How Socialism Has Been Ruining America


In this Prager University 5-min video, Brazilian journalist Felipe Moura Brasil describes “How Socialism Ruined My Country.” It is a MUST SEE for American citizens.

Men are not born equal but with equal rights. A wealthy son may have some capital advantage if the father chooses to help him, but a poor son might possess a driven desire to focus and accomplish, born of a hunger to succeed, giving him the advantage.

If you buy into the redistribution crap being put out to the entitlement crowd of today both of these sons’ chances would be diminished. Government would take away from the wealthy father and give it to the poor one. Then both fathers would back off working, the wealthy one not wanting to support the poor one and the poor one recognizing he doesn’t have to work so hard.

The result: the work goes downhill and so does the money. Both fathers and their sons lose in a socialist America? We’ve become America upside down with entirely too much socialism!

Immigrants from everywhere came here for the freedom to pursue the fruits of their labors un-restrained from the shackles of oppressive governments. Irrespective of their ethnicity, they learned the English language, became assimilated Americans and applied themselves working hard toward reaching their goals so they could keep the fruits of their labor.

We Americans have been a loosely knit coalition of peoples of different origins, races & religions that have shared the common desire to live freely in an open respectful society attaining varying levels of success or failure (which is a learning experience) bound by the common thread of a document stating that we are a nation of laws designed after natural laws.

The main point in the insightful 29-minute video ‘Overview of America’ is: “It wasn’t what Government did that made America great. It was what our Constitution prevented the Government from doing that made the difference.”


What has happened one might ask today? Controlling, big government has happened! As if you haven’t noticed. Monstrously too large, zealous, all seeing, all knowing, all controlling, all too powerful government. Much like the governments from which our ancestors escaped. Unfortunately, there is no open territory for us to escape to like early America was.

Before Trump, we haven’t been the America we once were! We’ve gotten away from being the self-reliant Americans that followed law, built much of the world’s products, taught true history, and knew what we were about. Although America has not passed into history, we were probably on our way toward losing our national sovereignty and becoming a member state of a world government scheme designed and run by unaccountable, unelected global power elitists who know best about everything for everybody in the utopian world of socialism where everybody is, does, and gets the same; ‘La La Land,’ if you will. Hopefully, President Trump will continue dissolving socialism in America.

One could fill an encyclopedia with what has gone wrong with our system and our course: The decline in morality, our factual historical educating of our youth being replaced by the focused agenda of UN-inspired socialists,’ the trashing of our religious principles, the rise in naiveté and corruption in government, and the travesty of the establishment’s duplicitous media lackeys intentionally, politically misreporting and not reporting or investigating serious government abuses and scandals.

World Government Socialism demands big government and has always been about balancing social mores, establishing equality and even guarantees for individuals and commerce through government programs. The more programs the more power they expropriate.


What makes America run is vibrant productive commerce in the free marketplace of a capitalist system. Productivity and its subsequent profits are absolutely necessary for our success as a nation. Our money has been going away for far too long and thank God President Trump has been repatriating a lot of it already and we need helping him continue his fine efforts with our support by electing real patriotic non-RINO republicans that actually do follow the great GOP platform and more importantly the U.S. and our state Constitutions.

Freedom, true freedom is pure capitalism. Capitalism is the freedom to win at starting a business or investment and cannot and must not provide ‘subsidized’ guarantees for those who attain less. Failure is a lesson learned well and one moves on, strengthened from the experience. One can strive to achieve all he wants or adjust to what levels of accomplishment he attains. Businesses creating commerce, accountably making a profit providing jobs are the root sources of all governments’ funding. A growing economy that creates more tax paying employees will bring in more revenue than higher tax rates and new taxes which conversely hurt us. President Trump’s tax program is just that remedy.

One of my heroes, a former Secretary of the Treasury, the late William E. Simon in his book ‘A Time for Truth’: “Bureaucracies themselves should be assumed to be noxious, authoritarian parasites on society, with a tendency to augment their own size and power. People must be taught to start calling for a rollback of the bureaucracy, where nothing will be lost but strangling regulation.

“Productivity and the growth of productivity must be the first economic consideration at all times, not the last. That is the source of technological innovation, jobs and wealth. This means that profits needed for investment must be considered a great social blessing, not a social evil.

