Please see meeting invitations at end of the article.
This quote, “Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children,” came from the great Walter Elias Disney. Truer words were never spoken, because our children’s education, good or bad determines America’s future.
Today’s children are not being educated properly like we older citizens were. Far from it. Under Common Core they are being indoctrinated into what to think instead of learning how to think for themselves while being molded into socialist and even social-justice warriors. Along the way they are also having ideologies imposed upon them such as transgenderism, global governance, global warming, homosexuality and they are getting sexualized way younger developmentally than they would ordinarily be.
The three R’s today are racism, revisionism and relativism. All this is devastating to a student’s prospects for success in a competitive world where creative thinking, skills and application reign.
As Selwyn Duke of The New American magazine says in his article ‘Craziness in Kids’ Classes,‘ “In fact, what transpires in government schools today is so bizarre that sometimes you’d be inclined to say ‘You can’t make this stuff up’ – except that someone did”.
Furthermore, Duke says, “If the ‘philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next,’ as the apocryphal saying goes, then today’s Blackboard Jungle could lead us to a true dark age.
Fortunately, in Idaho today, we still can opt out of public schools for a more traditional Classic American education, or at least a lot closer to one, in charter schools, Christian schools and in homeschooling programs. However, charter schools that need to supplement their funding by accepting government money can get controlling tentacles attached to that funding thus handicapping their ability to teach everything the way they might wish.
Six years ago The John Birch Society (JBS) created the Freedom Project Academy (FPA) which is ‘Home Schooling Done Right.’ It is a fully accredited, Judeo-Christian based classical American school with Common Core free classes and textbooks, taught ‘live’ by 47 teachers for K-12 educating that is second to none. It includes three foreign language courses: Latin, French and Spanish. FPA accepts no government funding. Cost is $2200 a year for each student. Please check the website:FreedomProject Academy
Also, many homes are made up of working couples where homeschooling is not possible, so now FPA offers an accompanying program named FreedomProject Partnership which seeks out churches and other venues that can provide a classroom environment. Charter and Christian schools that don’t offer all grades in their schools can augment those missing classes by utilizing FPA’s fine classes through the Partnership Program without having to hire extra teachers.
Dr. Duke Pesta, a tenured professor at the University of Wisconsin serves as FPA’s Academic Dean. An absolutely captivating speaker/teacher, who has electrified audiences all across the country, he will be speaking on Friday May 4th in Spokane, WA at Mirabeau Park Hotel at 3PM for RSVP invited guests on ‘The Big Picture’ and on Saturday the 5th at CenterPlace at 3 PM for the public covering the classes and curricula. See the invitations below.
For RSVP reservations for the Friday event or any questions contact Rich Loudenback at 208 755-7717.
On Saturday, April 14th, in Post Falls, Idaho, the Free Event: ‘Is Free-Market Capitalism Moral?’ – Sponsored by FEE (Foundation for Economic Education) and Northwest Liberty Academy (NWLA) hosted an audience made up of mostly homeschooling students, their parents and their supporters which included some local political candidates who were there for the right reasons and not for campaign purposes.
The program was opened with a welcome from Washington state’s lead conservative state representative, Matt Shea followed by a talk titled ‘Capitalism Beats Socialism. Naturally!’ given by FEE’s Director of Programs & Alumni Relations, Jason Riddle.
Speaker and Discussion Leader, Howard W. Beatty then gave a talk, “Free Trade vs. Central Planning which included some activity with the attendees.
The most memorable event of the day came after lunch when Beatty conducted the “Lemonade Trading Game” a very engaging activity that saw competing teams established to trade among each other for the ingredients like sugar and elements like cups, straws, and fake money that went into marketing lemonade.
The trading was interrupted a few times to introduce market adjustments such as shortages, surpluses, product recalls (damaged cups) and a new product introduction to their market, a new strawberry flavored drink. This learning activity was enjoyed by all.
Summing up the day’s events, Howard Beatty stated, “In our meeting today we discussed the three fundamental flaws of socialism and why it will fail every time it is tried. It does not matter who did it, or who’s trying to put it together, the three fundamental flaws are the incentive problem, the knowledge problem, and the calculation problem.
