Why NAFTA and All ‘Free Trade’ Must Be Stopped

From: GemStatePatriot.com                  

Free trade is a true misnomer, a ruse. Free trade is not fair trade. It always has lots of controlling tentacles. NAFTA is the example for why we should get out of all Free Trade Agreements (FTA’s).

NAFTA proponent Gary Hufbauer member of the Council on Foreign Relations and of the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) predicted in his 1993 paper NAFTA An Assessment,’ “with NAFTA, U.S. exports to Mexico will continue to outstrip Mexican exports to the United States, leading to a U.S. trade surplus with Mexico of about $7 billion to $9 billion annually between 2000 and 2010.” Really?


Our current trade deficits in NAFTA are: Canada – $582 billion traded with an $18 billion deficit and Mexico – $557 billion traded with a $71 billion deficit.

The year before NAFTA we enjoyed a trade surplus of $1.66 billion. The first year after NAFTA we had a $15.8 billion deficit. Increasing greatly every year since, since 2010 we have been running a deficit with Mexico not to mention that before NAFTA we exported around 225,000 cars annually to Mexico and in 2016 Mexico’s exports to the U.S. has surpassed 3.1 million cars. Chrysler, Ford and GM transferred major production facilities to Mexico in the last several years.

Haufbauer also predicted that 170,000 new net jobs will be created by NAFTA. In a 1995 interview with the Wall Street Journal, he admitted, “The best figure for the jobs effect of NAFTA is approximately zero… The lesson for me is to stay away from job forecasting.”

An August 2017 article in the Washington Post (no friend of President Trump’s) reported “The numbers are clear. The U.S. government has certified that at least 700,000 Americans have lost their jobs due to changing trade flows resulting from NAFTA.Many people believe that the number is much, much bigger than that.” — United States Trade Representative Robert E. Lighthizer, remarks on NAFTA renegotiation, Aug. 16

The late, Professor Robert A Pastor, one of the leading architects of the European Union wrote in Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations: “NAFTA was merely the first draft of an economic constitution for North America.”

NAFTA supporter Andrew Reding of the World Policy Institute has written: “With economic integration will come political integration…. One of the purposes of NAFTA and other international trade agreements is to set the principles by which such decisions are to be made, including the critical question of how to “harmonize” differing labor, consumer, environmental, and other standards. By whatever name, this is an incipient form of international government.”

During the Obama years, the endeavor toward ‘our partnering’ was being broadened and expedited through implementation of new foreboding ‘free trade agreements.’

Real free trade is as it should be, FREE. These masked agreements are chock full of restricting and illegal regulations that, like our experience with NAFTA, are ruinous to our interests, freedom, and sovereignty.

What does climate change, sustainable development, internet regulation, homeland security, the military and international courts have to do with trade? Nothing, but it’s all part of the pending free trade agreements.

Critical for our attention recently has been the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the looming Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

Fortunately, President Trump has for now put a stop to these deceitful and very dangerous programs that want only one thing out of us. Control. If you study them they include long lists of all kinds of controls and worse even are the courts that circumvent our own courts.

During the Obama administration’s dealing with TPP, members of congress were shut out of negotiations, no press or public participation was allowed, yet corporate lobbyists, other nations and their corporate lobbyists were having full access. The only information available was that that was leaked.


William F Jasper, Senior Editor of The New American magazine states, “The fact is that the European Union (EU) began as an economic and trade pact that, over the course of six decades, morphed into a full-blown supranational government that is now in the process of wiping out the few remaining vestiges of national sovereignty of its member states. And what is important to note is the blatant lying and deception that has been essential to each advance of the EU project along these lines. At each crucial step, when critics objected that a new set of EU powers would lead to destruction of national sovereignty and independence, the EU prop­agandists would assure the contrary and insist that “economic integration,” “harmonization,” and “convergence” posed no threat to national sovereignty, tradition, and local rule. Those assurances have now been proven completely false. “Vladimir Bukovsky, the famous Russian dissident, author, neurophysiologist, and survivor of Soviet prisons, psychiatric prisons, and labor camps states: “It is no accident that the European Parliament, for example, reminds me of the Supreme Soviet.”

Mr. Jasper also reports: “The TPP and TTIP should be of special concern to Americans, since…. the authors and promoters of these agreements admit that they deal with far more than trade and have been designed to drag the United States into “regional governance” on a host of issues. The architects of the TPP and TTIP are virtually unanimous in their head-over-heels praise of, and support for, the political and economic merger taking place in the European Union. The once-sovereign nations of Europe have been tricked, bribed, and browbeaten into yielding control over almost every aspect of their lives to globalist banking and corporate elites and their bureaucratic servitors in Brussels. The national governments, legislatures, and courts in the European Union are becoming mere administrative units of the unaccountable rulers of the increasingly tyrannical EU central government.