“The American citizen must be made aware that today a relatively small group of people is proclaiming its purpose to be the will of the People. That elitist approach to government must be repudiated. There is no such thing as the People; it is a collectivist myth. There are only individual citizens with individual wills and individual purposes. It is scarcely astonishing that individuals now feel “alienated” from their government. They are not just alienated from it; they have virtually been expelled from the governmental process.

“Strangely enough it was not until I understood the liberals, who dominate our political life that I was finally able to understand my own fellow Republicans, with whom I have been on a restless four-year journey. A friend of mine once wisecracked, “A Republican is a Democrat who knows he’s crazy.” And there is truth to his claim. Too often, the Republican tends to buck but ultimately follows Democratic trends. Unlike the Democrat, however, he commits his economic misdeeds in a state of moral depression and is not in the slightest astonished when the disasters occur because he always knew they would.’ – Unquote from William E. Simon


President Trump understands that without the capital that profits derived from productivity and investment, there is no income to tax or money for any other of our innumerable variety of taxes. So why have we sat by quietly and watched our sorry elected government officials and unelected bureaucrats continually create legislation and thousands and thousands of regulations that absolutely kill our ability to compete with other nations and their businesses that have virtually none of the same business restraining, regulatory costs? The answer is because we have been remiss about paying attention and too trusting of what we’re told by those same poker-faced, arrogant, bad politicians and bureaucrats who may also be corrupt. It matters not what they say, it only matters what they do and how they vote!


America has been missing a viable investigative media police. Big media is part of the ‘fixed system.’ A functioning unbiased investigative press should be reporting actual ramifications, the root power, real motives and money actually driving all legislation and bureaucratic regulations. We are thankful for the extremely small portion of our media that really do try to investigate and report aggressively, although much of their efforts are ignored or fall on eyes and ears that couldn’t care less. President Trump’s onslaught against Fake News is starting to catch on with many formerly mesmerized citizens.

EDUCATION – THE CAUSATION OF MUCH OF THE AFOREMENTIONED: These socialist attitudes result from a lack of learning factual history and effective skills in schools with UN inspired programs like Common Core and an even higher socialist mentality being promoted in higher learning institutions leading to a subsequent lack of motivation to struggle to compete. Americans are sickened by these impressionable young minds being propagandized with socialism in education and the corrupt big media. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has quite an uphill climb in front of her, however, following President Trump’s huge first priorities of ObamaCare, energy, taxes, budget, military and the wall perhaps he will provide her the impetus for greater accomplishments. There is much to be corrected in America’s Common Core infested education today.


Truly there is much that is wrong today attributing to our recent decline. Yes, without President Trump’s focusing on Making America Great Again, we would have continued to spiral downward unless an awakened citizenry started educating themselves and informing others about what needed to be done to reverse our direction from marching into utter socialism. Socialist globalists need the American people to be ignorant, American patriots need them to be informed.

If all elected representatives of our national, state and local governments don’t catch on and buy into President Trump’s methodically focused effort, akin to our successful commitment to put a man on the moon project, to roll back the nonsensical restricting laws and regulations crippling and killing our commerce we really will be back on a path to doom as a vibrant sovereign nation. We also need getting out of the globalists’ biggest tool, the United Nations which is all about one world government of pure socialism.


Probably the meanest demand we can make to our elected representatives is that we need them to give up the age-old ‘I’m going to bring home the money you need,’ mentality which, if not directly or indirectly, is a quid pro quo for something of value or in return for re-election support. No matter how important the local or state need for the ‘bacon,’ it has to come from our shared local, shared state and shared national tax troughs. Nothing spends like somebody else’s money. I can hear them now, ‘Amen, my constituents really, really need the money and if you let me up to the trough next please, I will in exchange, return a favor(s) or votes to you.’

THAT IS OUR SHARED TAX TROUGH! We can’t afford the bacon grabbers all over the United States willy-nilly, competitively, taking our money for so many ‘good reasons’ to help the folks back home when most of their interests are actually, constitutionally to be dealt with locally. Our federal government does constitutionally have enumerated powers that excludes such funding. We must wean our system off this abusive violation to our Constitution and which also end the profession of lobbyists. Pretty radical? It’s the way things should be in our Constitutional America.

Issues like necessary national security, shared regional state water distribution, interstate highway, and national airport developments etc. notwithstanding, most local and regional issues of any substantial consequence should be funded locally and if they are viable can generally attract private investment and if not, it probably isn’t viable and certainly should not be ‘subsidized by our collective tax trough.’

