We’ve Had Fake News, Now We May Have a…

From: GemStatePatriot.com                 

It appears that signing any tax bill coming out of this Congress should be called not a deal, but a fake deal! If so, the GOP will commit political suicide. It’s doubtful that the tax bill will be successful with Mitch McConnell running the show. He is an establishment obstructionist, can’t be trusted and must be removed!


No one understands how anxious President Trump is on his important campaign promise of delivering ‘effective’ lower taxes than the swamp dwellers in Congress, including both parties in both houses, particularly the shadowy establishment’s ‘Never Trumper’ GOP leadership.

Both house speaker Ryan and Senate leader McConnell are masters of control and I expect them both to manipulate with various justifications for an ultimate bill of consensus that will pale compared to what Trump campaigned on and my worry is that President Trump is actually yearning so much for closure he will take what he can get and call it a deal, even if it’s close to being lipstick on a pig.


Neil Cavuto at Fox News says treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin’s tone on the tax bill is just disastrous, he is a horrible marketer for this horrific plan. Cavuto says the plan is beyond a joke and it is beyond incomprehensible how they are taking what should be an easy run into the end zone and turning into an interception. He says he cannot fathom it and it is all unraveling right before our eyes. McConnell’s Senate bill is reported to actually keep in place some of the key overt things that are in the House bill, some of the changes might come in phases and the 20% corporate tax rate will be postponed for a year, in 2019.

If that corporate tax rate should be postponed, it is probable that the democrats will return to power and then vote no.

The establishment’s dedicated front men to stop all things Trumpian, lead man Mitch McConnell and able comrade Paul Ryan

McConnell’s favorite justification tool for all things obstructing seems to be the Office of Management and Budget that has been called corrupt and dishonest for a long time and even Newt Gingrich says of it “I don’t trust a single word they have published. And I don’t believe them.” Also see: “Congress’s Official Scorekeeper Just Delivered a Damning Assessment of the Republican Tax Plan”

Paul Ryan answered Rush Limbaugh’s concern about having heard that Republicans will secretly raise tax rates not long after tax rates are cut. Limbaugh heard that supposedly in about five years some of these new rates will automatically increase, but that’s not being discussed, admitted to or reported on under the guise that the whole thing has to be paid for.

Ryan answered that there is to be a sunset in five years for some provisions that are never ever intended to be removed which includes some of the business expensing provisions and the personal credit for non-children, like taking care of parents. He said the reason they did that is to conform with the budget rules so that they can make sure this thing cannot be filibustered in the Senate. However, in the house, unfortunately, they have to work with the rules that the Senate has, so this thing cannot be filibustered. Ryan said that that’s why that’s there. “It’s a sunset that will never occur and we never intend it to occur. This is something that Congress actually does on a regular basis. The point being, it’s just to conform with the budget rules so that this thing cannot be filibustered in the Senate.”

I guess we feel better now, right?


Bob Adelmann reports in his article ‘What’s in the GOP Tax Bill?’ that already where the bill appears to have three tax brackets it really has six brackets down from seven.

He states: “First, the bill appears to offer three tax brackets instead of seven: 12 percent, 25 percent, and 35 percent. But those on the lowest steps of the income ladder technically won’t pay anything, as nearly half of working Americans don’t pay any net federal income taxes because they receive more in government benefits or refunds than they pay in, so they effectively are in a “zero-percent” tax bracket. And the GOP has acceded to demands by Democrats to leave the present highest tax bracket alone: 39.6 percent. So that essentially makes five brackets.

“But wait, there’s more! The day after the GOP plan was rolled out, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) added a “bubble tax” for those with incomes over $1 million a year. That brings the 39.6 percent bracket to 46 percent and change. So that’s six brackets, down from the current seven.

“Of course, typical of how Washington works, what the GOP presented on Thursday, Nov. 2nd will look nothing at all like what is finally passed by the House, and that will look little like what the Senate, and the conference committees following, will present to President Trump for signing.”