This should tick you off! In 2013, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) issued a statement criticizing the Obama administration for the lack of oversight into an agreement with devastating potential: “After more than a decade of broken promises from NAFTA, CAFTA, and normalized trade relations with China, we can now add a credibility deficit to the trade deficits we’ve seen. The leaked documents surfacing today only underscore the secrecy surrounding TPP negotiations and confirm worst suspicions about the direction trade negotiations are heading. It’s telling that it is easier for the CEO of a major corporation to access information about the negotiations than the American people’s elected representatives.


There’s nothing partisan about this fight. This is an American fight. In 2015, out of curiosity, I googled ‘democrats opposing FTA’s’ and quite surprisingly, I found many democrats were alarmed at the blatant undertakings of the FTA’s as well as the secrecy. Prominent democrats included Senator Ron Wyden (OR). And Representatives Rosa DeLauro (CT) and George Miller (CA) as well as 149 others in the House told Obama they would not support Fast Track for the TPP.

Quoting from the U.S. House Democrats’ letter to Obama in November 2013 on the subject: “For some time, members of Congress have urged your administration to engage in broader and deeper consultations with members of the full range of committees of Congress whose jurisdiction touches on the numerous issues being negotiated. Many have raised concerns relating to reports about the agreement’s proposed content… Such opportunity for input from Congress is critical as the TPP FTA will include binding obligations that touch upon a wide swath of policy matters under the authority of Congress.

“Beyond traditional tariff issues, these include policies related to labour, patent and copyright, land use, food, agriculture and product standards, natural resources, the environment, professional licensing, competition, state-owned enterprises and government procurement policies, as well as financial, healthcare, energy, e-commerce, telecommunications and other service sector regulations.

“Twentieth Century ‘Fast Track’ is simply not appropriate for 21st Century agreements and must be replaced. THE UNITED STATES CANNOT AFFORD ANOTHER TRADE AGREEMENT THAT REPLICATES THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST. WE CAN AND MUST DO BETTER.” Fast Track today is called ‘Trade-Promotion Authority’ (TPA).


In 2015, Congress shamefully voted to relinquish their Constitutional responsibility for negotiating trade to the sorriest elected American, (if he truly is bonafide) to ever hold office, in my opinion, who again, in my opinion, wasn’t capable of negotiating himself out of a wet paper bag. In that relinquishing of their responsibility to deceitful Obama, many members took a lot of money for passing that legislation.

Back in May, 2015 when Congress passed TPA The Guardian identified the source of the money and the senators who participated in the bipartisan betrayal:

“Using data from the Federal Election Commission, this chart shows all donations that corporate members of the U.S. Business Coalition for TPP made to U.S. Senate campaigns between January and March 2015, when fast-tracking the TPP was being debated in the Senate:

“Out of the total $1,148,971 given, an average of $17,676.48 was donated to each of the 65 “yea” votes.

 “The average Republican member received $19,673.28 from corporate TPP supporters.

 “The average Democrat received $9,689.23 from those same donors.”

That same very shameful ‘tainted’ Congress today is as inept for such a task of negotiating as the infamous ‘Mr. Hope and Change,’ deceitful Obama was. Under normal circumstances Constitutionally, Congress should not extend the TPA.

However, today, wide awake Americans who recognize that our non-perfect President Trump, who may not have all the answers ‘yet,’ or the best staff he needs ‘yet,’ is aces, and by far, the best breath of fresh air Washington, DC has experienced in decades. The Donald has the instinct for true American values and our best interests at heart and certainly has the negotiating prowess to deal with these complex trade issues on our behalf much more safely than would the corrupt, deep state orchestrated, special interest Congress with a most disgusting track record that’s virtually performance free but for the tax reduction bill. I feel it would be wisest for us to most safely extend TPA before July 1, 2018, for President Trump to deal with than for this establishment Congress. Be damned with this dangerous Congress!


We need to replace all the RINO’s & Democrats in Congress with rock-solid platform following patriotic Republicans. Liberty Caucus Republicans if you will. The Republican Party Platform like The Constitution Party have fine platforms that very closely mirror our Constitution. If only 90% of Republicans were following their platform and thecontemptible Mitch McConnell would invoke the Nuclear Optionwhich is as the Constitution specifies: ‘majority vote in the Senate,’ we would be in great shape to go forward accomplishing much, instead of all the shameful and intentional stagnation designed to continue taking our great Republic into the world of the establishment’s drive to make us a member state of a global government. McConnell has got to go and we must watch voting on The Freedom Index!


