Swamp Osmosis

From: GemStatePatriot.com                    

Speaker Paul Ryan started out as a fine young man at the age of 22 serving as a legislative aide in WI Sen. Bob Kasten’s office, after graduating in 1992. Before being elected as a Congressman in 1998, he had also served as a speechwriter, legislative director to a Senator and as a marketing consultant for a construction company owned by his relatives.

Today, Paul Ryan is still a fine man that happened to have earned his way to the Speakership in the House through a programming process that could be likened to osmosis.

Like most of us, he is the product of his education and his experiences in his environment. He lives and works in what we today are recognizing as the government’s swamp.

Osmosis: the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc. Therefore, swamp osmosis. Speaker Ryan has evolved into the product of his influential environment. An environment run mostly by the elite establishment members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).


Paraphrasing from James Perloff’s book Shadows of Power: From their start in 1921, as Architects of a New World Order, the CFR’s goal was the formation of an incrementally stronger world government. By World War II it had acquired unrivaled influence on American foreign policy. Hundreds of U.S. Government administrators and diplomats have been drawn from its ranks – regardless of which party occupied the White House. Admiral Chester Ward, former Judge Advocate of the U.S. Navy, was a CFR member for 16 years before resigning in disgust. He stated: ‘The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence, and submergence into an all-powerful one-world government.’

 “The Council on Foreign Relations is “the establishment.” Not only does it have influence and power in key decision-making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also announces and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high-level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of a one-world dictatorship.” – Former U.S. Congressman from Indiana (D) John Rarick 1971

The whole debate between voting for Republicans or Democrats is a scam. No matter who you vote in, the Council on Foreign Relations conspiracy marches on. The Clinton administration was flooded with Council members just like the Bush administrations before and after him were. The Council on Foreign Relations conspiracy has infiltrated our corrupt officials in the U.S. Government, the Freemason education conspiracy, and the corporate media brainwashing we’ve been exposed to all our lives.” – Liberal columnist Joseph Kraft, himself a member of the CFR

“It is through this front group, called the Council on Foreign Relations, and its influence over the media, tax-exempt foundations, universities, and government agencies that the international financiers have been able to dominate the domestic and foreign policies of the United States ever since.” – G. Edward Griffin / The Creature From Jekyll Island

See: “Who the ‘Establishment’ Really Is”


I took the time to check out the State Department for CFR members: Scchhzzaamm! 14 of the 23 members of The Board of Directors at the State Department are also members of the shadowy Council on Foreign Relations. I haven’t made time to check out other departments of government other than President Trump’s cabinet, but this expose’ is quite revealing alone.


As much as it pains me to report this, President Trump’s new cabinet has CFR members: Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chow (married to Senate Leader Mitch McConnell); newly announced Ambassador to Singapore, KT McFarland; Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer; and National Security Adviser, H.R. McMaster. It really hurts to report that our new Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch is a former member of the CFR. As well respected as a pure ‘originalist’ as Justice Gorsuch is, I choose to believe, that he joined with the mindset of keeping your enemies closer. Time will tell.

If that is not all bad enough, current Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Steven Breyer are CFR members as was retired Justice Sandra Day O’Conner. And I am aware of good ol’ Senator John McCain being a CFR member.

Like sheepherders and sheep, non-CFR members in government are led, and those that don’t follow, can expect wolves waiting for them. There are so many methods of applying pressure, everything from withdrawal of party support and funds, to committee disbarment and unfavorable press stories.


