The Rotten Media – Where is Justice against Fake…


In this era of confounding fake news that has become the mainstay of ‘Big Media,’ traditional freedom loving Americans are starving for news sources they can believe in.

What has morphed into the blatant stuff we are getting in spades as ‘news’ from today’s tag team of the progressive left and their comrades in what has been known as the ‘Main Stream Media’ (MSM) at CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, AP, New York Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, et. al. and big city newspapers across the nation had its roots in a brazen 1915 effort to take control of America’s big newspapers by the cartel, at that time, known as the J.P. Morgan interests.


U.S. Congressional Record February 9, 1917, page 2947

Congressman Calloway announced that the J.P. Morgan interests bought 25 of America’s leading newspapers, and inserted their own editors, in order to control the media.

“In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, ship building and powder interests and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press in the United States.

“These 12 men worked the problems out by selecting 179 newspapers and then began, by an elimination process, to retain only those necessary for the purpose of controlling the general policy of the daily press throughout the country. They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international, of these papers; an agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.

“This contract is in existence at the present time, and it accounts for the news columns of the daily press of the country being filled with all sorts of preparedness arguments and misrepresentations as to the present condition of the United States Army and Navy, and the possibility and probability of the United States being attacked by foreign foes.

“This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the wishes of the interests served. The effectiveness of this scheme has been conclusively demonstrated by the character of the stuff carried in the daily press throughout the country since March 1915. They have resorted to anything necessary to commercialize public sentiment and sandbag the National Congress into making extravagant and wasteful appropriations for the Army and Navy under false pretense that it was necessary. Their stock argument is that it is ‘patriotism.’ They are playing on every prejudice and passion of the American people.”

We have for decades since then been fed a steady flow of what has to be called propaganda for the interests of global power elitists who would have us become socialists as a member nation run by those same unelected, unaccountable few who know best for everybody about everything.

Today’s level of prejudice and passion ‘against’ the American people might be respected by Russia’s Pravda but it is abhorrent to we who expect a Free Press. For years, many members of the Insider Establishment’s Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) hold key media posts.


States senior editor of The New, William F. Jasper in his article ‘CIA’s Mockingbirds and ‘Ruling Class Journalists’ which is a must read for any stubborn doubting Thomases. How compelling is this for his opening?

“Via admissions against interest and Freedom of Information requests, it is well documented that many reporters publish stories at the behest of government and globalists.

“On October 30, 1993, the Washington Post published a stunning column by its ombudsman, Richard Harwood. Entitled “Ruling Class Journalists,” Harwood’s article was an extraordinary admission against interest coming directly “from the horse’s mouth,” so to speak. His startling and completely unexpected disclosure (which was probably intended more as a boast than a confession) vindicated the claims long made by this magazine and its predecessors (American Opinion and The Review of the News), to wit, that America’s “Establishment,” as represented by the world government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations, had secured a virtual monopoly over our nation’s “mainstream media,” the MSM.

“For decades, the Post and other pillars of the CFR thought cartel had either ignored these charges, or scorned them as lunatic ravings. But here was the Post’s Harwood describing the Council on Foreign Relations as “the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States.” Harwood wrote:

“In the past 15 years, council directors have included Hedley Donovan of Time Inc., Elizabeth Drew of the New Yorker, Philip Geyelin of The Washington Post, Karen Elliott House of the Wall Street Journal, and Strobe Talbott of Time magazine….

The mass media are guilty of something more serious than mere sloppiness in reporting the facts or chronic liberal bias.

The establishment media are conscious, willing accomplices in the power elites drive for global control.

— William Norman Grigg

“The editorial page editor, deputy editorial page editor, executive editor, managing editor, foreign editor, national affairs editor, business and financial editor and various writers as well as Katharine Graham, the paper’s principal owner, represent The Washington Post in the council’s membership.

“Moreover, wrote Harwood: “The executive editor, managing editor and foreign editor of the New York Times are members, along with the executives of such other large newspapers as the Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times, the weekly news magazines, network television executives and celebrities, Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and Jim Lehrer, for example, and various columnists, among them Charles Krauthammer, William Buckley, George Will and Jim Hoagland.”