“The beauty of capitalism and why it is the best moral economic system that has been devised yet is based completely on free exchange between people. It requires every businessman to persuade customers to part with their money to buy his or her products and in so doing the businessman makes a profit between the price and his cost to produce it and the customer also makes value for himself because what they are purchasing is worth more to them than the price they paid.”
Alan and Elizabeth Hodge, co-founders of NW Liberty Academy extended an invitation for students to attend their ‘2018 NWLA Summer Symposium’ at the NNU Campus on June 20th – 23rd.
Northwest Liberty Academy Mission: “Advancing the principles of a Free Society and Free Enterprise beginning with the Founders’ acknowledgment that men are by nature free and derive their natural rights from God, not government; that the proper role of good government is to protect the inalienable rights to ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ and that free enterprise is the right of the people to engage in a free and moral exchange of ideas, goods and services.”
One of last year’s Symposium students, Aubrey Jacobs gave a short testimonial regarding the merit of her experience, “The symposium was awesome and I enjoyed every moment of it. I went there thinking I was going to learn only about capitalism and that wasn’t the half of it. There were classes on economics, trading, the value of money, the political process and so much more.”
Included in the Summer Symposium are interactive games and discussions on free-trade, entrepreneurism and a personal tour of all three branches of the government at the State Capitol in Boise.
NWLA quotes John Adams on their Summer Symposium brochure: “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.”
For more info about the Summer Symposium contact Alan & Elizabeth Hodge: A 208 869-2942 or E 208 869-1709
It seems I should acknowledge the candidates who were present, while other politicos were out campaigning against some of them. They and their candidacies are: Leslie Duncan (Kootenai County Commissioner), John Green (State Representative District 2, Seat B), Bjorn Handeen (Precinct 52 Central Committeeman) and Hari Heath (State Representative District 5, Seat A).
Growing awareness of the failures of the Democrat Party’s strong brand of socialism today have left the socialist crazies who have taken over the party evidently no choice but to double down on poker-faced lies that are always upheld vociferously by their comrades in the fake news media intending to create believers by repeating it often enough.
A long time ago the Democrat Party’s lack of a positive direction led President Ronald Reagan to make a great point in historywhen he said, “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, it left me.”
The Democrat Party today is nowhere near the party of your grandfather’s. Their failures are so numerous and their lack of good positions so poor all they can come up with is lies. There is no other nice way to put it. Lies are lies.
The Dem’s have always purported to be the party of the little guy and the unions struggling against Wall Street and big business. However, revealing truths expose that using that same effective political ploy was used by Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Castro. That very deceptive, classic, socialist claim about fighting for the oppressed vs. the powerful, very wealthy has been a mainstay Democrat bread and butter claim for decades.
Deceptive is truly the word when 8 of the top 10 wealthiest net worth Americans support the Democrat Party. In order of their wealth as of March 2018 according to Forbes, have you heard of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin? All in the tank for Obama’s & Hillary’s world of Democrats.
Quoting a 2014 Investors’ Business Dailey editorial, Democrats: The Real Party of The Rich, ‘‘Indeed, a recent book, ‘The New Leviathan,’ says donations to Democrats outstrip those to Republicans 7-to-1. How can this be? Democrat support soars when you include unions, universities, superPACs, nonprofits, left-wing interest groups, and — ready for this? — Wall Street (which overwhelmingly favors Democrats).”
Never mind that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history.
In the first place most non-black Americans I have known couldn’t care less about blackness or any kind of race identification. We are simply people on earth with many skin tinctures, roots, and backgrounds. Get over it.
My wife and I are native Idahoans who lived over 30 years all over the southeastern U.S. and I have traveled extensively all but two of our states and traveled four provinces of Canada. I saw people of all races occasionally complaining less about race as much as I saw them complaining about sports teams, regions of the country, religions, politics, etc.
A testament to good race relations is the success of transitional neighborhoods that have grown nationwide. Walter E. Williams, an economist from George Mason University and a best-selling author, noted: “There is no question, though it’s not acknowledged enough, that black Americans have made greater gains, over some of the highest hurdles and in a very short span of time, than any other racial group in mankind’s history.”
By and large I and most people today don’t think a thing of the subject of racism except when we hear the ginning up of it by the race baiters constantly repeated by the sorry fake news media.
