What Really Happened In Charlottesville?

From: GemStatePatriot.com             

Last week’s Charlottesville, VA display of the utter anarchy being foisted upon us is just the beginning until we give up and say “Ok take control of all our government because we prefer peace and security.”

Having our peaceful existence and freedoms stolen from us by young street violent anarchist thugs who are in our face interrupting our natural and lawful rights and breaking things is infuriating.

Nothing enrages us more than having something blatantly stolen from us and being lied to about it.



Our propagandist, fake news media would like us to either not believe our lying eyes or believe what they insist we believe. Noticeably left out in all their reporting on the Charlottesville riot was that the helmeted protesters on the left didn’t buy a permit and charged the Unite the Right protestors with weapons (clubs). Interesting.

President Trump was quite correct in everything he said if you listen to all he actually did say and not the contrived sound bites put out there by the seething with hatred, agenda driven, Trump hating mainstream media (MSM). Yet these media scoundrels would have us believe “he supports Nazism, the Klu Klux Klan and white supremacy, who are on the Right,” when nothing could be further from the truth.

Nazi is simply a shorthand way of saying “National Socialist,” like “commie” is an abbreviated version of “communist.” Socialists are leftists! They are not on the “Right.”

It’s hard to believe that the likes of the CEO’s of large corporations on President Trump’s Business Advisory Board would be so foolish as to buy into that blatant misrepresentation of what was actually said and spun into making our President appear supportive of such extreme anti-American groups, especially when he has consistently been on record opposing those groups as well as David Duke, former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

Stockholders should also awaken to what was actually said and deal with the judgment of these knee-jerk leaders who left citing his remarks as their reason for bailing. Their politics were probably in question in the first place. Stockholders and their CEO’s would do well to seek original source, vetted news like you can find from alternative media such as The NewAmerican.com.


Be cautious about who you believe, no matter their title, party affiliation or stature. For instance, would you believe that our once high profile, proud Republican, former Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, who is a Council on Foreign Relations member, is today an elite propagandist for the globalist community and hence an Anti-Trumper? See Alex Newman’s article from TheNewAmerican.com:After Charlottesville, Globalist Rice Smears Patriots as Racists.’ Warning: She will really tick you off!


These groups on the right and the left might have put on their separate efforts but you might have not thought of the possibility that these tandem efforts were both the schemes of the likes of George Soros and Barack Obama. I think so.

Ignite the Right organizer Jason Kessler was previously a member of the Occupy Wall Street movement
Read what Raven Clabough wrote in his article ‘”Unite the Right” Organizer’s Left-wing Roots Exposed by Leftist Publication:‘ “According to a report by the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Jason Kessler, the organizer behind the “Unite the Right” event in Charlottesville, Virginia, that turned violent was a member of the Occupy Wall Street movement and an Obama supporter.

“SPLC writes, “Rumors abound on white nationalist forums that Kessler’s ideological pedigree before 2016 was less than pure and seem to point to involvement in the Occupy movement and past support for President Obama.”

“Right Wing News also notes Kessler’s left-wing background, reporting that he accepted a $1,300 consulting fee from a Democratic candidate running for the Senate in 2012. According to Right Wing News, Kessler is also pro-abortion and an environmentalist. WND observes that he was also pro-gun control and supported President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and other leftist causes, as evidenced by 2012 and 2013 tweets from Kessler. One of his tweets even compared Republicans to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.

“A January 26, 2012 tweet by Kessler posted by Nation One News stated: “Republicans in #cnndebate are grotesquely mesmerizing as an interview w/ a serial killer. @ least Dahmer couldn’t wage war or starve poor ppl.”

“This is no small revelation by any means. The Occupy Wall Street movement was a radical Marxist movement that has paved the way for a self-avowed socialist such as Bernie Sanders to be taken seriously as a presidential contender. It normalized Marxism so that Marxist terminology has made its way into mainstream political conversation and is arguably the roots of the rabid “social justice” movement we see today.” Read more:

In keeping with the preferred alt-right explanation of why the Charlottesville event went south, namely the machinations of a vast left-wing conspiracy to foment racial violence and spark a civil war, alternative media outlets began accusing Kessler of being a “deep state” operative in the pay of billionaire leftist George Soros.

Trump described the “alt-left” as a “very, very violent” group that charged at protesters without a permit to even assemble in Charlottesville. He reiterated that he condemned hate groups but argued that not everyone was a white supremacist or neo-Nazi.