For more on the “bubble tax” read: “Bubble Tax”: The GOP’s Hidden 46% Tax Bracket

Adelmann also reports, that the “Democrats will work to scuttle any attempt to relieve fiscal pressure on entrepreneurs (i.e., capitalists) who are largely carrying the burden of supporting the government. Absent any attempt to cut spending — the tax bill’s 429 pages offer little help with that — what’s left, as has been said, is simply moving the chairs around on the deck of the Titanic.”

And now the Senate version of this tax bill calls for seven tax brackets. Wonderful. Goodbye GOP in the next election.


“The Republican tax cut plan has some positive elements, such as increasing the standard deduction, creating a new family tax credit, eliminating the death tax, reducing the corporate tax rate, and lowering taxes on small businesses. It also has some flaws, such as the “millionaire surcharge” imposed on upper-income taxpayers. This provision reflects a belief that upper-income taxpayers only “deserve” a tax break if reducing their taxes serves the interest of government by increasing economic growth.

“The worst part of the tax plan is that it adopts the chained consumer price index (chained CPI). Chained CPI is a way of measuring CPI that understates inflation’s effects on our standard of living. It does this by assuming inflation has not reduced Americans’ standard of living if, for example, people can buy hamburgers when they can no longer afford steak. This so-called full substitution ignores the fact that if individuals viewed hamburgers as a full substitute for steak they would have bought hamburgers before Fed-created inflation made steak unaffordable.

“Chained CPI increases the inflation tax. The inflation tax may be the worst of all taxes because it is hidden and regressive. The inflation tax is not even a tax on real wages. Instead, it is a tax on the illusionary gains in income caused by inflation. The use of chained CPI to adjust tax brackets pushes individuals into higher tax brackets over time.

“Politicians love the inflation tax because it allows them to increase taxes without having to vote for higher rates. Instead, the Fed does the dirty work. Since their creation in 1913, the Federal Reserve and the income tax have both enabled the growth of the welfare-warfare state and the erosion of our freedom and economic well-being. The key to restoring our liberty and prosperity, as well as avoiding a major economic crisis, is reversing the great mistakes of 1913 by repealing the 16th Amendment and auditing and ending the Federal Reserve.” – Unquote former U.S. congressman Ron Paul in his article “GOP Tax Plan Increases The Most Insidious Tax”


Neil Cavuto also says that tax cuts are ultimately bought or not bought, sold or not sold in the stock market on the idea that they are going to result in more net for individuals and or companies. He says, “A lot of the tax cuts that are proposed now are geared to people that don’t pay income taxes and the overwhelming share that do pay a lot, get no relief at all. That can’t be lost on people. Whatever boost these folks are going to get, it will be short lived.”

Cavuto repeated that the GOP is bragging about middle-class taxpayers filling out their complete tax returns on an index card and saying ‘You’re going to love it.’ He then said, “Do you know what I think they are going to love more? Paying less in taxes. They wouldn’t care if they had to fill out 500 pages, if they can pay less.”

He said he asked some of his younger employees that question [whether they would rather have an index card to fill out and not get much back or a much greater amount of paperwork but get a lot more back] and they all chose the latter.

Charlie Gasparino at Fox News says he thinks if you got together Steve Moore, Larry Kudlow and Art Laffer, the three market-oriented supply-sider economists who came up with the original Trump plan, and they were being honest with you, they would say do nothing before doing this crap. Gasparino says that Congress is making the tax bill worse, they are making the tax code more complicated for people that pay most of the taxes.

Gasparino made the strong point that we have to hold President Trump’s feet to the fire on this, and Congress, both of them. Because they are both saying that they are enacting a huge tax cut and patting themselves on the back by giving middle-class people a tax cut when in fact middle-class people don’t pay a lot in federal income tax.

“An average guy that makes 50 to 75 grand, it’s great to say we’ll give you a tax cut and you’ll only have to fill out one sheet. Those are the people that don’t have the complicated tax maneuvers. If you want to cut taxes for average folks, cut the payroll tax. That would be big, this is a joke,” says Gasparino.

