The U.S. Senate is full of men and women who paid for their office and now expect to be paid for using the power they bought. The latest example comes from the vote on granting the president trade-promotion authority (TPA) — power to “fast track” passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

“The Guardian reports that ‘Fast-tracking the TPP, meaning its passage through Congress without having its contents available for debate or amendments, was only possible after lots of corporate money exchanged hands with senators.’

“In other words, senators — each of whom swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution — have been bribed to ignore our founding document and deliver power over the country’s trade policy to the president and globalist bureaucrats who will manage the TPP.

“Remarkably, the votes on the legislation accomplishing this atrocity weren’t even close.

“On May 14, the Senate approved the TPA bill 65-33 and then 62 of those same senators voted a few days later to shut down debate on the matter.

“How much money would it take to convince those “impress majorities” to violate their oaths of office and sacrifice American sovereignty on the altar of “free trade?” The Guardian has identified the source of the money and the senators who participated in the bipartisan betrayal:

“Using data from the Federal Election Commission, this chart shows all donations that corporate members of the U.S. Business Coalition for TPP made to U.S. Senate campaigns between January and March 2015, when fast-tracking the TPP was being debated in the Senate:

“Out of the total $1,148,971 given, an average of $17,676.48 was donated to each of the 65 “yea” votes.

“The average Republican member received $19,673.28 from corporate TPP supporters.

“The average Democrat received $9,689.23 from those same donors.”

Can’t Leave Out the Republicans!

“The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.” – President John F. Kennedy

I and many other Republicans are sickened by the D.C. Republican leadership and their lockstep devoted followers who have blindly, or on the dole, usurped their Constitutional responsibility to the devious, serial liar that gave us ObamaCare and much else that’s taking our country down by giving him the secretive fast track authority now with the new name of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) which will springboard us into the monstrous clandestine trade packages that will truly transform us into a member state of a global government run by unaccountable, unelected global power elitists who know best for everyone about everything.

States Bill Jasper, senior editor of The New American magazine, “The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPA) and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) constitute an all-out assault on, and an existential threat to, America’s sovereignty and independence. These twin, trans-oceanic agreements are massive schemes that propose a very radical transformation of the global politico-economic system, with revolutionary integration and convergence of the major Atlantic and Pacific nations.

“Modern Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs, such as NAFTA, TPP, and TTIP) have become so comprehensive and complex that they guarantee conflict — both among the nations that are party to the agreement, as well as between private parties and the various nation-state parties. Resolving the conflict means resorting to adjudication. As with NAFTA, the TPP and TTIP create conflict resolution tribunals (courts) that claim the authority to overrule national, state, and local laws, as well as national and state courts and national and state constitutions. Additionally, PTA members often opt to appeal their cases to the World Trade Organization tribunal, which claims global judicial authority. In practice, this amounts, virtually, to legislating globally from the bench, striking down laws and ordering revisions. This is not merely a theoretical threat, it is already happening.”


I would have never dreamed I would say “Praise be to Democrats” and I never would have thought that Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, Ron Wyden, Alan Grayson and Harry ‘Black Eye’ Reid would be on the right side of something so vitally important to the continuation of our country. They roundly took a stand for labor and the threat this big Trojan Horse poses to many issues having nothing to do with ‘Free Trade’ while endangering our very sovereignty.

Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement after the Senate voted to advance fast-track trade legislation:

 “It is no secret that I have never voted for fast-track or a trade agreement. In the 20 years since we enacted NAFTA, there has been no compelling, concrete evidence to show that America’s trade agreements create American jobs or raise American wages. At a time when we as a country are struggling to enact policies that strengthen America’s middle class, I do not believe that we should pass legislation that could hollow it out.

“At its heart, the debate over fast-track is one about large corporations versus everyday Americans. Once these big trade deals are complete, big businesses and foreign corporations will be just fine. Everyday Americans will be the ones left to struggle. Small businesses will have to compete against foreign competitors who often refuse to play by the rules. And we concede that factories will close in the face of this unfair competition. That is why Senate Democrats insist that Trade Adjustment Assistance be renewed – to help those American workers whose jobs we know will be lost because of these trade agreements.

“My colleagues who support this legislation are acting in good faith based on what they believe is right. I simply disagree with them. Every day in this Chamber we make a choice about whether we will serve large business interests or America’s middle class. Today, I believe we made the wrong choice.”


Bill Jasper continues: “Unfortunately, some of the loudest critics on this score are notorious leftists who regularly parade against capitalism. Republican leaders have been able to use that fact as a reason to disregard the compelling evidence that these criticisms of TPP/TTIP are solidly based. First of all, it is important to note that in most cases the big, international mega-corporations long ago ceased to consider themselves American companies and also long ago ceased to favor free enterprise capitalism: They are corporate welfare drones, the masters of government bailouts, government loans, government subsidies, government contracts. They are little different from the giant State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) or “private” corporations owned by communist princelings and commissars in China and Russia.”

“In 1993, the year before NAFTA went into effect, the United States had a $1.66 billion trade surplus with Mexico; by 1995, the first year after NAFTA had entered into force that changed to a $15.8 billion deficit. By 2000, that annual deficit had soared to $24.5 billion, and by 2007 it hit $74.7 billion. For 2014, our trade deficit with Mexico dipped to only $53.8 billion. In 1993, the year before NAFTA, we imported around 225,000 cars and trucks from Mexico. By 2005, our imports of Mexican-made vehicles had tripled to 700,000 vehicles annually, and in 2012, Mexico’s export of vehicles to the United States surpassed 1.4 million. Chrysler, Ford, and GM transferred major production facilities (and jobs) from the United States to Mexico. Our trade deficits with Canada have followed a similar path since adoption of NAFTA.

“The Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) authors and other pseudo-free trade propagandists had cherry-picked data and simply invented statistics to fraudulently sell their product: NAFTA. If they were car salesmen, they would have gone to jail for fraud and misrepresentation. Instead, they are back doing the same thing, concocting rosy statistics to sell the TPP and TTIP.” – Unquote Bill Jasper

Furthermore the firebrand Washington State Senator named Matt Shea states that TPA is unconstitutional as it is a treaty in intent and calling it an agreement does not make it so. Article 11 Section 2 states that a 2/3 vote of the Senate is mandatory for a treaty to become law and no foreign law or tribunal is about the U.S. Constitution.

In the words of Daniel Webster, “Is our Constitution worth preserving? Guard it as you would guard the seat of your life, guard it not only against the open blows of violence, but also against that spirit of change…Miracles do not cluster. That which has happened but once in six thousand years, cannot be expected to happen often. Such a government, once destroyed, would have a void to be filled, perhaps for centuries, with evolution and tumult, riot and despotism.”