We Must Factually Re-Educate Our Youth to Save America…

From: GemStatePatriot.com                                  

I awoke in the night finding myself compelled to check for something on my computer that I am expecting and since I use The New Ameican.com as my homepage instantly saw Selwyn Duke’s, Death by Education,” which almost demanded reading immediately.

His paragraph that drove me forward to pass this information on reads: “By the November 2020 election, approximately 10 million Americans will have died; mostly older, they’re a demographic that generally votes for conservatives. They will be perhaps more than replaced, though, by approximately 16 million young people who will turn 18 between now and then. Yet these new voters won’t fill their elders’ shoes: They’ll disproportionately cast ballots for hardcore statists, perhaps being the most “liberal” group of 18-year-olds in American history.”

That fact is perhaps the scariest and most foreboding of propositions entailing America’s future. For those of us who were properly educated about the history of our great country, our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights and the importance of maintaining traditional values, morality and the rule of law it is extremely difficult to fathom how much of education as we’ve known it has been turned upside down. Or in other words, flagrantly right in front of our faces, our precious youth are being groomed as vibrant young socialists by our government’s establishment. The modus operandi has been schmoozing us and we’ve been denying reality right in front of our faces.


Thomas Sowell in his Inside American Education – The Decline, The Deception, the Dogmas, “The responses of the educational establishment to the academic deficiencies of their students today include (1) secrecy, (2) camouflage, (3) denial, (4) shifting the blame elsewhere, and (5) demanding more money.

“‘Confidentiality’ policies maintain secrecy, while inflated grades and a policy of not recording failing grades help many institutions to camouflage the facts, so that optimistic public statements can effectively deny what is happening. When the facts become so blatant as to overwhelm these defenses, the strategy is simply to shift the blame to some other factor- outside the educational system. These include both social factors and financial resources.”

I can’t express the need for our awakening to this inevitable conclusion acknowledged by Mr. Duke’s above statement strongly enough. The plan is in, it is working, we are dying off, they are the future in even greater numbers and they are most certainly not what we have been. Therefore, America is destined to go by the way. Unless, we get madder than hell, and make a commitment to do something about it all.


We must support our exciting new Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. She is more than a breath of fresh air being injected into the dark foreboding world of what has become a socialist’s preparatory process. She promises to be a transformative disciple of traditional American values, factual history and cognitive training which our children are being deprived of today in public schools.

Selwyn Duke also reported that in Betsy DeVos’s 2013 interview with Philanthropy, she expressed support for vouchers, private schools, charter schools, homeschooling, and “digital learning” as viable options under educational choice, but did not name public schools. DeVos wrote in an op-ed for the Detroit News in 2016 that the Detroit public schools system should be replaced entirely with a free-market system. ([Husband] Dick DeVos, who served on the State Board of Education in Michigan in 1990, said in 2002 that public schools should be called “government schools.”)


“All the ingredients for a successful educational system already exist in the United States – some of the leading scholars in the world in numerous fields, masses of college-educated people capable of teaching in the public schools, and a public whose willingness to provide financial support for education has far outstripped educators’ willingness to buckle down to the task of teaching academic skills to the next generation. The problems are fundamentally institutional. Changing those institutions is the key to changing behavior and attitudes too long insulated from accountability.

“The political task is enormous, but no more so than the task of others before who have made vast changes in the social landscape of the United States, or who created this country in the first place. The stakes today are our children’s future – and nothing should be more worthy of the effort.” – Unquote Thomas Sowell

Eliminating Federal Agencies Needs Being Done

From: GemStatePatriot.com                       

However, Nobody Wants Their Ox Gored

Today the United States is 17th in the World Economic Freedom Index.

Economic Freedom defined: The freedom to prosper within a country without intervention from a government or economic authority. Individuals are free to secure and protect his/her human resources, labor and private property. Economic freedom is common in capitalist economies and must incorporate other civil liberties to be deemed as truly free. – The Business Dictionary.com

In a 2015 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, one senator noted that “The Federal Register indicates there are over 430 departments, agencies, and sub-agencies in the federal government.”  Obama’s presidency produced 81,640 total pages of regulations and rules for 2016 alone, a record. To put into perspective what type of effect the regulatory state has on the American economy, a 2014 report by the National Association of Manufacturers found that regulatory costs on all firms exceed $2 trillion annually and disproportionally affect small businesses.

