The Mindset of Politicians Today



The problem with political jokes is that they get elected.

You’ve probably heard it before about how well-meaning politicians of deep patriotic intentions arrive in DC or Boise to be slowly transformed into different men and women by incredibly skilled professional lobbyists and PAC’s who begin swaying their interests through deal making, lies, perks and outright bribes. Elected legislators, might not even actually realize their transformation or at least acknowledge their ‘new understanding,’ if they are confronted, but instead defend their new views they’ve acquired as being the way things are done.

They quickly set about learning the ways stuff works, how to survive politically, start their next campaign war chest, and dive into orchestrated committee work, no matter the issue, while being expected to follow the path of leadership that is in turn also usually orchestrated by others such as another branch of government, a central committee, all powerful LOBBYI$T$ or the Council on Foreign Relations. Never mind if it’s absolutely necessary and follows the Constitution. Today all that seems to matter to most politicians is that they come home with some bacon to show what ‘booty’ they wrangled out of our general tax fund for their constituents. * And that is not why they are there.


All politicians should hear the classic story of how a rural Tennessee farmer named Horatio Bunce ‘schooled’ then sitting Congressman, Col. Davy Crocket during a chance meeting in a field that Mr. Bunce was plowing. Mr. Bunce scolded Col. Crockett for voting to give $20,000 as charity to sufferers of a fire in Georgetown. He explained that in the first place, government ought to have in the Treasury no more than enough for legitimate purposes. “The power of collecting and disbursing money at pleasure is the most dangerous power that can be entrusted to man… You see, that while you are contributing to relieve one, you are drawing it from thousands who are even worse off than he. If you had the right to give anything, the amount was simply a matter of discretion with you, and you had as much right to give $20 million as $20 thousand. If you have the right to give to one, you have the right to give to all; and, as the Constitution neither defines charity nor stipulates the amount, you are at liberty to give to any and everything which you may believe, or profess to believe, is a charity, and to any amount you may think proper. You will very easily see what a wide door this would open for fraud and corruption and favoritism, on the one hand, and robbing the people on the other. No, Colonel, Congress has no right to give charity.

“The people have delegated to Congress, by the Constitution, the power to do certain things. To do these, it is authorized to collect and pay moneys and for nothing else. Everything beyond this is usurpation, and a violation of the Constitution.” – Compiled by Edward S. Ellis in his ‘The Life of Colonel David Crockett.’

It seems that Davy Crockett is the only person that ever heard that story. I guess everyone else just heard crickets.

* Politicians today need to heed Mr. Bunce’s sage Constitutional advice. They are not there to solve citizens’ problems, and help mankind. They are there to follow Constitutional law which involves supporting states’ rights and the rights of their citizens allowing our citizens and our commerce to flourish in unrestrained freedom from too many laws, regulations, taxes and too much government waste so we can better compete against countries who haven’t these burdens.


Peter Schweizer states in his book ‘Extortion,’ “Law is written to create more rules. As Jonathan Macey of the Yale Law School puts it, ‘Laws classically provide people with rules. Dodd Frank is not directed at people. It is an outline directed at bureaucrats and it instructs them to make still more regulations and to create more bureaucracies.’ For example, the law requires 243 rules and sixty-seven studies by eleven different agencies. The law also requires the creation of multiple new government entities, including the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).”

“It’s not that government officials and bureaucrats can’t make things simple. At the height of the financial crisis of 2008, government officials produced a simple two-page application for banks to use in applying for federal Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) money. It was ‘the model of simplicity,’ with only four clear, concise bullet points. Federal officials used this document to lend nearly $50 billion to the biggest banks. When a true crisis arises and time is precious, Washington can cut to the chase.

“Government bureaucrats and law-writers can make things simple, but apart from dire emergencies, they generally choose not to. Complexity is a useful and lucrative method of legal extortion for politicians because as University of London economist Anthony G. Heyes puts it, ‘it is precisely the complex, opacity and user-unfriendliness which underpins the value of their expertise.’ And that translates into ‘selling advice to those they previously regulated.’”

And from Peter Schweizer’s previous book ‘Throw Them All Out’: ‘We’ve all heard about the New Rich. Once, they were the Oil Rich. Then they were the Silicon Valley Rich. The Dot Com Rich. Now it’s time to meet the New New Rich: the Government Rich.

“For the Government Rich, insider deals, insider trading, and taxpayer money have become a pathway to wealth. They get to walk this exclusive pathway because they get to operate by a different set of rules from the rest of us. And they get to do this while they are working for us, in the name of the ‘public service.’”

