Activists Activating


The Coeur d’Alene chapter of The John Birch Society worked hard at awakening the sleeping masses during the local fair Aug. 26 – 30th. As only the JBS can with it’s unmatched depth in factual information on the broadest array of issues, the chapter informed many unknowing north Idahoans about the reasons our once great republic has been in such rapid decline heading toward a distastrous socialistic experience in a designed effort toward global governance.

The John Birch Society Activating at North Idaho Fair
The John Birch Society Activating at North Idaho Fair

For the doubting Thomas, there were a red and a blue binder with the first and second page of 52 different issue articles each that attendees could request having e-mailed to them after the fair. Also, like traditional JBS booths many flyers were handed out free on several hot issues, such as the Free Trade scam, Constitutional Sheriffs, keeping the federal government out of our local police departments, the Constitutioal Convention ‘con job,’ closing the Federal Reserve, getting us out of the corrupt United Nations, identifying who’s really running and ruining America (the shadowy Council on Foreign Relations) and many more issues.

Recognizing the need and value of enlisting the energy and missionary zeal of awakened and informed patriotic young Americans the Cd’A chapter borrowed a great tool devised by Sandpoint Tea Party leader Robin Gray and her impressive son Asa, a North Idaho Collgege student and intern for state representative Sage Dixon. For their recent county fair they made what they call ‘The Freedom Wheel’ which young and old can spin like a ‘Wheel of Fortune’ for a geograhpical or patriotic question about Idaho or a Constitutional question about America. Win and you got a piece of candy.

A lot of fun was had with it, but more than the fun was the embarrassment displayed by many that couldn’t answer some very simple questions. The sound of a lot of crickets was heard frequently after the wheel spinning and some real dumb anwers just like the occasional ‘Watters World’ episodes on Fox News. The Freedom Wheel presented an opportunity to engage people that otherwise might not have stopped at the booth.

Attendance for the fair seemed to be about the same as last year but this second year gained a little more prominence for the JBS booth with some of the folks who came back from last year and some of them bringing friends. Activists are supposed to activate. These fairs and any other type of exposure to the public to enlighten and inform are invaluable to our important cause of trying to restore America and get us back to what brought us, our wonderful Constitution and nation of laws that are followed by elected officials that take seriously their Oaths to our Constitution and honor it sacredly.

Conservatism Might Die!


Because Conservatives Are Not Perpetuating Themselves

If the above statements are wrong, then where are the mills cranking out the next generation of conservatives, other than wonderful Hillsdale College? There are many superb conservative organizations that really care about our Constitution, liberty, American traditions and Capitalist system who work very hard to affect awakening the tuned out sleeping masses. These organizations to the one, consider themselves activists. Activists activate. But actual activism is eroding and the continuation of the Conservative species is not being successfully seeded to our youth.

Having been to meetings in the last several years for different conservative organizations I’ve seen the same elements at all of them. Concerned, American patriots attending meetings wanting to make a difference, discussing issues, acknowledging accomplishments, making plans to inform others, planning another event and at adjournment they leave with the same feeling of satisfaction one has after fellowship at church.

Going forward, the results of most of these gatherings is that attendees show up next time without a guest, and if so, that person will be about their same age. How many conservative organizations do you know that are growing substantially? And when you look around at your members you probably have some younger members in the 50’s and possibly even 40’s. Real active young people (teens to 30’s) that might exist in whatever organizations account for a percentage almost too small to measure among our many numbers of older members. Where is the perpetuation? It’s nonexistent, isn’t it? I know, we all talk about it. Like a paperweight on my desk reads, ‘Don’t confuse effort with results!’


The overwhelming numbers of young people today are not getting the accurate comprehensive educations  about our Republic, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, factual history and critical thinking. A priority mission of ours should be to find ways to get the attention of our youth informing them about the fatalistic onslaught of socialism overpowering our livesand dissolving America as we have known it.  These socialist indoctrinated young people don’t have a clue about the real world that America has been about: our unrelenting hunger for freedom, property ownership and our quest for commerce that can compete freely unhindered by strangling laws, regulations, unfair subsidized competition, unfair trade practices and exorbitantly high taxes.