Americans don’t want window dressing they want accountable real results that measures up to campaign promises. Tax rates alone mean nothing. Effective rates, or the rate we actually pay in taxes after all deductions, are what we should strive for. All the manipulations with deductions, write-offs, tax credits and the such are what game our system and allow extremely wealthy individuals and large corporations in high tax brackets to wind up paying effectively very little and even nothing. Do you remember the report about Warren Buffet’s secretary paying more in taxes than he does? And where is the repeal of the ObamaCare individual mandate?


In her article ‘Meet the 18 profitable companies that paid no taxes over 8 years,’ Moneywatch’s Aimee Picchi reports: “But thanks to loopholes and tax-minimization strategies, few large, profitable corporations actually pay that rate. Among the roughly half of Fortune 500 companies that were consistently profitable between 2008 and 2015, the effective federal income tax rate was 21.2 percent over that eight-year period, according to a study from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. Eighteen of them, including General Electric (GE) and Priceline.com (PCLN), paid no federal income taxes during that time.”Below are the 18 companies that paid no federal income tax from 2008-2015, according to ITEP. Many of them are in the energy sector.

And USA Today’s Matt Krantz in his article ’27 Giant Profitable Companies Paid No Taxes’ says, “There are 27 companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500, including telecom firm Level 3 Communications (LVLT), airline United Continental (UAL) and automaker General Motors (GM), that reported paying no income tax expense in 2015 despite reporting pre-tax profits, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.”

So there you have it. Tax rates are not the subject we should be talking about. We should be talking about effective tax rates. In other words, if we want to stick it to the really rich, take away the credits, deductions, and write-offs etc.

All these special interest considerations are endless manipulating and people aren’t stupid, in fact, they are fed up with being taken for granted. Americans see through the maze and know that the end effective rate is what taxes should be about. Things run best and most smoothly when they run most simply.

Tax law should be about effective tax rate percentages. We need President Trump to be thoroughly aware of what a tax ‘deal’ fully entails because he is dealing with venomous snakes from our national swamp.


This progressive bunch of today’s democrats spewing all their rabid socialism could literally be likened to the devil in their current state of being. I’ve occasionally stated that going across the aisle to make a deal with the devil is still evil. Like former Democrat GA Governor and U.S. senator Zell Miller said, he didn’t leave the Democrat Party, they left him. The Dimm’s have morphed into a deceitful endeavor to outright change our system into a socialist society. Can you say Cuba & Venezuela?

The RINO’s of the GOP, that’s about 90% of them, aren’t socialists, but they aren’t much better since they simply don’t do what they say they will do. Check their voting records with our Constitution they swore oaths of allegiance to. In this first session of the 115th Congress, the members of the House voted 41% and the Senate 35% with our Constitution.

The best thing to be said for the GOP is that they have a fantastic party platform if only they had the ethical character and patriotism to follow it and the Constitution. They also should pay attention to what President Trump is trying to accomplish and support his agenda because his heart is in the right place for America’s future. He really does want America to be truly great again and for that to happen we need to effect getting our tax system mess cleaned up and establish effective rates that works for our citizens, their states and the states’national government.


Priorities at present dictate that we accomplish getting these effective rates set to satisfy campaign promises so President Trump can succeed like President Reagan did. When the dust settles and we get to replacing a whole lot of sorry RINO’s and Democrats with patriotic republicans that follow the GOP platform and our Constitution, we need to revisit our tax structure to ‘simplify it’ and eliminate all the special interest deductions, right-off, tax credits, and deferments etc. A lot of oxen need goring. And, in a world of bonafide patriots that follow the Constitution, imagine the tax reductions that could be realized from abolishing all government subsidies, foreign aid, support programs for illegal aliens, redundant government agencies and welfare becoming workfare, just to start with.

All our departures from our Constitution have been endeavors in socialism if we recognize it or not. And socialism has never been successful anywhere in the history of the world! Think CubaVenezuela, and even Denmark/Sweden.

“Legal plunder can be committed in an infinite number of ways. Thus we have an infinite number of plans for organizing it: tariffs, protection, benefits, subsidies, encouragements, progressive taxation, public schools, guaranteed jobs, guaranteed profits, minimum wages, a right to relief, a right to the tools of labor, free credit, and so on, and so on. All these plans as a whole — with their common aim of legal plunder — constitute socialism. – Unquote from Frederic Bastiat’s ‘The Law

With Justice for All?