A plug for Peter Schweizer: His new book ‘Clinton Cash’ is enthralling, you can’t set it down.


“It hasn’t been what the government has done that has made America so great. It was what the Government has been prevented from doing that has made the difference. What set America apart from other lands was freedom to work, to produce, to succeed and especially to keep the fruits of one’s labor. America became great precisely because the stifling effect of too much government had been prevented. However, freedom in America was not totally unrestrained, Americans overwhelmingly chose to limit their actions with moral codes such as the biblical Ten Commandments. Personal morality and Limited Government; it’s the combination that characterized America and made it the envy of the world.” – Transcript from ‘Overview of America’ videowhich can be seen at

Of interest to anyone also is that ‘Overview of America’ explains the differences between the state controlled economies of Communism, Socialism, Nazism, and Fascism as well as clearly defining Monarchy, Oligarchy, Democracy, Republic and Anarchy. Every American should understand the rich information in this 29 minute video and every politician should understand it most certainly.

All of the excesses, abuses, and overreach of Big Government running wild and ruining our country and our lives is the fault of irresponsible politicians who have an absolutely terrible mindset that is out of touch with what America is about. It is time to redeem themselves by reversing most of what is taking us down or we need to replace them with real patriots that will do what needs to be done for America’s future and for our grandchildren.

We are becoming socialists. Is that ok with you?

Reality Today Includes Trade-offs

In the ‘perfect world’ expounded on endlessly from utopian progressives who control the media, Hollywood and the sorry socialist education system to which we’ve been subjugated, they are constantly demanding fairness, assistance, social justice and re-distribution. They do not want you to acknowledge the trade-offs for all their purported goodness and freebies. As certain as Newton’s Law of Physics ‘For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action,’ the same can be said for the balance sheet for life in America. There is no something for nothing!

Socialism’s trade-off of course, being that we give up individual freedoms, (in young-speak – let’s make that ‘opportunities’). That means when an employer is forced to pay higher minimum wages his balance sheet’s reaction is to either raises prices or cut back on staff. Nothing for nothing. A business must make a profit. So what good is a $15.00 minimum wage if it kills the golden goose? Life’s trade-offs can be a bummer!

Every program the government creates has a very simple basis for its existence, ‘It must be supported with money derived from our taxpaying pockets.’ So like the business owner who must decide to either cut back overhead (lay off employees) or increase prices which may run off business, America cannot sustain the largesse of all these programs and subsidies that are killing our nation’s balance sheet forever. Government itself is killing us!

Ralph R. Reiland, in his ‘Good and Bad Economics’ in The New American magazine quotes Henry Hazlitt in his 1946 best-selling book ‘Economics in One Lesson’: “There is, warned Hazlitt, a “persistent tendency to see only the immediate effects of a given policy” while overlooking long-run effects, secondary consequences and less instantly visible effects.

“In this lies the whole difference between good economics and bad,” asserted Hazlitt. “The bad economist sees only what immediately strikes the eye. The good economist also looks beyond.”

American businesses cannot compete with other countries’ businesses that don’t have the strangulating costs of all our government’s laws, regulations, rules and taxes, so our businesses’ balance sheets are dictating that they not only cannot hire but are unfortunately being forced to lay off and worse yet way too many businesses have had to close their doors. These are the trade-offs of the progressive left’s and Neo-Con right’s ‘Big Gov’ actions who purportedly know what’s best for everyone in their know-it-all scheme of things. Of course, anyone with real common sense recognizes that this ruse is really to gain power and control by taking care of the weak-minded among us who don’t understand what America is really about in an unspoken quid pro quo for votes to keep the freebies coming. And worsening all this stricture is the incredibly deceitful and extremely dangerous Free Trade Agenda being foisted upon us largely by republicans who have bought into lies, money or both including our illustrious ‘men from Idaho’ who are hanging out with or being influenced by some of the wrong people in D.C. The Canada Free Press also has a most insightful article ‘Examining Trans Pacific Partnership’ which details the deceit and dangers of the ‘free trade’ agenda.

A reminder: America was not founded as a magic place where help is abundant and stuff is free. America is about FREEDOM! Freedom to pursue whatever level of attainment you wish. If you wish to have a job, a small secure home, a car, a wife, a child, a dog and a TV and do so, you are no less a success than the man who owns a business, with a mansion and much else than you. Success is about reaching your personal goal. And failure is not a measure of character, it is a learning experience and the character comes in at capitalizing on what was learned and moving forward. The trade-offs for guarantees like minimum wages and job security conversely harm our system competitively, de-incentivize and like all subsidies must be paid for by others. The trade-off for all the socialist programs pushed by Big Gov is that our commerce and our remaining taxpayers who still have jobs are taking the hit. Things are not quite the same as they used be, eh’ comrade?