It appears our glorious return to accountability, traditional values, and the rule of law with a strong leader is starting to falter from President Trump’s hunger to make deals. The results of going across the aisle and making a deal with the devil is probably 50% evil since most of what the far left is demanding is socialistic, un-American, deceptive and downright nonsense. Why try so hard to work deals with crazies? Far left democrats (there aren’t any other kind of democrats left) didn’t elect Trump, would never give him a chance at anything and making deals with them will only disappoint and possibly destroy some of the support of real patriotic Americans who understand what this country is truly about. See: “The Insanity of Liberalism,” “Promising Panacea,” “Greed Is Good? Wrong!” and “Reality Denial”

For instance, Paul Ryan claims to be holding out on the ‘Repeal’ ObamaCare only position that President Trump campaigned on wanting to replace it with (most recently) keeping some of the taxing in place because of the need to offset the pending tax reductions legislation. Be damned with that! More than the $900 billion Ryan contends to need can more than be found in cleaning up waste, fraud and abuse while at the same time eliminating whole agencies and a whole lot more crippling regulations and in so doing energizing the profitability and competitiveness of our commerce. Ryan is trying to keep the government involved with health insurance for one special reason. Control. The federal government has become the useful tool of the ‘establishment’ for control.


Dance with who brought you. You have done a great job so far. Now don’t let it go to your head and blow it. You are the President of all the people but you will never satisfy all of them so quit trying to satisfy the far left. You cannot, and should not try. You will never satisfy socialists. You will do socialists the best you can do for them by telling them to grow up and get real, this is America, we are capitalist, we work at producing and taking care of our families through personal responsibility. If they don’t get that, then they should be told to go somewhere else and live. Also, please tell them there will be no more press 1 or 2 before they speak on a phone. This is America, adapt. We speak English here.

Mostly, these whiners need to be told to quit groveling about wanting free stuff and get started productively working. Welfare should become workfare. The unemployed need to get over their pride about being overqualified for entry-level jobs. Entry-level jobs, aside from being a beginning, can be gratifying and opportunistic, and they certainly beat doing nothing and leaching off the land. There’s nothing like the gratification of knowing you’re doing the best you can.

President Trump: America really needs you. We need you to be the strong Constitutional conservative you campaigned as. Remember, capitalism wins ‘Big Time!’ Socialism never has, and the CFR’s brand of One World Global Socialism will never be successful. Socialism is for pathetic losers. Don’t let the swamp osmosis wear you down. Stay the course of conservatism following our rule of law found in the Constitution you took an oath to uphold. If you keep going left, you will lose more of your base than you might believe: Spelled CATASTROPHIC! A deal for the sake of one, is not necessarily a good thing! A deal must be a good deal and your supporters do know the difference. Illegitimis non carborundum!

Washington State… ‘Their water and/or Idaho’s?’

From: GemStatePatriot.com              

Bob Bingham is the founder of Idaho’s largest property rights group, North West Property Owners Alliance (NWPOA) and recently became a newly elected Kootenai County Commissioner.

Bob has a reputation for getting citizens aware and involved.

NWPOA is a viable force today working very hard for property owners’ water, property and privacy rights by attending and monitoring pertinent meetings, combating legislative proposals and hiring legal defense.

Recently Bob emailed the current NWPOA Board of Directors, (Bob resigned from the board several years ago) NWPOA’s water adjudication attorney, myself and others to share some information regarding a looming concern to all Washington State (WA) and North Idaho (ID) property owners.


Avista’s Post Falls, Idaho dam

Bob Bingham’s email began: “Remember for the last couple of years I’ve been telling you that a bigger fish (than tribal water right claims) is Washington State regarding our North Idaho Water. As you know, NWPOA has been fighting/negotiating to protect our water rights here in north Idaho for the last several years.

“However, Washington State was then and as far as I know, still is seeking to “demand” N. Idaho raise the instream flow out of the Post Falls dam to a level 200-300% higher than it is now. (850 cfs) Basically, WA State wants us to open the gates and allow most of the water to flow to them. Don’t think they can do it? Remember, WA State was the bulldozer that FORCED Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls and Hayden sewer districts to spend tens of millions of dollars (That will eventually double and/or triple monthly sewer costs to North Idaho city dwellers) on new “near perfect” sewer treatment technology over the next 10-15 years. WA State is a liberal powerhouse of socialism and they regularly flex their political power. I had not revisited this topic in some time, thanks to Rich Loudenback for getting me to look at it again. The irony is that this has little to do with property owners on either side; it has to do with controlling property owners on both sides, so we must stick together.”