There is a world of difference between what we know and what they understand. And thank God we didn’t grow up like them with all the overwhelming bombardments of unceasing propaganda fed in countless sound bites on TV, radio and from Hollywood as well as most print material attracting them to an enticing panacea of government (tax payer) supplied freebies and a socialist mindset.

In the first place, I know American youth are instinctively good people who wish to do well and are interested in other people and they think they care about our country, patriotically, like us older folks. But it’s the insanity of socialism that they haven’t done their homework on where we differ. They are too busy doing stupid stuff, like wasting too much time texting, gaming, socializing at clubs, pursuing other fun in lieu of working at gainful self-improvement and too often listening to the wrong people and accepting anything the big media or Hollywood says and not questioning factualness. They haven’t concerned themselves with the false math of the socialists’ dogma and don’t give thought to ledger accountability.  If you’ve watched ‘on the street interviews’ by such as Watter’s World it stuns you how little they follow any news whatsoever, let alone real news from other than biased Big Media sources.

I have been told that to outreach young people today you have to communicate in ‘twittereze’ in a Facebook/Twitter world of as few words as possible and only speak like any good salesman should, naturally, ‘only in terms of their interest.’ Ok. That I get. But now the hard part. What are the words you send that will illicit attention. What are their hottest issues of interest?


In having asked advice from several strong conservatives I respect about an effective approach to youth (the words and the issues) I got the advice I expected but was surprised about how strongly they all felt about it: Ask questions. Don’t use certain words, like Constitution, conspiracy, conservative, republican or the UN, or you turn them off like a light switch. It appears that some of their hot subjects are those like • cyber security, • job opportunities, • CISTA (Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol), • staying out of wars • and free stuff.

I would really appreciate any advice on how we can become most effective reaching our youth. Once delicate communication can be successfully engaged I would hope that they can then be linked to more in depth information for bringing them gingerly into the world of conservative reality. Ultimately, from sources like The New American magazine where you absolutely know you can trust the validity of content.

Just like effective pastors, our conservative movements must wean youth into our folds or see our future world finish dissolving away like it seems to be already… at breakneck speed. You can thank our sorry politicians. We’ve come to expect such ‘progressive’ nonsense from the ‘liberal’ democrats. But we should be ESPECIALLY disgusted with our sorry RINO republicans and their sorry leadership (who are in the tank with the wrong people from the CFR/UN). Most all of them are violating our trust by not standing by the oaths they took to follow our Constitution. It is our Constitution! Seek out the violators by way of their voting records and purge them at the voting booths and replace them with real patriots.

Americans must make certain that we continually watch voting records published quarterly on both houses here in Idaho at and the U.S. congress, also published quarterly, at while making sure our representatives know we are watching their voting record. Then we must awaken others to the importance of this monitoring and how to do it.


The participation by informed, awakened youth would bring true concise ‘peer’ refutation of the propaganda world fed America’s young by our socialist leaning education system.  A missionary zeal on the part of enlightened and energized young people would bear greater believability to the unknowing youth who have bought into that our generation is old school, the Constitution is old fashioned and it should be a breathing document. Not much can outdo the missionary zeal of a truly awakened young person who believes in a just cause and there is no greater calling than restoring American to our former self. For the most part I am referring to college aged young people, give or take a few years, who I will affectionately call our kids.

We need smart kids to show the world just how smart American youth are and how very smart America’s system of government has been before the extremely socialist Marxist cretins from the Council on Foreign Relations and the UN started orchestrating both parties, the big media, Hollywood and our education system preparing us for their ultimate goal of taking America down to becoming a member state of first a regional government (can you say North American Union or Trans Pacific Union), and later a member state of a global government run by unaccountable, unelected global elitists who know what’s best for everyone about everything and they will direct our lives accordingly.


Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman state in their book ‘Crimes of the Educators,’ “Our educators are engaged in a deliberate dumbing down of America. They are sabotaging the intellectual growth of our children and depriving Americans of the most productive use of their own lives. This is a criminal act of war against the American people and should be called what it is: treason. …Our progressive educational leaders have learned how to deceive parents and the taxpaying public and get away with it.”

We desperately need the focus and energy of our informed youth to help rebuild America. The inclusion of youth in our struggle is necessary, because they need to have a dog in the fight for what will remain their America. American youth’s awakened participation is absolutely critical to their successful future America.

