Property Owners Win Summary Judgment Battle in North Idaho…


This is a significant victory for property rights in Idaho!

State District Court Judge Eric J. Wildman, presiding in the Coeur d’Alene-Spokane River Basin Adjudication (CSRBA), has ruled on motions for summary judgment regarding tribal water right claims filed by the United States.

Bob Bingham, Kootenai County Commissioner is the founder and past president of the North West Property Owners Alliance (NWPOA), one of the parties to the CSRBA. Although not actively involved in the Alliance any longer due to county obligations, he shared his read on this important ruling with Gem State Patriot News. The following are the most important points that stand out to him:
  • Water right claims really must be based upon the “primary purposes” of the federal reservation at the time it was created.
  • The court ruled the tribe cannot receive federal water rights for “secondary purposes”, i.e. things like commercial, municipal, industrial, instream flows for fish habitat, maintenance of lake levels in Lake Coeur d’Alene, water storage, power generation, aesthetics, recreation, religious, cultural, ceremonial, and maintenance of wetlands, springs, and seeps for game habitat and gathering activities.
  • The tribe is not entitled to water rights or any other right outside the boundary of the current reservation.
  • Because the tribe was provided land and the land was to reside, hunt, fish and raise crops”, the tribe has an implied right to water for those purposes and those purposes only.
  • The tribe’s domestic and agricultural water rights within the reservation are prior (established 1873) to other water rights within the reservation.

What is left to decide in future negotiations and/or court is the amount of water the tribe gets for domestic and farming activities and fishing and hunting within the boundaries of the reservation. This next round of litigation is called the “quantification phase.” That phase will seek to quantify the tribe’s water right quantity – if any -for each of the following:

  • Agriculture
  • Domestic uses
  • Fishing and hunting

Two points can be well defined; DOMESTIC – the tribe has <2100 actual members, AGRICULTURAL – the rates of required crop irrigation are well known.

For the other two; HUNTING – wildlife have no trouble living in the reservation boundaries with the natural ebb & flow of our climate, FISHING – the tribe has the lower 3rd of the lake to fish from, nothing interferes with their right to fish.


NWPOA’s attorney Norm Semanko, with the Idaho law firm of Moffatt Thomas, who also represents the North Idaho Water Rights Alliance and others in the case, confirmed that the CSRBA Court’s ruling was a positive one. “There is a lot to like. Judge Wildman determined that the primary purposes of the reservation are limited to agriculture, fishing and hunting, and domestic uses. All other purposes and the related claims were disallowed by the court. The judge found that the tribe has relinquished all of its rights and interests outside of the current reservation.”

Semanko further noted that the judge specifically rejected the broad “homeland” purpose of use for the reservation as overly broad (it would include every possible use of water) and contrary to law. The secondary purposes that were rejected by the court include industrial, commercial, water storage, power generation, aesthetics, recreation, and maintenance of Lake Coeur d’Alene lake levels – anything that isn’t agriculture, fishing, and hunting, or domestic.

“Importantly, the judge recognized that the tribe ceded the northern portion of the reservation, including approximately two-thirds of Lake Coeur d’Alene. In doing so, he relied directly on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Lake Case, thereby rejecting the tribe’s arguments in the CSRBA,” Semanko added. The judge concluded that the tribe relinquished its off-reservation rights in prior agreements. The court ruled: “The language of the agreements is plain, unambiguous and absolute. It establishes that the Tribe gave up all of its off-reservation rights and interests.” “Accordingly, the tribe is not entitled to federal reserved water rights outside the boundaries of the reservation for instream flows, as a matter of law”, Semanko stated.

Also important, Judge Wildman found that the tribe’s domestic and agriculture water rights are limited to the lands within the current boundaries of the reservation and do not reach to places like the Rathdrum Aquifer. “There are no off-reservation rights”, Semanko observed.

“NWPOA and the other objectors prevailed on most of the important issues and are to be commended for a fine job of helping protect the water rights and private property interests of those living in the area,” Semanko concluded.