In his article “Member of ‘Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist Party’ Arrested for Role in Destroying Confederate Statue,” Warren Mass also of The New American.com wrote, “Takiyah Fatima Thompson, a member of Workers World Party (WWP) and a student at N.C. Central University, was arrested on August 15 for playing a leading role in toppling a statue of a Confederate soldier that had stood in front of a county administrative building in Durham, North Carolina, since 1924.

On its own website, the WWP describes itself as “a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist party dedicated to organizing and fighting for a socialist revolution in the United States and around the world.”

Thompson was arrested after activists held a press conference at NCCU. In a release, the student radical admitted that she was the woman shown in a video climbing a ladder placed against the statue and tying a rope around the soldier’s neck so that others could pull the statue to the ground. Read more:

From my article in February, “Obama’s ‘Trump Saboteurs’ at OFA Boasts 30,000 Paid Agitators & Opening 250 Offices across America:” “The New York Post writer Paul Sperry wrote, ‘How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency,’ “When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.”

When you check out the “Organizations Funded by George Soros and His Open Society Foundations” on the website discoverthenetworks.org and study the names of those organizations it will make you sick that this most dangerous man in America is pulling the strings of those organizations, many with very unsuspecting names and the quantity of them. I counted 195 organizations he funds with others directly and another 7 he funds indirectly.

With all the corrupt endeavors created and supported by Soros, how can we not suspect, with it becoming more evident with the modus operandi and interwoven characters involved working both sides, that there was a grand overseeing design to this madness? And are we to accept that this is a beginning of much more from the Soros/Obama manipulators?


I might add that Barack Obama’s (BO’s) ‘Organizing for America,‘ (OFA) needs taking down along with the Soros group of funders and organizational heads whose clandestine goal is the overthrow of our system. Courtesies to an ex-President be damned! BO’s corruption and many machinations have been overlooked and tolerated for too long. He is blatantly an outright anti-American with questionable past with no previous records to show for except his sorry legacy that he can’t run from. Identify his illegal transgressions and bust him. He’s creating a strong new legacy for himself, a very deceitful one that is all evil. Saul Alinsky would be proud.

“It will be an evil day for American Liberty if the theory of a government outside supreme law finds lodgment in our constitutional jurisprudence. No higher duty rests upon this Court than to exert its full authority to prevent all violations of the principles of the Constitution.”) – Downs v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901.Wrongdoers have brought upon the People an evil day.

There is much real crime going on here. Where are the investigations that this CFR puppet Mueller should be really concentrating on? Where the hell is our Justice Department? Really! Meaningful, effective justice is way overdue Mr. Sessions!

All we need are law enforcement and Constitutional prosecutors and judges to, as Barney Fife would say, ‘NIP IT IN THE BUD!’

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Russ Fulcher: An Idahoan for Our Time

From: GemStatePatriot.com               
Russ Fulcher spoke at the ‘Benewah County RLC ‘Spirit of 76′ Banquet in St. Maries, Idaho’ a couple months ago, one week before he withdrew as a gubernatorial candidate and announced his candidacy for the First Congressional District, Raul Labrador’s current seat in the U.S. Congress.

I came away from that meeting convinced more than ever that Russ Fulcher is truly the man of our time for Idaho.

He has the proven professional experience to manage the complexities of accomplishing what needs being done in Washington, DC and coordinating with our citizens, state legislature and governor to help right Idaho’s future away from federal dependence to one of sovereignty for our state that rids the fed’s ‘carrot and stick’ controls so Idaho can fully capitalize on our great resources in the 62% of our land currently held captive by the federal government.

I believe his remarks were powerful enough then that they should be shared today on behalf of his candidacy for the U.S. Congress, so I’ve decided to share them with our readers now.

Russ Fulcher Mini Bio – A fourth-generation Idahoan, Russ Fulcher was born in Boise, Idaho and grew up on a dairy farm in Meridian, Idaho. He received an MBA from Boise State and completed a course on electronic engineering through Micron Technology. He enjoys saying that for 24 years of his adult life he was blessed to bounce around the planet mostly with Micron Technologies. He had an opportunity to do business in 60 different countries, 36 of which were on-site and in all 50 different states. He also served ten years as an Idaho State Senator as well as serving as Senate Majority Caucus Leader. He and his wife, Kara Fulcher, together have three children and live in Meridian where he sells commercial real estate. It is obvious that he has gained valuable life skills both personally and in business.