We must approach youth appropriately with subjects of interest to them that elicits an engagement toward further more comprehensive material that truly awakens and inspires them to get involved sharing newfound info with their peer groups. It’s time we all sink or swim.


“We can rekindle the spirit of America, because God intended this land to be free; because we are free to dream, to plan, and to make our dreams come true.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

“My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose – somehow we win out.

“We should measure welfare’s success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added.

“The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.

“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.

“Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have.

“We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.

“How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

– President Ronald Reagan

2015 Idaho Liberty Expo & Film Festival: ‘The Power…



The Republican Liberty Caucus of Idaho (RLC-ID) hosted their annual Liberty Expo in Coeur d’Alene on August 13 – 15th. This year was quite a spectacular event with 20 substantial conservative speakers, four feature films shown twice each and 3 lunch and dinner banquets and marqueeing the renowned writer G. Edward Griffin, author of the classics ‘The Science & Politics of Cancer’ and ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island.’ Opening night had George Washington coming alive for a wonderful appearance by actor and look alike Mark Collins who has several credits portraying our first president in film and documentaries. He opened with the humorous comment that most people don’t realize that his serial number was 1.

Idaho state chairwoman for RLC, Karen Calisterio reported that there were a few things about this year’s event that made her very happy. She states, “First of all there were a significant number of new people attending so we weren’t just preaching to the choir. We had some very complimentary comments about many of our speaker’s messages and the caliber of those speakers. I know that those that came were very moved and motivated to seek more information. Some people were actually blown away by a couple presentations. The movie ‘The Price of Honor,’ about honor killing and the presentation ‘The Truth About GMO’s’ by Dr. Don Huber had people leaving in tears. Both of those presentations jolted people.”

Calistereo also said that some attendees were amazed at the number and variety of choices offered. Other speakers included Jeff Wright, Greg Pruett, John Green, Conner Blaylock, Parrish Miller, Alex Barron, Elizabeth Allan Hodge, Wayne Hoffman, Dr. Brian Norce, Lee Arthur Rice, Phil Hart, Dan Roberts, Pamela Leslie, Matt Shea, Ruth Trottere, Iryna Ponomorenko, Xoel Pamos and Lanette Davis.

‘Keynote speaker G. Edward Griffin was preceded by a moving depiction by Dan Roberts as Patrick Henry giving his ‘Give me liberty or give me death’ speech. Mr. Griffin’s speech titled ‘Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve’ was on par with his earlier lunch banquet speech that drew a lot of interest about ‘The Science and Politics of Cancer.’ Both presentations were enthralling with both audiences spellbound by his knowledge and enthusiasm for his subjects.

The Spirit of ’76 Awards Banquet included awards presentations by the RLC honoring outstanding leaders in the state of Idaho. Recipients honored and their awards were: publisher Wayne Hoffman – ‘Champion of Liberty,’ state representative Heather Scott – ‘Legislator of the Year,’ co-founder NW Liberty Academy Elizabeth Allan Hodge –‘Betsy Ross Award,’ and Idaho state representative Ron Nate (not present) – ‘Paul Revere Award.’

Also, since movies were included in this year’s expo for the first time, the organization, for the purpose of encouraging producers to participate in future expos, decided to give an award for the best movie. The movies shown were ‘Life on Bitcoin,’The Price of Honor,’ Behold a Pale Horse’ and ‘Pump: The Movie.’ ‘Pump: The Movie’ was chosen the winner of ‘The Film Award.

The entire expo was superbly run and many attendees expressed that they wished they had brought others to learn what they did during the many informative events.

The Republican Liberty Caucus of Idaho should be proud of this endeavor they worked hard to produce, and it really did deliver for its attendees much more than they anticipated.

Mark Levin is at it Again: What is Wrong…


Nothing, except his fix. His fix is dangerously flawed and could literally terminate our sovereignty and our Republic.