Back in February 2015, NWPOA director Jeff Tyler commented in his article ‘Watch For Water Wars’ in the Coeur d’Alene Press, “Getting to the Tribe, I have met with the representative of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe and it was conveyed to me that their desire was to be a good partner in a process they did not ask for. You see the Bureau Of Indian Affairs (federal government) files the claims for all tribes across the nation. They promise tribes that if they go along they can together control large amounts of state water worth millions of dollars in negotiated settlements. (You would think they have learned from previous government promises) The Tribe spokesman told me “The Tribe is most interested in making sure that the lake and its tributaries have enough water to protect future generations of people, animals, and fish living in the basin and that we have enough water for people living on the reservation for the foreseeable future into perpetuity.” Does that sound like they are only interested in the waters of the Reservation land, about 345,000 acres, in which they only own around 25 percent with about 2,000 tribe members? I would like to trust our local Tribe but Ronald Reagan once famously quoted “trust but verify.”

Read More on Case No. 49576:

‘Trojan House’ Speaker Paul Ryan Presents ObamaCare Lite


President Trump is so eager to make a deal on the American Health Care Act (AHCA) that he can be too easily cajoled into believing what he wishes for is what we are getting without the advantage of closer inspection by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) or weighing the damage it will inflict on citizens by not only being government run but probably and clearly a pre-cursor to the socialists’ dream of it evolving into a Single Pay System, 100% run by the Government just like the pokey and poorly run Canadian government system.

Remember Trump’s campaign promise: “‘Full repeal of Obamacare’ and replace it with a market-based alternative.“ He must begin remembering that those strong campaign statements he made are his political foundation and going south on them starts that foundation crumbling as sure as if he built a fine trophy class hotel on a crumbling foundation.

President Trump is no longer schmoozing audiences on his TV show. This world of reality will hold him and the GOP he is supposed to be leading very accountable just like it has the Democrats! Going the way this is headed will not be pretty. Free market capitalism it is not! It is cronyism designed to eventually fall under the weight of our government’s mismanagement and ‘funding budget’ being busted. Trump and the GOP will own and clearly regret this as sure as the sun rises. This is clearly not what he promised in his campaign. What happened? Paul Ryan happened.


Why is that? Is he a secret agent, undercover for the Democrats, paid off, been threatened, confused, loyal soldier of the Council on Foreign Relations or stupid? Who knows, pick one. My guess is a CFR puppet as the result of Swamp Osmosis. A Constitutionalist he is not! The oath he swore to when taking office obviously means nothing. He is working overtime to keep the government’s controlling tentacles in place for converting later to single pay after the difficulties of the overbearing, poorly managed and underfunding by government are acknowledged.

Speaker Ryan’s first attempt to lead President Trump down the ‘trust me’ primrose path to healthcare his way, was such a bad plan and subsequent failure there was actually plenty of room left for this freshest debacle to look a little better. It is still lipstick on a pig that’s just had its finger nail polish removed.

This whole process was ramrodded by Ryan, ‘unlike business as usual,” as Senator Lindsey Graham said. It was almost as bad as, and certainly reminds you of, ‘You have to vote for it to see what’s in it!” However, there was a last minute amendment from Michigan Rep. Fred Upton to add an additional $8 billion subsidy for pre-existing conditions (PEC) to be used in the next 5 years, to be added to the already earmarked $130 billion subsidy designated for the next 10 years for PEC.

The driven UN, CFR, socialist, global government crowd work extremely hard to keep government in control of as much as possible. They must control the people to have their way. Problem has been that our people found this country to not be controlled, but to have the freedom to choose and grow as they wish within a free market capitalist system. What will these folks want the government to provide next, free housing and transportation for everyone? They already are demanding control of our property and water rights.

Our federal government was not created to provide for all the needs of its citizens. As Vice President for Communications for The John Birch Society, Bill Haun says, “The U.S. Constitution grants enumerated powers to each of its three branches. The power to fund or regulate healthcare is not granted to any branch of the federal government, so according to the 9th and 10th Amendments, the states and the people retain this power. If state legislatures want to offer healthcare to citizens, then that battle should be fought there and not within the U.S. Congress.”

God help us in the Senate.