In Russ Fulcher’s opening his remarks he stated that in 1912 the US Congress structured the first income tax and it took effect the following year, 1913. It had a graduated rate of from 1 to 7% to help pay for a massive national budget which was $11.7 billion. That was the total budget 105 years ago nationwide and if we fast-forward to 2017, the graduating tax rate is now 17 to 47%.

He reported, “We do not have the advantage on that tax front that we used to have. We have a number of things that allowed us to continue in prosperity, but we do not have the advantage that we once did.

“Our national budget today is $3.65 trillion with a T. And I don’t need to remind you our national debt is $20 trillion.

“Why has it gotten so big? Folks I would argue with you the reason that it’s gotten so big is because over time and that last 105 years the government programs had gradually taken a lot of the roles of the family. Government doesn’t implement things so well, it costs a tremendous amount of money and it makes us less competitive around the world.”

He said that we are living in what he believes is the most interesting time in the history of this planet and we are seeing changes that other people have never seen before. He pointed out that in 2016 the United States of America came into an entirely new era and the state of Idaho is about to come into an entirely new area as well. He asked, “The question is what is that going to look like.”

“I for one was not a Donald Trump champion on the front end. Full disclosure, I was a Ted Cruz delegate. But when it came down to those final two there is no question where I was going. I’m glad he won.

“But I want him and I want his administration to focus on things that are truly federal in nature in their scope and their responsibility. I want him and his staff to focus on national defense, on immigration, on international trade policies, the federal debt, on Syria and that little nut job over in North Korea that’s got a nuclear weapon at his heels. Those are things the President truly needs to focus on. They are massive issues, for I do not want him to focus his time and his energy on Benewah County or the state of Idaho or any place within our state.

“If you really understand what’s happening in Boise, the state of Idaho truly functions as a subsidiary of the federal government to a large extent because more than 1/3 of our state budget is subsidized through the federal government. And remember, they’re $20 trillion in debt.”


Fulcher wanted to make sure everyone understands if they’ve ever wondered how some of these policies came into play where laws got passed in the Idaho legislature that’s not in conjunction with Idaho values or the constituency of the state, if it’s healthcare, education or whatever. He said very possibly, the reason they got passed was there was a federal demand that said ‘If you don’t pass this legislation you will not get your grant, you will not get your subsidy.’ “Plain and simple,” he said. “We’re dependent on the federal government.”

He emphasized, that meanwhile our outdoorsman, our sportsmen, our Ag folks, our farmers, ranchers and our loggers have to ask permission to touch some two-thirds of the resource base within this state. He stated that as a result of that a percentage of jobs within the state, Ag. base, resource base jobs, are falling as a percentage of our economy. “We may have a lot of jobs here. I just saw a report that we have a 4.8% unemployment, which is very misleading. Because you can go get a job at a Starbucks but you can’t feed a family off that,” he pointed out.

He went on to say, “As of 2016, 22% of our neighbors are on some sort of state government assistance. That tells more of the real story. And it’s just not right.

“But I believe that with this President and with this Congress we have a unique opportunity to kind of right size that balance of control. I can tell you that there is a significant change in the tenor of politics in the state of Idaho over the last year and it’s because Donald Trump got elected President.

“In 2014, I was runner up for the governor of Idaho. At that time Barack Obama was President and to a lot of people it appeared that the state was the last line of defense to being completely socialized, there was a tremendous amount of urgency. So when Donald Trump got elected President a lot of people went ‘Whew, now I can relax.’


“I’m telling you now is the time to hit the gas. Now’s the time to put the pressure on because we have a unique opportunity, I think, to right-size a little bit of that balance between the state and the fed. We have hopefully some listening ears in the House, the Senate and the White House.”

He said there are things within the state that can help us do that and he wasn’t going to jump too deep into it, but we have got the potential of a whole new economic leg to add to that resource pool in the state of Idaho, and it’s called energy. He reported that if we were not aware of it, 86% of the electricity that’s powering the room this meeting was in and the rest of the dwellings and businesses in the rest of the state is imported from outside the state of Idaho. He said we have the resources to change that and become an energy exporter. That is one of those things that puts us in a position to dramatically shift that dependency away from Washington DC to be more independent within the state of Idaho.

“Remember the most you and I pay in taxes goes towards education and healthcare and both are very ripe for improvement. Those are all things that we can control here within the state. Yes we are subject to certain things we can’t control that come from Washington DC. There’s also a lot of things right here in the state. It will take planning, it will take aggressive leadership and a lot of work, but we can do it.

