Hammerdown — Justice is Overdue

From: GemStatePatriot.com                            


Justice is Overdue for Corrupt Politicians, Federal Agencies, the Lying Media, Hollywood Propagandists, Socialist Professors and George Soros


Pursuit of corruption in government by law enforcement and the legal profession is grossly overdue. America’s lawyerly world has evolved into one of an extreme ‘Legal Cafeteria Plan’ type environment that has been woven into our legal fabric so tightly that one can find a law for just about for anything for which they might want to charge or defend someone. This has been accomplished by corrupt or overzealous lobbyists, elected officials in Congress (many of whom are attorneys) and upheld by the courts (which again, are comprised of attorneys). The ultimate in job perpetuation, if you will. Attorneys get paid if they win or lose. Life has been fruitful in ‘LegalLand.’

Since we are a nation of laws, it is sacrilegious to our core principles that we don’t prosecute all violations. Either we have law or we don’t! The time for reckoning is upon us for dealing with those who have for too long transgressed against our Republic, Constitution, sovereignty and our freedoms.

Our recent election has drawn attention to the severity of the corruption. Now is the time for law enforcement and these attorneys’ to step to the fore and uphold and defend all our Constitutional laws for which this nation was founded and are necessary for our survival as a sovereign republic. America won’t survive much longer, if blatant abuses of our laws are violated constantly, ignored and actually encouraged to continue by the very absence of enforcement and prosecution. Non-enforcement and non-prosecution are the reasons our wonderful nation has been sliding into the cesspool of corruption.


Hopefully, President Donald J. Trump will make good on his proclamation to clean up Washington by faithfully executing the laws of the land honestly, with vigor, through cleaning up our currently corrupt Justice DepartmentFBI and other federal law enforcement agencies such as ImmigrationHomeland SecurityAlcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and on and on into ad nauseum. The on and on part is another problem unto itself. There are far too many overlapping law enforcement agencies and many of them are carrying firearms who you would think shouldn’t. For instance, why in the hell is the corrupt Bureau of Land Management packing heat and stealing ranchers land rights?

A taste of the extreme heights the media goes to is represented in the CNN Headline, ‘Liberty Movement More Threatening than Al-Qaeda.’ CNN and the rest of the big media elite are despicable and needs to be dealt with on lies and utter deceit.

There is a concerted, professionally designed effort by the Establishment in lockstep with the corrupt UN to drive America into the socialists’ realm of a One World Government run by unaccountable, unelected global power elitist who know best about everything for everybody. They have almost succeeded in anchoring their tentacles of ‘freedom and sovereignty killing’ socialism into all aspects of our lives. It has started in our grade schools and is capped off by the schemes of the idiot or deluding (take your pick) socialist professors who should have to go somewhere else and try to live off the purity of their insane doctrine without the subsidies of a successful capitalist system supporting them.

Socialism has never succeeded and never will. It can’t. It simply, absolutely, will always run out of other peoples’ money.

Lies and propaganda from the entertainment industry are as much to blame for tainting the minds of their audiences as teachers. Quoting Michael Medved from his book ‘Hollywood vs. America,’ “…tens of millions of Americans now see the entertainment industry as an all-powerful enemy, an alien force that assaults our most cherished values and corrupts our children. The dream factory has become the poison factory.”

Being a nation of laws means nothing if they are not enforced! President Elect Trump actually can ‘drain the swamp’ by just simply pursuing law enforcement and prosecution of all violations of all our laws especially by those who are guilty of effecting our national decline by getting away with outright uncontested lies in the media, untrue propaganda in Hollywood, the same by our education system, and especially the corruption of our politicians and federal agencies. Then there should be a special place in Hell waiting for the overdue prosecution of the worst human being on earth, George Soros. See: 12, and 3.

Patriotic citizens need to stay on top of well-intentioned President Trump, to not back off a bit in his priority on swamp draining.

We need to get those Judges’ gavels hammering down so frequently across the land that they might collectively sound like jack hammers.

Go Donald go!