There is much being lauded about the success of this house vote being spear-headed by Ryan at the behest of President Trump. So much so, that even Ryan critics such as my hero Lou Dobbs even gave Ryan credit for completing this for Trump like he was doing it for the team. It repealed and improved some. A lot remains foul. Be damned with details!

As Senator Rand Paul says, “The house Freedom Caucus made the bill a lot less bad. But, this is the first time that Republicans have affirmatively put their stamp of approval on a program where federal money, tax payer money, is paid to insurance companies. I’m not too excited about subsidizing the profit of insurance companies. They make a great deal of profit. Their profits went from $6 billion a year to $15 billion a year under ObamaCare.

“Now they want to quadrant off the individual market when they don’t make money and say, ‘Oh, we want everybody to have insurance, we are so magnanimous, but as long as the taxpayer pays for it. Premiums will come down as long as we subsidize the people who get sick, which is what the insurance companies are supposed to be about. When you get sick that is when the insurance companies are supposed to pay. They don’t want to pay when you get sick, they just want to reap the profits and stick the tax payers with the bill. There are about $3-400 billion dollars in this bill for insurance companies’ profits and that boggles my mind how that became a Republican idea.

“I want to repeal it. I don’t want to replace it with ObamaCare Lite, or another federal program. The programs they put in place will be there forever. So the Refundable Tax Credit which is a subsidy by another name, will be there forever. These High Risk Pools they want to create, Republicans used to hate, when they were called High Risk Corridors and they were giving money to insurance companies which were bailouts when it was a Democrat idea. Now that it’s a Republican idea they keep sweetening it up.” Paul says his vote will depend on how it changes in the Senate.

As Alex Newman wrote at The New “Despite virtually every Republican at the federal level running on a platform of repealing ObamaCare, the GOP-controlled House of Representatives just voted to retain the bulk of it under the guise of “repeal and replace.” Now, in addition to keeping in place a dizzying array of unconstitutional and destructive federal meddling in healthcare, Republicans have ensured that they will get the blame as costs continue to surge and care becomes increasingly difficult to access. Everyday Americans and constitutional governance, as usual, will be the main losers. Now the fight moves to the Senate, where analysts expect lawmakers to retain even more of ObamaCare.

“Despite deceptive coverage of the bill by much of the establishment media, which went along with the ruse that the AHCA repeals ObamaCare, the legislation actually keeps huge swaths of the unconstitutional statute in place. For instance, under the GOP version of ObamaCare, most of ObamaCare’s regulations, mandates, decrees, and meddling are kept firmly in place. It keeps subsidies for insurance, and penalties for not having it, but changes a few relatively minor elements. While the bill purports to “allow” states to “apply” for waivers from some mandates, the legislation simply requires that states create what critics slammed as “mini-ObamaCare” schemes at the state level to obtain the exemptions.

“Illustrating a possible lack of constitutional understanding, or perhaps a willingness to put politics above the Constitution, Trump vowed that “we’re going to take care of a lot of people” and their health needs, and that “we’ve all fought very hard to be able to do that.” The feds have no constitutional power to do that.

Where is the TORT reform and most people don’t realize that there will be that extra $138 billion dollars added to our tax bills for the lucrative pool that covers insurance companies risks in the pre-existing conditions market.


You should be hearing crickets. The government runs nothing well! Mismanagement, waste, fraud and abuses abound.

For those who want to know truth about socialized medicine or single pay (the government pays for everything and runs everything and taxes go out of sight) David Gratzer’s article at the, The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care”should open your eyes quite well.

Also, see Daryl Johnson’s ‘17 Arguments Against Socialized Medicine’ at the Foundation for Economic Education website:

See: ‘GOP House Keeps Much of ObamaCare in “Repeal and Replace” Bill’

‘AHCA Failure: One Too Many ‘Lying’ Ryans & Way Too Many ‘Establishment’ RINOs’

Clintons Committed More Treason Than For Which the Rosenbergs…


Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed on June 19, 1953 after being convicted of conspiring to pass U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, at Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, New York. They refused to admit any wrongdoing and proclaimed their innocence right up to the time of their deaths, by the electric chair.