Of course, the ‘dumbing down’ media moguls are directing their newsrooms away from exposing these Trojan Horse endeavors cloaked in such an innocently beneficial sounding name as ‘free’ trade. When really what’s clandestinely being crafted by poker-faced ‘newsmen’ and their orchestrators who continually act with virtual impunity, is extremely harmful to our continued future as a capitalist society and contributing to our demise as a free sovereign nation.


This real story needs to get out! FTA’s need understanding, exposing, and acted upon with serious blocking action legislation, if necessary, before it’s too late. FTA’s and subsequent ‘national unions’ might be accomplished in an on-going gradual secretive process. Most people probably don’t believe this really can happen. Really!!! They’re either too trusting or asleep at the switch.

American sovereignty will be dissolved if these giant FTA’s are reawakened to transition us to fruition as intended. Then freedom loving Americans will be told by a world government run by unaccountable, unelected global power elitist what’s best for us and how we must conduct all aspects of our lives with unfathomable rules about everything that makes our current big government maladies appear like we’re just in training for the ‘big hurt’ (my expression) and all the while subordinating our new member state status during our transition to the UN, WHICH WE SHOULD BE OUT OF!

President Trump might need to use the carrot of negotiating if he wishes to use some of these free trade issues like tools to barter into accomplishing other ends, perhaps such as border walls, etc. but he must become aware of our greatest danger lurking in these purported ‘programs:’ the regulations and courts that pose our nation’s greatest threat, our loss of control. FTA’S demand control. The best Trump could do is to get us totally out of all free trade programs!

‘Free trade’ has always been a giant misnomer of those that would have their way with our weak, naïve and even complicit negotiators from the likes of the National Chamber of Commerce who are all in with these globalist machinators.

Thank God we have President Trump dealing with this topic. We need to pray that he will continue to stay focused on how bad the mechanics of these programs are in their controls even more than the predatory price agreements. It would be most desirous to hear President Trump say, “We are not doing any ‘free trade’ agreements! We are only going to work on ‘fair trade’ agreements with individual countries, one on one. That makes good sense and truly is the fairest and safest way to trade”

See: ‘Globalists and Nationalists: Who Owns the Future?’

51st State Status for Liberty State Gains Momentum

From: GemStatePatriot.com                 


Matt Shea, Washington State’s firebrand state representative from Spokane County is extremely pleased to report that the endeavor to create a new state out of eastern Washington which would be the 51st state named Liberty has grown leaps and bounds.

States Shea, “The momentum of the Liberty State movement has been incredible. We have been getting county captains left and right. We’ve got people from all different walks of life that are joining the drive and dozens and dozens of flags have been sold and are flying all over the state. We get a lot of pictures of them.

“The flag design is made up of three stars that represent opportunity, resiliency, and the rule of law. The wheat sheaves are a nod to our agricultural traditions, the broken sword is a nod to the sacrifice to the people that have been bringing this issue for literally decades to try to make happen. The broken shackles symbolizes that we don’t want any more of the yoke to the tyranny of downtown Seattle. The blue in the background is really truth and loyalty and of course you have the very centerpiece of the entire flag which is the Osprey, a symbol of freedom really indigenous to our area as well and I think one of the great designs that I’ve ever seen in people of really love that design. It’s really been well received.

“We have a drafting committee that is drafting the proposed Constitution for the state of Liberty to then put it out for public comment. One of the greatest minds in the Constitution working on it is Mark Herr, President and founder of Center for Self-Governance.

“Comments can be made at our website Liberty state.org. There are a lot of resources up there including a presentation I made up in Colville that really lays out all of the details on Liberty State. That presentation really answers a lot of questions. A lot of people were asking questions like is it popular? – Yes. Is it constitutional? – Yes. Do we have enough money in revenue to make the state go? – Yes we do. That presentation answers a lot of those questions.”

He stated that some people try to make the claim that it will be the poorest state in the country. He says that’s just not true since it has such vast natural resources. The new state’s geography already generates power in eastern Washington for 11 other states. He states that there is so much area and room for everything from the tech sector to growing plants, to manufacturing and all kinds of other endeavors with more than enough room.

Shea pointed out that one of the newest questions that comes up is whether or not Congress would vote for this because article 4 section 3 of the U.S. Constitution says a simple majority vote in the state legislature is required whereas in Congress they won’t vote for something like this because they argue it upsets the voting balance in the Senate.