All subsidies are unconstitutional and need ending. Prime unnecessary subsidized examples are the ethanol, solar, windmill subsidies and GM bailout fiasco. Their return on investment would not attract many investors without the subsidies from ourcollective tax trough. Politicians who were responsible for getting our money for their ‘projects’ were handsomely rewarded with quid pro quo contributions either directly or indirectly. Some say that is how our system works. I’m saying that is how we have been going backwards for too long. Our trough has been empty for a long time. Putting newly printed ‘play’ money in the trough is inflationary and our debt is beyond insanity.

No matter how puritanical a ‘bring home the bacon’ pitch sounds it really is a request by politicians to directly enlist political support for themselves and they love being the heroes, bringing home as much of our collective money as possible, probably with almost the same pride as Robin Hood.


America really is supposed to be ours, ‘we the people.’ Not the President’s, not the legislative leaders’ and not the Supreme Court’s. Precious documents like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights made us a nation of laws that have guided us through much tribulation to become the most successful nation in history, the envy of the world. To call our Constitution outdated is absolute tripe promoted by those who would take us down gradually.


We put our elected representatives on notice that we expect them to do the hard work of developing a grand plan that can work to turn things around by returning us to a functioning republic following our laws and the Constitution before we go off the cliff. There will be much gnashing of teeth, screaming and whispering threats from lobbyist and many special interests PAC’s. But that has to be expected, if we are to really get us back to a functioning republic. This has nothing to do with political parties. Both parties are full of socialist leaning members. It has everything to do with patriotism, because we as Americans are supposed to care about and run our country. Not political PAC’s, or the Council on Foreign Relations, the corrupt UN and especially not George Soros and his ilk.

Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and their democrat counterparts need to give up listening to the drumbeat of their party machines both orchestrated by the Council on Foreign Relations/UN crowd and start listening to the patriotic citizen owners of this country. Ryan and McConnell will hate this hard work, but it has to be done and they need to ‘Patriot Up’ for it.

To continue as ‘Americans,’ not citizen members of a globalist state, we must make certain that we continually watch voting records published quarterly on both houses of congress here in Idaho at and the U.S. congress, also published quarterly, while making sure our representatives know we are watching their voting records. And we must awaken others to the importance of this monitoring and how to do it.


America became great precisely because the stifling effect of too much government had been prevented. We need to get back to ‘stifling’ and start doing the very hardest work that must be done of reversing and undoing the wrongs of the overzealous, the naïve and the corrupt politicians that have taken our lifeblood commerce by working very hard at Making America Great Again.

I qualify Secretary Simon’s statement thusly, “Democrats are crazy, and RINO republicans are democrats that know they are crazy.” We must purge all the crazies in government so the federal government will again only deal with its enumerated powers and the states can run themselves without any overseeing from the feds.

We do have a few very good Republicans who follow the GOP platform, our Constitutions and need being cherished. Again, check the voting records to see who they are and who we must replace.

Following my own advice about trying to educate people and getting them to inform others, please check out my new website debunking socialism:



Voting rolls’ lists of older American voters are gradually being replaced by the newer crop of Generation X and millennials that have been schooled in common core curriculums and lied to by socialist college professors about our history and how our Republic (we are not a democracy) was designed to work.

These same younger Americans are constantly barraged with Socialist messages from the likes of the entire Democrat Party, Hollywood, mainstream media, TV and radio ‘fake news’ artists. So they hardly have a chance to understand America the way we older Americans do because we were taught better and exposed to a much higher quality of authentic news.

Throw in the pure propaganda crap from Bernie Sanders that’s amplified by the duplicitous media and our younger Americans simply know what they are exposed to, i.e. they are a product of their environment.

So it is, that I have felt compelled to put up an informational website that tries to reach out to them with as much effective factual information that I can find from many sources about the realities and myths of socialism.

The website is Please check it out and spend a little time reading some of the great articles, pick some out and share them with friends and family that might think socialism or ‘democratic socialism’ as the progressive speak folks of the left like to call it today. People sharing articles with others will help build the site’s internet recognition. Any exposure to the site will be appreciated.

Socialism is a parasite that only takes and produces nothing. Those that haven’t thought things through truly do believe that stuff can be free and life will be better if we all share the fruits of someone else’s labor. It really is nuts that people can think this way and not realize that it can’t and never has lasted for long. Socialism has never succeeded in history!

Our founding fathers, who were not perfect men, but were brave, cerebral men who knew tyranny first hand, worked very hard to produce our extraordinary documents: Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. No other nation in history has succeeded even close to what we have as a result of following those documents.