“Within our education system, our schools, we simply empower our parents, our teachers and our local school board, instead of relying on some state or federal mandate and shift that whole thing through choice and empowerment locally. The same with our healthcare system, by enabling free market systems and alternatives within our state. Those are things we can do without the federal government that will dramatically change our healthcare system.

“Most importantly, I’ll close with this, by simply following the guidelines set forth for us by our founders, which is really the root of why we are here this evening and to honor the spirit of ’76.

“Back to basics, the guidelines set by our founders, which is constitutional, biblically-based, servant leadership principles that establishes our family and our families as the temple of governance in the state. Tremendous amount of detail and policy, but when it comes right down to it, it is simplified by going back to basics. We have the ability to do that in the state.”

He then repeated what Benewah County Republican Liberty Caucus chairman Hari Heath said earlier that evening, “It is a startlingly small number of people who are going to put elected officials in place. Folks I can’t do it. But we can!”


Congressional Republicans: Get Constitutional, Get RIGHT or Get Gone!

From: GemStatePatriot.com                           

Much has been expected of the victorious GOP utopian control of both houses and the presidency, and thanks to bottleneck leadership and waffling GOP members in both houses this 115th Congress can accomplish being the most inept and biggest disappointment our nation has ever experienced because it is at the precise time that everything is on the line. Our Republic is at imminent risk of doom.

Should you have a difficult time appreciating this, just think of what would have happened to us had Hillary been successful.Now, realize, that should the GOP blow it as they have evidenced by their many inactions and disappointments so far in this Congress, what would happen should the Dimms reap victory next time by capitalizing on these GOP many failures undermining our President’s and his voters’ agenda.


We already have become quite socialistic and far removed from the Constitutional Republic our insightful founders blessed us with, and so many patriotic Americans fought and died to protect for us. We might not come back from much more of this socialist agenda that is so destructive to a free capitalist society. As intended, socialism erodes freedoms with others making decisions for citizens. Naïve Americans are literally the proverbial frogs in pots of boiling water.

The Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) controlled establishment leaders in both parties have led us close to dissolving as a sovereign nation and transitioning through trade programs like NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and the proposed TPP & TTIP into a member nation of, at first, maybe the North American Union (NAU) probably overseen at first by the UN.

This drive is now in a full court press from the progressive crazies on the left, their propagandists media and now aided full bore by sorry RINO’s that don’t follow their Republican Party Platform, and, like the Democrats, don’t honor their oaths to the Constitution. This clandestine, ‘anti-American machine’ plot aided by the main stream media’s ‘Fake News’ has become so effective they are now tasting blood.

Ryan and McConnell are masters at plying manipulative schemes of their puppet masters while casting a caring appearance and always substantiating their ploys as righteous, budgetary, meaningful, and for the children, etc.

If these lackey RINO’s don’t find their backbones and start honoring the oaths they swore to our Constitution and their campaign promises to repeal Obamacare they need to hear the wrath and feel actual pain from citizens in the voting booths. Congressional GOP members also must expunge the CFR controlled establishment’s puppets, Ryan and McConnell, before they lose both houses and the presidency.


America used to have the best health care in the world and Obamacare has turned it upside down. That is now an undisputed fact! We remember too well all the deceitful Obama promises that turned out to be bald face lies: “You can keep your plan.” “You can keep your doctor.” “You will save about $1500 in premiums.”

This socialist tool known as Obamacare has been actually all about implementing a lot of regulations, mandates, 30 hour work weeks to create 2nd part time jobs to enhance job reports while also serving as the yardstick for determining full-time status for the employers’ mandate to provide Obamacare for employees, costly program expansions like extended Medicaid, Doctors leaving their practices, tax payer subsidized medicine and the such that would ultimately render the program a complete and utter failure hastening the announcement of the ‘actual’ inevitable plan to declare a single pay program necessary.

A friend says, “I would like to see ‘single payer’ called what it is, centralized government subsidized health care, drawing from the general fund, and leading to attempts to control every aspect of our lives in an ‘effort to control costs…’” – i.e. We’d pay much higher taxes and healthcare would be poorly run just like the V.A. has been with no freedom to choose.

Insurance companies and American citizens would get three strikes each and Socialism in America would get a home run.


