The compelling onslaught of violations to our national sovereignty on our southern border has so captivated our nation’s attention that we’ve almost become oblivious to the fact that we have a northern border that is as wide open and much longer that could be an even greater security threat.
There are about 16,000 border patrol agents on the Mexican border. There are about 2,000 agents on the Canadian border, which is twice as long as Mexico’s.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the length of the International Boundary line of the U.S.-Canadian border, excluding Alaska, is approximately 3,987 miles, while the length of the U.S.-Mexican border is estimated at 1,933 miles. The length of the Alaska-Canada border alone is 1,538 miles. Nov 9, 2006 .
States Wilson Ring/AP in his article ‘While the Trump Administration Looks South, Human Smugglers Exploit the Canadian Border:’ “Driving the increase here, officials say, is the ease of entry into Canada, where visas are no longer required for Mexicans, and a border that receives less scrutiny and resources than the southern border, where thousands fleeing violence in Central America are being detained.
“A plane ticket from Mexico City to Montreal or Toronto can cost less than $350.
“The Canadian government in late 2016 lifted its requirement that Mexican citizens apply for visas to enter the country as part of broader efforts to strengthen ties with Mexico. A similar requirement for Romanian citizens took effect in late 2017.
However, the biggest surprise regarding security on our Canadian border is that Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is taking heat for a steady flow of asylum seekers entering Canada from the U.S. since Donald Trump’s election, by people who fear the U.S. will deport them or reject their bids for asylum. What is poor ‘boy’ Trudeau to do?
I suggest he readily consider sharing the cost of our mutual border with us.
It really does come down to how to pay for these walls. Well, I have already suggested that if we straighten out our trade imbalance with Mexico it would go a long way toward paying for the southern border.
The rest? See the GAO report about how the federal government wasted $45 billion in redundant programs and consider that Ron Paul proposed saving $1 Trillion by scrapping 5 federal Departments. Then these very corporations can get back to real free enterprise again.
Philip Mattera in his report, “Subsidizing the Corporate One Percent” reported that $110 billion was given to 965 big business parents of subsidy recipients. Ending this alone will easily pay for the southern border wall without help from Mexico.
Stephanie Condon with CBS News reported in 2011 that Ron Paul during his presidential campaign “unveiled a plan to cut $1 Trillion from the federal budget within one year by cutting a handful of federal departments. KaChing! Walls paid for.
“Paul’s plan would shape the federal government to fit the Texas Republican’s small-government, federalist views, slashing remaining department budgets, immediately ending all war spending, eliminating programs viewed as unnecessary, sending control over programs like Medicaid to the states, scrapping significant regulations and cutting taxes.
“Along with the Departments of Energy and Education, Paul also proposes eliminating the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, and Interior. Paul would also abolish the Transportation Security Administration, leaving security at airports and other transportation systems up to the private sector.”
With our good neighbors, Mexico and Canada prudently sharing the cost of maintaining our friendly countries important national sovereignties we can well pay for the walls. Where there is a will there is a way. If you think you can, you can and everybody wins.
Of course, such proposals most certainly will be met with hell raising objections and gnashing of teeth if ever serious contentions are pushed, but that is life today. The crazies on the left, the sorry RINO’s and totally liberal media are going to bitch about anything that Constitutional Republic loving Americans want because they are all in to take us away into a globalist world run by unaccountable, unelected power elitist who know best about everything for everybody.
Open borders are a vital tool toward that end by those who wish to take us down.
Obama’s presidency produced 81,640 total pages of regulations and rules for 2016 alone, a record. To put into perspective what type of effect the regulatory state has on the American economy, a 2014 report by the National Association of Manufacturers found that regulatory costs on all firms exceed $2 trillion annually and disproportionally affected small businesses.
The English writer G.K. Chesterton stated, “The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.” 99% of these mistakes all have to do with their transgressions in violation of our blessed Constitution.
“The Tenth Amendment emphasizes the belief that the federal government holds only those powers and responsibilities specifically discussed in the Constitution, and that all others are reserved to the individual states, and to the people. This amendment does not give new powers to the states, but specifically safeguards their authority over all matters that are not specifically granted to the federal government.” – The Legal
In the first place, unconstitutional subsidies, grants, loan guarantees, tax deductions, foreign aid, stimulus plans, regulations and unconstitutional agencies shouldn’t exist in our Constitutional Republic!!!