So why are we putting up with these Marxists-like crazies on the left and sorry neo-cons on the right in elected office overrunning our government with unlimited unconstitutional folly that is outright taking down our beloved, once vibrant, America? The answer is simple. Because we are getting the government we deserve. We deserve it because we haven’t been vigilant and we have been too trusting of elected Representatives, Senators and Presidents who have been very busy violating the Constitution and the public trust, which I feel is the most heinous of crimes. Americans today are laissez faire complacent and far too accepting of the propagandized news we are being fed, the socialist messages woven into movies and TV programming and not raising hell with school districts’ involvement with Common Core’s socialism.

The only way America can be saved is for voters to be awakened and becoming activists. Activists who must inform others about the Constitution, follow issues and voting records and then do our civic responsibility and identify who in elected office is killing America and send them back from whence they came to be replaced by someone who patriotically knows what America is about, the Constitution and their responsibility to say no to unfettered government growth. You can join The John Birch Society for immediate direction and help in your new pursuit of restoring America.

And I say also, that our legislators need to commit to developing a plan on how to get others joining in a focused effort to reverse most of what has been put upon us, nullify all the new social tenents from the feds, and return us to our most competitive stance in world competition. The trade-off then for eliminating agencies, bureaus, laws, regulations and taxes and stopping future runaway government growth through nullification will be that opportunities and jobs will flourish once again. If we can put men on the moon, this can be done with the same resolve.

I believe everyone that takes the Oath to our Constitution should have to pass a test certifying that they fully understand the Constitution before they take the oath. Of course, that would require a law or regulation that would be only in my dreams. If this new requirement were a reality, then after the test they should be instructed that issues being voted on will be measured against the Constitution, recorded and it will be made public record. This is a management matrix that makes the best of good sense. It just amazes me how so many elected representatives who take an oath to our Constitution don’t really care a whit about truly understanding it and following it even though they swore to uphold it.

Words to remember: Excerpts from ‘Overview of America’ video which can be seen at by the John Birch Society:

“The Constitution was created to govern the government, not the people, and not the states, each of which is a guardian of its own sovereignty.

“The Constitution, our firm foundation:

“It wasn’t what government did that made America great. It was what government was prevented from doing that made the difference.

“What set America apart from other lands was freedom for the individual. Freedom to work, to produce, to succeed and especially to keep the fruits of one’s labor.

“America became great precisely because the stifling effect of too much government had been prevented.

“However, freedom in America was not totally unrestrained, Americans overwhelmingly chose to limit their actions with moral codes such as the biblical Ten Commandments.

“Personal morality and limited government; it’s the combination that characterized America and made it the envy of the world.”

And lastly summing it all up is one of my favorite statements in the video: “The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of government” – Unquote from ‘Overview of America’

The Question about Republicans



The question about Republicans today is a very simple one: ‘Are Republicans today really stupid or are they part of the problem?’ I fear the answer must be the latter, because they really don’t appear stupid when they so eloquently move their lips. However, they have bought in lock stock and barrel to the very deceitful ‘free trade’ agenda. Actually, one might assume they actually are being quid pro quo paid off since the mega large international corporations and organizations promoting it are also knee deep with LOBBYI$T$.

In the face of the disastrous results from NAFTACAFTA, the WTO, and the endless fiascos produced by Obama’s total lack of any skills in planning, negotiating or implementing such as the GM buyout, ObamaCare and ObamaCare subsidies, the debacle of spending over $5 billion of taxpayers’ money on software and implementation of ObamaCare, Beau Bergdahl’s swap, and now the unconstitutional and treasonous Iran negotiations; of all people to join Obama with enthusiasm in a most deceitful ‘free trade’ agenda we have – the Republicans! See:

Never mind that what has been negotiated upon so far has been done in such total secrecy that even congressmen and senators have been shut out and when any have been allowed a tightly controlled look at something, no notes are allowed to be taken away and nothing can be said to anyone about what has been seen. And now Obama is demanding and republican leadership is almost giddy about giving him Fast Track Authority now known as Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) to expedite and even more secretly finish the negotiating for which our Idaho Senator Crapo has already passed approval for in his Senate Finance Committee foolishly believing that they will maintain control over Obama’s edicts via all the amendments his committee included in their bill. Ri-i-g-g-h-h-t-t! Now that will work won’t it? Many existing laws and amendments are not being followed currently such as Immigration Laws, Veterans’ Administration Laws, laws governing Hilary Clinton’s use of a private server for her emails and her blatant intentional destruction of her server in violation of her public trust and on and on… But these republicans would have us believe Obama and his minions will follow these amendments to this tightly controlled agenda? Like I said these approving and supporting Republicans are either stupid or are part of the problem.

