‘Trumping’ Trump

From: GemStatePatriot.com      

Donald Trump, still carrying his reality TV persona, says much that is right that is not being said by other timid, politically correct politicians and has enjoyed success in the polls because he has dead-on hit some of the correct position buttons on common sense topics citizens who hold traditional American values know in their hearts to be right. That, the right timing and his unabashed bravado have spelled good fortune for him with sky rocketing polls… so far.

Who among us is perfect, right? ‘The Donald’ is starting to wear thin with a lot of folks and it is about time for movement away from him. Trump appears hopelessly trapped in his world of acknowledged success so deeply he has overbought into his own infallibility. How, can a man expect to repeatedly, unnecessarily, slap down in such ugly ways others who aren’t deserving of his extreme degradations and believes such transgressions will be overlooked forever? He can’t. And he won’t.

The constant ‘I, I, I’ although a world apart in context reminds me too much of BO (Barack Obama). The narcissism is getting to become sickening and why can’t the man, who is very smart, (ask him), not catch on and get off his high horse? I believe nothing threatens to take him down more than a guy named Trump.

Questions of his political past notwithstanding and his lack of positions and lack of experience working in a system of laws and procedures in government and lack of Constitutional knowledge are a big concern for a man whose empire consists completely of people over whom he enjoys total control.

I knew the second I first heard the words ‘Hope and Change’ exit the mouth of BO that people should realize change can be a very bad thing. We don’t clearly understand all that Trump would change although some generalities sound great. However, single pay health insurance and 50% of Americans not paying any taxes at all are right out of a socialist democratic playbook. Might there be the smell of an independent candidacy wafting in the air after all?

Much of what Trump says taken correctly to fruition is direly needed by America right now. However, are we sure these are not just mere words like the familiar ones we’ve heard from way too many RINO republicans who so severely disappoint us. His irrational statements give cause to question. A lot of good Americans want to believe he is the real thing. Another Reagan if you will. Possibly close, but he is no Reagan. Ronald Reagan didn’t have a mean bone showing.

One last thought I equate to our BO experience, when he was busy lying his butt off in his introductory days, is the phenomenon of the large turn outs and surge in poll numbers that both BO and Trump received at this point in the long primary process. BO had his crazies, fools and naïve worshipers and ‘The Donald’ has had his ‘reality’ followers and a whole lot of real Americans that know we are going away as a nation and are fed up with lackluster ‘say anything,’ phony office holders everywhere. They equate Trumps vitriolic ways to their own anger. These Americans have allowed themselves to accept Trump’s bluntness as all they are looking for without studying the complete man. They now are tasting reality from his recent compulsions to run his mouth in a manner not becoming of a President and extremely tasteless anywhere.

Sure he could possibly make a good president with his successful business talents and negotiating skills, but he needs to adopt new disciplines and begins the hard work of studying issues before he pops off. This is not reality TV. A dash of humility would go a long way.

If there is anyone in this world that ‘The Donald’ will listen to, I wish that person would just tell him to sit down, shut up and listen to a short stint of coaching. He needs to can the ‘I, I, I,’ quit with all the bragging and ‘over the top’ vicious personal attacks, learn humility and start cramming on issue positions. These repeated, general “I’m going to so greatly…” type remarks are tiresome. We want red meat. Again, in my opinion, if he continues as is, he will be ‘Trumped’ by a guy named Trump! He truly has become his own worst enemy. His spurning Fox News will be a disaster for him; they were his most fair constant exposure.

Now if I’m wrong and Trump gets elected, by changing or not, I hope for the sake of our country’s future that he at least takes Ted Cruz as a Vice President who is so steeped in the Constitution he could serve as an anchor keeping the new President grounded in Constitutional law and correct procedures.


Trump’s numbers in the polls is a testament to how hungry Americans are for factual information and honest straight talking patriotic leadership in which they can believe. Now is the time for conservative organizations like Tea Parties and the Birchers to hold meetings about activism explaining to frustrated Americans how they can help Restore America. If you are not connected to such a conservative organization I urge you to contact such an organization. If you are a member of such an organization, start activating like never before. There may not be another chance as Americans.

