Reality Denial


It’s been said that we get the government we deserve. I guess we’ve been really, really bad for the last couple decades. The majority of Americans are utterly clueless about truth and reality while accepting the skillfully presented poisonous lies being fed us from the education sector, big media news and the entertainment industry that don’t square with actual facts. And entirely too trusting of all elected politicians.

Listlessness and ‘tuning out’ on our responsibilities as the stewards of our government has become the norm. It is ourgovernment and we are not running it. The Barbarians are not at the gate, they – are – in – the – hacienda, amigo! As American citizens with ownership responsibilities our people have become, in a figure of speech, ‘fat, lazy and mindless.’


All Americans must rediscover or learn that we are supposed to be the rulers of our Republic. We are not serfs in a kingdom yet and we are not a Democracy! Democracies are ruled by a majority of people who decide directly what they want. All true democracies in history have failed because of the greed of those majorities. Although we choose our elected representatives by a majority vote, we are ruled by laws those representatives create in our Republic. Our nation’s founding fathers established the Electoral College in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President and Vice President by a vote in Congress and their election by a popular vote of qualified citizens to assure that a mere majority-rule will not necessarily prevail like it would in a democracy.

The problem is that we are not being represented by real patriots that follow their oaths to our Constitution which they swore to uphold. Our legislators are oblivious to the fact that they are not in Congress to create rules for us to live by thusly regulating every aspect of our lives and restraining our businesses’ ability to compete with other nations’ businesses that operate unfettered with such nonsensical handicaps. Legislators operate as a legislative mill trying to right every wrong, solve every problem, create new projects, answer every whim, and generally feel good about keeping busy doing work ‘for their constituents.’ Our legislators are most certainly not there to spend more money than our citizens pay in taxes no matter what their justification which usually has an underlying basis from special interests. Never mind the Constitution, ledger accountability and reality. The overreach of big government’s landslide meting out of countless laws, regulations, rules and taxes has reached the level of insanity and is about to bury us as surely as something really bad is about to befall those frogs that better get out of that near boiling water quickly.

It is the fault of we the citizens for not paying attention to these irresponsible elected officials that commit the heinous crime of violating their oaths to the Constitution and our public trust and allowing them to remain in place as sure as we would be guilty of allowing known criminals to continue robbing banks. We are ignoring reality. Our tax money should be used for necessities spelled out in the Constitution only and oaths to the Constitution must be upheld. The rest of government is our problem and shouldn’t even exist with the government running it and we are ignoring that fact. But all those programs and government goodies are simply power tools. Socialists have never seen anything they didn’t want to run with their ‘better ideas.’ ‘Remember what we did for you at the polls.’ – Remember power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


“Our progressive educational leaders have learned how to deceive parents and the taxpaying public and get away with it. They know that the children are powerless to resist their abuse. And they know how to blame academic failure on the children and not themselves. Indeed, they revel in the idea that they are, as Obama put it, ‘fundamentally transforming America’ to be more in line with their totalitarian views. Only an enlightened public, will be able to put a stop to this degradation of American education.” —  Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman in their book ‘Crimes of the Educators’


“The mainstream media’s economic coverage is routinely muddied, ill-informed and inaccurate. Too often, it seems, those in the news business who report on the economy don’t have a solid grounding in economics. But more disturbing is that with taxes and the economy, as with so many other issues, the media care less about the truth than about the political agenda they are trying to further. Rather than offering Americans balanced, objective reporting, the news media serve as flacks for the Democratic Party.” —  Brent Bozell, III in his book ‘Weapons of Mass Distortion’


“As a nation, we no longer believe that popular culture enriches our lives. Few of us view the show business capital as a magical source of uplifting entertainment, romantic inspiration or even harmless fun. Instead, tens of millions of Americans now see the entertainment industry as an all-powerful enemy, an alien force that assaults our most cherished values and corrupts our children. The dream factory has become the poison factory.” —  Michael Medved in his book ‘Hollywood vs. America’

The enduring influence of education, big media and Hollywood sectors are affecting change in America as effectively as that proverbial boiling pan of water is on the poor frogs. People are too trusting, not paying attention and denying reality staring them in the face. We are going away rapidly as a great nation and a sovereign nation.