The English writer G.K. Chesterton stated, “The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.” 99% of these mistakes all have to do with their transgressions in violation of our blessed Constitution.

“The Tenth Amendment emphasizes the belief that the federal government holds only those powers and responsibilities specifically discussed in the Constitution, and that all others are reserved to the individual states, and to the people. This amendment does not give new powers to the states, but specifically safeguards their authority over all matters that are not specifically granted to the federal government.” – The Legal Dictionary.net


Unconstitutional subsidies, grants, loan guarantees, tax deductions, foreign aid, stimulus plans, regulations and unconstitutional agencies, therefore, shouldn’t exist in the first place. All these actions by our government for citizens, corporations, financial institutions, states, counties, cities and other countries are not what our federal government was set up to do. It has morphed into a giant good will endeavor purporting to enrich and improve life for the benefit of all while in fact, it has been expropriating power to itself, charging it all to taxpayers and businesses while unsettling our true ‘competitive’ business dynamic in what should be a free marketplace. Most of this was created at the direction of the establishment (CFR). Free people prosper. Restrained people… not so much. Nothing spends like someone else’s money, especially when that someone else is utterly inattentive and over trusting. American citizens have been tuned out and too trusting of politicians that are naïve, deluded or eaten up with $PECIAL INTERE$T greed.

And guess what? Not one of these bureaucratic departments or agencies want their ox gored!


We have a spending problem! A budget’s total of expenditures is not ‘the problem,‘ it is the itemizations!, or the ‘devil in the details’ that create the total to be balanced. Our list of expenditures is the root problem. Like itemizations such as our government spending more on corporate welfare subsidies than social welfare programs in 2006. And that is particularly outrageous when you consider that billions of those welfare expenditures are illegally being paid to non-qualifying illegal aliens which actually now is the greater of the two expenditures.

In FY 2016 total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — was “guesstimated” to be $1,032 billion(that’s over $1 trillion), including $591 billion for Medicaid, and $467 billion in other welfare. There are 70 Federal Domestic Assistance agencies with 2306 programs listed here.


Philip Mattera in his report, “Subsidizing the Corporate One Percent” reported that $110 billion was given to 965 big business parents of subsidy recipients. He also stated that the total number of these awards were over 25,000 and all this accounts for a 75 percent portion of the total value of the Subsidy Tracker universe.

He stated, “Berkshire Hathaway, a company with $485 billion in assets and $20 billion in profits, received over $1 billion of that money. Its chair, Warren Buffett, is worth about $58 billion. Buffett, by the way, is still a darling of the left. He has some nerve to call for higher taxes. The billion dollars his companies took would pay for a lot of teachers, healthcare, and other public goods.” (His alternate recipients would also be receiving the money un-constitutionally.)

From Tom Coburn’s Milking Taxpayers at the Economist.com in 2015, “American farm subsidies are egregiously expensive, harvesting $20 billion a year from taxpayers’ pockets. Most of the money goes to big, rich farmers producing staple commodities such as corn and soybeans in states such as Iowa.

“To this day, to be treated as a farmer in America doesn’t necessarily require you to grow any crops. According to the Government Accountability Office, between 2007 and 2011 Uncle Sam paid some $3m in subsidies to 2,300 farms where no crop of any sort was grown. Between 2008 and 2012, $10.6m was paid to farmers who had been dead for over a year.”

These links are sure to further stir your ire: NFL gets billions in subsidies from U.S. taxpayers10 Taxpayer Handouts to the Super Rich That Will Make Your Blood BoilShould Washington End Agriculture Subsidies?American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year, and Despite $39 billion in Annual Gov’t. Subsidies, Solar Produced 0.5% of Electricity in US. Also for some insight and inspiration see: Downsizing the Federal Government, YOUR GUIDE TO CUTTING FEDERAL SPENDING.