‘Plunder and Deceit,’ the new book by radio talk show host, author and attorney, Mark R. Levin has a straight on, absolute correct message on what’s wrong with America today and why we are losing our once great republic to the socialist crazies of the left and the majority on the right that are truly RINO’s, who I say, are orchestrated by the shadowy reprobates from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the UN. His book states that we are living in a post Constitutional America and also correctly states that even though we have a Republican Congress we haven’t made a single step in progress toward advancing liberty or Constitutionalism. He also says the point of the book for older Americans is that we are destroying this country for the next generation with our massive debt, our unlimited immigration, the phony environmental movement that will destroy industries and kill jobs and the minimum wage that is an attack on youth employment.

He points out to young people that they are going to have to steer themselves and inform themselves because they are not going to get this information in college or high school or in the media and learn that this is an attack on them more than anybody else.


Levin stated on Sean Hannity’s TV show that we are risking a decline that America can never recover from. He says that if we don’t fight this, that that is inevitable, “I think that a lot of the Republicans think that this radical left agenda is inevitable and the left thinks now they are on a high and they are running away with the country. My attitude is, from the grass roots up, whether it is the Reagan Revolution, the Tea Party revolution or young people in this country joining with their parents and their grandparents, we do need to take this country back.”

He says he has taken every major issue that he thinks is out there right now, whether it is the debt, entitlements, immigration and so forth, and addresses what the left has done to this country and how they are eviscerating our traditions and our institutions. He also says he tries to shine a light on it so young people can see it and he feels he has done it in a way that it hasn’t been done before.

Hannity mentioned that ‘Plunder and Deceit‘ talks about that there is no Social Security lock box, Social Security is bankrupt, Medicare is bankrupt and ObamaCare premiums are going to go up on average of 40% a year.

Levin stated, “People know they are sick and tired of politicians. You know, they say ‘I have a resume,’ ‘I’ve been a governor,’ ‘I’ve been a senator’ and ‘I’ve been a congressman.’ And a lot of people are saying, ‘well that’s the problem, because you guys aren’t getting anything done.’ I think the conservative base has been lied to repeatedly. In 2010, we gave them the House, in 2014, we gave them the Senate. These guys go home, these Republicans, they lie about what they are going to do on ObamaCare, they funded every penny of it and they lied about what they are going to do about immigration.”

An admirable and salient point Levin makes in his book is that we should not give up on our children and grandchildren…. the next generationWhy do we allow the left to control their fate, why do we allow the left to control all these institutions? That’s why I go through, really like a prosecutor’s brief, issue after issue, trying to expose what the left has done and beyond that trying to explain what we need to do.

“It’s a fact that for the first time in our history the next generation will be worse off than the previous generation. Not in the civil society, not because of the private sector, not because of the individual, not because of wholesome families and so forth. But because of central government policy and it’s been really heightened under Obama. It’s a constant attack on our traditions. When he talks about fundamental transformation, what he’s talking about is destroying the American lifestyle, shutting down coal mines today, shutting down steel mills and shutting down fisheries.”

Mark Levin also points out that illegal immigrants aren’t all coming here because they love us and want to take jobs that Americans aren’t doing. “A lot of people are coming here who are not honorable, and a lot of people are coming here who don’t want jobs, they want to participate in the welfare state.”


‘Plunder and Deceit’ states that there were 3,541 regulations issued by the executive branch in 2014 and only 129 bills passed by Congress. It clearly must be acknowledged that Congress has no power any longer. Asked by Hannity how he explains the shift in power, especially under Obama and the Executive branch, Levin answered, “Congress doesn’t defend itself. Under the Republican congress they surrendered the power of the purse, they surrendered, in the Senate, the power of treaty making and the word impeachment is hushed and never spoken. There are powers that congress have that can control a president, but they will not exercise them.

“Over the decade since the New Deal, the executive branch has seized authority and the congressional branch has thrown authority to the executive branch. So we actually have this fourth estate this massive bureaucracy, the EPA is the worst of it and it is passing laws. So the whole constitutional structure has been turned on its head.

“We do not have a Constitutional Republic, we don’t have a Federal Republic, we don’t have a Representative Republic, and we don’t have a Republic right now.

“The Republicans won a majority in Congress with a lie, didn’t they? They lied their way into the majority. What this is going to take is a strong conservative winning the nomination in the Republican Party. People under 45 have never had an opportunity to vote for a conservative for President. It’s time. Do you realize Ronald Reagan would have never been President if the Bush family had succeeded? And they’re back. That whole force is back and they keep beating down conservatives, like we can’t win. These are big government Washington centric Republicans.”