From: GemStatePatriot.com                    

Nothing should be taken more solemnly by Americans than our Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America.

However, the last three words to that serious oath ‘justice for all,’ today, are left begging for relevance.

Most of us, upon hearing those words think of justice to mean fairness. As justice has evolved in our republic, it simply means the enforcement of laws that might really have not that much to do with fairness. Just, rules of men.

For instance, is it fair for rules written by bureaucrats that stand as law when enforced on changing water restrictions to charge landowners outrageous fines that take property literally away from them? No, it is not fair, but as these sorry bureaucrats and other lawmakers foist their interpretations of rules that become laws that are truly unjust, they must be enforced. Most of these unfair rules of law are about control.

Most of us have by now, heard the many statements about how many laws the average American violates ‘innocently without knowledge’ every day.

Justice today might be thought of as ‘cafeteria law,’ since one could probably find some kind of law to deal with about anything you could be interested in. Lawyers are the craftsmen that research your applicable best fitting law and then morph into great debaters after shopping for judges and juries. That’s most often the fit for ‘average Americans.’ Fortunately, most of the time, justice does prevail and fairness, anymore, not so much, especially with such as land and water rights.


They are virtually never even charged let alone prosecuted.

The recent irony we’ve endured of watching the Democrats essentially controlling the diversionary ‘false flag’ investigation by Special Council Mueller to pin something on President Trump alleging that he colluded with Russians against ‘the reported very corrupt Clinton campaign’ has pretty much run its course with Americans who are getting real vetted news from sources other than the complicit big media and most local newspapers tied to them.

See: Russian Collusion? Yep, But It Was Clinton/Obama, Not Trump

The ‘Teflon’ Clintons and Obama have much to answer for in a world of true justice.

See: Here They Are: Hillary’s 22 Biggest Scandals Ever


The above-linked article from C. Mitchell Shaw article on ‘Russian Collusion’ states, “Newly released information confirms that it is Hillary Clinton — as secretary of state — and not Trump who can be shown to be “Putin’s puppetThe Hill, Fox News, Newsweek, and others are reporting that a deal between Clinton’s State Department and Russian interests that transferred 20 percent of U.S. uranium to Russian control involved bribery, collusion, and cover-up. And Clinton’s fingerprints are all over it.”

The whole cast of complicit characters involved in the investigation of this news controlling ruse, ‘the Trump Russian fiasco,’ also involving those very investigators namely: Rosenstein and Mueller and including former FBI Director Comey are now front and center in what should be the investigation with a solid basis for immediate action. But, where is a concerned, decisive prosecutorial Attorney General? I’m hearing crickets.


Senators Warner and Burr

It so happens that I knew NC Senator Richard Burr, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, having called on him in Greensboro, North Carolina when he was a sales manager for a distributing business I worked with for advertising and articles in my trade newspaper, Carolina Retailing News in the 80’s. So it has been a grave disappointment for me to see his establishment colors glowing brightly, seemingly at the behest of his best bud, VA Senator Mark Warner’s neocon agenda, which was all about kyboshing the narrative about Russia having any effect on our election through social media.

But now he told CNN Wednesday, Oct. 22, that the “revelation” that the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for the dossier changes the direction of the investigation into Russian collusion. “This provides us the ability to connect some dots that we couldn’t do before this, Burr said, adding, “And any investigation when you have a revelation this big, it begins to clarify some pictures that you were already trying to understand.” He went on to say that this new information “will require us to dig a lot deeper in some areas that maybe a week ago we weren’t planning to.”

Being that I do believe my old acquaintance has fallen deeply into the quagmire of the establishment swamp, it will be of great interest to me to see if he can patriot up and vindicate his record of quelling things.


There is so much Teflon to remove, it is sickening. Check out the elite’s unprosecuted abuses of our legal system:

The oaths taken to uphold our Constitution should be held sacred. I have always said that violation of the public’s trust is the most heinous of crimes. We need to be demanding our ‘Justice for All?’

