Praise Be to Governor Otter



We rightfully lambaste Governor Otter for cowering to the coercion of pressure brought about by the withholding of federal funds unless compliance is met for such as the destructive Common Core program and the harmful ObamaCare debacle because he isn’t pressing to have our Idaho lands returned for our management and ownership rendering Idaho citizens the beneficiaries of needed commerce from timber, mining, recreation and investment. So we are financially forced to be subservient to the Feds’ manipulations that are by design. This lack of leadership is telling and sad.

Idaho should not be a puppet state, but a sovereign state, part of a union that created the federal government, not the other way around and we gave that federal government limited, enumerated powers,… not the power to orchestrate how our state is run and not to force us to do anything outside its authority. So we need to continue the process the governor embarked upon in March 2014 to rightfully nullify wrongful and unconstitutional abuses of that power by the Feds.


Bob Adelmann of The New American magazine and .com just wrote an article ‘Final Rules Disclosed for How Social Security Admin. Plans to Disarm Its Beneficiaries’ which should be of great concern for all Americans.

Quoting Adelmann: “The Social Security Administration has indicated that it will begin the rule-making process to ensure that appropriate information in its records is reported to NICS [which] will cover appropriate records of the approximately 75,000 people each year who have a documented mental health issue, receive disability benefits and are unable to manage those benefits because of their mental impairment, or who have been found by a state or federal court to be legally incompetent.

“It should be noted further that the rules are written in such a way as to include anyone receiving benefits from SSA, not just disability benefits. That would include a vast swath of seniors who may, for the sake of convenience, have named a fiduciary or “representative payer” to manage their checkbooks.

“When the National Rifle Association (NRA) uncovered the plot, it published its warning: ‘Financial acumen, even if related to an underlying issue with sleep disturbances or inflated self-esteem, has no necessary relationship to a propensity for violence, and it’s not a sufficient basis to strip persons of their inalienable right to self-defense.’”

“At present, best estimates are that, under these rules, 177,000 veterans have already had their rights violated by having their names appear on the NICS watch list. Once Social Security’s new rules are implemented (the comment period closes on July 5), the total under the “other” category is likely to jump into the millions. After all, what is to keep an agency from making its own rules without congressional interference or concerns about constitutional abrogation?

“The Founders were right: The very definition of tyranny is the combining of the executive, legislative, and judicial functions into a single agency.”


Quoting Michael Lofti from Truth in, “BOISE, March 21, 2014 – On Thursday, Idaho Governor Butch Otter (R) signed a bill, which would effectively nullify future federal gun laws, by prohibiting state enforcement of any future federal act relating to personal firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition.”

Governor Otter hardly had any choice in the matter, since he was pressured with a unanimous vote of both houses of the legislature. S1332 passed the house by a vote of 68-0 and the senate by a vote of 34-0. At that time, Alaska and Kansas had also passed similar laws. But the point is that Governor Otter did the right thing and should be appreciated for it. Thank you Governor Otter.

Lofti reported that “Erich Pratt, Director of Communications for Gun Owners of America, cheered the governor’s action. ‘By signing this nullification bill into law, Idaho has joined an elite class of states that are telling the feds to ‘get lost’ — especially when it comes to unconstitutional gun control infringements.’”

Read Lofti’s to the point brief article here: “BREAKING: Idaho governor signs emergency legislation nullifying all future federal gun laws”

Now Governor, since you know how to nullify, get to work. There is a whole lot more of it to be done.

Racism is a Tool of the Left



 wrote: “A painful moment for me, years ago, when I was on the lecture circuit, came after a talk at Marquette University, when a young black student rose and asked: “Even though I am graduating from Marquette University, what hope is there for me?”

“Back in the 1950s, when I was a student, I never encountered any fellow black student who expressed such hopelessness, even though there was far more racial discrimination then. We knew that there were obstacles for us to overcome, and we intended to overcome them.”