I have benefited from membership in The John Birch Society for the last six years. I have found that while bringing solid information to fellow Americans is paramount, I also now understand the need to be involved simultaneously in stopping dangerous initiatives that are undermining our way of life and ignoring a variety of constitutional constraints.

Quoting from the ‘The John Birch Society Agenda,’ “The John Birch Society is an activist/educational organization whose members employ truth as their only weapon. We believe that when a sufficient number of citizens are made aware of what is happening throughout the world and who is making it happen, our nation will adopt a better course – both at the ballot box and in reversing the steady plunge toward socialism and total government.”

Wrapping this up is a totally unrelated quote from the great author and economist Thomas Sowell which is revealing, “When the history of corporate America is written, one of its most shameful chapters will be about how big business sold out to political correctness, by inflicting the harangues of “diversity consultants” on their employees and donating their stockholders’ money to advocacy groups opposed to the free market on which their existence depends.”

This seems like a subject Donald Trump is qualified to know about. Wouldn’t it be nice if he would speak to it, even admitting guilt if applicable, and embarrass the hell out of democrats and all the sorry RINO republicans who have taken for such ill purposes?

‘The 9’ in Rubberstampville

From: GemStatePatriot.com           

The Nine’ is a book by Jeffrey Toobin about inside the secret world of the Supreme Court.

‘The 9’ are some of the best legislators in the state of Idaho. 9 out of 12 legislators in the top four districts in the state, Districts 1 thru 4, are among the top 14 legislators in the state legislature comprised of 105 members. Actually, it should have been ‘The 10,’ but unfortunately, our upstart new Representative, Eric Redman, disappointed by deciding to vote with lobbyists and his new RINO friends on issues that conflicted with our Idaho Constitution and the U.S. Constitution.

It’s doubtful we could ever reach a ‘The 12’ status due to the voting records of Senator Shawn Keough and corruption_riskRepresentative Luke Malek that are so poor they are actually in the minus ratings as measured by  the Idaho Freedom Index Rating Metric.

It’s pretty easy sitting up here on high in beautiful ‘north’ Idaho to criticize our southern part of the state confederates to our constitutions with the stellar representation we boast.

Up here in God’s country, the real Idaho, our fine servants of the people are just that and listen and work for our cares and exercise caution to be sure they follow our Idaho Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. Check them out with their total scores in the 2015 Idaho Freedom Index:
Representatives: 1. Heather Scott ranked #1 (+116)2. Don Cheatham ranked #2 (+108)3. Ron Mendive ranked tied for #4 (+102)4. Vito Barbieri ranked #5 (+100)5. Kathleen Sims ranked 6 (+97)6. Sage Dixon ranked #7 (+89) and Senators: 7. Bob Nonini ranked tied for #9 (+85), 8. Steve Vick ranked tied for #9 (+85) and 9. Mary Souza ranked tied for #12 (+78).
Idaho’s Ranking in 2012. Click image to see complete site.

Although not part of our 4 districts I want to also acknowledge the other 5 members of that top 14 group. They are Representatives: 1. Distr. 21         Steven Harris ranked #3 (+94)2. Dist. 34 Ronald Nate ranked tied for #4 (+93), 3. Dist. 7 Shannon McMillan ranked #8 (+88) and Senators: 4. Dist. 7 Sheryl Nuxoll ranked #10 (+84), 5. Dist. 21 Clifford Bayer ranked #11 (+79) and Representative Dist. 13 Brent Crane ranked tied for #12 (+78).

By comparison Redman, Malek and Keoughs’ scores were abysmal at (-5), (-32) and (-62) respectively.