See also:

Meckler’s COS and BBA Are Not a Quick Fix,…

From: GemStatePatriot.com             

Americans are fed up with the endless attacks on our traditional values, Constitution, schools, religion, health care, states’ rights, property and water rights, military, voting rights, monuments and now our flag and national anthem.

That makes us ripe for an appealing pitch for an effective ‘quick fix for our troubled times,’ because most of us are to the point of screaming like character Howard Beale did in the 1976 film ‘Network’ “I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

The promoters of the various calls for an Article V Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) would have us believe that a Con-Con is the insightful remedy from our founders. They liken Article V in our Constitution to a tool that needs being implemented because our system is clearly broken now and incapable of repairing itself.

So it is that cunning pitchmen like Mark Meckler who promote ‘Convention of the States’ (COS) and the ‘Balanced Budget Amendment’ (BBA) conventions would have us believe that their endeavors are here to save us from ourselves by righting our sinking ship if only we will trust his and others’ selection of patriotic delegates to such a convention.

They say we must take charge, and help them do our bidding correctly, since our system is now literally defunct. You know, like “‘Trust us,’ since you’re mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore. We’re here for you.”

Our founders intended Article V to be used for repairing our Constitution should it need be. It not only needn’t be, it is the finest governmental system developed by man and is responsible for making us the most successful nation on earth in history! Why should we change something with that kind of track record? All that is wrong is that our greedy politicians quit following it and our lackadaisical citizens quit paying attention.

Our Constitution doesn’t need fixing. It needs adherence, enforcement and prosecution for violations!


The scheming promoters like Meckler can’t give you a satisfactory answer to just one question. “Why should we believe new amendments or laws are going to be magically followed any more than current laws?”

So once you understand new laws will definitely not be followed any better than current laws, you should be asking “Then what is this really all about? Really!

We should know where Meckler and his comrades get their funding.

It should be no surprise that the originating funding forces are from ultra-wealthy, unaccountable, unelected global elitists who want to get the door open to a convention where they can have their way with our Constitution, and more probably do away with it, morphing us into a member state of a global government in consort with their comrades at the UN and their current partners at the Council on Foreign Relations.” See: ‘Meckler admits ‘Convention of States’ won’t solve the problem!’


Also, schemers like Meckler are quick to strongly assure us that we are not to worry about a runaway convention or any kind of damage to our Constitution coming out of a convention because the results will have to be ratified by three-fourths of our state legislatures, or 38 states. He and other promoters almost never acknowledge that there is another way ratification is allowed in Article V and that is by special ratifying conventions which is actually the route they would choose for obvious reasons. Plus, to see how long that process can take, definitely see the list of how long it took to ratify our last 17 amendments to our Constitution in the article: ‘What a Convention of the States will NOT do!

There is no way in today’s political climate that a COS or BBA Article V Con-Con’s delegates would send new amendments to all of the state legislatures for three-quarters of them to ratify. Look at how much infighting and stagnation exists in our US Congress or for that matter in our statehouse here in Idaho. Then multiply that times 38 states. No, there is a much safer way of doing it in their mindset. Instead, a special ‘ratifying convention’ of select, like-minded, delegates would be ‘made to order’ and is identified in Article V right after the word or.


The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

Our sage founders who knew tyranny first hand and, as realists of their day, knew the 13 colonies could not ratify since they were still bound by the Articles of Confederation. Instead, they used Ratifying Conventions in nine states. Also, repealing Prohibition would not have happened in state legislatures like Utah, so following Article V’s or, ‘by conventions…,’ ratifying conventions were used.


The power driven globalist forces, such as George Soros, behind the funding of all these many diverse calls for a Con-Con would not risk to chance the complexities of state legislature ratifications with committees, legal research, filibustering, gerrymandering, endless debate and prioritization that could render results being extremely difficult to achieve in any timely fashion. Then multiply those activities times 38! No.