Americans must quit denying reality. Follow real verified news, study issues, study voting records at the Freedom Indexes in D.C at The Freedom Index at and in Idaho at, inform others and cull the vermin at the voting booth.

Two further quotes to wrap this up:

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” — Aldous Huxley

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” — Edmund Burke

Constitutional Sheriff of Benewah County Personally Sponsors KrisAnne Hall’s…


Sheriff Resser in cowboy hat with deputies and staff with Hari Heath in white T-shirt and Kris Anne Hall

Benewah County Sheriff Dave Resser proudly co-sponsored with the Republican Liberty Caucus of Idaho’s (RLC) local chapter a constitutional seminar conducted by nationally renowned KrisAnne Hall on June 12 thru 14th. Sheriff Resser paid $150 of his own money for the rental of the Eagles hall and Hari Heath, Chairman of the RLC and his committee took care of the rest from promoting the event all the way to even cooking for it. The very successful event held 9-5 Fri & Sat and from 1-5 on Sunday was smartly done with it only costing a $10 donation which included lunch on the full days. So well received was the event that other than KrisAnne’s voice you could have heard a pin drop.

KrisAnne Hall has done an average of 265 of these such classes a year in 20 states for the last 5 years and has become very popular here in Idaho from several appearances around the state. She does not charge appearance fees or require payment for transportation or accommodations. She supports herself solely by the sale of her books, DVD’s and donations. She sold out of everything by early Saturday afternoon. People appreciate her clarity in teaching Constitutional history and the sincere patriotism she exemplifies. The meeting was synergistic and traditional American values thrived throughout the three days. She really packed them in on Sunday afternoon speaking about solutions to our problems with state sovereignty and over-reaching federal government.

KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor who travels the country teaching the Constitution. As a disabled Army veteran, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot KrisAnne brings insights that no other can when discussing our Sovereign Duty.

States KrisAnne, “I believe many people regardless of political affiliation believe that our government is not following the Constitution. I also believe that many would like to correct that. The federal government’s unconstitutional activity is a symptom, not the problem. The problem is that Americans don’t really know how a Constitutional government is supposed to operate and the power they possess to make it happen. I hope to change that with proper Constitutional education.”

Attendance for the three day seminar in this remote mountain community was 245 concerned citizens. Those Idahoans all left with a much clearer understanding about the genealogy of our constitution and what our Constitution really says and what that means. They also learned that we must get involved learning issues, informing others and making a difference at the voting booths to rid ourselves of our disingenuous unconstitutional legislators and presidents who must be replaced with patriots that understand and follow the Constitution.

America needs awakening today like never before. KrisAnne Hall can jerk their chain and show them the light. I suggest your organization do what Hari Heath’s impressive RLC organization did with or without your Sheriff’s help and get KrisAnne in front of Idahoans who want to get America back to what brought us following Constitutional law.

KrisAnne Hall’s remaining schedule of classes here in Idaho includes: Mon. June 15th Kamiah, ID ‘Genealogy to Home Schoolers’ at 1–3PM; Tues. June 16th Meridian, ID ‘Genealogy to Students’ at 1–3PM and ‘State Sovereignty’ at 7-9PM; Wed. June 17th Boise, ID ‘Genealogy’ at 7-8:30 PM at the NW Liberty Academy.

Check out her website at for articles, audio podcasts and videos. You also might donate to this most deserving, inspirational American who is a precious jewel among patriots.