Senator Rand Paul recently said, “Those who are opposed to a straight repeal of Obamacare are of the opinion that this is all about actuarial tables and it is not. It is about freedom. Americans have always been able to freely select the best and most affordable coverage for themselves and those who can’t afford health care have never been turned away from emergency rooms.”

Alex Newman in TheNewAmerican.com reports, “Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), among a select group of lawmakers in Washington with loyalty to the Constitution, blamed crony capitalists and their lobbyists for trying to sink the repeal effort. ‘How did the GOP lose its nerve and run away from meaningful repeal? Look no further than the billion dollar insurance companies,’ the liberty-minded senator wrote on the Rare.us website. ‘The insurance industry, titans of crony capitalism, whined and whined that repeal alone would cause premiums to rise. Insurers to drop out. Americans to lose coverage. Really? You mean exactly what is happening now under Obamacare?’ In fact, because the repeal failed, Paul said the same thing would continue happening — premiums will ‘skyrocket,’ insurers will jump ship, and Americans will have fewer choices.

“But the insurance companies circling D.C. like vultures are not done yet. ‘What did the insurance companies want? Well, your money of course,’ Paul explained. ‘It, apparently, is not enough to gouge us with the doubling of premiums; the insurance companies also lobbied, and lobbied hard, for a giant insurance bailout superfund. And, with compliant big government Republicans, they finally porked it up to nearly $300 billion. Obscene. The GOP pork-fest offered to exchange Medicaid dollars for insurance profits. No wonder the bill had a 20 percent approval by the public.’”


This recent healthcare debacle has shown that both houses’ GOP members and their leaders who professed to be supportive of the President’s intent to repeal Obamacare during his election and inauguration periods promptly transitioned right into a festering endeavor with the leaders becoming shut-off valves when it counted.

The straight repeal of Obamacare failed to pass a Senate vote last Wednesday, July 26th, because of seven two-faced Republicans. If these seven had voted to repeal Obamacare–as they promised–the motion would have passed 52-47. So the Senate vote to repeal Obamacare failed 55-45.

The seven senators who voted to KEEP the failing Affordable Care Act all campaigned on repealing Obamacare.

John McCain (R-AZ), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Susan Collins (R-ME), Dean Heller (R-NV), Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Rob Portman (R-OH) and Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV) all either lied to their constituents, caved to the pressures of the CFR controlled establishment, took money or just proved how much of a wimp a RINO can be. At the same time, perhaps the main interest of some of them like anti-Trumper, Senator McCain could be undermining President Trump.

Friday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell claiming it is “time to move on,” prompted Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to say, I sadly feel a great many Americans will feel betrayed, that they were lied to, and that sentiment will not be unjustified. You cannot campaign against Obamacare and then vote for Obamacare.”


The reason the left wing of the CFR controlled establishment is so full of crazed fervor extolling endless vitriol is that, as Trevor Loudon reported at the Lincoln Day Dinner in Coeur d’Alene, they expected complete and total victory with the corrupt Hillary Clinton and all their designs to take us segueing ultimately into the New World Order via membership status in a globally run future controlled by unelected, unaccountable power elitists from the CFR/UN comrades who know best about everything for everybody.

So the reason that the CFR controlled establishment’s full court press is on with left leaning RINO’s is that they must stop at any cost the possibility that all their ill-gotten gains were for nothing.

Outsider, patriotic President Donald Trump is their worst nightmare! We need to pray for his safety and increased wisdom and effectivenessHe already has accomplished more in 6 months than any former President in that time period, IN SPITE OF ALL THE OBSTACLES STACKED ON HIM like congressional opposition to about everything and his only having about a third of his appointees confirmed compared to Obama’s appointees in this same time period.

A real bloodletting at the poles are in store for these Congressional GOP members who have traitorously turned on their campaign promises and others supporting the clandestine leadership.


Firstly, check voting records with our Constitution by going to the Freedom Index at TheNewAmerican.com. We must contact our own elected representatives and senators and put the fear of God in them about voting records with the Constitution and then remind them of their promise to repeal Obamacare and all other campaign promises.

Unpatriotic, unconstitutionally minded politicians are either naïve, incompetent or corrupt. It matters not so much which it is, as it does that we recognize that they are our biggest problem.

Amid all the waffling, inactions and voting contrary to their campaign promises they need awakening, even if it has to be a rude awakening, or many of them will not be returning in the next election and some of them will be replaced by even sorrier Democrats and that’s a fact, Jack!