Stephanie Condon with CBS News reported in 2011 that Ron Paul during his presidential campaign “unveiled a plan to cut $1 Trillion from the federal budget within one year by cutting a handful of federal departments.

“Paul’s plan would shape the federal government to fit the Texas Republican’s small-government, federalist views, slashing remaining department budgets, immediately ending all war spending, eliminating programs viewed as unnecessary, sending control over programs like Medicaid to the states, scrapping significant regulations and cutting taxes.

“Along with the Departments of Energy and Education, Paul also proposes eliminating the Departments of Housing and Urban DevelopmentCommerce, and Interior. Paul would also abolish the Transportation Security Administration, leaving security at airports and other transportation systems up to the private sector.”


Writing for the Cato Institute, Chris Edwards says, “So let me suggest some wasteful spending that the new administration should tackle, and the annual savings from terminating each:

K-12 school subsidies, which generate bureaucracy and stifle innovation ($25 billion).

Farm subsidies, which enrich wealthy landowners and harm the environment ($25 billion).

Rural corporate welfare, which is handed out by the Department of Agriculture ($6 billion).

Energy subsidies, which have been one boondoggle after another ($5 billion).

TSA airport screening, which Trump has said is “a total disaster” ($5 billion).

The war on drugs, which wastes police resources and generates violence ($15 billion).

Excess pay for federal workers, especially gold-plated retirement benefits ($33 billion with a 10 percent cut).

Housing subsidies, which distort markets and damage cities ($37 billion).

Community development aid, which is corporate welfare used for buying votes ($11 billion).

Urban transit and passenger rail funding, which are properly local and private activities ($12 billion).

Obamacare exchange subsidies and Medicaid expansion, which should be repealed along with the overall law ($225 billion a year by 2026).


Josh Guckert at Libertarian Republic.com cites what he calls his Top 10 Examples of Government Waste, “Government Agencies Are Out of Control. When George Washington became President, his cabinet consisted of only an Attorney General and the Secretaries of State, War and Treasury. Needless to say, in the two centuries since then, government bureaucracy has gotten completely out of control, and it has become nearly impossible to keep track of all of the country’s departments and agencies. While there are entire departments that should also be discarded, here are 10 agencies which we could easily do without. Because there are so many which are ineffective and intrusive, this is certainly not an exhaustive list:

  1. National Security Agency
  2. Food and Drug Administration
  3. Environmental Protection Agency
  4. Amtrak
  5. Internal Revenue Service
  6. Federal Emergency Management Agency
  7. Transportation Security Administration
  8. Drug Enforcement Administration
  9. Federal Communications Commission
  10. Federal Reserve

 Also, see the GAO report about how the federal government wasted $45 billion in redundant programs.

It’s interesting that the Government Accountability Office’s 2016 report presents: “ 92 actions that the executive branch or Congress could take to improve efficiency and effectiveness across 37 areas that span a broad range of government missions and functions.

GAO suggests 33 actions to address evidence of fragmentation, overlap, or duplication in 12 new areas across the government missions of defense, economic development, health, homeland security, and information technology.

GAO also presents 59 opportunities for executive branch agencies or Congress to take actions to reduce the cost of government operations or enhance revenue collections for the Treasury across 25 areas of government.”


Here’s a list of the various federal agencies reportedly on the chopping block so far with their budgets. See the full report with more details on each as reported in an article by Taylor Tepper with the above title at Time.com/money.