In the first place most non-black Americans I have known couldn’t care less about blackness or any kind of race identification. We are simply people on earth with many skin tinctures, roots, and backgrounds. My wife and I are native Idahoans who lived over 30 years all over the southeastern U.S. and I have traveled extensively all but two of our states and traveled four provinces of Canada. Sure, I saw people of all races occasionally complaining about race as much as I saw them complaining about sports teams, regions of the country, religions etc. A testament to good race relations is the success of transitional neighborhoods that have grown nationwide. Walter E. Williams, an economist from George Mason University and a best-selling author, noted: “There is no question, though it’s not acknowledged enough, that black Americans have made greater gains, over some of the highest hurdles and in a very short span of time, than any other racial group in mankind’s history.”

By and large I and most people today don’t think a thing of the subject of racism except when we hear the constant ginning up of the race baiters by the media.

Black people are not less nor more than anyone else and should not be thought of any differently than anyone else. People are people, period. Get over it, get to work or struggle finding work like everyone else. Attitude and application are everything in the workplace and in finding work. Like my brother, who lost his arm and has much damage to his legs from Viet Nam says, “I’m not handicapped, I’m just challenged.” Many, non-blacks are struggling all over the country as well as blacks. Not to mention, that most of the ‘perpetrators’ of blacks are other blacks. Our news is rife with the black on black crime in our big cities such as Chicago, Detroit, St Louis, Baltimore, Atlanta and Washington, DC.

These race baiters at the behest of the far left operate in lockstep with an agenda driven focus that enables attacks on conservative principles while alleging white discrimination of blacks. And the conservative world represented by the GOP does nothing to counter or reveal reality. Trade-offs apply to our economic lives, as well as our political lives.

It should be obvious to everyone that the people leading the charges of racism to new unjustified heights are the race baiting leaders like Al SharptonJesse Jackson, the new Black Panthers and our sorry Manchurian President. Throw in money from the likes of George Soros and his many organizations and their skills with the money he supplies to pull off demonstrations and in our face video images with professionally designed signage messaging hatred, derision and contrived false claims loudly broadcast to us by a sorry, complicit big media.

This political abomination from the left in reality is creating reverse racism with influenced blacks that are being megaphoned by the race-baiters for the hidden agenda of the left to create division and support for themselves.


Quoting more from the sage Thomas Sowell, this one from his article ‘The High Cost of Playing the Race Card:’ “Make no mistake about it. There is political mileage to be made siding with demagogues like Al Sharpton who, as demagogue-in-chief, has been invited to the White House dozens of times by its commander-in-chief.

“Many in the media and among the intelligentsia cherish the romantic tale of an “us” against “them” struggle of beleaguered ghetto blacks defending themselves against the aggression of white policemen. The gullible include both whites who don’t know what they are talking about and blacks who don’t know what they are talking about either, because they never grew up in a ghetto. Among the latter are the President of the United States and his Attorney General.

“Such people readily buy the story that ghetto social problems today — from children being raised without a father to runaway rates of murder — are “a legacy of slavery,” even though such social problems were nowhere near as severe in the first half of the 20th century as they became in the second half.

“You would be hard pressed to name just five examples from the first half of the 20th century of the kinds of ghetto riots that have raged in more than a hundred cities during the second half. Such riots are a legacy of the social degeneracy of our times.

“Calling this social degeneracy “a legacy of slavery” is not just an excuse for those who engage in it, it is an excuse for the ideology of the intelligentsia behind the social policies that promoted this degeneracy.

“Let those who have laid a guilt trip on people in our times, for evils done by other people in past centuries, at least face their own responsibility for the evil consequences of their own notions and policies. If they won’t do it, then the rest of us need to stop listening gullibly to what they are saying.

“The race card is nothing to play with. It can ruin us all.