They would wisely choose, like the two instances before in our history, to use ratifying conventions that would assuredly be comprised of special interests delegates who would be selected to do the convention’s bidding. Some might say these delegates would be very well paid, extremely loyal, all-in, single-minded, baggage carrying, knuckle-dragging, turncoat maggots. But I wouldn’t say all that because it sounds a little undignified. They are money hungry globalists, socialists or deluded neo-cons.

States JW Malloy of Post Falls, ID, “In 1788, James Madison, speaking of an Article V convention, said it ‘would no doubt contain individuals of insidious views, who, under the mask of seeking alterations popular in some parts … might have the dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric [of the Constitution].’

“Popular alterations might ostensibly balance the budget, limit terms, define marriage, or ban flag-burning. Individuals of insidious views need just one popular cause with which to con us into trusting them, but in 1990, asked specifically whether a Con-Con could be limited to a single issue, Judge Robert Bork, former Solicitor General, acting Attorney General, and judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit responded, ‘…I do not see how a convention could be limited to one topic once it had been called.””


Since applications have been recorded and tracked there have been over 400 various applications for an Article V convention. See most of them at FOAVC, and be dumbfounded that these proponents are still at it. And for so many different calls.

49 of the 50 states have at one or more times filed for an Article V Convention. Idaho has been listed for calls 6 times all the way back to 1910 and a most recent rescission in 1999.

So far this year Arizona and Wyoming approved applications while Maryland, Nevada and New Mexico came to their senses and rescinded theirs. So we got a -1 net gain.

Given the numbers of applications it’s amazing that we’ve been blessed with forthright rescissions prevailing in most instances due to awakening to the reality of the fatal danger a Con-Con would pose to our Constitution once it’s called.

We don’t have a Constitution problem. We have an adherence problem. The ‘fix’ is following law, law enforcement, prosecution and nullification (seeThe Nullification Alternative). Nullification by the states of federal unconstitutional encroachments is certainly the correct tool that would surely work and needs being exercised.

Citizens direct the fix by educating ourselves, informing others, watching Freedom Index voting records for Washington, DC and the Idaho Freedom Index for voting records for Idaho and culling the vermin at the polls.


Good representatives doing good representing should see to it that all is well. What has happened?

“What’s a guy to do?” we ask at the overwhelming effects of mostly government caused screw-ups. To start with, recognize that most problems stem from government meddling, micromanaging, and regulating in areas in which they have no right, expertise, or accountable, management skills.

As John F. McManus states in his video ‘Overview of America,’ “It hasn’t been what Government did that made America great. It was what Government was prevented from doing in our Constitution that made the difference. America became great precisely because the stifling effect of too much government had been prevented. However, freedom in America was not totally unrestrained, Americans overwhelmingly chose to limit their actions to moral codes such as the Ten Commandments. Personal morality and limited government; it’s the combination that characterized America and made it the envy of the world.”

It truly is ‘George Washington Time.’ We must hang in there and keep our objectives clear. Think of the years of Washington’s defeats, thousands of desertions and thousands of deaths from diseases with a ragged, sometimes shoeless army, ‘keeping their chins down’ and slogging it out in miserable winter conditions, never giving up.

We must start educating ourselves, and as much of our centers of influence, as possible about the reality of what America has been about: Freedom and Capitalism exuding from our wonderful Constitution. Again, our problems have all come from not adhering to it and not enforcing it. If we haven’t done too well lately following existing law, why again, would anybody believe results would be different with new Amendments?

The Constitution of the United States is the bones of what has become the greatest country man has known created by wise men who had first-hand knowledge of real tyranny. Truly a new Con-Con would be a dream come true for the machinating socialist and world government advocates who wish to finish fundamentally changing America as we’ve known it for their own designs. These Con-Con promoters are either deluded or the deluding.


Meet our proposed 51st state: Liberty, U.S.A. – It…

From: GemStatePatriot.com            


Washington State’s firebrand state representative, District 4 Representative Matt Shea, presented the case for eastern Washington creating its own new state at a meeting of the Spokane Conservative Republicans on Sept. 18th.

The state would be named Liberty and would encompass the portion of Washington State east of the Cascades.