South of here, and with lesser and too many shameful voting records for the most part there is a loud drumbeat from an unaccountable world of people that don’t understand math or do when the money is going their way, I suppose. The math comment is about Socialism. Socialism only lasts until it runs out of other peoples’ money and until then it really screws up a lot of commerce, budgets, jobs and freedoms. America is about opportunities from freedom not guarantees, subsidies, un-earned entitlements and government handouts.

It appears that our statehouse in Boise is actually a factory that hardly takes anything off the line because it isn’t right. What’s proposed is imposed for the most part, practically all new regulations are assumed to be ok if they are necessary or not. Leadership is in charge, discretion and debate be dammed! The statehouse factory could actually be named Rubberstampville.

American salesmen can sell anything. Literally! Anything and everything can be justified by well prepared and talented salesmen. Lobbyists are salesmen and legislators have access to checkbooks, never mind that the funds are entrusted to them by you and me.

“Much of government’s expanding regulatory power is dotted with assertions about saving the environment or protecting the earth. Yet the opposite happens when innovations and jobs cannot cross borders due to federal, state, county and even conflicting local regulations. Someone has to pay for the senseless regulatory systems we see today — and that someone is us.” – quote from “Government Regulations Hinder Economic Growth” by Donna Wiesner Keene in USA Today.

What is really shameful is that we citizen bosses are not doing the vigilant work of watchdogs meting out punishment at the voting booths. We are not watching these important voting indexes, this one for the state of Idaho and http://www.thenewamerican.com/freedomindex/ for watching the scoundrels in Washington, D.C. Too many of our citizens are getting the government they deserve for trusting oath breakers and opportunists.

As Judge Andrew Napolitano says in his little book ‘The Freedom Answer Book,’ “The fundamental flaw in our American political culture today is that we no longer believe that the government exists to serve our needs as individuals and members of a community. Instead, we seem to believe that the government is our master and therefore – since it is not bound by any constraints – able to determine for itself what is in our best interest.”

It is being proven that nothing could be more diametrically opposed to what our Republic stands for.

We must begin the hardest work of recognizing the abuses that this runaway mindset has created. The endless high numbers of incredibly unnecessary and damaging laws and regulations from agencies many of which are redundant and unaccountable need to be dealt with by strong willed patriots who have the mettle to expunge and simplify most of these ill begotten designs so that our true American system and our hungry commerce can breathe again and become the competitive nation we were designed to be in a truly free market unshackled by all this restraining regulatory nonsense.

Kermit the frog famously said it is tough being green. Actually, it is really tough work being a 9’er, and we love ’em. Your district could be so fortunate if you start watching voting records and vote them out immediately when necessary. It is a lot like the NFL. They don’t mess around with non-performers and we need to have hungry patriots in a second string also ready to go. Except this isn’t a game, this is nothing less than our survival as a sovereign state in a once great nation that is going to hell quickly from sorry politicians being franchised by careless citizens to evolve us into socialism.

Wrapping this up, once again, socialism has never succeeded in history! Socialism cannot succeed, because it always runs out of other people’s money as Margaret Thatcher said. The American system of Capitalism is what brought us and we need to get back to it quickly before it is too late. And that can and will happen, believe it or not, if we don’t ‘man up’ as Americans getting all elected officials doing what our blessed 9’ers do. And Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton can kiss my grits!

Democrats Should Be Ashamed and Eject their Leader

President George W. Bush wasn’t perfect but your dog could be a better president than Obama.

Because your dog wouldn’t do all he can to harm our Republic. There would be at least a 50/50 chance that Fido would do right by America if he had to pat his paw in a correct number of times for answers.

With Obama, it appears everything he does takes our system and our freedoms away. Democrats should be ashamed!