The Rosenbergs were the first U.S. citizens to be convicted and executed for espionage during peacetime.

The Rosenbergs had persuaded Ethel’s brother, David Greenglass—an employee at the Los Alamos atomic bomb project—to provide them and a third person, Harry Gold, with top-secret data on nuclear weapons. The chief evidence against the Rosenbergs came from Greenglass and his wife, Ruth.

When President Dwight D. Eisenhower refused to invoke executive clemency for the Rosenbergs he stated, “I can only say that, by immeasurably increasing the chances of atomic war, the Rosenbergs may have condemned to death tens of millions of innocent people all over the world. The execution of two human beings is a grave matter. But even graver is the thought of the millions of dead whose deaths may be directly attributable to what these spies have done.”


Maybe it depends on what is, is, right? Not hardly. Treason is treason! Slick Willy and his phony bud Hillary are full of it.

The mammoth amount and variety of technological information sold by Bill Clinton to the Chinese made the info the Rosenbergs passed on about a single bomb technology seem pale in comparison. Clinton also gave the Chinese supercomputers used in the technology of nuclear and missile warfare, which in effect, gave the Chinese a 20-year head start. By selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China, President Bill Clinton basically wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had up until that time.

As Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett II reported in their 1998 book ‘Year of the Rat,’ a most thorough expose’ on the Clinton/Gore treason committed, “Who would have guessed that, In return for money, Bill Clinton and Al Gore would literally sit down to supper with a procession of agents for the Communist Chinese army, Chinese intelligence, the Macau criminal syndicate, and Cambodia’s biggest drug trafficker?”

Chinese intelligence services and their military gave the Clinton administration millions of dollars in illegal campaign contributions laundered through heretofore unheard of’s that were to become infamous in the revealing of the Clinton payoffs. Names like the Riady Clan (Mochtar Riady, his wife, and three sons), John Huang, Charlie Trie, Ng Lapseng, Johnny Chung, and Bernard Schwartz. China was tenacious about overcoming the U.S. as a world superpower.

Treason as it is defined in our U.S. Constitution: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” – U.S. Constitution Article III, Section 3

Quoting author Roger Stone, “President Bill Clinton did more to damage U.S. national security than anyone else in American history. He is a traitor to our interests and he is guilty of espionage. He should have been arrested, impeached and convicted. The question is, how did this story escape mass media attention?”

Mathew Vadum writing for Canada Free in his article ‘Flashback: Bill Clinton Gave China Missile Technology‘ quotes David Horowitz’s 2016 book, ‘The Black Book of the American Left Volume 7: The Left in Power: Clinton to Obama‘: “‘That administration’s voluntary release of all the secrets of America’s nuclear tests, combined with the systematic theft of the secrets that were left as a result of its lax security controls, effectively wiped out America’s technological edge.’”

“One of the key technological breaks China received, without having to spy to get it, was the deliverance of supercomputers once banned from export for security reasons,” writes Horowitz.

“Supercomputers underpin the technology of nuclear and missile warfare, and not only for firing and controlling the missiles. A supercomputer can simulate a nuclear test and is thus crucial to the development of nuclear warheads. But, according to a Washington Post editorial: ‘in the first three-quarters of 1998 nine times as many [supercomputers] were exported [to China] as during the previous seven years.’

“This transfer,” he writes, “was authorized three years after the spy thefts were detected. What rationale—besides stupidity, greed, or some other equally indefensible motive—could justify this? What responsible president or administration official, at any relevant level in any government, would allow the massive transfer of national-security assets like these to a dictatorship they knew had stolen their country’s most highly guarded military secrets?”

 “They were able to accomplish this with indispensable assistance provided by the Clinton White House that allowed them to circumvent technology controls instituted for national-security purposes by previous administrations,” writes Horowitz. Back in the 1990s, as longtime Clinton bagman Terry McAuliffe, now governor of Virginia, set records raising money for the Clintons. In that era, congressional investigators unearthed an elaborate Communist Chinese money-laundering scheme. See: ‘Key Player in Clinton Betrayal of U.S. Tells All in Secret Video’ (very recent)

“Under it, money was funneled to the Clinton organization through businesspeople, including Yah Lin “Charlie” Trie. In that case, 94 individuals either refused questioning, pled the Fifth Amendment, or fled the country. Trie accepted a plea bargain with federal prosecutors in 1999 in exchange for providing information about questionable campaign contributions from China.