Levin said that when centrist Republicans like John McCain and Lindsey Graham are running for election they guess what? …. lurch to the right. He said people are sick and tired of this.


Levin: “What I’ve done here is I’ve said, ‘Young people, you need to stir yourselves, you need to inform yourselves. Every poll says that you resist authority, every poll shows you don’t like the status quo, every poll shows you don’t like or trust government and yet you vote for all three of those in every election cycle.’ They’re robbing themselves blind.

“What’s wrong with these kids is we send them to schools that are left wing with left wing tenured professors. The media is left wing…, it’s endless. The drumbeat out of Hollywood, the culture is left wing and the politicians…. It’s time that people, you, me, parents and grandparents, there’s millions of us, become the Paul and Paulette Reveres, and we inform our kids, have them informed so they challenge the professors, so they challenge the media so they do what needs to be done. I’m pushing for, just like there was a Tea Party movement, a Reagan movement, a Conservative movement a new real Civil Rights movement. Al Sharpton is not a Civil Rights movement, he is a huckster. A real Civil Rights movement where we advance liberty, prosperity, private property rights, capitalism, American sovereignty, and individual sovereignty. That’s what we need to do and that’s what I am pushing for.”


When asked by Hannity about his former best seller, ‘The Liberty Amendments’ and where they stand Levin said, “The Liberty Amendments are there and people need to continue to press for a Convention of the States, bottom up. I talk grass roots all the time, we believe in Federalism, we believe in the 10th Amendment. Washington is not going to correct the design we created, Obama’s on the loose, Congress is on the loose, and the courts are on the loose. Article V is what the framers gave us to fix that.”

As correct as all of Levin’s observations about what is wrong in this book and his preceding books are, his fix is dangerously flawed. Levin never mentioned the extremely dangerous ‘Ratifying Convention’ alternative mentioned in Article V in lieu of State Legislators’ ratifying!

Levin’s brief statements on his proposed ‘fix’ is on page 190 of ‘Plunder and Deceit,’ where he says, “It is impossible to propose a detailed list of tactical directions or plans pertinent to all settings and valid for all times. Nonetheless, several important suggestions are offered in Liberty and Tyranny and The Liberty Amendments, the latter of which is an entire dissertation on the subject of the Constitution’s Article V Convention of the States process, which empowers the American people, through their state legislatures, to civilly and lawfully reform an oppressive federal government.”


Article V of the Constitution of the United State of America:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

ARTICLE V of the Constitution does not specify or guarantee how delegates are picked, what or how many issues are considered and most importantly how the ratification process will be handled (which way will be chosen: through state legislators or through ratifying conventions). The one time we had a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) our founders knew the reality of the day, that being that the 13 states would not ratify, so they set up 9 special ‘Ratifying Conventions.’ And that’s how Utah repealed Prohibition, knowing it would not be ratified by the legislature, so they passed it through an Article V ‘Ratifying Convention.’

Today, the driven ‘behind the scenes’ globalists or their naive followers pushing so hard for Con-Con’s will not leave to chance that ratification be done through pesky state legislatures either. And do you think the convention delegates, chosen by whatever means, would be void of special interests, PACs and CFR/UN influences and baggage?

Most importantly, what makes anyone believe new Amendments would be adhered to or violations be prosecuted any more than current laws not being followed.


So what is the difference between Nullification and an Article V convention?

Citing Bill Hahn, Public Relations Manager for the John Birch Society – Quote:

  • With Nullification, the Constitution is left intact. With this tool States can refuse to enforce unconstitutional federal laws.
  • With a Convention, The Constitution would be changed; either by a single amendment, a series of amendments or possibly a complete rewrite that would destroy what our founders gave us.
  • With Nullification, responsibility rests with each state’s elected legislature sitting as the authority.
  • With a Convention, responsibility rests with delegates appointed or elected from all 50 states. Currently there is no way of knowing who your delegate would be. Let’s think about this; how likely is it that most delegates would be constitutionally minded and looking out for the American people’s best interests.
  • With Nullification, it is usually a short process because only one step is required by a state, not several steps as with a convention.
  • With a Convention this would be a much longer process. It could take years by the time you choose delegates, have a convention for proposing amendments, and then ratifying those amendments by 3/4s of the States.