Quoting William F. Jasper, senior editor for The New American magazine, “In its unauthorized release of the purported TPP text on March 25, WikiLeaks provides this description:

“This is an advanced January 2015 version of the confidential draft treaty chapter from the Investment groups of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks between the United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Peru, Vietnam, New Zealand and Brunei Darussalam. The treaty is being negotiated in secret by delegations from each of these 12 countries, who together account for 40% of global GDP. The chapter covers agreements on investments from one TPP nation to another, including empowering foreign firms to “sue” other states’ governments, as well as regulations around investor-state dispute settlements and tribunals. This document was prepared by TPP investment chapter negotiators in advance of the informal round of negotiations held in New York City 26th January to 1st February, 2015.

“The WikiLeaks release also highlights another audacious feature of the TPP that we have reported previously: Not only are the negotiations being conducted in secrecy, and not only are the TPP text documents being withheld from the public and the public’s elected representatives, but even more outrageous is the effort by the TPP negotiators to keep the agreement (or at least certain portions of the agreement and the negotiating process) secret for four years after it goes into effect! At the beginning of the newly released Chapter 2 is this classification notice:

‘Derived from: Classification Guidance, dated March 4, 2010, Reason: 1.4(b), Declassify on: Four years from entry into force of the TPP agreement or, if no agreement enters into force, four years from the close of the negotiations.

‘* This document must be protected from unauthorized disclosure. It must be stored in a locked or secured building, room, or container.’

“So much for the “transparency” that President Obama, U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, Secretary of State John Kerry, and other TPP advocates constantly proclaim is central to the TPP process.”                                                                                         – Unquote William F. Jasper

Bill Wilson, president of Americans for Limited Government states, “These trade pacts, starting with NAFTA and before [GATT], the precursor to the WTO, strike at the heart of national sovereignty, ours and that of the other member nations,’ Wilson warned. ‘At their core they diminish the prerogatives and powers of a specific country and surrender them to international bodies or corporations.

“As for the secrecy, if folks on the ground find out what’s going on ahead of time, they might get upset. We tend to think of populations of the Asian nations as being more compliant, but they are not. If they thought for a minute that American corporations could ignore their local laws and customs, they’d be angry, so the multinational corporations that are pushing this thing have to do so in secret,’ he continued.

“Wilson also recognizes another problem for the internationalists in the provenance of the leaked document. The information revealed in the portion of the proposed agreement leaked on June 13 was posted by Public Citizen, a Texas-based consumer rights advocacy group founded by Ralph Nader — hardly a member of a “right-wing conspiracy. Wilson sees this as instructive.

“There is a great coming together of the minds here,” Wilson said. “The Left doesn’t want an international tribunal coming in and doing away with their environmental regulations, and we conservatives don’t want anything destroying our sovereignty and independence. That is a powerful confluence of interests and that’s why they [the international corporations] want to keep it secret.” – Unquote Bill Wilson

I must point out that Mr. Wilson made these remarks in 2012 prior to the coming out of these not so conservative Republicans today that are trying to cram this through Congress so Obama can have his way with ‘fundamental change’ again. Is the world upside down or what? I guess these Republicans are either stupid or part of the problem after all and need replacing with some real patriotic republicans that know how to honor their oaths to our Constitution. Free Trade negotiating is exclusively the Constitutional responsibility of Congress and most certainly not this irresponsible, inept and extremely deceitful person of questionable background occupying the White House, Barack, Barry or whoever he really is.

Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. of The New American magazine:

“Wilson’s identification of large corporate interests as the engine that is driving American sovereignty over the glob­alist cliff is borne out by the experience of some of our own elected officials who have tried in vain to pierce the veil of secrecy preventing Americans from learning about the frightening compromises being made by our trade representatives at the TPP negotiations.