Within hours, Norm Semanko, attorney for NWPOA replied: “This is indeed a HUGE issue. And there is an even BIGGER fish: that would be any claim for federal reserved instream flow water rights in the Spokane River made by the United States and/or any tribe in any future water rights adjudication initiated in Washington State. Such a claim would threaten all existing ground water uses in Idaho, not just future ones, because of the senior priority that would be claimed by the U.S./tribe(s). And you know Washington State would support that, not fight it, paving the way for the claims to be decreed.”

Back to Bob’s original email: “As Rich Loudenback pointed out, CAPR is aware and fighting over in WA. Personally, I feel everyone should fear the central water bank schemeThe government forces itself into something that currently costs us nothing, (water from your rural well) but after they are done re-engineering it, it will cost you …”if” they let you have some. Water that use to be free and available, becomes regulated with the government determining who gets water and how much.The WA government will run the program, which means things like fish, global warming, tribes, etc. will be given passes to move to the front of the line … the average mom & pop rural citizens will have to do without or less than what we need. They will use tax money to sucker farmers to sell water rights forever tying those water rights up. The goal of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 is to control human behavior; our job is to rein in our government.”

Another large group of interested Idaho citizens is “North Idaho Water Rights Alliance”, (NIWRA) who collectively represents Benewah, Kootenai, and Shoshone Counties in water adjudication. NIWRA’s spokesperson is Pam Secord. Water is the new gold; those who control water will control everything.


The Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) has a Spokane chapter that is very front-and-center in this fight, and they cite the following information:

“Water Banking is NOT a free market; a free market is a system in which the prices for goods and services are determined by the open market and consumers, in which the laws and forces from any intervention by a government, price-setting monopoly, or other authority. Exempt wells are exempt wells!” http://proprights.org/blog/water-rights-where-do-we-stand-hirst-0

“CAPR DOES NOT SUPPORT bills which seek to promote water mitigation banks, trust water rights, or mitigation…”

www.spokanecounty.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/10114 THIS DOCUMENT SAYS A COW WILL ONLY GET 12 GALLONS OF WATER A DAY. Is that enough water for a cow? Do you think 275 gallons a day for indoor use and 26 gallons a day for outdoor use is enough water for homes? What happened to 5,000 gallons a day with exempt wells that rural well owners were ABLE TO USE?

http://www.spokanecounty.org/DocumentCenter/View/13642 – Do you agree that $1,205,000 should be appropriated to account for WATER BANK ACTIVITIES?

http://www.spokanecounty.org/DocumentCenter/View/12735 is the water bank loan for 1 MILLION DOLLARS THAT SPOKANE COUNTY TOOK OUT to manage the water bank.

The last sentence in the first paragraph of this Spokane County link titled INSTREAM FLOWS SAYS IT ALL. https://www.spokanecounty.org/1236/Instream-Flow

“The intent is to set up instream flows throughout the state.” Since an instream flow rule is present in the Little Spokane River WIRA 55 and a water bank is being set up, we can expect that WATER BANKS with mitigation packages which limit water use will become the norm across the state and water wells will become EXTINCT!!!!

DOE’s website says the average household uses 300 gallons a day. See the last sentence in the first paragraph in the DOE link at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wr/rights/water-right-home.html

This https://www.spokanecounty.org/1498/Water-Bank-Feasibility-Study shows many links regarding meetings in which water banking in WIRA 55 in the Little Spokane River area was discussed since 2014.