“Notably, the Post ombudsman acknowledged that the CFR’s ruling-class journalists “do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy; they help make it.” This vindicated yet another charge we had frequently leveled at the CFR and the Big Media cabal it had formed (and for which we had just as frequently suffered scoffs and sneers). – Click here to read the rest of this insightful in-depth article.


Jasper also wrote another very revealing article ‘NEWS: Alternative, Real, Fake:’ “Today, as in all times of crisis, to be a Patriot, to take a stand for Truth, is dangerous business. To host a news website or blog that challenges the ruling powers, entrenched corruption, and the forces of darkness is a perilous thing. We are beginning to see just how perilous. We are not yet suffering the types of outright censorship and iron-fisted persecution of politically incorrect thought that already befall our brethren in banana republics or in communist tyrannies such as China, Cuba, Vietnam, and North Korea, or in Muslim dictatorships such as Iran, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia. Nor are we yet experiencing the levels of intimidation, prosecution, fines, and imprisonment being meted out in the European Union and Canada for daring to speak truth to power. But anyone who doubts that similar oppression is in the works for America is deaf and blind to the onrushing statist steamroller that is smashing the First Amendment — and all other treasured rights as well.

During the eight-year reign of President Barack Obama, the advocates of Orwellian controls for the ostensible purpose of combating “hate speech” and “thought crimes” made frightful progress. Federal and state government officials, together with their cronies in the major media and tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, and Microsoft, have ganged up to crush the upstart alternative media that are challenging (and have already surpassed, by some important metrics) the MSM (mainstream media) Fake News monopoly that has protected and projected the globalist agenda for decades. Breitbart News, the Drudge Report, InfoWars, Natural News, and dozens of other Internet-based news providers have already been targeted and are feeling the impact of the corporate-government jack-booted heel on their jugulars. — Click here to read the rest of this insightful in-depth article.


Proving how brazenly confident the MSM is now about the legitimacy of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) being the roots of the ‘Establishment’ is the fact that they all reported openly what Hillary stated at her Foreign Policy address at the CFR in 2009.

Most Americans today are oblivious to the ramifications of what she admitted openly that day: i.e. the diabolically cunning intent to steer us into a One World Government.

We must awaken to our need for original source, vetted news and as President Reagan said ‘Trust but verify.” Fox News/FBN, talk radio, and are about as good as it gets.

Some of the extensive in-depth reporting exposing Fake News by The New

Patriots vs. GOP Wimps: AHCA ‘Partisanship’ Vote Bodes Healthcare…


FACT: The Democrat Party of old has been hijacked by ‘progressive’ far left crazies. FACT: The grand old party is almost saturated with reluctant-Trumpers and fools that don’t grasp the socialist dangers of ObamaCare’s government-controlling tentacles being left in the American Health Care Act (AHCA). Patriots should be calling them wimps!

Rand Paul’s plea to a listening and supportive President Trump to ‘repeal now and replace (fine tune) later’ has only met stiff resistance from puppet leaders Ryan and McConnell and now McConnell even going beyond resistance so far as to actually say he might go across the aisle (to Crazyland) for support in getting his (keeping most of ObamaCare) AHCA plan passed.


Where are the Republicans we voted in and that passed over 60 bills to repeal ObamaCare during its inception? What happened is obvious: $$$ and power happened! Why else do these bums of the GOP change their minds so drastically all of a sudden? They are not patriots who uphold the oaths they swore to the Constitution! They are turncoat fools and wimps! And if you want to really get ticked off, get this: The bill repealing the AHCA’s exemption for Congress passed the House. So now you know they are greedy turncoat fools and wimps!

A straight out repeal of ObamaCare is a simple classic matter of “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Or, where there is a will, there is a way! However, in Washington DC, it appears where there is a will there is also a lot of money and political trade-offs to help an otherwise patriot to go to the dark side.

Americans must recognize that all the stuff being left in the AHCA is still chock full of ObamaCare regulations, taxes and insurance company bailouts; a whole lot of socialism. It is designed to fail so it can go to single payer.