All these actions by our government for citizens, corporations, financial institutions, states, counties, cities and other countries are not what our federal government was set up to do. Our federal government has morphed into a giant good will endeavor purporting to enrich and improve life for the benefit of all, while in fact, it has been expropriating power to itself, charging it all to taxpayers and businesses while unsettling our true ‘competitive’ business dynamic in what should be a free marketplace. Most of this was created at the direction of the establishment (CFR), with a design for gaining control.
Free people prosper. Restrained people… not so much. Nothing spends like someone else’s money, especially when that someone else is utterly inattentive and over trusting. American citizens have been tuned out and too trusting of politicians that are naïve, deluded or eaten up with $PECIAL INTERE$T greed, i.e. Democrats and our betraying RINOs?
And guess what? Not one of these bureaucratic departments or agencies wanttheir ox gored!
We have a spending problem! A budget’s total of expenditures is not ‘theproblem,‘ it is the itemizations!, or the ‘devil in the details’ that create the total to be balanced. Our list of expenditures is the root problem. Like itemizations such as our government spending more on corporate welfare subsidies than social welfare programs in 2006. And that is particularly outrageous when you consider that billions of those welfare expenditures are illegally being paid to non-qualifying illegal aliens which actually now is the greater of the two expenditures.
In FY 2016 total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — was “guesstimated” to be $1,032 billion(that’s over $1 trillion), including $591 billion for Medicaid, and $467 billion in other welfare. There are 70 Federal Domestic Assistance agencies with 2306 programs listed here.
Philip Mattera in his report, “Subsidizing the Corporate One Percent” reported that $110 billion was given to 965 big business parents of subsidy recipients. He also stated that the total number of these awards were over 25,000 and all this accounts for a 75 percent portion of the total value of the Subsidy Tracker universe.
He stated, “Berkshire Hathaway, a company with $485 billion in assets and $20 billionin profits, received over $1 billion of that money. Its chair, Warren Buffett, is worth about $58 billion. Buffett, by the way, is still a darling of the left. He has some nerve to call for higher taxes. The billion dollars his companies took would pay for a lot of teachers, healthcare, and other public goods.” (His alternate recipients would also be receiving the money un-constitutionally.)
From Tom Coburn’s Milking Taxpayers at the in 2015, “American farm subsidies are egregiously expensive, harvesting $20 billion a year from taxpayers’ pockets. Most of the money goes to big, rich farmers producing staple commodities such as corn and soybeans in states such as Iowa.
“To this day, to be treated as a farmer in America doesn’t necessarily require you to grow any crops. According to the Government Accountability Office, between 2007 and 2011 Uncle Sam paid some $3m in subsidies to 2,300 farms where no crop of any sort was grown. Between 2008 and 2012, $10.6m was paid to farmers who had been dead for over a year.”
Stephanie Condon with CBS News reported in 2011 that Ron Paul during his presidential campaign “unveiled a plan to cut $1 Trillion from the federal budget within one year by cutting a handful of federal departments.
“Paul’s plan would shape the federal government to fit the Texas Republican’s small-government, federalist views, slashing remaining department budgets, immediately ending all war spending, eliminating programs viewed as unnecessary, sending control over programs like Medicaid to the states, scrapping significant regulations and cutting taxes.
“Along with the Departments of Energy and Education, Paul also proposes eliminating the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Commerce, and Interior. Paul would also abolish the Transportation Security Administration, leaving security at airports and other transportation systems up to the private sector.”
Writing for the Cato Institute, Chris Edwards says, “So let me suggest some wasteful spending that the new administration should tackle, and the annual savings from terminating each:
K-12 school subsidies, which generate bureaucracy and stifle innovation ($25 billion).
Farm subsidies, which enrich wealthy landowners and harm the environment ($25 billion).
Josh Guckert at Libertarian cites what he calls his Top 10 Examples of Government Waste, “Government Agencies Are Out of Control. When George Washington became President, his cabinet consisted of only an Attorney General and the Secretaries of State, War and Treasury. Needless to say, in the two centuries since then, government bureaucracy has gotten completely out of control, and it has become nearly impossible to keep track of all of the country’s departments and agencies. While there are entire departments that should also be discarded, here are 10 agencies which we could easily do without. Because there are so many which are ineffective and intrusive, this is certainly not an exhaustive list:
It’s interesting that the Government Accountability Office’s 2016 report presents: “ 92 actions that the executive branch or Congress could take to improve efficiency and effectiveness across 37 areas that span a broad range of government missions and functions.