  1. “I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.”
  2. I will have the most transparent administration in history.
  3. The stimulus will fund shovel-ready jobs.
  4. I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.
  5. The IRS is not targeting anyone.
  6. It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.
  7. If I had a son.
  8. I will put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division, conflict and cynicism”.
  9. You didn’t build that!
  10. I will restore trust in government.
  11. The Cambridge cops acted stupidly.
  12. The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk
  13. It’s not my red line – it is the world’s red line.
  14. Whistle blowers will be protected in my administration.
  15. We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks and auto companies, with interest.
  16. I am not spying on American citizens.
  17. Obama Care will be good for America. You can keep your family doctor. Premiums will be lowered by $2500.
  18. If you like it, you can keep your current healthcare plan. It’s just like shopping at Amazon.
  19. I knew nothing about “Fast and Furious” gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels.
  20. I knew nothing about IRS targeting conservative groups.
  21. I knew nothing about what happened in Benghazi.
  22. I have never known my uncle from Kenya who is in the country illegally and that was arrested and told to
    leave the country over 20 years ago. And, I have never lived with that uncle. Obama finally admitted on
    12-05-2013 that he DID know his uncle and that he DID live with him.
  23. (My favorite) “I’ve now been to all 57 states…,” he stated in Beaverton, OR on May 9, 2008.