  1. Corporation for Public Broadcasting – Budget: $445 million
  2. National Endowment for the Arts – Budget: $150 million
  3. National Endowment for the Humanities – Budget: $150 million
  4. Minority Business Development Agency – Budget: $36 million
  5. Economic Development Administration – Budget: $215 million
  6. International Trade Administration – Budget: $521 million
  7. Manufacturing Extension Partnership – Budget: $142 million
  8. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services – Budget: $286 million
  9. Office of Violence Against Women – Budget: $480 million
  10. Legal Services Corporation – Budget: $503 million
  11. Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department – Budget: $156 million
  12. Environment and Natural Resources Division of the Justice Department – Budget: $123 million
  13. Overseas Private Investment Corporation – Budget: Self-sustaining
  14. UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – U.S. Funding: Estimated $10 million
  15. Office of Electricity Deliverability and Energy Reliability – Budget: $262 million
  16. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy – Budget: $2.9 billion
  17. Office of Fossil Energy – Budget: $878 million

This could be a great beginning but we truly need to jettison a lot more of our socialist bureaus, departments, agencies, laws and regulations which have been exactly what all this ‘big government in control’ has been striving toward. The federal government was never intended to be in charge and certainly not a creator, fixer, charity house and surely not a referee picking winners and losers in the business community. It was established with enumerated powers, period.


  1. Bill, H.R. 861, was just introduced by Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) to abolish the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (also known as the EPA),
  2. Bill, H.R. 899, to shut down the controversial and unconstitutional U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION was introduced in Congress by Congressman Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), a leading constitutional conservative.
  3. In re-introducing the ATF Elimination Act on Thursday, January 12, Representative Jim Sensenbrenner (R- Wis.) explained one of the primary reasons why: “The ATF is a scandal-ridden, largely duplicative agency that has been branded by failure and lacks a clear mission. It is plagued by backlogs, funding gaps, hiring challenges, and a lack of leadership.” – Unquote The New American .com’s Bob Adelmann

That’s a beginning. Then we need keep going and gore the oxen of the BLM, USFS, Fish and Wildlife, US Parks Dept., etc. while at the same time getting our western states’ land back. The Fed’s shouldn’t control any of our states’ lands.

The Federal Government should be about nothing except its enumerated powers!!! IT’S A STATES’ RIGHTS THING. States should control land, water, air and parks. Check the Constitution and awaken and threaten your legislators with retirement should they not start the hard job of reclaiming our Republic as it should be. This can and needs being done.

It should be pointed out that former government employees would evolve into vibrant jobs in the expanding commerce of the healthier private sector and be just fine. As Americans, the good ones will appreciate their new freedoms and the whiners will have to attend to some growing up. America isn’t about guarantees. It is about the freedom to grow and succeed and learning valuable lessons that can be built upon when attaining less.

States Bob Adelmann of the New American .com“The one thing that would work best at reducing government: following the limitations placed on the federal government by the Constitution. Under Article 8, the duties have been enumerated, limited, and then guaranteed under the 10th Amendment: ‘The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.’ Just following the Constitution would, it has been estimated, cut the government by at least 80 percent.” Think of the good that money could do working in the private sector.

America isn’t about government freebies, it’s about freedom, personal responsibility, morality and limited government.

Ox goring season is open year round. There are so many oxen to gore, whose protection will be vehemently fought for by LOBBYI$T$, their ‘client’ corporations, supported legislators, Presidents and judges. Patriot Up!

Irrelevance & Insolence: Goodbye Wretched Democrats

From: GemStatePatriot.com                  


Complain, Raise Hell, and Obstruct: That’s all that’s Left


Democrats haven’t produced anything constitutionally worthwhile or redeeming for a very long time and they haven’t a clue why not and choose to blame others rather than be introspective. Ironically, what’s worse is that they don’t yet have a clue that that is exactly why they blew the election, as my new favorite President would say, “Big Time!”

Their accentuated disrespectful behavior at President Trump’s Congressional Speech underscores their utter failure as patriotic Americans by displaying total disdain for Congressional decorum. I suspect many traditionalist democrats were astonished and I suspect some common sense, God-fearing democrats of yore are leaving or contemplating leaving the party.