The basic problem we have today isn’t our system of government, it is that we have gotten away from adhering to it. We have far too many bureaus and agencies within our government that are un-constitutional and too many unconstitutional laws and regulations that hinder our freedoms, productivity and henceforth our competitiveness. Add on to all that, because we are a Republic, we are also a nation of laws that we are not following or enforcing.

The Democrat Party has been going crazy for a lot of years extolling almost pure socialism in about everything they do.

The Republican Party has the greatest platform a party could have. They just don’t follow it. Can you say RINOs?

No. We don’t need any more socialism on top of all that, we have enough to correct already. We just need to get back to what brought us and make America great again.

The Deep State in America Exposed In-depth


Rarely is there such an incredibly well-documented cluster of factual information that can be consumed in relatively short time as the thorough expose’ on the ‘Deep State’ in America today compiled and reported on from one of The New American magazine’s star reporters, Alex Newman.

Newman just completed the last of his five-part short videos exposing the depths of this dangerous secretive cabal that exploits, manipulates and controls much of where America is going. This cabal is intent on dissolving our sovereignty while transforming us into a member state of a new one world government run by those same all-powerful non-elected, un-accountable global elitist who know best about everything for everybody if we like it or not: Socialism run by elites!

Backing up the short videos is an assemblage of links to many articles that go much further in depth for those who want as many facts as can be found from the staff of proficient patriotic writers at The New American on the ‘Deep State.’

I think a ‘Truth in Journalism Award’ should be created and awarded The New American Magazine for such dynamic, credible reporting of truth that all Americans should appreciate. You should be aware that all their news is vetted, original source information that must be read and signed off on by three editors before publishing. They are very proud that they have not been found to violate the trust of their readers in all their storied decades of publishing.


TNA Video

In this video, part of a series exposing the Deep State, The New American magazine’s Alex Newman follows the money to show who is really behind the throne. From the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds to George Soros, these money men stash the billions and trillions they loot from humanity in tax-exempt foundations. Then, they use their ill-gotten, tax-free wealth to promote globalism, socialism, technocracy and evil in America and around the world. But as any good criminal investigator knows, to solve the crime, it helps to “follow the money.” And when the money is followed, the big picture becomes clear.

Related videos:

Related links:



The New American magazine, published twice a month in print and daily online, is the essential news source for freedom-loving Americans.

Our editorial point of view is guided by our support of the U.S. Constitution and the principles upon which our Constitution is based. Specifically, we want to restore and retain the values and vision that made America great — limited government under the Constitution, the freedoms our Constitution guarantees, and the personal responsibility a free people must exercise to stay free. In the area of foreign policy, our editorial point of view is based on avoiding foreign entanglements and going to war only when necessary to defend our country and citizens. Our purpose is encapsulated by the slogan appearing on the cover of The New American “That freedom shall not perish.”

As you can see, unlike myriad news organs that deceptively slant the news while claiming to be “objective,” The New American forthrightly acknowledges an editorial point of view. But, that aside, we always approach the news honestly, relying on facts and reason to make our case and allowing the chips to fall where they may.

Our coverage and analysis does not “rehash” the news but probes deeper to discover the real story behind the headlines. Sometimes we uncover facts the major media want to keep hidden; sometimes we report important stories months or years before they appear elsewhere.

Many of our articles expose media deception and political cover-up, and warn against those forces, both inside and outside of government, seeking to consolidate political and economic power nationally and internationally. Such exposures can and do help concerned Americans to safeguard their liberties. Other articles examine the goodness of America and the greatness of our founding principles and offer realistic hope that America can be saved.

Twice a year, The New American publishes a congressional scorecard called the “Freedom Index” that rates every member of the U.S. House and Senate on key issues.

In addition to political topics, The New American also publishes articles about economics (from a free-enterprise perspective of course!), culture, and history. It is published by American Opinion Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of The John Birch Society.

Check out The New American’s online magazine at

For subscription information for The New American’s print magazine contact:

Obama, ‘the Worst President in History’ Continues Trying to…


In 2018 American citizens need knowing more than ever who our enemies are which would include ‘The Worst President in History,’ Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama has set up a “shadow White House” in Washington, DC, for organizing anti-Trump protests nationwide and undermining President Trump’s hard-pressed efforts to ‘Make America Great Again.’ Simultaneously Obama is trying to help rebuilding the ravaged Democrat Party.