“‘We are elevating private businesses up to the level of sovereign governments,’ Wilson said. ‘Under NAFTA we gave companies the power to sue governments and the TPP does this as well. In this trade pact, we agree that our government can be sued by these foreign corporations who will be treated as sovereign nations. This is submerging the idea of sovereignty into a sea of regulatory bodies and international agencies and our freedom is drowning in it.’ – Unquote Bill Wilson

“It is self-evident that the erosion of the right of citizens to control their own lives is progressing at a rate that we are little more than wage slaves to an oppressive government and its cadre of corporate backers that consider our lives and our liberties of little or no consequence.

“Americans who study the subject realize that the redrawing of national boundaries and domestic legal processes being carried out in secret by the globalists sitting around the TPP negotiating table is an attack on American laws, American courts, American freedom of expression, American sovereignty, and the American Constitution.

“Nonetheless, the TPP cannot have these bad effects on America unless Congress approves a final TPP agreement. However, if the American people do not rise up in firm opposition to the TPP and convince Congress to tear down the wall of secrecy built by globalists seeking to shield their attack on our law and liberty from congressional oversight, and ultimately to reject any TPP agreement, then an approved TPP might finish the integration — economic and political — begun by NAFTA and it may be the last straw in the already weakened broom of American sovereignty. – Unquote Joe D. Wolverton, II, J.D.

Idaho’s U.S. Senators and Congressmen have all stated that they are for ‘free trade’ which has traditionally involved primarily tariff negotiations. These are not tariff negotiations! They are POISON PILLS!

What do these issues have to do with free tradeClimate change • sustainable development• internet regulation • homeland security • the military • labor • patent and copyright including intellectual property rights • land use • food • agriculture and product standards • natural resources • the environment • professional licensing • competition • state-owned enterprises • government procurement policies as well as financial policies • healthcare • energy • e-commerce • telecommunications and other service sector regulations. – Nothing! And what do international courts have to do with trade? Nothing! But it is all part of the pending FTA’s as per the 151 house democrats’ letter to Obama in November 2013 opposing fast track, the secrecy, and all these un-related issues that should not be included in these negotiations.

It is amazing how Democrats ‘get it’ on this bogus ‘Free Trade’ Agenda. Even Harry Reid says, “I have never, ever, in my 33 years in Congress, supported a trade agreement, and I’m not going to start now,” Reid said last month. “It puts us at a disadvantage. So the answer is not only no, but hell no.

U.S. Congress lackeys and sorry Presidents from both parties have been busily not following our Constitution while ‘following the money’ and staying in lockstep for too long with the likes of the Council on Foreign Relations and the U.N. creating endless agencies, laws, regulations and taxes to micromanage about every area of our lives. They’ve effectively been choking the life out of our freedoms and especially killing the ability of our businesses to compete with international competitors who do not have such financial restraints. Especially our smaller businesses. And now the puppeteers orchestrating our take down want to finish us off with this really big, extremely deceitful thing called ‘free trade.’ THE BIG POISON PILL!

It would be great if some big money donors could get through to our men in Washington with a message of awakening. There has to be a way to get through to these guys. What we really need is for our heretofore great Idaho legislators in DC to not only ‘get it’ but to take a stand as orators in their halls and rally the sheep of the party’s machines before this goes down and us and our grandchildren with it.

The Republican leadership in Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Senator Orrin Hatch, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul and the party’s sheep, unfortunately including our illustrious Idaho senators and congressmen are about to foist a death wish on our Republic to see us evolve into a member nation of a global and then world government led by unaccountable, unelected global power elitist who know best for everyone about everything.

It is the Constitutional responsibility of every senator and congressman to do the negotiating of all free trade agreements and to know what is in the legislation they pass and the treaties and agreements they approve. And they are supposed to read the bills before voting on them.

See: Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Bigger and More Dangerous Than ObamaCare (Video)

If Republicans are not stupid or part of the problem they will reject this entire agenda immediately and help others to also see the light of reality and do the same. This very treasonous effort under foot called so deceitfully the ‘Free Trade Agenda’ MUST BE STOPPED! And if it isn’t we need to hurry to the ballot boxes and mete out our revenge.

The Devil Is In the Details & Paying Attention!



Idaho’s U.S. Representatives and Senators are absolutely NOT PAYING ATTENTION to all the hard facts and reality of the much hyped, mammoth and very deceitful ‘FREE Trade’ laws about to be foisted upon us. They are not paying attention because they keep saying that they believe in ‘free trade.’ What great sounding two words. Almost sounds as good as ‘affordable health care.’ THIS HAS PRACTICALLY NOTHING TO DO WITH FREE TRADE AS SURE AS OBAMACARE IS NOT AFFORDABLE WITHOUT TAX PAYER SUBSIDIES! This is all a design by ‘orchestrating others’ to take us down. There is no hype in this article, just factual ‘reality.’ Read on.