Bingham concluded his email with the following informational links:


(Some text are excerpts from the linked document, other comments are from Bob Bingham)

http://spokanewatersheds.org/wria-55-57-current-projects (bb) Washington State is moving quickly towards “banking” water and implementing a “cap and trade” for water just like carbon. Property owners over there need to be awakened to what it going on or they will lose everything.

The purpose of an instream flow rule is to protect and preserve water in streams for “instream resources” including fish, wildlife, recreational uses, wastewater management, and hydropower. The rule protects river flows and balances the needs of all water users by setting a regulatory threshold to determine when there is water available for new uses.

http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wr/rules/557-ov.html On January 27, 2015 Director Maia Bellon signed a new instream flow rule for the Spokane River and Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie (SVRP) Aquifer for the benefit of the community and the river. The rule became effective February 27, 2015.

http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wr/rules/images/pdf/spokane/173557-petition-02292016.pdf the Instream Flow Rule for the Spokane River & Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie (SVRP) Aquifer, WAC 173-557

(bb) WA State will write the rules, and then they will get some in their pocket judge to require Idaho to enforce their dogma not just on WA state property owners, but Idaho property owners too. Remember, they already used WA law to reach into Idaho (forcing their wastewater discharge standards upon North Idahoans) … all they need now is the judge or federal agency to force water banking on North Idaho.

Rule Implementation – The rule applies to the main stem of the Spokane River and those portions of Spokane and Stevens Counties within the boundary of the Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer. After February 27, 2015, all new uses of water from the Spokane River and Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer, including new water right permits and permit-exempt ground water withdrawals are required to comply with the rule.

https://listserv.wa.gov/cgi-bin/wa you can sign up for emails about this activity.

This is a section of the actual WA code text … WAC 173-555-010 General provision. These rules, including any subsequent additions and amendments, apply to waters within and contributing to the Little Spokane River basin, WRIA-55 (see WAC 173-500-040). Chapter 173-500 WAC, the general rules of the department of ecology for the implementation of the comprehensive water resources program, applies to this chapter 173-555 WAC. In the area where this rule and chapter 173-557 WAC overlap, the application of each rule shall be determined as follows:

(1) New water use from the Little Spokane River, its tributaries, and the shallow aquifer associated with the Little Spokane River and its tributaries that is not part of the SVRP aquifer shall be regulated under this rule (chapter 173-555 WAC).

(2) New water use from the Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie aquifer shall be regulated under chapter 173-557 WAC, Water resource management program for the Spokane River and Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie (SVRP) aquifer.

For more NWPOA (North West Property Owners Alliance) info contact the secretary/treasurer, Carla Woempner at cw@nwpoa.org or call at 208 956-0638 and for property owners living in Washington State, contact CAPR (Citizens Alliance for Property Rights) Gloria Clark at gclark@air-pipe.com. Pam Secord of NIWRA can be contacted at niwaterrights@gmail.com

Also, see: 2017 NWPOA DINNER: ‘We Can Stop a Lot by Being Big and Strong’ for insight into NWPOA’s fine organization.

CLASSIC RUSES: Clinton’s Lewinsky and Obama’s Russians

From: GemStatePatriot.com                 


A perceptive friend of mine is known to occasionally say someone is worrying about the wrong thing. Amazingly, he is usually right, and what you saw originally might have been a ruse. A ruse is likened to a magician’s art. Ruse: an action intended to deceive someone; a trick.


DECEPTION: Many Americans believe Bill Clinton’s Monica Lewinsky affair provided the press and AG Janet Reno the opportunity to gin up attention so well; it diverted attention from the treasonous ‘big picture’ in which Bill Clinton was embroiled. i.e. Selling America’s top-secret information to the Chinese for millions of dollars. Year of the Rat is a book chronicling all the details exposing this most treasonous act against America, probably in US history. “Chinagate: Beijing Bailout” and “Chinagate: Red Star Over the White House” were parts of a special report based on that book and further investigation. Also, see: ‘Lest We Forget Chinagate, the Most Serious Scandal in US History’ and ‘Key Player in Clinton Betrayal of U.S. Tells All in Secret Video’(very recent)

Judicial Watch and Judicial Watch alone uncovered the entire Chinagate scandal in 1995, starting with a Freedom of information Act request to the Commerce Department. Chinagate involves the transfer of America’s most sensitive technology, including but not limited to nuclear missile and satellite technology, in exchange for millions of dollars in contributions to the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election effort and the Democratic National Committee.