Socialists are Parasites and They Ruin the Health of…


Nothing spends like other peoples’ money! And as England’s Lady Margaret Thatcher once said, “The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

“Socialism has failed wherever and whenever it has been tried. Much of the world realizes this. With socialists, it is always the people rather than the system that is the cause of failure. But socialists refuse to acknowledge that the laws of economics are not revocable and cannot be legislated, regardless of how hard they try to behave otherwise.” – Quoting W.A. Beatty in his article ‘Socialism, Obama, and America’s Future’

If you are a socialist today ya gotta be flying high for now, cause you’re in Fat City, ‘Obamaville’ if you will. You got subsidies running out ‘chour ears baby, like subsidies for your insurance coverage, housing, free phones, groceries, almost unlimited unemployment benefits, special education, up to $4700 in Federal Pell Grants, free Grants for house repairs, free condoms for teenagers online and if you are an illegal immigrant you get about everything.

Government subsidies are part of socialism and running amuck for such as corn, tobacco, wheat, milk, lamb meat, livestock assistance, windmills, solar, rural electrification loans and loan guarantees, rural telephone loans and loan guarantees, public television, state library programs, AMTRAK, General Motors labor, Asian elephant conservation, rhinoceros and tiger conservation, Wildlife Without Borders – Latin America, the Caribbean and Mexico and refugee and entrant assistance programs to name just a few. There are a total currently of 1607 funding programs from our federal government to be precise, totaling $1,974,042,215,000 (that’s trillion, baby)! And there are only our surviving businesses and those of us still working to pay for it all. There are the takers (most of whom are directly or indirectly being created by government actions) and the givers.

Of course, many of these ‘government programs’ are legitimate to questionable, but among them are a lot of this fat, political chicanery and socialist nonsense which is dis-incentivizing and eroding the American spirit to strive upward, in addition to endless laws, regulations and taxes which are emptying the coffers of businesses and our taxpaying citizens’ pockets.

It should really tick off taxpayers that every time an elected legislator or president, or their appointed minions in countless agencies and bureaus throw our money to the winds for endless great sounding programs ‘for the people,’ they are actually ingratiating others in exchange for political support while inadvertently chopping off the hand that feeds us.

Socialists are parasites. They rely on the fruits of others through Big Gov’s freebies and re-distribution is their game.


The Democratic Party has for decades rolled on a social bent delivering on promising programs and outright free money that conversely has dealt much harm to American freedoms and our necessary healthy commerce. Understanding this has made it pretty easy for a lot of sensible people to follow the Republican Party.

And, of course, the age old charge against the GOP has been that they are for BIG business. Most of us have typically thought of that as an exaggeration in the vernacular of business versus labor understanding full well that America runs on healthy businesses and their employees successfully profiting from their ventures which generates directly or indirectly all the taxes that pays for all of Big Gov’s spending. An aside is in order here: It turns out that charge about the GOP backing Big International Corporations (even at the expense of smaller businesses and our nation’s best interest) is spot on and up front in the news currently with GOP leaders almost giddy about usurping their Constitutional responsibility to negotiate international trade to the man in the White House who is demanding he get his hands on it for exclusive negotiating power. The same man with the poker face who will lie about most anything and couldn’t negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag, but however, his strings are adroitly being pulled by very devious puppeteers who intend to use ‘Free Trade’ as their launching platform to finish off our sovereignty as the United States of America and turn us into a member state of a world government run by unaccountable, unelected global elitists who know best for everybody about everything. Check the facts not political narrative. Start with the above link and see other links on that website. The GOP is fixing to do something very deceitful and stupid and probably fatal for American sovereignty! Again, check the facts!


Frederic Bastiat pointed out over 100 years ago in his classic book ‘The Law,’ “Self-preservation and self-development are common aspirations among all people. And if everyone enjoyed the unrestricted use of his faculties and the free disposition of the fruits of his labor, social progress would be ceaseless, uninterrupted, and unfailing.

“But there is also another tendency that is common among people. When they can, they wish to live and prosper at the expense of others. This is no rash accusation. Nor does it come from a gloomy or uncharitable spirit. The annals of history bear witness to the truth of it: the incessant wars, mass migrations, religious persecutions, universal slavery, dishonesty in commerce and monopolies. This fatal desire has its origin in the very nature of man—in that primitive, universal insuppressible instinct that impels him to satisfy his desires with the least possible gain.”