GAO suggests 33 actions to address evidence of fragmentation, overlap, or duplication in 12 new areas across the government missions of defense, economic development, health, homeland security, and information technology.
GAO also presents 59 opportunities for executive branch agencies or Congress to take actions to reduce the cost of government operations or enhance revenue collections for the Treasury across 25 areas of government.”
Here’s a list of the various federal agencies reportedly on the chopping block so far with their budgets. See the full report with more details on each as reported in an article by Taylor Tepper with the above title at
Corporation for Public Broadcasting – Budget: $445 million
National Endowment for the Arts – Budget: $150 million
National Endowment for the Humanities – Budget: $150 million
Minority Business Development Agency – Budget: $36 million
Economic Development Administration – Budget: $215 million
International Trade Administration – Budget: $521 million
Manufacturing Extension Partnership – Budget: $142 million
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services – Budget: $286 million
Office of Violence Against Women – Budget: $480 million
This could be a great beginning but we truly need to jettison a lot more of our socialist bureaus, departments, agencies, laws and regulations which have been exactly what all this ‘big government in control’ has been striving toward. The federal government was never intended to be in charge and certainly not a creator, fixer, charity house and surely not a referee picking winners and losers in the business community. It was established with enumerated powers, period.
IT’S A STATES’ RIGHTS THING. States should control land, water, air and parks. Check the Constitution and awaken. Then threaten your legislators with retirement should they not start the hard job of reclaiming our Republic as it should be. This can and needs being done.
It should be pointed out that former government employees would evolve into vibrant jobs in the expanding commerce of the healthier private sector and be just fine. As Americans, the good ones will appreciate their new freedoms and the whiners will have to attend to some growing up. America isn’t about guarantees. It is about the freedom to grow and succeed and learning valuable lessons that can be built upon when attaining less.
States Bob Adelmann of the New American .com, “The one thing that would work best at reducing government: following the limitations placed on the federal government by the Constitution. Under Article 8, the duties have been enumerated, limited, and then guaranteed under the 10th Amendment: ‘The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.’ Just following the Constitution would, it has been estimated, cut the government by at least 80 percent.” Think of the good that money could do working in the private sector.
America isn’t about government freebies, it’s about freedom, personal responsibility, morality and limited government.
Economic Freedom defined: The freedom to prosper within a country without intervention from a government or economic authority. Individuals are free to secure and protect his/her human resources, labor and private property. Economic freedom is common in capitalist economies and must incorporate other civil liberties to be deemed as truly free. – The Business
Ox goring season is open year round. There are so many oxen to gore, whose protection will be vehemently fought for by LOBBYI$T$, their ‘client’ corporations, supported legislators, Presidents and judges.
I am one of the many Americans who wish you well in your new charge as Premier of Ontario. I must say your outspokenness and the challenges you are undertaking in ‘Liberaldom’ Ontario seems very Trumpian, so a slogan like Make Ontario Great Again (MOGA) seems in order.
My point in writing this is to open your eyes to what has been going on with this Hydro One debacle that intends to spend nearly $7 billion dollars of Ontario’s borrowed money to venture into another sovereign nation’s affairs to buy Avista, a perfectly healthy electric utility company that doesn’t need any help nor extra money that does business in Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Alaska.
I do not believe that Ontario’s Hydro One executives just decided one day to expand into other markets with a business plan that has been a total failure in Ontario. If anything they might have foolishly thought they could buy a company like Avista, here in the Northwestern United States, and milk it for carbon credits by closing dams and coal plants like they have in Ontario. I wouldn’t think that patriotic Ontarians would think like that, only liberal fools who are tools of others.
No. I believe these people at Hydro One have been pawns of the globalist agenda and this nonsensical borrowing of that kind of money for a foreign entanglement, such as the Avista buyout, at way above market prices with $51 million being paid to Avista executives is all about globalists taking control of our electric grid and water ways injuring our economy and weakening our sovereignty.