  1. Exempted wind farms from the penalties that other electric producers get for killing birds
  2. Has an administration full of lobbyists, after promising he wouldn’t have any
  3. Has close ties to Wall St., but pretends to support Occupy Wall St.
  4. Nominated a six-time tax cheater to head the government agency that enforces the tax laws
  5. Gave tax dollars to AIG executives, then pretended to be outraged about it
  6. Supported the $700 billion TARP corporate-welfare bailout just like Bush
  7. Waged the biggest war against medical marijuana of any president, which was the opposite of what he had promised
  8. Carried out military interventionism in Libya without Congressional approval
  9. Negotiation with Iran is Worst Deal in American history!
  10. Stole money from retired teachers and police officers deferring GM ownership to union pals
  11. In 2010, Obama supportedreleasing convicted mass murderer Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi
  12. Illegally put thousands of guns into hands of criminals In Operation Fast and Furious,
  13. Fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin for discovering that Obama’s friend had embezzled government
  14. Lied about putting health care negotiations on C-SPAN
  15. Lied about letting people keep their health insurance
  16. Lied about the cost of Obamacare
  17. obama03Gave tax dollars to campaign contributors & lobbyists, and falsely claimed the money was for “green energy”
  18. Had armed SWAT agents raid a law-abiding guitar factory because it was owned by a Republican
  19. Ignored constitutional requirements for appointees
  20. Falsely claimed that the U.S. Supreme Court had never overturned any laws that had been passed by Congress
  21. Spent $205,075 of taxpayer money on a shrubbery which nurseries sell for $16
  22. Forced banks to give mortgages to people who could not afford to pay them back
  23. Claimed that written tests are a form of “racial discrimination
  24. Tried to outlaw family farms
  25. Gave middle finger to Vietnam veterans, their families, and their friends
  26. Spent taxpayer money to see if using cocaine helped rats to enjoy the music of Miles Davis
  27. Falsely claimed to know more about Judaism than any other President
  28. Nominated a communist who said 9-11 was an inside job
  29. Falsely claimed to support the second amendment
  30. Falsely said he wanted to simplify the tax code, when he actually wanted to make it more complex
  31. Oversaw some of the world’s worst increases in corruption
  32. Falsely claimed he would wait five days before signing bills
  33. Falsely claimed stimulus spending would be transparent
  34. Tried to silence a Jewish singing group’s video on YouTube
  35. Avoids firing aides who owe back taxes
  36. Holds double standard for people who use crude and vulgar language toward women
  37. Illegally gave Obamacare exemptions to unions that supported the passage of Obamacare
  38. Falsely said that criminal background checks constituted “racial discrimination
  39. Used Abbott and Costello style economics as a basis for national policy
  40. Was cited by nine states for committing 21 illegal acts
  41. Falsely said his campaign was not funded by large donors
  42. Hired a Communications Director who admires a mass murderer
  43. √ Tried to replace science with political correctness
  44. Said the health insurance mandate was not a tax, but later told the Supreme Court that it was
  45. Lied about being his “brother’s keeper
  46. Punishes hospitals for saving the lives of patients with heart disease
  47. Falsely claimed that he “cut spending by over a trillion dollars in 2011
  48. obama04Falsely claimed that his “Cash for Clunkers” program would help the environment
  49. Violated the very same campaign finance laws that he claims to support
  50. Falsely claimed that his 2013 inauguration was not funded by lobbyists
  51. Encouraged employers to switch their employees from full time to part time
  52. Used stimulus” money to pay people to play cards, board games, and video games
  53. Hypocritically pays his female employees less than his male employees
  54. Has a double standard for investing in China and the Cayman Islands
  55. Accepted illegal campaign contributions from foreign citizens
  56. Lied about the Benghazi attack
  57. Labels opponents of TSA sexual harassment as “domestic extremists
  58. Caused large amounts of perfectly good food to be thrown into the garbage
  59. Paid a train carrying biofuel to cross the U.S.-Canadian border 24 times without unloading
  60. Falsely said that “we got back every dime” of the bailout
  61. Spent $50,000 of taxpayer money on a George S. Patton impersonator
  62. Spent $75,000 of taxpayer money on a bicycle
  63. Is a “war criminal” who is “more aggressive, more illegal worldwide” than Bush, according to Ralph Nader
  64. Illegally refused to fire Kathleen Sebelius after she violated campaign finance laws
  65. Supports policies that hurt small businesses
  66. Spent $102,000 per year of taxpayer money on a “dog handler
  67. Falsely said that switching to electronic medical records would make health care cheaper
  68. Spent $495,000 of “stimulus” money for ads on MSNBC
  69. Lied about the cost of federal regulations
  70. obama05Broke his promise to pass immigration bill, and then lied about why he broke it
  71. Made it much harder for startups to raise capital and create jobs
  72. Paid six figure salaries to federal employees so they could watch pornography all day long
  73. Used tax dollars to build a million dollar bus stop
  74. Falsely said the sequester would cause janitors to take a pay cut
  75. Said the deficit had gone down when it had actually gone up
  76. Nominated someone to be Sec. of the Treasury who had participated in “the biggest tax scam on record”
  77. Rolled back union transparency rules
  78. Tried to eliminate workers’ right to a secret ballot when voting on whether or not to unionize
  79. Falsely said that he did not propose the sequester
  80. Adopted harmful new restrictions on prescription painkillers – even though the House had already voted against them
  81. Illegally refused to submit a budget on time during four of his first five years
  82. Falsely said the Newton shooter used a “fully automatic weapon
  83. Broke his own deadline for creating healthcare exchanges
  84. Falsely said that surgeons get paid between $30,000 and $50,000 for amputating a leg