There isn’t much left to question about the final product that Barack Hussein Obama developed into when you recognize that when he was young, Obama was mentored by his probable real father, Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying Communist and he studied and idolized Sol Alinsky and taught his ‘Rules for Radicals, as a guide to community organizing. Other strong associations that influenced his socialist development in his younger years included Chicago comrades: God Damn America!’ Reverend Wright. To top off his Chicago connections is a communist that also is a Muslim who became his full-time handler while he was President, Valerie Jarrett.


Back in 2013 Eric Erickson publisher of cited the following grievances against Americans by then President Obama:

“During Campaign 2008, Barack Obama famously told Democrats to take guns to knife fights.

He told a crowd of supporters to “argue with neighbors; get in their face.” By the way, watch the full clip to hear Barack Obama say he will lower taxes and support the second amendment.

In 2009, the White House created an email address and encouraged people to report their neighbors who might disagree with Obamacare. The DNC admitted the White House was engaged in collecting information on people.

During August recesses in 2009, the Obama Administration told Democrats in Congress to “punch back twice as hard” at Republicans.

In 2011, the Obama White House set up a ridiculous website called Attack Watch to document and expose those hostile to them.

As I wrote in 2009, the Obama team brought back the politics of personal destruction. I noted then a Politico story that reported: ‘The vast new left-wing conspiracy sets its tone every morning at 8:45 a.m., when officials from more than 20 labor, environmental and other Democratic-leaning groups dial into a private conference call hosted by two left-leaning Washington organizations.’

In 2012, the White House directly coordinated with outside groups to influence the Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision. About the time these meetings with “dozens of leaders of nonprofit organizations” were happening in the White House, tea party groups were suddenly getting inquiries from the IRS, bogging them down and distracting them from the fight at hand.

President Obama did not have to tell the IRS specifically to harass conservative, evangelical, and Jewish groups who might oppose him. His rhetoric on the campaign trail and in the permanent campaign of the White House operations made clear what he wanted. IRS agents not only harassed conservative groups, evangelical groups, and Jewish groups, but also leaked their confidential tax information to left-leaning groups. The National Organization for Marriage and other groups had their donor lists leaked subjecting those donors to harassment. A Romney donor was harassed by the IRS. More than one person has emailed me to say that after they reported themselves to they were audited by the IRS — in one case audited several times about just one tax year.

Obama went on the campaign trail in 2010 and told supporters to “punish our enemies.” The IRS did just that.”

– Unquote Eric Erickson

As FrontPage reportedObama has rented a $5.3 million, 8,200-square-foot, walled mansion in Washington’s Embassy Row that he is using to command his community organizing cadres. Michelle Obama joined the former president there along with the Obama Foundation. Former labor secretary and now DNC chairman, Tom Perez said “We must stand up to protect President Obama’s accomplishments,” adding, “We’re going to build the strongest grassroots organizing force this country has ever seen.”


‘Organizing for America’ (OFA) is the platform for the most dangerous man in American politics and he is rolling in dough from ‘Daddy Warbucks’ George Soros and his minions. States Paul Sperry of the New York Post, “Organizing for Action is drowning in money, by nonprofit standards.

“OFA’s big donors are members of the George Soros-founded Democracy Alliance, a donors’ consortium for left-wing billionaires devoted to radical political change.”

Wikileaks states, “The formation of Organizing for America was announced by then-President-Elect Obama on January 17, 2009.

“Organizing for America was a community organizing project of the Democrat National Committee. Initially founded after the presidential inauguration of Barack Obama, the group sought to mobilize supporters in favor of Obama’s legislative priorities, particularly health care reform. Eventually, the organization played a role in the midterm elections of 2010. Later, it became the grassroots arm of Obama for America. After Obama’s second inauguration, it was reorganized as Organizing for Action and returned to its previous mission of organizing around the President’s agenda.”

All who understand what America’s values are truly about are fed up with these in our face blatant disruptions with our liberties and efforts to take them from us. These paid anarchists need being legally dealt with. Many of the anti-Trump rioters appear not only to have violated state laws against rioting and inciting to riot, but also federal law against the same crime and those responsible for starting fires and committing other acts of violence and public disturbance should be prosecuted under applicable federal law as well.

‘Where are our police, prosecutors and judges?’ is the question. Where is the National Guard? Mayors and governors need to man up, or I should say Patriot UP and get ‘er done!

Then Obama’s funding needs being dealt with.