“McAuliffe helped a company called Loral Space get seats on official trade missions. He reportedly convinced the Clinton administration to overrule national security officials in order win approval for a Loral deal that gave Red China critical missile technology. Loral’s chief executive officer became the Democratic National Committee’s largest donor and McAuliffe became DNC chairman. – Unquote David Horowitz


Hughes and Loral, large contributors to Clinton’s campaign coffers, gave the Chinese technology to deliver nuclear payloads.

David Horowitz continues, “According to a Wall Street Journal account from Clinton days, a bipartisan congressional inquiry “found Beijing has stolen U.S. design data for nearly all elements needed for a major nuclear attack on the U.S., such as advanced warheads, missiles, and guidance systems. Targets of the spying ranged from an Army anti-tank weapon to nearly all modern fighter jets. Most wasn’t done by professionals, but by visitors or front companies.

security by the Clinton Administration is blamed in part, and satellite makers Hughes and Loral are criticized.”

From the book “Year of the Rat” – How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash

The late William Norman Grigg writing for the New American magazine stated in 1999, “As the sides lined up for the ‘Trial of the Century’ in the Senate, debate raged as to whether witnesses would be heard, and — if so — who they would be: Monica Lewinsky? Bettie Currie? Vernon Jordan? Sidney Blumenthal? For those concerned about America’s national security, the crucial fact was that the witness list would not include John Huang, Johnny Chung, Yah Lin “Charlie” Trie, Maria Hsia, Ted Sioeng, or others found on the list of the more than 100 potential material witnesses in the so-called Chinagate affair who have fled, invoked the Fifth Amendment, or brazenly refused to cooperate with investigators. Therein lies the real triumph of Clintonite spin-control — and a tragic dereliction of duty on the part of Congress.”


The renowned author and national leader of the conservative movement, the late Phyllis Schlafly reported in 1998, “The fact that Clinton personally issued the waivers to allow shipments of U.S. technology that greatly improved the accuracy and reliability of Communist China’s missiles is grounds for impeachment, regardless of whether or not there was any quid pro quo for those decisions. U.S. space technology was just what China needs to make intercontinental ballistic missiles and point them more accurately at U.S. cities. And he did it despite the objections of the U.S. State Department, Defense Department, Justice Department, and intelligence agencies.

“Because China shared U.S. technology and equipment with Pakistan, Clinton is also responsible for India starting the nuclear race in Asia. India has fought three wars with its neighbor, Pakistan, since the end of World War II and looks upon Pakistan’s new military capabilities as a direct threat.”


Continuing from Mathew Vadim’s above article: “Incessant propaganda from the Left during the recent campaign and the post-election period, has stressed President-elect Donald Trump’s connections to Russia while downplaying or ignoring altogether the Clintons’ relationship with the Kremlin.

“The connections of Trump, his family, his campaign staff, transition team, and would-be cabinet members to Russia are being microscopically examined and hyped daily in the news.

“But Hillary Clinton’s team also has ties to Russia.

“Her campaign chairman John Podesta became a member of the board of directors of solar energy startup Joule Unlimited in 2011. Eight months later Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund announced it would invest around$35 million in Joule. A few months after, about the time Podesta joined then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board, Rusnano Chairman Anatoly Chubais joined Joule’s board.

“Podesta has been less than forthcoming about his relationship with the Russian government. “What he doesn’t like to talk about is the business he’s done with a Kremlin-backed investment firm and the lengths he’s gone to avoid scrutiny of this relationship,” the Wall Street Journal reported Oct. 23.

“And in August the FBI and Justice Department announced they were investigating the Podesta Group, a lobbying and public relations firm co-founded by John Podesta, for any connections to corruption that occurred in the government of former Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych. Russia-controlled Uranium One retained the firm in 2012, 2014, and 2015, to lobby Clinton’s State Department and was paid $180,000 in fees.