The Green Energy Act of 2009 codified Maurice Strong’s dream of global warming and Ontarians are suffering the legacy he created as Hydro One’s chairman back in 1992. Strong mentored Al Gore and Barack Obama, who together created the Chicago Climate Exchange a location for you to pay for your climate indulgences.
Should you not be aware, this buyout had rules that would upset you if you lived here and paid attention to the details in this shady concoction: There is so much that is wrong with this deal like Avista and Hydro One getting permission to not have to divulge proprietary information that is vital to this ‘deal,’ such as: • The Cost of Sharing Formula? • Who is the Golden Share? • What are the identities of the holding company parties involved in the Olympus Holding Corp.? • The proposed closing of our valuable and very efficient 13 dams for the sake of cap and trade credits should be criminal.
I believe your most important priorities as I see it from here are completing your audit and your selections of the best people you can find dedicated to accomplishing your goals and their being held accountable to them for the citizens of Ontario. With Ontarians having the most debt per capita of any non-sovereign state in the world you have all you can say grace over without new international conflictions.
Premier Ford, it would be wonderful, if you would announce that you are ending the pursuit of this insane Avista purchase, thereby giving the new management of Hydro One the fullest advantage of focusing on their utmost priorities where they should be, in Ontario, and not doing the bidding of others in the UN/globalist community. We would like to see both Hydro One and our newly organized avoid all the unnecessary organizational and legal expenses that will grow vigorously if this continues. Our group is growing rapidly as we get the word out and will become a force to be reckoned with. We just filed for a NEPA Coordination Process in Spokane, WA on July 23rd.
We here in America wish you the best in your Herculean undertaking. Done well, should awaken Canada to the need for a leader like you in the near future.
Above: Obstructionist, RINO Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and his protector wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chow, who also is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
There are many issues that are considered top priorities in President Trump’s agenda to MAGA, but none greater than being able to move on with necessary legislation and especially now to have confirmations on appointments completed in a timely fashion.
One of his greatest priorities is his Supreme Court appointment that has received absurd protestations, way before he even announced a candidate.
Truly a deep state RINO, Mitch McConnell obviously is following the dictates of the Deep State, otherwise known as The Council on Foreign Relations, of which his wife, who is also Secretary of Transportation, Elain Chow, is a member. McConnell may as well be outed as a card-carrying, rabid, far left Democrat, no matter what ruse he puts on.
As of November 2017, he had not brought to the floor over 300 bills the House has passed this last year.
At that time Wikipedia reported, “Fewer than halfof President Trump’s judicial nominees had been confirmed by the Senate.
McConnell has been limiting the Senate from considering nominations by cutting its hours. This has so outraged conservative leaders that 133 of them wrote McConnell directly complaining that “The slow pace of Senate confirmations is exacerbated by the Senate’s continued insistence on working no more than 2½ days a week: arriving on Monday evening for a handful of votes, and departing, on average, by 2:30 pm each Thursday afternoon.”
“The opportunity to transform the American judiciary toward freedom and away from tyranny won’t last forever. It’s hard enough for the president to fight intransigent Democrats who are opposing him every step of the way. He now finds that he must fight Republican Senator Mitch McConnell as well.” – Bob Adelmann,
A prime example of why Mitch needs to go ASAP is his handling of President Trump’s $60 billion in federal spending rescissions last April when he instead pushed through a mammoth budget-busting $1.3 trillion spending bill.
Steve Byas of The New cited “House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) was also quite pleased with the bill. ‘The House just voted to rebuild our military, secure our borders, and give our service members their largest pay raise in eight years.’ But it was the Democrats — the people McConnell had “brokered” a deal with — who appeared to be most pleased with the spending bill.
“Congressman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) summed up what the Democrats thought about the bill. ‘We got about 80 percent of what we were trying to get.’
“Most Republicans, on the other hand, except for their leadership, have expressed disgust. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) said, ‘This year we’re looking at a deficit of $750 billion to $1 trillion. Next year, the estimate is $1 trillion or more. I have to wonder if there is any way that we can avoid a national insolvency or bankruptcy.’
“Yet, McConnell appears more concerned with good relations with the minority party Democrats than he does with his relationship with members of his own party or the president in the White House — also of his own party. Which helps explain why the Republicans are technically in the majority in the House and Senate, but the minority Democrats get 80 percent of what they want.”