“So long as the race industry — the Al Sharptons, Jesse Jacksons, and their counterparts in various minorities — can get political or financial mileage out of being offended, they are going to be offended. The only thing that will put a stop to this racket is refusing to be taken in by it or intimidated by it.” – Unquote Thomas Sowell


In Lloyd Marcus’s article ‘Roots’ Remake: Snoop Dogg Got It Right’ he cites recent comments from Snoop Dogg: “Folks, for decades, I have been frustrated; trying to get through to fellow blacks that continuing to view themselves as victims and using slavery as an excuse for bad and trifling behavior only weakens them. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it. My reward has been to be trashed in black and liberal media; called a traitorous self-hating Uncle Tom.”

Marcus then states: “I pray that the truth coming from a hip black celeb like Snoop Dogg will help to remove the scales from the eyes of black youths.

“The last thing the Democratic Party wants is real black empowerment/independence. The Democratic Party’s very existence is rooted in convincing as many voters as possible that they are forever victims of America in some way.

“In 1977, some feared the “Roots” TV series would cause riots in the streets. The American Left/Democrats of today are so divisive and so crazy with hatred for their country that they probably hope the remake of “Roots” will spark riots.

“Riots in the streets would equal a crisis. The Left’s golden rule is “never let a crisis go to waste”; an opportunity to implement more government control and infringements on personal freedom.

“Things Democrats label a crisis (typically fake) provide Democrats with ammo to propose more government control; more government handouts, which equals more government dependency, which equals more loyal Democrat voters. It is all a scam, folks. And Democrats/Leftists have been playin’ blacks for decades.

“So, I agree with Snoop. Enough with the Left’s relentless efforts to fill black heads with victimhoodism, constantly rehashing how America did us wrong.

“I also refuse to watch the “Hate in America” TV mini-series. The series focuses solely on white racism against blacks. If the TV series seriously sought to address hate, it would include the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter declaring open season on killing whites and cops.

“Again, the TV mini-series is another Leftist tool to sell blacks the message that America is eternally racist so vote for Democrats to watch your backs.” – Unquote Lloyd Marcus


Steve Byas in his article for The New American magazine ‘What Killed Black Progress’ quoted: “In his famous autobiography Up From Slavery’ (read here), famed black educator Booker T. Washington recounted not only his own amazing emergence from slavery, but showed the way for other former slaves and their descendants to overcome prejudice and achieve greatness. ‘The whole future of the Negro rested largely upon the question as to whether or not he should make himself, through his skill, intelligence, and character, of such undeniable value to the community in which he lived that the community could not dispense with his presence,’ Washington wrote.

“‘I said that any individual who learned to do something better than anybody else — learned to do a common thing in an uncommon manner — had solved his problem, regardless of the color of his skin, and that in proportion as the Negro learned to produce what other people wanted and must have, in the same proportion would he be respected.’”

There are countless many successful people with darker skin color in business, the media, NBA, NFL, baseball and other sports who are just incredible people and I never ever think of them as black. They are just who they are with their accomplishments to be admired. The only time I think of them as black is when someone brings it up and it’s usually unnecessary unless someone is making the point that they have succeeded in a world other blacks might not have thought probable or possible.

All colors are beautiful.

Progressive – A Cunning Word


Liberal leaders are talented at creating great sounding names for organizations, programs and acronyms that are deceitful to their real hidden agendas such as Common CoreTARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program), Planned ParenthoodACA (Affordable Care Act), Agenda 21ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform), No Child Left BehindAGW(Anthropogenic Global Warming) and the list seems to go into infinity… all to help us, right?

But I think the ‘Big Pinocchio’ trophy in this compulsion for creating effective deceptive names has to go to their adoption of the word progressive. In the word progressive you immediately see the word progress and rather naturally associate that with good. Then there is the real dictionary definition from Merriam‑Webster: Definition of progressive for Students. 1: of, relating to, or showing advancement <a progressive city> 2: taking place gradually or step by step <a progressive disease> 3: favoring gradual political change and social improvement by action of the government.