“The Democrat Party has been obliterated. Hillary Clinton’s narrow loss to Donald Trump was the shock felt ’round the world, but there’s been an even deeper decline in the Democrat Party at the state and local level. The Obama administration has overseen the loss of roughly a tenth of the party’s Senate seats, a fifth of its House and state legislative seats, and a third of its governorships, something which hasn’t been seen since the repeated routs of Republicans in the 1930s.” – Unquote The Week.com

See: 11 ways President Obama absolutely destroyed the Democrat Party and The catastrophic fall of the Democrat Party


If you don’t know how treacherous and un-American, devout socialist Saul Alinsky was, check out “Saul Alinsky’s Doctrine: 8 steps to topple a nation and create a socialist state.” Then it’s important for you to know that BO (Obama) and Hillary were both earnest Alinsky followers.

Alinsky’s Disciples Wave Farewell

Richard Poe in his Rense.com article, “Hillary, Obama And The Cult Of Alinsky, reports: “Alinsky’s crowning achievement was his recruitment of a young high school student named Hillary Rodham. She met Alinsky through a radical church group. Hillary wrote an analysis of Alinsky’s methods for her senior thesis at Wellesley College. They remained friends until Alinsky’s death in 1972.

“Alinsky tried to hire Hillary as a community organizer, but she chose instead to attend Yale Law School. Nonetheless, Alinsky’s network continued guiding Hillary’s career.

Barack Obama is also an Alinskyite. Trained by Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation, Obama spent years teaching workshops on the Alinsky method. In 1985 he began a four-year stint as a community organizer in Chicago, working for an Alinskyite group called the Developing Communities Project. Later, he worked with ACORN and its offshoot Project Vote, both creations of the Alinsky network.

“Camouflage is key to Alinsky-style organizing. While trying to build coalitions of black churches in Chicago, Obama caught flak for not attending church himself. He became an instant churchgoer.

“That Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama share an Alinskyite background tells us two things. First, they are leftists, dedicated to overthrowing our Constitutional system. Second, they will go to any length to conceal their radicalism from the public.

“That is the Alinsky method. And that is today’s Democrat Party.”


Many democrats are very good people and very loyal people. Like I said at a meeting in Fernwood a couple years ago, Democrats are good people, they just can’t do math. Like many Republicans today, I was raised in a family that were staunch bible-thumping Democrats. Habits run deep and many people remain locked in out of sheer loyalty. However, folks like me caught onto inevitable common sense about math and recently many more have been deserting the blatant socialist mantra of the far left moving the party to an Alinsky world that doesn’t resemble the party they grew up knowing.

States former Georgia Governor and U.S. Senator Zell Miller, a staunch democrat, in his book ‘A National Party No More,’ “All left turns may work on the racetrack, but it is pulling our party in a dangerous direction…It is a system that “Cuisinarts” individual thought into a mushy party pudding – a system that expects one to go along with the team even if the quarterback is calling the wrong signals….this never- ending back-and-forth partisan ping-pong game of revenge needs to end – for the good of our country.”


Quoting a 2014 Investors’ Business Dailey editorialDemocrats: The Real Party Of The Rich, ‘‘Indeed, a recent book, ‘The New Leviathan,’ says donations to Democrats outstrip those to Republicans 7-to-1. How can this be? Democrat support soars when you include unions, universities, superPACs, nonprofits, left-wing interest groups, and — ready for this? — Wall Street (which overwhelmingly favors Democrats).

“So Democrats don’t really want to restrain money in politics. Just the money that goes to Republicans.

“Voters need to stop listening to the lies. Since 2008, the number of people who call themselves middle class has plunged from 53% to 44%, according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center.

“And, by President Obama’s own admission, his party’s control of Congress and the White House has led to 95% of all income gains going to the top 1% in income.

“So please, enough of this about Democrats being the party of the little guy.

Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Meg Whitman, Marc Andreessen, Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, Mark Zuckerberg, Reid Hoffman, Sergi Brin, Marissa Mayer, Warren Buffet, Jeffery Immelt, Elon Musk, virtually all Hollywood elites, the Big Media elites and virtually all of the financial industry are hardly ‘the people.’

Words are very important. They must be weighed carefully and their users must be accountable to them and politicians held accountable additionally for their votes. The Democrat Party’s words, actions, and votes don’t work anymore.

The Democrat Party should be suffering its comeuppance at the hands of its own followers who are sickened.