  85. Falsely said that doctors perform unnecessary tonsillectomies to make more money
  86. Purchased 2,717 mine resistant armor protected vehicles for use on civilian streets in the U.S.
  87. Spends $277,050 per year for three professional calligraphists
  88. Allowed 311,566 federal employees and retirees to get away with $3.5 billion in unpaid federal taxes
  89. Fined UPS $40 million because some of its customers had used UPS to ship illegal drugs
  90. obama07Signed health care reform law whose own authors called it “a huge train wreck” that was “beyond comprehension”
  91. Eliminated disclosure requirements for most federal employees in the executive and legislative branches
  92. Waited until after the 2012 election to release unpopular Obamacare rules
  93. Made it easy for people to fraudulently collect $50,000 by falsely claiming to be “farmers
  94. Tried to rig federal auctions of radio spectrum space
  95. Falsely said that he goes skeet shooting “all the time”
  96. Put someone in jail for making an anti-Muslim video
  97. Oversaw IRS whose employees illegally targeted conservative groups
  98. Falsely accused a law abiding news reporter of being “an aider and abettor and/or co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation
  99. Asked Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate himself for lying under oath
  100. obama08Falsely said that Fast and Furious was started when Bush was President
  101. Used Obamacare to illegally give the IRS additional powers without approval from Congress
  102. Had “a serious management problem” with his refusal to fire bad workers
  103. Illegally solicited donations from health insurers
  104. Chose an economic advisor who wanted roads and bridges to be built by unqualified workers
  105. Pressured unions to reduce the amount of health insurance coverage for their employees
  106. Falsely said “We believe in the free market
  107. Falsely said “We believe in a light touch when it comes to regulations”
  108. Betrayed the people of the city that helped him launch his political career
  109. Planned to use military snipers to shoot innocent lions and cheetahs in the wild
  110. Refused to fire or prosecute more than 1,000 IRS employees who illegally used their IRS credit cards for their own personal use
  111. Defended intelligence chief who lied under oath
  112. Had the Secret Service visit a law abiding citizen who had criticized his policies on Twitter
  113. Had the IRS grant special, illegal favors for his brother’s so-called “charity”
  114. Raised the interest rate on student loans to pay for Obamacare
  115. Refused to fire or prosecute 15 IRS agents who illegally seized the medical records of 10 million people
  116. Hired 16,500 new IRS agents to run ObamacareTried to reward wasteful IRS spending with an increase in funding
  117. Illegally bypassed Congress to delay Obamacare’s employer mandate
  118. Made it too hard for some doctors to continue their practices
  119. Falsely told Africans that contaminated water is a smaller problem than global warming
  120. obama09Spent $630,000 to get more Facebook “likes”
  121. Declared that hacking was an act of war, then hacked the EU
  122. Falsely said that Sec. of State John Kerry had not been on his yacht during the regime change in Egypt
  123. “Among those who strongly approve of the president, more fear the Tea Party than radical Muslims.”
  124. Illegally forced 2,200 privately owned auto dealerships to close, which destroyed 120,000 jobs
  125. Subsidized the production of alcoholic beverages
  126. Gave 23,994 tax refunds worth a total of $46,378,040 to illegal aliens who all used the same address
  127. Used tax money to pay federal employees to organize protests against George Zimmerman
  128. Broke promise to end Bush’s surveillance of U.S. citizens who were not suspected of committing a crime
  129. Lied about the cost of IRS conferences
  130. Falsely said the auto bailouts prevented Detroit from going bankrupt
  131. Spent $34 million to construct a new military headquarters in Afghanistan after U.S. military commanders said they did not want it
  132. Spent $890,000 per year on service fees for bank accounts that had no money
  133. Illegally seized a privately owned gun from a law abiding citizen
  134. Broke his promise to have real time verifiability and created contradicting rules on Obamacare
  135. Signed a health care reform plan that is so horrible that even the IRS agents who run it don’t want to participate in it
  136. Illegally prevented individual employees of small businesses from choosing their own plan during the first year of Obamacare
  137. Tried to tax small businesses at a higher rate than corporations
  138. Falsely said that Obamacare had not hurt jobs
  139. Falsely said that health insurance premiums would be reduced by $2,500 per family by the end of his first term
  140. Betrayed the unions that helped him to get elected
  141. Told General Mills to stop making true claims about Cheerios
  142. Illegally changed Obamacare to benefit members of Congress and their staff
  143. Illegally avoided enforcing the required income verification of people who receive subsidies for Obamacare exchanges
  144. Made medical care for special needs children more expensive
  145. Responded to the Benghazi attack by going back to bedand then later got up and headed off to Las Vegas for a fundraiser
  146. Illegally delayed the caps on out of pocket health care payments without Congressional approval
  147. Holds a double standard when it comes to supporting “gun free” zones
  148. Lied about how many people he had helped to protect from mortgage fraud
  149. Falsely said the NSA review was being conducted by an “independent” body
  150. Used tax money to pay for a separate flight just for his dog
  151. Gave illegal EPA exemption to one oil refinery, and would not say which refinery it was
  152. Created new fines for charitable hospitals that give treatment to uninsured people
  153. Blamed poverty on zip codes instead of on behavior
  154. Nominated a telecommunications lobbyist and Obama fundraiser to head the FCC
  155. Tried to violate defendants’ right to a fair trial
  156. Threatened internet service providers with contempt of court if they did not install surveillance software
  157. Obama, UN Pushing Radical LGBT/Abortion Agenda for Sustainable Development Summit