The federal government was founded by the states and those founders did not write our Constitution creating the federal government to create gradual political change and social improvement by action of the government. As Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. states in his article Constitution: Outdated and Overstretched: “The Constitution is a contract among the states creating an organization empowered with specifically enumerated powers. As James Madison explained in The Federalist, No. 45, ‘The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.’”

In the minds of the minions led by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the great educational institutions’ leaders and sorry socialist professors the word progressive is like a gift from the god they don’t believe in. ‘Liberal’ was too telling and worn out, needing refreshing.

Don’t make the mistake of associating the word progressive exclusively with liberal democrats, since they are also found in the liberal republican ranks as RINO’s (republicans in name only) and neo-con’s (neo-conservatives).


Liberals are people who haven’t acknowledged the realities of the real world’s balance sheet or are stubbornly clinging to their deceivers’ influences, probably in most cases, because they are simply too busy earning a living and coping with life to vet those influences and learn about the Constitution and a thing called reality. Nothing for nothing…, nothing spends like other peoples’ money… and you can’t suck blood out of a rock all come to mind. The insanity of liberals is that they don’t have a clue about the benefits of our Constitution and what America’s freedoms are really about… or they do, and are corrupt.


It’s just incredibly hard to believe that anyone would claim to be a socialist today when there is so much proof that no socialist government in history has ever been successful. A government, a business and a household has to live on a budget. Reckoning is impatient and inevitable. Free lunches received are paid for by someone directly or indirectly by their taxes. Right now, in the news daily is the plight of Venezuela and other suffering countries that could be added to the list of socialist forays’ demise such as in Cuba and the former USSR. Yet, these very Sol Alinsky types like Hillary, Bernie and our Manchurian poker faced President will look us straight in the eye and tell us about free anything on the way to free everything to massage and appease us promising panacea while at the same time taking apart our moral code and religious foundations. Throw in a complicit very sorry big media to support them and the wacko socialist professors in the universities as well as the bedrock eroding education from Common Core, and you have the underpinning for legitimacy they need to ignore the effects of reality with until it eventually catches up with them and they adroitly blame others. Socialists’ end motive is total control taking us to a OWG (One World Government) run by unaccountable, unelected, powerful globalists who know what’s best for everyone about everything.


Conversely, only in a totally free environment can true capitalism stretch its wings and develop the most prosperous climate in which businesses and people can grow. Strangulating regulations, taxes, subsidies, guarantees and corruption are what kill the free market and competitiveness necessitating business closures and layoffs. Not China, Mexico or any other country. In a truly free market born of the absence of all the killing overhead, we can compete with them understanding that they need our business as much as we like their goods in proper negotiations with strong negotiators truly watching out for America. But corrupt and deceitfully developed free trade laws like the disastrous NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and the looming extremely deceitful TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership), that’s many times worse than NAFTA, are eliminating our abilities to negotiate.


Answering the question “How could Progressives have been ruining America when what they have been doing is Un-Constitutional?” is adeptly explained by Kelly Gneiting in his article “The Federal Government’s Constitutional Powers Defined”Excerpts from this comprehensive treatise:

“….How can Congress make all these laws if they are unconstitutional?

“Congress gets away with it because WE are ignorant of what our Constitution says; and WE have been indoctrinated into believing that Congress can do whatever they want! Consider Prohibition: Up to 1919, everyone still understood that The Constitution did not give Congress authority to simply “pass a law” banning alcoholic beverages! So the Constitution was amended to prohibit alcoholic beverages, and to authorize Congress to make laws to enforce the prohibition (18th Amendment).

“But after the Progressives took over the federal government during the early 1900s, the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today. The Progressives are the ones who imposed the regulatory welfare state where the federal government regulates business and commerce, natural resources, human resources, and benefits some people [e.g., welfare parasites, labor unions & Obama donors] at the expense of others.