Bill Clinton arranged for the shipping and billing of 20% of our United States uranium supply clandestinely through a Canadian company to Russia while Hillary was Secretary of State and then the Clinton Foundation took in $145 million dollars for their effort.

A Picture worth A Thousand Words – Sweet!

Mathew Vadim wraps it up, “Uranium One shareholders gave the corrupt Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation more than $145 million in donations in the period before Hillary’s State Department approved a transaction giving Russia control over 20 percent of U.S. uranium. And as Russia, which initially didn’t have a controlling interest in Uranium One, was gearing up to take over the company, Bill Clinton received a whopping $500,000 for a single speech on Russian soil.

“And when he was president, Bill Clinton wasn’t exactly hostile toward Russia.

“As journalist Bill Gertz wrote years ago, Clinton sent ‘a billion dollars to Russia earmarked for its ‘nuclear disarmament program,’ even though the government’s own General Accounting Office has already determined that millions of these dollars are going to Russian scientists working to build new nuclear weapons for the Russian military.”

“Like Clinton, President Obama has written big checks to the nation’s enemies, sending $150 billion to the crazed mullahs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Islamists have penetrated both of our political parties but only Democrats –the party more amenable to subversives— have two sitting congressmen, Keith Ellison of Minnesota and Andre Carson of Indiana, who are Islamists.”

Hillary should be marched directly to prison just for her many ‘gates’. She has gotten away with numerous scandals for way too long, including WhitewaterTravelgateBimbogateFilegatePardongateFurnituregate, Benghazigate and most recently it has become obvious that she committed treasonous acts including letting state secrets go to other countries in exchange for Clinton Foundation donations as well as erasing evidence of top-secret material from her private server. See: 25 and Counting: Hillary’s Huge Scandal List Explodes

Extremely thirsty greed for money and power coupled with very big balls, and phony smiles exuding confidence supported by wealthy influential elitists, cronies in media and Hollywood and Kool-Aid drinking, free stuff craving, deluded supporters as well as potent clout in the form of political pressure has provided plenty of cover in the past.

Awakened Americans should be sickened by the depth of treasonous acts against us by such nefarious and greedy people and make demands that justice be served. Where are the wills to prosecute?

What kind of Americans can commit such as all this? Extremely treasonous ones! Justice is way overdue!

‘Key Player in Clinton Betrayal of U.S. Tells All in Secret Video’ (very recent)
The Phyllis Schlafly Report
China Stole U.S nuke secrets to fulfill international agenda
Clinton’s Damage to U.S. Foreign Policy
Clinton “Friends” Who Knew Too Much
In Her Own Words: 13 Acts of Treason by Hillary Clinton
CLINTON TREASON: Three People Set to Testify against Hillary in July, Dead or Missing
Hillary Can Be Convicted
Hillary’s Top 100 Most Damaging Wikileaks – Exposes numerous treasonous acts

Trump Should Release His Tax Returns – 8 Years…

In the first place, there is no law that a President of the United States must release his tax returns for periods prior to his election.

From the website, “Individual income tax returns — including those of public figures — are private information, protected by law from unauthorized disclosure. Indeed, the Internal Revenue Service is barred from releasing any taxpayer information whatsoever, except to authorized agencies and individuals. Like all other citizens, U.S. presidents enjoy this protection of their privacy.”

As this website points out, however, many Presidents since the 70’s have chosen to do so.

The far left’s driven effort to force the release of President Trump’s’ tax returns, ready or not, is for the purpose of witch hunting for ‘evidence’ that might hurt him and they dream of it providing grounds for impeachment. Speaking about grounds for impeachment see: Democrats Should Be Ashamed and Eject their Leader and The Case for Impeaching Obama and Key Player in Clinton Betrayal of U.S. Tells All in Secret Video and ‘Bill Clinton: His Life

Realize that President Trump’s business empire, which is now entrusted to his sons to operate, encompasses over 530 different business entities in several countries. Compiling taxes on such an empire that deals with un-aggregating them and dissecting applicable monies to be taxed in conjunction with foreign governments’ taxing authorities has to be extremely complex. Being audited by the IRS in the middle of it all certainly exacerbates it a bit, don’t you think? Again, keep in mind, President Trump lawfully does not have to disclose returns from prior to his Presidency.