If all this is not enough, go to 1,063 Documented Examples of Barack Obama’s LyingLawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.


Why is this obvious fraud with no accredited documentation of past friends, professors, students or his student records still in the White House when there are so many grounds to impeach him? See: File Articles of Impeachment against Obama.  The devil couldn’t have crafted a better selection to undo so much that is good and meaningful to America.

obama10If the likes of the devil is in the White House, obviously residing as a puppet with strings being pulled by unknown, diabolical handlers, but nonetheless, rapidly taking us away (with his phony poker face fully engaged), are you good with that because you have no backbone to stand up for America against an orchestrated effort or are you irrelevant? Where is our patriotic fervor?

This hyper scoundrel needs to be impeached! To see that done we need to jerk the chains of the rabid dogs in Congress who are following LOBBYI$T$ and congressional LEADER$ FOLLOWING LOBBYI$T$ and THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATION$ whose intent is to morph us into a member state of a world government run by unaccountable, unelected elite power globalists leaders who know best for everybody about everything, Socialism 101.

Are Democrats devoid of conscience, patriotism and ability to recognize the false math of socialism? Are they all about only their personal wealth or are some of them just stump stupid? Socialism fails and capitalism succeeds, period. I suspect RINO Republicans are simply about the money as was witnessed in their treasonous vote for the bogus Free Trade Authority bill they voted for when giving up their Constitutional authority to negotiate trade to such a documented fake and fiendish character as Obama with his clear agenda of taking us into utter global socialism.

“How much money would it take to convince those “impress majorities” to violate their oaths of office and sacrifice American sovereignty on the altar of “free trade?” The Guardian has identified the source of the money and the senators who participated in the bipartisan betrayal: “Using data from the Federal Election Commission, this chart shows all donations that corporate members of the U.S. Business Coalition for TPP made to U.S. Senate campaigns between January and March 2015, when fast-tracking the TPP was being debated in the Senate:

“Out of the total $1,148,971 given, an average of $17,676.48 was donated to each of the 65 “yea” votes. “The average Republican member received $19,673.28 from corporate TPP supporters. “The average Democrat received $9,689.23 from those same donors.”

Democrats who really care about their families’ futures and American values should be roundly ashamed and up for regaining respectability. Where are American patriots in Congress? Authentic Republicans are likely disgusted with disappointing RINO Republicans for the same reasons. Boasting majorities in both houses and accomplishing nothing worthwhile and lasting, Republicans may as well come home, admit they are worthless and let us send some real American patriots to DC who don’t lockstep follow their leaders who are following the dictates of The Council on Foreign Relations and their comrades at the UN.

Where are our patriots with the fire in the belly to join Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and a mere couple of handfuls of patriotic orators who have the resolve to put in on the line on the floors of Congress excoriating the, yes, treasonous actions of most in Congress who regularly violate their Oaths to our Constitution and probably really don’t understand the Constitution but instead ‘puppy dog’ follow poker faced OTHER$ with very deceitful, dangerous and, yes, fateful agendas for America.

Oh, and Obama is extremely dangerous with his teleprompter, phone and pen. Without his accoutrements he is dangerous and still a very talented actor capable of schmoozing otherwise smart people about stupid stuff. He truly deserves an academy award for his acting ability and a lifelong prison sentence for all his damage he’s put upon our great nation. His treasonous ‘deal’ with Iran imposes a most dangerous lunatic nuclear future upon the world as his sorry legacy.

As former U.S. Congressman Allen West said in his The Case for Impeachment for Barack Hussein Obama on June 3, 2014, “So I call upon the leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives; Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to draft articles of impeachment as no one is above the law in America. The failure to do so speaks volumes.”


Wuff, wuff…