“The Progressives claimed the power to determine what is in the “public interest” and have the federal government implement their notions of what advances the “public interest”.

“Under the Progressives, the federal government was no longer limited by the enumerated powers delegated in the Constitution; but would follow the “will of the people” as expressed by their representatives in the federal government. In other words, the Progressives gave the federal government a blank check to fill out anyway they want.

“During the regime of Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), all three branches of the federal government abandoned the Constitution: FDR proposed “New Deal” programs; Congress passed them. At first, the Supreme Court ruled (generally 5 to 4) that these programs were unconstitutional as outside the legislative powers delegated to Congress. But when FDR threatened to “pack the court” by adding judges who would do his bidding, one judge flipped to the liberal/progressive side, and the Court started approving FDR’s programs (5 to 4).

“Since then, law schools don’t teach the Constitution. Instead, they teach decisions of the FDR-dominated Supreme Court which purport to explain why Congress has the power to regulate anything it pleases. The law schools thus produced generations of constitutionally illiterate lawyers and judges who have been wrongly taught that three clauses, the “general welfare” clause, the “interstate commerce” clause and the “necessary & proper” clause, permit Congress to do whatever it wants!”


We must start paying attention to how our elected officials vote and who they are really representing. Check the money and who is endorsing them. Let them know they are not going to their particular jobs to pass unlimited legislation. The 10th Amendmentstates: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

The PEOPLE unfortunately have been sorely missing, too busy with their lives, including way too much personal indulgences with all their new electronic mind controllers and sorely influenced by the deceitful sway of the sorry, far left leaning big media. Then there is the reality that those who really care and know the difference are having their attention utterly turned off of to anything political because it really is overwhelming.

Our first step is our awakening. America will, not only, never get better, but will rapidly continue dissolving into submission into, at first, probably a regional government and then into a OWG, again, I repeat, run by unaccountable, unelected, powerful globalists who know what’s best for everyone about everything. If we are good with having the government control even more of our lives …think down to minute details of …then just keep on keeping on till the curtain falls and it will because nothing will stop it. We need to understand this loud and clear!

Patriot Up: You know, like cowboy up! We must purge at our voting booths the guilty elected officials we have who do not follow their oaths of office and commit what I consider the most heinous of crimes, the violation of public trust. Then we must replace these establishment legislators, governors and presidents with true American patriots who truly understand how a republic with our constitutional system of government should run. Then start downsizing government by the doable and necessary task of eliminating whole controlling agencies, bureaus, wastes and corruption to get America back in fighting shape. Culture shock would run rampant, but there is no other way of righting our ship. Band aids and can kicking exacerbates problems.


There’s a very simple way of identifying which elected representatives need replacing in our Idaho statehouse and in Congress in Washington. You study The Freedom Indexes for both bodies which show exactly how they vote with criteria in keeping with the Constitution and then cull them at the voting box. Here in Idaho The Freedom Index is published by by ‘The Idaho Freedom Foundation.’

For the U.S. Congress see “The Freedom Index at A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution” which rates congressmen based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements. In this second 6 month session of the 114th Congress just completed on January 25th, here is how abysmally our congressmen and senators in Washington, D.C. voted with the Constitution: U.S. House 44% and U.S. Senate 47%. So there you see now why we are where we are.

Don’t count on a thing politicians say, only believe what you see and judge them on how they vote!

The terrible voting records revealed in the two The Freedom Indexes, are exactly the explanation for why we are rapidly becoming a socialistic society and our Republic is in danger of evolving into losing our national sovereignty and becoming first a member state of a regional government like a North American Union or Trans Pacific Union overseen by the corrupt UN, and then on to a world government run by unaccountable, unelected global power elitists who know what’s best for us about everything.

America needs three things to upright ourselves: Awareness! Resolve! And action! – Patriots Up!

Oh, and having spent over 30 years living in the southeast, “Progressives can kiss my grits.”