Senator Rand Paul: “Now too many Republicans are falling over themselves to stuff hundreds of billions of taxpayers’ dollars into a bill that doesn’t repeal Obamacare and feeds Big Insurance a huge bailout. Obamacare regulations? Still here. Taxes? Most still in place, totaling hundreds of billions of dollars. Insurance company bailouts? Those, too.”

Paul also railed against the inclusion of a stability fund of nearly $200 billion to help support the ObamaCare exchanges on the individual market, using tax credits to pay down the cost of insurance, much like ObamaCare does now as well as keeping cost sharing subsidies to insurers for two years. He also bashes the secretive process, saying he prefers the bill be crafted by committee and include a public hearing.


In the first place, all the government involvement in healthcare is unconstitutional. Government’s enumerated powers has nothing to do with healthcare. The proposed AHCA has everything to do with creating a program that eventually must be recognized doesn’t work and we will be told must be taken over fully by the government to protect us, a single payer system run by the all-knowing and all-controlling government supported by very high taxes. The naïve insurance companies get it in the shorts and freedom loving Americans become socialists. How will you like that comrade? A government, of, by and for the government that really knows best for you, you know, ‘Sandersville’ or ‘Freebieland’ where redistribution and government controls abound.

What can we do? It’s time to tell our Senators and Representatives to raise all the hell they can in Congress! Tell them this is America and if elected officials love all the government run stuff so much they should go somewhere else and live.

Americans expect the freedom to choose if we want insurance, shopping for it (even across state lines) and choosing how much we want. Our freedoms are what have given us all our opportunities. We should always fight for all of them.

Personal freedom does not and should not have any guarantees, subsidies, freebies or protections other than that enumerated for the government to provide. It’s up to an individual to be personally responsible for life choices.

For some insight on how the poor could get some version of government-run healthcare that’s cheap with no-frills, and even free, see Wayne Root’s ‘How to Solve the Healthcare Crisis in 5 Minutes.’

“Freedom is difficult to understand because it isn’t a presence but an absence — an absence of governmental constraint.” — “A Time for Truth,” William E. Simon, Secretary of the Treasury for Presidents Nixon and Ford

See Also:

Puppets vs. Patriots – Puppets, Ryan & McConnell Must…


Swamp Draining 101 should dictate the necessary removal of the primary roadblocks to getting meaningful, lasting legislation accomplished in Congress as sure as a blockage must be removed to make a fuel line function.

House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are obstructionists from the get go.

Both are seasoned professionals who knowledgeably command their domains and have developed into masters of obfuscation at the behest of The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

(“It is through this front group, called the Council on Foreign Relations, and its influence over the media, tax-exempt foundations, universities, and government agencies that the international financiers have been able to dominate the domestic and foreign policies of the United States ever since.” – G. Edward Griffin /The Creature From Jekyll Island)


‘Trojan HOUSE’ Speaker Ryan

As I explained in my article on Ryan in Swamp Osmosis, early on I admired him and wanted to see him do well. But he has obviously proven to have been influentially absorbed into the establishment’s plans for our future.

Alex Newman of The New reported that the American Health Care Act (AHCA) bill in the House “does cut back some of the taxes imposed under ObamaCare. But despite deceptive coverage of the bill by much of the establishment media, which went along with the ruse that the AHCA repeals ObamaCare, the legislation actually keeps huge swaths of the unconstitutional statute in place. For instance, under the GOP version of ObamaCare, most of ObamaCare’s regulations, mandates, decrees, and meddling are kept firmly in place. It keeps subsidies for insurance, and penalties for not having it, but changes a few relatively minor elements. While the bill purports to “allow” states to “apply” for waivers from some mandates, the legislation simply requires that states create what critics slammed as “mini-ObamaCare” schemes at the state level to obtain the exemptions.”

Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton warned, “If Paul Ryan succeeds in retaining and renewing ObamaCare, we may not get another chance to repeal ObamaCare — at least not before the government’s interference causes the health care system to collapse,” suggesting the GOP would now get the blame for the looming crisis in healthcare.