We must find ways of reaching out to the uniformed and clueless about reality and our real threat of doom as a sovereign nation before it’s too late. We must study issues, inform others, follow the Freedom Indexes for the U.S. Congress at and for the state of Idaho at and fire elected officials who are not following our rule of law through the Constitution. There is no other way to right our absolute mess. Presidents, congressmen and senators created this boondoggle we’ve become and they must pay for it by ending their political careers and be replaced with real accountable patriots who understand the Constitution and take their oaths to it seriously. Our trust and our Constitution have been violated for too long! And socialist be damned!

Promising Panacea


If someone offers you a pill that promises eternal life, don’t take the pill. It’s a panacea, a remedy that falsely claims to solve every problem ever. – Definition of Panacea from

A favorite comment of a friend of mine in South Carolina that was always spot on when he used it was that ‘someone was worrying about the wrong thing.’ I frequently remember him saying that when I hear about our elected politicians ‘bringing home the bacon’ and doing busy work that appears constructive while at the same time not paying attention to how countless unconstitutional and generally unaccountable bureaus and agencies creating runaway numbers of new rules and regulations that are meant to run our lives are conversely really ruining our lives. Big, ‘unlimited’ government wants you to think of it as your ‘Panacea.’ And our elected representatives are part of the problem because they are for the most part not trying to stop it or reverse the indiscretions already put upon us.


The mentality of ‘bringing home the bacon’ must be recognized for what it is. The abusive raiding of our collective tax coffers by ‘hero’ politicians with a Robin Hood like complex, if you will. Except, that money does not belong to the rich, it belongs to citizen owners of this country and the State of Idaho. Sure these monies have been responsible for much local good. So would entering the local bank and taking its money for the sake of helping folks and doing public good. The bank wouldn’t like that and we citizens shouldn’t like that in the accountability of all things considered with our governments’ use of our money. Think of a commune where everyone puts all their money in a collective pot and then various members just start taking amounts willy-nilly because they have justifications.

Politics are and should be local, including endeavors of local and state commerce. Grants from the public troughs are certainly a boon to local matters, but those matters usually could have been accomplished privately if they truly make economic sense!Most of the time communities and states would do just fine without beautiful new image creating grant projects. Nothing spends like someone else’s money and our troughs should not be willy nilly available for most that it is used for today.

America is not supposed to be a Panacea providing material and monetary benefits for its citizens and certainly not for non-citizens (illegal aliens). America is, most simply put: ….about Freedom. The Freedom to win and the Freedom to benefit from learning when not attaining our goals and then moving on strengthened from the experience. The consequences of guarantees, freebies, entitlements, subsidies, welfare, grants, abuses, redundancies, waste, loan interests, extravagant perks, unfair loans, fixed bids, kickbacks, and utter theft all actually damage our freedoms by penalizing our costs, unbalancing our markets and commerce and de-incentivizing our citizens.


Citing the consequences of today’s liberal folly I give you a pertinent quote from the great American economist, social theorist, political philosopher, and author, Thomas Sowell in his book the ‘Vision of the Anointed:’ Dangers to a society may be mortal without being immediate. One such danger is the prevailing social vision of our time – and the dogmatism with which the ideas, assumptions, and attitudes behind that vision are held.

“It is not that these views are especially evil or especially erroneous. Human beings have been making mistakes and committing sins as long as there have been human beings. The great catastrophes of history have usually involved much more than that. Typically, there has been an additional and crucial ingredient – some method by which feedback from reality has been prevented, so that a dangerous course of action could be blindly continued to a fatal conclusion. Much of the continent of Europe was devastated in World War II because the totalitarian regime of the Nazis did not permit those who foresaw the self-destructive consequences of Hitler’s policies to alter, or even to influence, those policies. In earlier eras as well, many individuals foresaw the self-destruction of their own civilizations, from the days of the Roman Empire to the era of the Spanish, Ottoman, and other empires. Yet that alone was not enough to change the course that was leading to ruin. Today, despite free speech and the mass media, the prevailing social vision is dangerously close to sealing itself off from any discordant feedback from reality.”