He says interestingly, Puerto Rico recently voted to become the 51st state. If balance in the number of states is the main concern, the state of Liberty could, along with Puerto Rico or Northern California (the proposed state of Jefferson movement that’s also underway) be voted on at the same time and then you wouldn’t have that balance upset. Problem solved, welcome to the union, Liberty USA. So… 51st or 52nd, who’s picky, right?

Asked how close the Washington legislature is to voting for this, Shea answered, “Actually we’re very close in Washington in the Senate where we’re one vote down and in the house, we’re two votes down for majorities. Our next election will be absolutely critical to see which direction we head. At the very least we will have a hearing and we will have an opportunity to bring it to the floor for a vote. I can’t speculate on the results, but we will have an opportunity to do that if we’re in the majority and there will be a discussion.

“A lot of the folks on the other side of the state say we’re a bunch of welfare freeloaders over here in eastern Washington to where they send all the money and stuff. So let us go.

“If we split the state, that’s actually going to benefit Seattle as well with more money for their social programs. They can do all the socialistic experimenting they want to on the other side of the state and sometimes I’ve heard from people over in downtown Seattle say that they feel that people like us in eastern Washington are hindering their ability to head toward the socialist utopia that they want. If we split the state they would be able to do that. So it actually helps in both senses on both sides.”

“The great part about splitting a state, and this mechanism our founding fathers left us, is that it is the mechanism so that geographic areas can be better represented according to the traditions, culture, heritage, beliefs, and values of the local people.”

Shea mentioned that Northern California’s effort to split into the state of Jefferson is very organized. He said his Liberty group has copied a lot of the things they’ve done in Jefferson’s efforts, shared ideas back and forth and stay in close contact with them. He also said Jefferson has a court case going on down there in regards to proportional representation, in other words, they feel like their world and their vote has been diluted and their representation is being diluted. They don’t have the representation that was envisioned by the founding fathers.

“They’re going to push the court case,” Shea stated. “We’re in close contact with them to keep track of where they are. In fact, I had Mark Baird on my radio program today who is one of the big proponents of the state of Jefferson.

“The next mover going forward in our endeavor is to establish county captains in all counties in the proposed state of Liberty. We’re getting county commissioners to vote on a resolution in support of the state of Liberty. There are three counties that are already looking at doing that.

“In the near term we are doing presentations, we have already a half dozen presentations that are already in the queue. The next one will be in Newport Washington this weekend the 31stand 1st. Most of these presentations are very, very well attended and every time very well received.”

He said it’s important for people to understand that you don’t have to be a separate state to claim ground for liberty. You can have a flag flying and just claim that ground for liberty. It’s a mindset, a way of life. He thinks there are a lot of Americans today that know something is wrong, who want to get back to the mindset of truth, the mindset of freedom and liberty and that our property rights really do exist.

He shared a basic understanding of freedom, “I don’t have to be looking over my shoulder for somebody, whether somebody is trying to take my gun; I don’t have to look over my shoulder whether somebody is going to kill the unborn; I don’t have to look over my shoulder whether a bureaucrat is going to come find me at my small business; I don’t have to look over my shoulder because some Bureaucrat is going to come onto my property and try to find me because my cows are too close to a creek. You shouldn’t have to worry about that.”

When asked about Spokane becoming the capital of the state, he said that it should probably be located more near the center of the new state and that’s something people can decide later. “We’re just trying to get the opportunity to become a new state that truly represents these values of culture, heritage, and traditions that we have here,” he said.

Matt Shea sums it all up, “We’ve answered all these questions so nobody can really have anything they can object to anymore. Then you have a small group of leftists out there who come forward to say ‘The true agenda behind this must be that these guys want to set up a racist, Christian cult.’ You know that when they bring that argument up that they’ve lost. So I take that as a very good sign that if that’s all they have then we’re headed in the right direction.

“A great friend of mine Rev. Matthew Cummins grew up in downtown Chicago and he moved up to Stephens County. He’s become a great source of inspiration because he saw what socialist ideology resulted in and he’s been fighting against it for years. He’s been one of the big people that has been at these rallies and was at the Colville Rally that really brings that perspective of having lived in an area that really went to the ways of socialism. What a great man to have in our area that has that perspective. I think that’s the key lesson of freedom and that is that the calling of freedom can be anywhere.”

See video:

Ban: Boxes, Box Cutters, Pressure Cookers, Knives, Cars, Trucks,…

From: GemStatePatriot.com                  

I can hear the Diamond and Silk girls saying with tongue in cheek, “Oh ya honey, then we’d be as safe as folks living in Chicago on a Friday night because they have the strongest gun laws in the country. That’s right.”