The Dimms long ago set precedent via their hotshot former Senate Leader Harry Reid, in 2013 by changing the vote for confirmation of Supreme Court Justices to a majority rule vote of 51%. However, these days it seems the Dimms don’t need precedent for anything. They are such obstructionists they will not stop at anything for their conquests. While the Republicans opine the need to uphold tradition and gentlemanly agreements.
Paul Kane writing for the Washington Post also back in 2013 in his article “Reid, Democrats trigger ‘nuclear’ option; eliminate most filibusters on nominees: “Democrats used a rare parliamentary move to change the rules so that federal judicial nominees and executive-office appointments can advance to confirmation votes by a simple majority of Senators, rather than the 60-vote supermajority that has been the standard for nearly four decades.
“The immediate rationale for the move was to allow the confirmation of three picks by President Obama to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit — the most recent examples of what Democrats have long considered unreasonably partisan obstruction by Republicans.
“In the long term, the rule change represents a substantial power shift in a chamber that for more than two centuries has prided itself on affording more rights to the minority party than any other legislative body in the world. Now, a president whose party holds the majority in the Senate is virtually assured of having his nominees approved, with far less opportunity for political obstruction.”
So GOP Senators, now is the time for you to stand up and show us if you are authentic party platform breathing, Constitutional Republicans or deep state RINOs like McConnell who are out to undermine President Trump at any opportunity. Judge Brett Kavanaugh needs to be confirmed as early as possible so the Senate can move on to other important priorities for American citizens so we can collectively make America greater.
There is no time to lose in the Senate and much on the line for the upcoming November elections. The Senate must be in sync with President Trump’s agenda and it is doubtful to happen on two-faced Mitch’s watch which seems apparent given his history.
Top priority: Get the Senate to oust McConnell, replace him with a real Republican like Rand Paul or Mike Lee.
Priority number 2: Get the House to do the same with Ryan and replace him with Jim Jordan or Mark Meadows. Once Trump has the support of Congress he can deal with Priority number 3 quite easily.
Priority number 3:THE PRIZE – Fire the entire Dept. of Justice (DOJ) hierarchy Sessions, Rosenstein and Mueller and their FBI cohort Wray. I especially relish the vision of doing it with a flourish by sending the Marshall Service or better yet the Marines in and taking them out in cuffs since there are plenty of charges to accompany the action and then carry out truckloads of all the documents that have been requested by house committees and refused, even under subpoenas.
Confirmations for their replacements could be quite expedient in the Senate and prosecuting them could also be a lot easier in the House with ‘team’ leaders in both houses instead of the deep state obstructionist ‘Never Trumper’ team of McConnell/Ryan.
American patriots are so disgusted with our broken justice system that is clearly two-sided today, this action should be a great boost in the mid-term elections to any American that is paying attention to reality and understands what America is genuinely about.
Of course, the big payoff at DOJ would come in the prosecutions of all the players in the Russiagate fiasco, and a seemingly endless row of Teflon Democrats such as the Clintons, Obama, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner, Loretta Lynch, Timothy Geithner, Jack Lew, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Thomas Perez, Huma Abedin and Debbie Wasserman Shultz. See a list of their transgressions in the article Travesty or Justice?
Again, the kingpin action to focus on in making this all happen is booting the deep state’s ‘cork in the bottle’ McConnell out the door. That will take some serious organizing and strong pressures on Senate members to get ‘er done. This will be particularly difficult in light of the fact that so many Senators are avowed RINOs. But, this effort needs to be organized and pushed with heavy pressures and the strongest of priorities on all GOP Senators. It is the key to the other two priorities.
Accomplishing this top priority could light the fuse for the same treatment immediately for Ryan in the House. The House recognizes the need to boot RINO Ryan sooner than his desired time frame but hasn’t made it their top priority yet.
Accomplishing these three priorities would create a panacea to build from for making and keeping America greater.
However, it is just too much to expect in a patriots idea of a perfect world, but wouldn’t it be great if fake news media owners and their many lying and propagandist employees were held to truth standards that hold them responsible for their intentional crimes of false information, defamation of character and outright treason with reports that harm America. A man can dream, I suppose.