‘Four Eyes’ McConnell

Currently, the best example of why Mitch McConnell needs to go is the obvious reason that he is only seeing what he wants to see as if he has an extra set of eyes that sees only what he’s ‘programmed’ to see.

Trump suggested last week after reportedly being persuaded in a meeting with Rand Paul that the Senate could change course to vote to repeal ObamaCare and then replace it later if the current GOP bill fails. Some Senate Republicans appeared to be warming to this idea last week. But McConnell steadfastly said last week the Senate will continue to pursue a joint repeal and replacement of ObamaCare. It appears he is adamant about keeping the government’s tentacles deeply entrenched just as Paul Ryan is. We’re “trying to figure out how to twist the dials to get to 50 to replace this with something better,” he said.

Isn’t it amazing that Congress campaigned and wrote bill after bill for seven years to repeal ObamaCare, and now when it’s so easily possible, McConnell refuses to consider it? And now he’s talking about bolstering the ObamaCare exchanges. It is nonsensical! McConnell even says now, that if he can’t work with Republicans, he’ll work with Democrats, thusly showing his hand. He is not in Trump’s camp, he is in the camp of the CFR controlled establishment.

It’s also interesting that Mitch McConnell’s wife Elaine Chao, President Trump’s Sec. of Transportation is a CFR member.



Kenneth Gold, Director of the Government Affairs Institute stated on their website during Speaker Boehner’s tenure: “Raising the question of whether a sitting Speaker can be removed from office, the answer is it’s not clear, and it’s never been done.

“Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution establishes the position, and states that “The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers; and shall have the sole power of impeachment.” Neither the Constitution nor the rules of the 113th Congress state anything specific about removing the Speaker.

“The Jefferson Manual, written by Thomas Jefferson when he was Vice President, and used by the House as a supplement to its standing rules, in Section 9 states that “A Speaker may be removed at the will of the House and a Speaker pro tempore appointed.” But even that clause may not necessarily apply to removing a Speaker, as it follows examples of Speakers being replaced due to illness, and the appointing of Speakers pro tempore in those instances.

“Nevertheless, it’s generally believed that a Speaker can be removed, which would be executed by a Member offering a resolution declaring the Office of the Speaker vacant. Such a resolution would be considered a question of constitutional privilege, and therefore a privileged motion, although again, it’s never been done. So the answer is there is no explicit procedure for removing a Speaker either in the Constitution or in the Rules of the House of Representatives for the 113th Congress.” Where there is a will, there is a way and the will should be begging in both houses because the GOP must do or die! Angry citizens need threatening political futures for non-performance.


Chris Mooney at says the Senate Republican Caucus, an informal body composed of GOP senators elects the party’s Senate leadership—majority leader, whip, etc.—every two years, right after the November elections. But it needn’t wait that long. Conceivably, the caucus could reopen the leadership matter with a simple majority vote.

Since ObamaCare is neither good economics nor good politics (the Democrats have lost both houses of Congress and the White House since its passage), it should be easy to vote according to the Constitution and really repeal ObamaCare.

Ryan and McConnell need to go, so President Trump can get on with accomplishing what America wants him to complete! This golden opportunity to attain much with both houses, and the executive branch is demanding for goals to be achieved, not stalled endlessly. Enough with the smooshing. Senators and Representatives must stand up with patriotic zeal and tell the establishment puppets, Ryan and McConnell in clarion tones, the words made famous by President Trump: You’re fired! – See: * It’s Time to Remove and Replace Paul Ryan, * Time to replace Paul Ryan as House speaker and * Ex-Trump adviser: Ryan should be replaced if he can’t execute on ObamaCare

Backatcha to Diego Rodriquez on Term Limits: a Refute…


This is a backatcha to Diego Rodriguez’s recent rebuttal to my Gem State Patriot News article denouncing Term Limits for Congress. I’m really not that thin skinned but some remarks beg refuting.

Diego, I in turn, respectfully submit my comments about your rebuttal and intend to be a little kinder in my critique of your comments by not calling you a name for not getting it. I’m reminded of a favorite T-shirt I found that says, “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.” Lol. The subheadings below, of course, are from your article, the comments are mine.