A Must SeeAntifa: New Documentary by Trevor Loudon Pulls Off the Mask


“I do not understand how living in a country with its democracy established over 200 years ago, and now, for the first time in history, suddenly we have one of our former presidents set up a group called “Organizing for Action” (OFA).

OFA is 30,000+ strong and working to disrupt everything that our current president’s administration is trying to do. This organization goes against our Democracy, and it is an operation that will destroy our way of governing. It goes against our Constitution, our laws, and the processes established over 200 years ago. If it is allowed to proceed then we will be living in chaos very much like third world countries are run. What good is it to have an established government if it is not going to be respected and allowed to follow our laws?

If you had an army of some 30,000 strong and a court system stacked over the decades with judges who would allow you to break the laws, how much damage could you do to a country? We are about to find out in America!

Our ex-president said he was going to stay involved through community organizing and speak out on the issues and that appears to be one post-administration promise he intends to keep. He has moved many of his administration’s top dogs over to Organizing for Action.

OFA is behind the strategic and tactical implementation of the resistance to the Trump Administration that we are seeing across America, and politically active courts are providing the leverage for this revolution.

OFA is dedicated to organizing communities for “progressive” change. Its issues are gun control, socialist healthcare, abortion, sexual equality, climate change, and of course, immigration reform.

OFA members were propped up by the ex-president’s message from the shadows: “Organizing is the building block of everything great we have accomplished Organizers around the country are fighting for change in their communities and OFA is one of the groups on the front lines. Commit to this work in 2017 and beyond.”

OFA’s website says it obtained its “digital” assets from the ex-president’s re-election effort and that he inspired the movement. In short, it is the shadow government organization aimed at resisting and tearing down the Constitutional Republic we know as AMERICA.

Paul Sperry, writing for the New York Post, says, “The OFA will fight President Donald Trump at every turn of his presidency and the ex-president will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.”

Sperry writes that, “The ex-president is setting up a shadow government to sabotage the Trump administration through a network of non-profits led by OFA, which is growing its war chest (more than $40 million) and has some 250 offices nationwide. The OFA IRS filings, according to Sperry, indicate that the OFA has 32,525 (and growing) volunteers nationwide. The ex-president and his wife will oversee the operation from their home/ office in Washington DC.

Think about how this works. For example: Trump issues an immigration executive order; the OFA signals for protests and statements from pro-immigrant groups; the ACLU lawyers file lawsuits in jurisdictions where activist judges obstruct the laws; volunteers are called to protest at airports and Congressional town hall meetings; the leftist media springs to action in support of these activities; the twitter sphere lights up with social media; and violence follows. All of this happens from the ex-president’s signal that he is heartened by the protests.

If Barack Obama did not do enough to destroy this country in the 8 years he was in office, it appears his future plans are to destroy the foundation on which this country has operated on for the last 241 years.

If this does not scare you, then we are in worse trouble than you know.

So, do your part. You have read it, so at least pass this on so others will know what we are up against. We are losing our country and we are so compliant. We are becoming a “PERFECT TARGET” for our enemy!”

– Unquote Charles Krauthammer

So it is not over till it is over! Overwhelming, is the word I think of and hear the most from others when the unending, multitudes of troubled issues of our day are mentioned. Our being overwhelmed is not by happenstance, it most certainly is by design to wear us down into submission by the ‘Establishment.’ It matters not the depth of our besiegement, all that matters is our resolve and focus. We must awaken, get educated and get involved by informing others, or the United States of America as we’ve known our sovereign republic to be, will be no more. It is as simple as that. We either do this or we are dissolved. Do you want to be told what to do constantly by unaccountable, unelected global power elitists who know best for you about everything?

American patriots must study issues, inform others, follow the Freedom Indexes for the U.S. Congress at The Freedom Index at and for the state of Idaho at and fire elected officials who are not following our rule of law through the Constitution. There is no other way to right our absolute mess. Presidents, congressmen, senators and governors created this boondoggle we have and they must pay for it by being replaced at the ballot box, ending their political careers and being replaced with real accountable patriots who understand the Constitution and take their oaths to it seriously. They need to know we are watching. Be damned with the Establishment that are members of or influenced by the Council on Foreign relations (CFR)! See: CFR membership roster. Some of the names will surprise you and tick you off.

“So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear, there is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by the free-enterprise system.” — Milton Friedman

And now in President Trump, we finally have a true patriotic capitalist President that understands that.

May God Bless America and our enlightened President Trump, so we can Make America Great Again in 2018.