This political abomination from the left, in reality, is creating reverse racism with influenced blacks that are being megaphoned by the race-baiters for the hidden agenda of the left to create division and support for themselves.
See: ‘Racism is a Tool of the Left’
A blatant lie if ever there was a blatant lie is the democrats’ constant drumming that Americans should be sympathetic for all immigration with no differentiation between legal or illegal. They then try to claim that Republicans are against immigration as though all immigration is, or should be, legal. Facts are facts. When we say illegal (with tongue in cheek) we are not talking about a sick bird here. Illegal immigration is unlawful immigration. These Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters types spewing their despicable and shameful mantra appear to be what the Democrat Party is all about now.
Most Americans without their heads in the sand get it, recognize reality and wish these bigmouths would just shut up and go away. Actually, however, I wonder if perhaps these such bigmouths might not be the Republican Party’s biggest recruiters.
The Dims efforts to gin up support for DACA recipients and open borders has been a glaring deceptive attempt to gain additional votes and election support. However, now that they have in their drive to oppose literally everything Trumpian no matter what, by turning down his most generous offer to support a DACA program that even included three times as many DACA people as the Dims were originally trying to get support for, these cocky Dims hopefully have shot themselves in the foot with the DACA folks.
All the Dims seem to exude today is vitriol for all things Constitutional and for traditional American values. Instead they promote a full time view for our need to become good socialists who should capitulate to become a member state of a globalist government run by unelected, unaccountable elitists who know best about everything for everybody. All they want is control as quickly as they can get it, to impeach President Trump and with the help of the establishment’s minions on both sides of the aisle finish what the worst President in our history, Obama, almost completed.
The second way to spell it is RINO (Republicans In Name Only). That’s right, those politicians with an R after their name who are not following our fantastic Constitution and the great GOP Platform are as bad as the sorry Dims have become. It’s because of these two factions of the Democrats’ ways that we are in the sad state that America has evolved to today. This is our biggest problem spelled out in a nutshell. Most Americans recognize our big problem is bad representation in Congress, however they may not so clearly understand why. What most citizens want to know once they catch on, is what is the solution?
There is absolutely nothing more harmful to Americans and our way of life than our own complacency and refusal to pay attention to how our elected officials vote on issues. That’s the simple truth about why we have the paltry state of affairs in our government that we do today. We are solely responsible for the government we have been getting because we have been too trusting, flat out un-involved and utterly clueless about how the Establishment and LOBBYI$T$ led folks we’ve elected do what they wish, which generally hasn’t had that much to do with what they should be doing for us by following our Constitution.
There’s a very simple way of identifying which elected representatives need replacing in our Idaho statehouse and in Congress in Washington DC. We need to study The Freedom Indexes for both bodies which shows exactly how they vote with criteria in keeping with Federal and State Constitutions and then cull the bad ones at the voting box. Here in Idaho The Freedom Index is at published by ‘The Idaho Freedom Foundation.’ Since the legislature is currently in session, go over on the right side of the page and click on 2016 to see the most recent index completed.
For the U.S. Congress see The Freedom Index at The New “A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution” rates congressmen based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements. In this second session of the 115th Congress just completed, abysmally our congressmen and senators in Washington, D.C. voted with the Constitution 45% of the time in the House and 31 percent of the time in the Senate. So there you see now why we are where we are.
Don’t count on a thing politicians say, only believe what you see and judge them on how they vote! Then do your part in draining the swamp by culling them at the ballot box and replace them with Constitutional following patriots that understand the importance of upholding the oaths they swear to when they are elected.
From Frederic Bastiat’s ‘The Law,’ “God has given to men all that is necessary for them to accomplish their destinies. He has provided a social form as well as a human form. And these social organs of persons are so constituted that they will develop themselves harmoniously in the clean air of liberty. Away, then, with quacks and organizers! Away with their rings, chains, hooks, and pincers! Away with their artificial systems! Away with the whims of governmental administrators, their socialized projects, their centralization, their tariffs, their government schools, their state religions, their free credit, their bank monopolies, their regulations, their restrictions, their equalization by taxation, and their pious moralizations!
“And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works.”
To which I add, it is our fault for not paying attention, letting our elected officials zealously getting away with too much playing in the candy store with no supervision and not replacing them with constitutionally patriotic Americans.