President Clinton’s compromise of U.S. security for Chinese cash was a far graver issue in the impeachment arena than the sex and lying of the Lewinsky scandal, which drew all the attention of the media.

From the report in 1999, ‘Chinagate: Red Star Over the White House,’ it is significant that Special Prosecutor Ken Starr — who, it must be remembered, was an executive branch official subject to dismissal by the President — was able to get, then Attorney General, Janet Reno’s approval to pursue the Lewinsky matter. Reno’s cooperation in this instance contrasts sharply with her resolute determination to foreclose any avenue of investigation that would tie Chinagate scandals to either Bill Clinton or Al Gore.

Quoting that report, “Lost amid the superficial tumult that characterizes the “politics of personal destruction” is the fact that the impeachment of Mr. Clinton on Lewinsky-related charges deferred a much-needed inquiry into the graver charges that are pending against Bill Clinton — specifically, treason and bribery, which are specifically cited in the Constitution as grounds for impeachment. Evidence abounds that Mr. Clinton, in acts of official perfidy that may be unparalleled in our nation’s history, accepted bribes from Red China in the form of illegal political contributions, and in exchange made policy decisions that undermined our national security to the benefit of that hostile foreign power. The mantra chanted by the President’s lackeys and partisans is that Bill Clinton’s acts in the Lewinsky matter “don’t rise to the level” of impeachment or removal from office. Not even the most chauvinistic of Bill Clinton’s defenders could recite that slogan regarding treason.”

Clinton was disbarred and fined after Impeachment for lying under oath to a grand jury and obstructing justice regarding his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, although he was not removed from office.

It is interesting that Lewinsky’s blue dress was kept in the condition it was and then exposed so as if to say ‘look here.’ One of the greatest attention getters of all time might was made available for Bill Clinton’s benefit! Attention commanding ‘salaciousness’ was front and center. A needed, perfect ruse, if you will, when you consider his alternative other ‘monumental’ scandal: the many documented treasonous acts against America in the Chinagate scandal.


I think so. States Tyler Durden in his Zero Hedge article ‘The Evidence That Russia Hacked The DNC Is Collapsing,’ “As I’ve been saying for months, there is no evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC: nonezilchnada. Yet this false narrative is the entire basis of a campaign launched by the Democrats, hailed by the Trump-hating media, and fully endorsed by the FBI and the CIA, the purpose of which is to “prove” that Trump is “Putin’s puppet,” as Hillary Clinton put it. Now the investigative powers of the federal government are being deployed to confirm that the Trump campaign “colluded” with the Kremlin in an act the evidence for which is collapsing.

“This whole affair is a vicious fraud. If there is any justice in this world – and there may not be – the perpetrators should be charged, tried, and jailed.”

In the first place, why would the Russians want to spy on the DNC after Obama and the Clintons so generously took care of Putin? See: Putin Would Prefer Hillary Let us suppose that Vladimir Putin did successfully ‘hack’ election computers in our Presidential election. So now the question really comes down to who he would have preferred dealing with as our next president. Would he have preferred a guy he doesn’t know, whose successful business career has been built on accountability and credible relationships? Or, would he prefer the wheeling dealing ethics-deficient treasonous Clintons he knows he can buy off like he did with their obtaining 20% of our national Uranium supplies through a company in Canada while Hillary was Secretary of State? The Clintons reportedly raked in $130 million on the deal. It appears political relationships can be surprisingly rewarding and create downright landslide opportunities with no investigations.