I also don’t hear anyone complaining about the fact that the Lone resource officer’s quick action stopped the Maryland school shooter within seconds. Imagine if that were a gun free zone how much larger the mayhem might have ensued.

Objects are inanimate and static. They are tools, not problems.

Sick, and felonious people are society’s problems. When they want to destroy or kill they will use what they can get, and in Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington, DC, for example, where there are some of the tightest gun control laws in the nation, the criminals and mentally ill among us who will do harm, still find guns in spite of the strict gun laws.

Bad guys will always find a way to circumvent whatever gun laws are in place. And “to stop a bad guy with a gun,” as NRA head Wayne Lapierre says, “it takes a good guy with a gun.”

“Since 1950, all but six U.S. mass public shootings have happened in areas where general citizens were banned from having guns. And in Europe, every single mass public shooting has occurred where guns are banned.

Killers have good reason to avoid places where people have guns. In dozens of cases, concealed-carry gun permit holders have stopped mass public shootings. In the Texas church shooting last year, the killer was killing the wounded when a man living near the church shot him.

Yet gun control advocates keep focusing on laws that won’t make any difference. None of the mass public shootings since at least 2000 would have been stopped by universal background checks.

Anti-gun politicians from Hillary Clinton to President Obama have pointed to Australia’s gun laws as a model that we should closely examine.

But looking at simple before-and-after averages of gun deaths in Australia regarding the gun buyback is extremely misleading. Firearm homicides and suicides were falling from the mid-1980s onwards, so you could pick out any subsequent year and the average firearm homicide and suicide rates after that year would be down compared to the average before it.

European countries such as Belgium, France, and the Netherlands have even stricter gun control laws than Australia does, but their mass public shooting rates are at least as high as those in the United States.

During the Obama administration, the per capita casualty rate from shootings in the European Union was actually 27 percent higher than the U.S. rate.

Even excluding fights over sovereignty and including the recent attacks in Las Vegas, the Texas church shooting in November, and the Florida school massacre, the number of mass shootings in the rest of the world has been much worse than in the U.S. since at least as far back as 1970.” – Unquote, John R. Lott, Fox News


Again, guns are tools. Make no mistake about it, this gun control ruse is not really about our safety, it’s about facilitating the root leaders of the ‘movement,’ i.e. establishment, ‘deep state’ globalist to take what they really want: control.

That has been the case throughout history. It has not boded well for many nations throughout history. See: ‘A Little Gun History Lesson’

Our beloved 2nd Amendment wasn’t bestowed on us for our hunting rights. It was included by our sage founders as an insurance policy on our God-given right to protect ourselves from myriad threats, including the potential besieging of American citizens by an out of control government that imposes tyranny on us. Can you say militia? Assault weapons are as vital to militias as they are standing armies.

The United States are just that, united states! Their government was intended to be run from bottom up not top down.


A lot has gone wrong in the U.S. through the decades and it has been mostly as the result of two major occurrences.

The 1st Occurrence: Orchestration has gone on for decades by the ‘deep state’ establishment a.k.a. The Council on Foreign Relations using the political puppets of both parties to steer us toward a socialistic state preparing us for global governance as led by unelected, unaccountable power elites who know best about everything for everyone. Gone will be national sovereignty, individual freedoms, and property ownership. Establishing endless top-down controlling un-Constitutional departments, bureaus, agencies, programs, subsidies, foreign aid, welfare programs and such seemingly into almost infinity has brought us literally to the brink. If Hillary would have been elected we would be about over or already gone.

The 2nd Occurrence: Complacency of American citizens perhaps naively driven by largely positive and all too trusting attitudes that want to believe in truth, justice and the American way so much we expect our elected officials to go do what they poker face promise us they will do and that they would never break their oaths to our Constitution, which we hold sacred. We have been duped entirely too much for the last century, and in recent more complicated times, we’ve frankly become overwhelmed with so many diverse issues and distractions from new technology we’ve literally become pawns of these orchestrators and our Common Core schools, universities being dominated by big mouth, practically card-carrying socialist professors and the ‘fake news’ media that constantly propagandize us.


We need to educate people and get them to inform others about the necessity of getting us back to the Constitution by way of purging leaders that are not following it and replacing them with those that do. That is done by watching how they vote with the Constitution on the ‘Freedom Index’ on TheNewAmerican.com website and then voting.

As a guy named Bob Neugebauer likes to state, ‘We get the government we deserve.’