“Obama has totally ignored our Constitution. Obama has had all of his records “SEALED” – WHY? Because one seals documents because they are hiding something. And Obama has “sealed” everything, including but not limited to his college records from Occidental, Columbia and Harvard [probably will show Obama received “foreign aid”]; access to his “real” birth records or lack thereof in Hawaii and Kenya, Africa; his Passport [probably from Indonesia]; access to his adoption records; access to his affidavit to reclaim U.S. Citizenship – [it is believed he never followed through with the requirements to regain his U.S Citizenship and therefore is an illegal alien]; records legally changing his name from Barack (Barry) Soetoro to Barack Obama; and has failed to address the issues of his citizenship and his right to hold the Office of Presidency in the United States.” – From ObamaScare- by Philip J. Berg Also, see: Obamacrimes by Phillip. S Berg, Esquire


  1. The original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate.
  2. Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)— not found, not released
  3. Obama’s baptism records — sealed
  4. Obama’s adoption records — sealed
  5. Records of Obama’s and his mother’s repatriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia — not found, not released
  6. Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records — not found, not released
  7. Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)— not released
  8. Punahou School financial aid or school records — not released
  9. Occidental College financial aid records — not released. (These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.)
  10. Columbia College records — not released
  11. Columbia senior thesis — not released
  12. Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released)
  13. Obama’s law client list — sealed
  14. Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator — sealed
  15. Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association — sealed
  16. Obama’s medical records — not released
  17. Obama’s passport records — not released

A professor who wrote a letter of reference for Obama reinforces the point that Obama was an ‘unspectacular’ student telling Obama-friendly biographer David Remnick “I don’t think [Obama] did too well in college.”

Jack Cashill states in his 2012 article ‘Why Did Obama Seal His Transcripts?‘:

“Obama claimed a 3.7 (out of 4) at Columbia. This is unlikely. Although Obama did graduate from Columbia, he did not graduate with honors. This much we know from the graduation program.

Isn’t This Interesting?

“How such an indifferent student got into a law school whose applicants’ LSAT scores typically track between the 98th and 99th percentile and whose GPAs range between 3.8 and 4.0 is a subject neither Maraniss nor Remnick chose to explore.

“Yet it seems unlikely that mediocre grades or LSAT scores would have led to this complete an informational shutdown. It seems unlikely, too, that Obama would have deemed a college thesis too radical for exposure. That he could have written off to youthful indiscretion.

“Trump’s linking of passports and transcripts, however, suggests a potential secret that would demand concealment: passage through Occidental and possibly Harvard as a foreign student.

“We know now that Obama was willing to claim foreign birth when it suited his purposes. In 1991, he famously described himself in his literary agent’s publicity brochure as having been “born in Kenyaand raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

“We know, too, that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, and stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, claimed Indonesian citizenship (and “Islam” as religion) for their son “Barry Soetoro” when they enrolled him as a first grader in an Indonesian school in 1968.

“When he filed his 1973 tax form, however, Soetoro falsely claimed the more favorable “nonresident status” and so was denied re-entry to Hawaii after a subsequent business trip to Indonesia.

“The documentation surrounding Soetoro’s re-entry is maddeningly scrubbed from the record. It appears, however, that the INS relented and allowed Soetoro back into Hawaii a few months after he left.

“Obama biographers prefer the “son of a single mom,” riff, so they usually write Soetoro out of the Hawaiian picture. But it appears that he remained in Hawaii with daughter and stepson for the remainder of the time Dunham was there.

“A review of Soetoro’s INS files shows a young couple fully willing to game the system to keep Soetoro in Hawaii. To do this, they employed any number of scams from claiming nonresident tax status to faking stomach surgery for Dunham.

“Dunham returned to Indonesia for fieldwork in 1975. She and Soetoro would not divorce until 1980, a year after Barry left Hawaii for the mainland and Occidental College.