Keep in mind that not only were former CIA Director John Brannon, NIA Director James Clapper, NSA Director Michael Rogers and current FBI Director James Comey all appointed by Obama with Comey still serving as Director of the FBI, but Comey also has serious connections to the Clinton Foundation. Interesting. They steadfastly support the allegation about Russian involvement in our election process while not actually probing the information directly. They are relying on other sources for their information. Cozy. Therefore, they cannot be accused of direct wrongdoing.


In an Investor’s Business Daily editorial, ‘Did Obama Spy On Trump? Sure Looks That Way,’ “Rep. Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, says that the Obama administration surveilled Donald Trump’s transition aides and possibly Trump himself following November’s election. If true, it warrants a major investigation.

“‘I recently confirmed that on numerous occasions the intelligence community … collected information about U.S. citizens involved in the Trump transition,’ Nunes told reporters.

“Nunes immediately came under intense criticism from congressional Democrats for his revelations. What’s both hilarious and sad is that these are the very same Democrats who have been nearly silent, as a series of illegal leaks from the intelligence bureaucracy have made their way into the mainstream media, in a transparent attempt by unnamed intelligence officials to damage Trump’s presidency.

“Nunes, speaking Wednesday and citing only “sources,” was careful to note that the surveillance of Trump aides appeared to be both legal and “incidental” — that is, not part of a directed spying operation on Trump.

“Of course, that appears to be literally true. But it’s also irrelevant. Democrats and the media keep mentioning the word “incidental” as if it exonerates what now appears to be a domestic spying operation against Trump directed from the Obama White House.

“‘Incidental’ doesn’t mean unintentional. Take as an example the leaks of former Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s conversations in late December with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Those talks have been treated as sinister, with the Washington Post even suggesting that they were a violation of the Logan Act, a possible serious crime.

“But U.S. intelligence gatherers could quite easily get an “incidental” trove of material on Flynn, simply by getting a surveillance warrant on someone they knew he was likely to talk to. Presto! The information on Flynn talking to the target becomes “incidental,” rather than targeted. Still, the intent was clear.

“The fact is, as Nunes revealed, this appears to be a pattern of surveillance put in place by the Obama administration and possibly officials in the FBI, CIA or National Security Agency to elude any appearance of a domestic spying operation on a political foe, which would be a serious crime.” – Unquote, ‘ Investor’s Business Dailey’


Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice: “I know nothing about this.”

Reports the Washington Examiner, “First, Susan Rice denied any knowledge of unmasking the identities of Trump officials named in intelligence reports linked to the president’s transition team. Then, the former National Security Advisor admitted that unmasking occurred, while insisting it wasn’t for political purposes.”

She told NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, “The allegation is that somehow the Obama Administration officials utilized intelligence for political purposes. That’s absolutely false.” It is instructive to note that Rice had extremely close ties with Obama. In addition to serving as his national security advisor during his second term, Rice was known as his “right-hand woman,” and “like a sister.” Does this remind you of her five TV network interviews when she swore a video caused the Benghazi catastrophe?

This truly does all sound like the craft of the tag team Obama and Soros, the two sorriest human beings of whom I am aware. If you think that is a bit strong, I give you the links below to check out how really sorry and corrupt they truly are when you have a lot of time.

God save the Republic.


Obama Was Almost Certainly Illegally Spying on Team Trump

Obama’s ‘Trump Saboteurs’ at OFA Boasts 30,000 Paid Agitators & Opening 250 Offices across America

Stop Paid Anarchists by Cutting off the Head

Obama’s Trying to Salvage a Legacy… No Problem, He’s Got One He Can’t Run From

George Soros’ War on America: Time to Prosecute the Billionaire’s Global Crime Spree

Soros Prepares For Trump War



Top 10 Reasons George Soros Is Dangerous

Soros Spends Over $48 Million Funding Media Organizations