Shea and two other Representatives, Bob McCaslin and David Taylor sponsored a bill last December named the House Joint Memorial 4000 which would create the “State of Liberty” which would become our 51st state.

Matt Shea’s bill explains the motivation for the proposed separation: “Since statehood, the lifestyles, culture, and economies of eastern and western Washington have been very distinct and dramatically different, while the urbanization and rapid growth in the western portions of the state has progressively heightened this divergence of cultural and economic values between the western and eastern portions of the state.”


Creating the “State of Liberty” is clearly constitutional:

S. Constitution, Art. 4, Sect. 3: “…no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress.”


WA State Representative Matt Shea

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right — a right which, we hope and believe, is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can may revolutionize, and make their own of so much of the territory as they inhabit. — Speech by Abraham Lincoln in the House of Representatives, January 12, 1848

Matt Shea: “Why do I believe that this is a solution? Because we are already two states. We have two totally different worldviews.”

He cited a poll of over 8,000 people that revealed there is 73% support in eastern Washington for creating the new state of Liberty.

He pointed out that eastern and western parts of Washington are morally, politically and economically different. The bill actually says, “The urbanization and rapid growth in the western portions of the state has progressively heightened this divergence of cultural and economic values between the western and eastern portions of the state.”

Shea told the meeting attendees, “Honestly the principle is very simple, a government should represent the general views of the folks, and the problem is right now, that’s not happening in Washington State. In fact, the other side of the state doesn’t feel like they are represented. They feel like we are stealing money from all their social programs. In a split state, we would more closely represent our own views.”

He also said that the left still calls eastern Washington a welfare state. For instance, he said that they say that for every dollar raised in Okanogan from taxes Okanogan gets back a dollar eighty-four, therefore you guys are a bunch of welfare freeloaders in eastern Washington. To which Shea rebounded with, “I’m sorry, will you please forgive us. We are so sorry to become such a terrible burden on you people in downtown Seattle. Will you please let us go?”

(Click photo to enlarge)


The question about Liberty being able to function is answered in a chart Shea displayed comparing the state of Idaho to the new state. Shea stated that not only is splitting the state viable but he feels they have a duty to split it. “If you guys on the west coast want to live that way, great. We don’t want to.”

Shea also points out that Liberty would actually bring in a comparable amount of taxes to that of the entire state of Idaho. Liberty State is also similar in population size to the State of Idaho.

A Story of Support: Shea mentioned that a lobbyist came into his office one day and told him that he had to confess something to him. He said he had dinner with a bunch of multimillionaires recently and he started making fun of Matt Shea’s 51st state idea and then he realized that he was the only one at the table laughing.

He said he then asked them they what they thought of the idea. He said they told him, “This isn’t funny. This is a very serious matter. If there was a new state we would move everything we have to that new state, all of our businesses.”

Shea followed up with, “Look at Amazon right now.”

Some of Liberty’s Benefits:

  • A much smaller sized government, not even close to Washington’s.
  • An influx of businesses moving in. • Lower taxes would actually result in more tax revenue.
  • Fewer regulations.
  • When you create a place where prosperity can thrive people will move there.


This has happened before in America. First, with the state of Kentucky splitting off from Virginia. In 1789, the state legislature of Virginia approved the creation of the state of Kentucky, followed two years later by the constitutionally mandated approval by Congress; second, the state of Maine was formed in a similar fashion having separated from Massachusetts; and in 1861 — in a manner much less constitutionally compliant — West Virginia separated from Virginia.


1984: A Different Tune

Matt Shea enjoyed calling attention to a story The Colombian newspaper wrote titled “Folly” which quoted an article from the Spokesman-Review. Except that in 1984 the Spokesman-Review did a 96-page insert to their newspaper in support of the 51st state! Shea said, “I have copies of that sucker and they are ticked off that I do.”

The New American magazine’s Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. makes a good point, “Classically, of course, the idea of restraining republics to territories wherein the residents share fundamental values was accepted as a given. In The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu asserts that ‘the public good is better felt, better known, lies nearer to each citizen.’ In this, the celebrated Frenchman was advocating a small size and the State of Liberty, should it be formed, is certainly not small.”