“Although he went by “Barack Obama” after leaving Indonesia, Obama had Soetoro as stepfather from the time he was 2 until he was 18. If his scam-artist parents thought it improved his life chances, they may well have claimed Indonesian or dual citizenship for Obama during this period.

“This is where the passport comes into play. In the 13th paragraph of a March 2008 Washington Post article, the reader learns that of one of the three contract employees caught in the act of breaching Obama’s passport files at the State Department worked for the Analysis Corporation, the CEO of which was John Brennan, a 25-year CIA veteran.

“The Post does report that Brennan donated $2,300 to the Obama campaign but suggests no deeper tie. In fact, Brennan was no casual donor. To its credit, CNN Politics saw the real news angle in the passport scandal: “Chief of firm involved in breach is Obama adviser.” As CNN reported, also on March 22, Brennan “advises the Illinois Democrat on foreign policy and intelligence issues.”

“After its initial article, the Post said not a single word about the incident or Brennan’s connection to it. Today, Brennan is Obama’s deputy national security adviser.

“A month later, at an April 2008 fundraiser in San Francisco, Obama countered Hillary Clinton’s boast of having met leaders from 80 foreign countries with his real-world experience.

“I traveled to Pakistan when I was in college,” said Obama in the way of illustration. “I knew what Sunni and Shia was [sic – Obama has always had problems with noun-verb agreement] before I joined the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.”

“This declaration took ABC reporter Jake Tapper by surprise. He thought it odd that he had not heard of this trip – no one had – especially “given all the talk of Pakistan during this campaign.”

“Had Tapper inquired further, he would have learned that Obama did not mention the Pakistan visit in either of his books, the 1995 “Dreams From My Father” or the 2006 “Audacity of Hope.”

“The very real possibility remains that Obama traveled to Pakistan the same way to traveled to Occidental – on the Indonesian citizenship he claimed as a boy. The passport breach may have allowed Obama to open up about Pakistan.

“It is a shame we have to speculate about such matters eight years after Obama first descended onto our planet. If we had a legitimate media, we would not have to.

However if one believes the sun rises and sets with checking facts at fact checkers like Snopes and PolitiFact you can expect all the protection Obama could possibly ask for. Contrary to what they say, Obama’s sealed records are sealed!


SNOPES: EXPOSED – Guess Who is REALLY Behind and Snopes Caught Lying For Hillary…Again. Loses All Credibility and The Daily Mail Snopes Story And Fact Checking The Fact Checkers and Snopes, Which Will Be Fact-Checking For Facebook, Employs Leftists Almost Exclusively and SNOPES EXPOSED – Heavily financed by George Soros

POLITIFACT: Running The Data On PolitiFact Shows Bias Against Conservatives and The Liberal Tilt at PolitiFact and Something Odd Emerges When Fact Checking The “Fact Checkers”

Honest people generally have nothing to hide, so this begs the question – ‘if Barack Obama has nothing to hide, then why has he gone to such lengths and personal expense to hide his birth records along with many of his other early records?’

As Trump voter Malik Obama (Barack’s half-brother) put it in 2015: “I don’t know how I’d deal with it, if it really came out that he really is a fraud or a con.” He really is, and that is how he should be remembered. The identity fraud, perhaps the most successful in history, makes a strong case that nothing from the president’s two terms should be retained.

There is no reason whatsoever for his records to remain sealed except to protect him from exposure to the probable fraud committed. When exposed, if law was broken he should be prosecuted and if found guilty sentenced like any other criminal. Do to the level of high treason that this would represent, his sentence should be heightened in severity to show for all time that no one is immune to real justice in America. Our Manchurian Candidate should meet his fate.


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Dr. Ben Carson Questions Media about Obama’s Sealed Records: ‘The American people are waking up to your game’

Obama Exempts White House From FOIA Requests

Court Won’t Hear Obama Citizenship Case — but May Soon

FAKEPREZ.CON – “Why the past eight years happened, and what it all means

Outrage! Obama buries Clinton emails for 75 years

Sheriff Joe: Obama’s Long-form Birth Certificate Is Fraudulent

Why Didn’t Hawaii Officials Verify Obama’s Birth Certificate Presented by White House?

Obama puts his presidential records off-limits for 12 years