It shouldn’t be assumed that it is human nature to succumb to temptation and follow a dark path. Also, some wayward politicians genuinely believe that following the age-old edict of ‘bringing home the bacon’ is what it is all about and actually righteous.

It is about knowing our Constitution and following their oaths to it. Bad decisions are just that, and shouldn’t be accepted as human nature, which sounds too forgiving. They need educating or voted out!


The reason that most private sector employees are not, likewise, also corrupt is that employers watch them and have procedures in place to affect accountability. We used to have a pretty effective method in place to monitor elected officials. It was a concept called the free press. So much for that in these days of the ‘Fake News’ big media controlled by the establishment that is running both parties. We get by the best we can with Fox News, talk radio, and alternative media, but it is not enough. The voting indexes are a grand help, if only more voters knew about them.

Most of us become wiser and more effective from all our increasing experience as the years unfold as do our elected representatives. Those good ones that apply themselves and honor their oaths to our Constitution are to be cherished and kept in office doing their good work for posterity. Voters must determine when they go.

These people you speak of who should be doing their jobs well in 90 days generally are selected by a screening process that determines they have qualifications and some experience to apply in those jobs. Most elected officials have much more to learn about way more issues, laws, regulations and considerations in a much larger pressure-packed arena than an average new hire who’s selected by qualifying criteria to fit quickly. Many of those we elect have virtually no qualified experience to capitalize on and unfortunately begin relying on help from lobbyists and their party’s controlling leadership that’s influenced by others.

Your point on saying NO to 99.9% of what Congress wants to do is a good one.


Your comments about my necessary correction remind me of soldiers in George Washington’s army losing battle after battle, with little food, shoddy clothing and maybe no boots in cold winter snow storms. Your insights speak to a mindset that would have said: “Get real. You’re crazy, I’m outa here.” We must keep our chin down, our hopes up and keep slogging. Voters can be educated and inform others. They just need help. I suggest The John Birch Society for guidance on how to do it, by using the voting indexes and information that can be gleaned from the Idaho Sunshine Report to find out who are the funders that support elected politicians. It is truly time for patriots to get off our butts and activate!


Speaking of dead wrong: You say the true purpose of government is to create boundaries to protect ourselves from ourselves. And you say “The best thing humans can do for themselves, and we specifically as voting Americans, is to work to create boundaries to prevent ourselves from damaging one another.”

Who would believe we would follow new boundaries any more than current boundaries? We have them already, as you acknowledged, they are listed in the U. S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and are covered much too much more thoroughly in myriads of other laws, rules and regulations, THAT WE ALREADY ARE NOT FOLLOWING!!! We are already heading into socialism and don’t need any more boundaries! We need adherence to laws, law enforcement, prosecution, and convictions!


Regarding your proposed Constitutional amendment, the Congressional Anti-Corruption Act, on your proposal No. 1, of course, I stand on my reasons stated in my article for opposing Term Limits.

I agree with your points 2, 3 and 4 although I prefer seeing former elected officials banned from lobbying for life. Even better than the line item veto would be to actually require all bills to be free standing and not attached to anything else effectively killing lobbyists’ ‘bread and butter’ pork project riders. Besides, as we agree there shouldn’t be so many bills (99%) in the first place. Laws would become easily identifiable and not dependent on other issues making them more accountable. Most things run best, when they can run most simply.

I would add a 5th point: Repealing the 17th Amendment to restore direct voting control of U.S. Senators by state legislatures, actually giving the states true representation and taking some DC lobbyists out of that loop.

We can minimize evil as assuredly as an employer controls his employees’ productivity and accurateness by also following accountability methods. In the world of politics, there is no finer measuring device for checking accountability with sworn oaths to our U.S. Constitution and Idaho’s Constitution than the voting indexes called the ‘Freedom Indexes’ of the JBS and IFF in an age when the news and polls cannot be relied upon.

Good luck with getting the Congressional Anti-Corruption Amendment passed in Congress. I hope you do not advocate getting this done in a Constitutional Convention. Or, do you?

See: Do Congressional Term Limits Restrain Our Rights?