Idaho’s U.S. legislators just received from me and others a tribute for having the highest score among all the states’ legislators for voting with our Constitution in the 2 year 113th Congress. None of them were perfect, although Rep. Raul Labrador was perfect in two sessions and Senators Crapo and Risch were perfect in one session each. If legislators were almost perfect in following the Constitution and the law but then you learned they are planning to rob your bank with all your uninsured savings in it, how would you feel about them? And again, please excuse me for not feeling so gentlemanly about this subject of what they would like to assure us “is free trade and our businesses need it,” when it is absolutely a much bigger lie than ObamaCare was and when they are only listening to the wrong people. The pitching of high-pressure, arm-twisting, blatant lies are being repeated from their leadership, lobbyists, the biased and corrupt U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Council on Foreign Relations and the UN, who have convinced them that they should be for ‘free trade,’ just like during the disastrous NAFTA debacle. See ‘Using Phony Job and Export Claims to Push TPP Fast Track’ and ‘Latest Jobs Report Deceptive; Jobs Exported Overseas.’


We are very concerned about our men’s true understanding and resolve on this most dangerous issue. Our men in Washington have been much better than most at most of what they deal with as their voting records testify. But they are not paying good enough attention to the ‘realities’ of this issue as it will ultimately not bode well for our, freedoms, commerce and sovereignty as a nation. Ten times worse than NAFTA, some have said.


America has suffered ruinous results from the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and now these same propagandists would have us follow their empty promises right off a cliff just like the lemmings of mythical lore.


Idaho’s U.S. Senators and Representatives have acknowledged that they are not big on the hustle of the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) which is the new name for Fast Track Authority that usurps Congress’s responsibility for such negotiations to Obama which is being pushed on them by republican leaders Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Ron Paul, Paul Ryan and others. That’s good if in fact they don’t vote for it after all for some lame excuse. But they have all stated that they are for ‘free trade’which has traditionally involved primarily tariff negotiations. These are not tariff negotiations! They are POISON PILLS! Pay attention!


These ‘free trade’ programs are: 1. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) involving a (currently) proposed 12 pacific partners and it is suspected that China will join later, 2. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) which is designed to take us into eventual partnership with the EU and complete our transition into a member state of a global government run by unaccountable, unelected global power elitists who know best about everything for everybody (the perfect answer to all this messy government that’s gone afoul on us – we just do what we are told, we get 1 apartment, 1 car, 1 kid, 1 job… and everything else – when and where.)


What do these issues have to do with free tradeClimate change • sustainable development• internet regulation • homeland security • the military • labor • patent and copyright including intellectual property rights • land use • food • agriculture and product standards • natural resources • the environment • professional licensing • competition • state-owned enterprises • government procurement policies as well as financial policies • healthcare • energy • e-commerce • telecommunications and other service sector regulations. – Nothing! And what do international courts have to do with trade? Nothing! But it is all part of the pending FTA’s as per the 151 house democrats’ letter to Obama in November 2013 opposing fast track, the secrecy, and all these un-related issues that should not be included in these negotiations.


U.S. Congress lackeys and sorry Presidents from both parties have been busily not following our Constitution while ‘following the money’ and staying in lockstep for too long with the likes of the Council on Foreign Relations and the U.N. creating endless agencies, laws, regulations and taxes to micromanage about every area of our lives. They’ve effectively been choking the life out of our freedoms and especially killing the ability of our businesses to compete with international competitors who do not have such financial restraints. And now the puppeteers orchestrating our take down want to finish us off with this really big, extremely deceitful thing called ‘free trade.’ THE BIG POISON PILL!


It would be great if some big money donors could get through to our men in Washington with a message of awakening. There has to be a way to get through to these guys. I’m tiring of writing about this same stuff, attending their town halls and finding out they still don’t get it. I’m coming to the thinking that they really are part of the problem.


What we really need is for our heretofore great men to not only get it but to take a stand as orators in their halls and rally the sheep of the party’s machines before this goes down and us and our grandchildren with it.


I encourage you to discover what these proposed poison pills called TPP and TTIP being hustled through the TPA really are, most succinctly by reading about ‘reality’ from the wisdom of William F. Jasper, senior editor of The New American magazine, in his article Trade Promotion Authority: Another Rush Job on Fast Track.’