As you can see

  • With Nullification, the end is known. First, a bill is introduced in a state legislature invalidating an unconstitutional federal law within that state. Next, that bill is passed, rejected, or ignored.
  • With a Convention, the end is unknown. Such a Convention would have the inherent power to be a runaway Convention and completely rewrite the Constitution.

So what do you feel more comfortable with?

Americans are correct when they say our government is out of control and that something needs to be done. What many don’t realize is that the Constitution is not the problem; it is our elected officials who are not obeying the Constitution. Changing the Constitution by means of an Article V convention will not fix this problem.

However, tools, such as nullification, can be used to bring the federal government back within its constitutional boundaries.

It is our duty as Americans to maintain our Republic. We can do so through a citizen-based educational program that informs the electorate on the proper role of government. With an informed electorate, we can elect constitutionally minded individuals who obey the Constitution. It is time to get involved. ‘We the People’ created the Constitution in 1787; now, ‘We the People’ can preserve our freedom by enforcing the Constitution. – Unquote, Bill Hahn


On March 21, 2014 Idaho passed a law declaring that the state does not have to abide by federal gun laws going forward. The law, which criminalizes the enforcement of federal gun laws, passed unanimously in both the House and the Senate and takes effect immediately. Under the new law, state law-enforcement officials could also be fined up to $1,000 and charged with a misdemeanor for enforcing federal gun laws. The new law will:

“Protect Idaho law enforcement officers from being directed, through federal executive orders, agency orders, statutes, laws, rules, or regulations enacted or promulgated on or after the effective date of this act, to violate their oath of office and Idaho citizens’ rights under Section 11, Article I, of the constitution of the state of Idaho.”

The legislation continued:

Any official, agent or employee of the state of Idaho or a political subdivision thereof who knowingly and willfully orders an official, agent or employee of the state of Idaho or a political subdivision of the state to enforce any executive order, agency order, law, rule or regulation of the United States government as provided in subsection (2) of this section upon a personal firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition shall, on a first violation, be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) which shall be paid into the general fund of the state…

“This is an important first step for Idaho,” Tenth Amendment Center spokesman Mike Maharrey told “Getting this law passed will ensure that any new plans or executive orders that might be coming our way will not be enforced in Idaho. Then, once this method is established and shown to be effective, legislators can circle back and start doing the same for federal gun control already on the books.”

Check out the Tenth Amendment, a leading source for constitutional education and nullification activism.


Good representatives doing good representing should see to it that all is well in the world our founders envisioned and for which they created for us with the tools of our Constitution.

It hasn’t been what Government did that made America great. It was what Government was prevented from doing in our Constitution that made the difference. America became great precisely because the stifling effect of too much government had been prevented. However, freedom in America was not totally restrained, Americans overwhelmingly chose to limit their actions to moral codes such as the biblical Ten Commandments. Personal morality and limited government; it’s the combination that characterized America and made it the envy of the world.

“Freedom is difficult to understand because it isn’t a presence but an absence – of governmental constraint,” stated former Secretary of the Treasury the late William Simon in his book ‘A Time for Truth.’

“What’s a guy to do?” we ask at the overwhelming effects of mostly government caused screw-ups. To start with, recognize that most problems stem from government meddling, micromanaging, and regulating in areas in which they have no Constitutional right, expertise, or accountable, management skills.

It truly is ‘George Washington Time.’ We must hang in there and keep our objectives clear. Think of the years of Washington’s defeats, with a ragged, sometimes shoeless army slogging it out in miserable winter conditions, never giving up.


We must start educating ourselves and as much of our centers of influence as possible about the reality of what America has been about: Freedom and Capitalism exuding from our wonderful Constitution. The Constitution of the United States is the bones of what has become the greatest country man has known created by wise men who had first-hand knowledge of real tyranny. Truly a new Con-Con would be a dream come true for the machinating socialist and world government advocates who wish to finish fundamentally changing America as we’ve known it for their own designs. Those that don’t understand their motives are either deluded or the deluding.