Liberal democrat’s and neo-con republican’s quest for everything to be fair, equal, balanced, re-distributed bla, bla, bla… and supposedly conservative republicans bent to favor large multi-national corporations because ‘it drives American commerce’ (never mind the abusive effects of this interest on our most important majority small business community and our individual freedoms) are on a tear to reach their particular panaceas as they envision their particular panaceas with utter disregard for commensurate consequences.


Most Americans are ignoring reality and the foreboding consequences of strangling programs, rules, regulations and taxes that have been foisted upon us and we are absolutely fed up with ‘our‘ federal government’s abundance of violations of ‘our’Constitutional law and lying on so many matters such as:

The above list doesn’t even speak to the ‘fundamental’ socialistic changes to America: • the new long list of entitlement spending with money we don’t have for free phones to free everything for thousands of newly ‘invited,’ undocumented (very illegal!) immigrants, 30 hour work weeks causing most of the affected workers to seek second jobs that falsely effects new job reports, high minimum wage laws that effect job losses, government subsidies falsely portraying green energy success, and again on and on and on… And now, the surprise revelation that the proud, hotshot creators of Seattle’s new $15 minimum wage didn’t expect: many of these new $15 recipients are asking to have their hours cut back so they won’t lose their qualifications for food stamps and welfare. Lovely. Love that Panacea.

If all this isn’t bad enough, all U.S. Senators and Congressmen need to pay attention to these additional remarks of Thomas Sowell, “The United States seems at this moment about to break the record for the worst political blunder of all time, with its Obama administration deal that will make a nuclear Iran virtually inevitable.”


This is not about parties. They are both to blame. Democrats should be embarrassed at the audacious ruination of their once proud party by its hi-jacking by extreme left wing Marxists socialist crazies. And republicans should be righting their ship from the effects of the fraudulent neo-con and RINO members who are overrunning their party’s platform. Constantly, both party’s members are in gross violations to the oath they took to follow and protect our wonderful Constitution. In the two year, 113thCongress just completed this January, here is how abysmally our congressmen and senators in Washington, D.C. voted with the Constitution: U.S. House 47% and U.S. Senate 36%. So there you see now why we are where we are.

Both parties are just maintaining their gentleman as usual composure and prestigious lifestyles to wait their turn or see what happens because that’s the way they are. They are truly un-patriotic opportunists and fools luffing in the wind letting our country’s lifeblood freedoms and commerce starve to death because they are not feeling the consequences of living in their particular Panaceas…. Yet! I call their world Fantasyland. And their world is killing us slowly, but increasing in speed!

There are only a couple hands full of real patriots in Congress. All the rest need to be replaced at our voting booths with serious objectivity driven men and women with a methodical plan to reverse most of the insanity that our once great nation has evolved to, because like Thomas Sowell’s statement: “the individuals who foresaw the self-destruction of their own civilizations, from the days of the Roman Empire to the era of the Spanish, Ottoman, and other empires’ and did nothing,” ….that same time is now upon us.

Losing our sovereignty not only can happen, it most certainly will, if we don’t act quickly! Because there are some very devious, deceitful and serious people working overtime to take America into the realm of a member state of a world government run by unaccountable, unelected global elitists who know what’s best for everyone and you will have to conform to their ways. It will not be even close to living in our free society. And our Congress and our citizenry are just watching it happen. If you are noticing their effectiveness, and not addressing it, you are part of the problem and you need to get patriotic.


We need to study issues, inform others, study voting records closely and hold politicians accountable like never before.

There’s a very simple way of identifying which elected representatives need replacing in our Idaho statehouse and in Congress in Washington. You study The Freedom Indexes for both bodies which shows exactly how they vote with criteria in keeping with the Constitution and then cull them at the voting box. Here in Idaho The Freedom Index is published by

For the U.S. Congress see The Freedom Index at A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution” rates congressmen based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements.

Don’t count on a thing politicians say, only believe what you see and judge them on how they vote!