Our Trumptastic Americans

From: GemStatePatriot.com                    
Donald Trump is already starting to change his positions, like ‘the wall’ is becoming a ‘fence’ in some places now, he is being smooshed into stating that some parts of ObamaCare might remain and so on… We understand how eager he is to reach across the aisle to get things done, but as I have said before negotiating 50% with the devil is still evil. Hopefully, time and Constitutional mentoring of the Donald might come to the fore sooner than later. Understanding that no person is perfect and he is going to make some honest mistakes, Donald J. Trump is Aces better than Crooked Hillary.

What we could call the Trumptastic Americans are the ones who know right from wrong. Or the Right from the Left, if you will. i.e. What is not right, not correct, not constitutional, and what is Socialistic about the liberal ‘Left’? Answer: Everything!


“I am sure that most individuals afflicted with a liberal mindset would be unable to name any particular goal for their beliefs. It is in many ways like a religion … a set of pre-defined attitudes and opinions by which they make decisions in life. Most often these attitudes and opinions are not of their own formation or arrived at through considered thought. Instead, they are learned from others’ repeated pronouncements of them. Those making these statements often have come to learn them in the same way. Much the same as fables and Bible stories are passed down from generation to generation. Unfortunately many of the “proclaimers” are entrenched in the schools and colleges and their views are imbedded in impressionable minds not yet skilled in giving these ideas critical examination.

“The true agenda of the left is statism or control of the society by a small elite group. They are a patient lot and willing to achieve their goals over a long period of time through seemingly minor and incremental changes in the laws and attitudes of the nation. Through the constant hammering of emotion driven issues — education, the environment, child safety, gun control, nuclear war, etc. — they gradually affect the laws and policies that govern our society. All the while moving us closer to their goal of a nation of serfs working for the benefit of the powerful few that will control every aspect of a citizen’s life.” – Quoting TYSK on a website named tysknews.com


Thank God for our Americans who know what America is truly about and voted for Donald Trump. Our very sovereignty as a free nation depends on secure borders, our rule of law being enforced and our resourceful culture restored to our winning ways of successful commerce in a Capitalist world free of strangulating regulations and excessive taxation by bureaus and agencies that don’t need to exist.

These Americans also realize that government doesn’t run anything well and certainly shouldn’t have a thing to do with healthcare. All the agencies, regulations and healthcare stuff has really been all about gaining control, a database and fundamentally transforming America into a member state of a global government run by unaccountable, unelected global elitists who know best about everything for everybody. Goodbye freedom.


American principles of freedom means there should not be any guarantees, no redistribution and no subsidies. These are all the dreams and mantra of the Marxists and Saul Alinskyite followers such as Hillary Rodam Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama.

True blooded Americans know that guaranteessubsidiesbailoutsre-distributionsocial justice and welfare damage the competitive ‘free’ marketplace, de-incentivize individuals and putt burdensome strains on our tax coffers. Workfare makes sense, welfare does not.

The technologies of solar panels, and windmills are impressive. However, they should not be subsidized! They should have to compete against any other sources of energy with accountable payback that’s profitable or sit on the sidelines until they do. Without the corn subsidies Ethanol would not exist. All other subsidies including all farm subsidies should go the way of their ability to operate ‘freestanding.’ See: “10 Corporations Receiving Massive Public Subsidies From Taxpayers”

Quoting Giridharan Velamore‘s article in Quora.com, ‘Should government abolish the subsidies in different sectors?’: “Subsidies impact the free markets. In that sense it is bad. Depending upon how the subsidy is provided (either to the buyer or to the seller) the market would be skewed. Subsidies directly impact the government by directing resources away from legitimate priorities (Education, defense, infrastructure development, healthcare etc.)

“While subsidies may provide immediate benefits to an industry, in the long-run they may prove to have unethical, negative effects. Subsidies are intended to support public interest however they can violate ethical or legal principles if they lead to higher consumer prices or discriminate against some producers to benefit others.”

A competitive truly free market will always right itself for the better of most citizens, but not all, since honest competition includes winners and losers. With the purpose of business and investments being to make a profit, accountability must reign.

Capitalism is the freedom to win at starting a business or investment and cannot and must not provide ‘subsidized’ guarantees for those who attain less. Failure is a lesson learned well and one moves on, strengthened from the experience. One can strive to achieve all he wants or adjust to what levels of accomplishment he attains. Businesses creating commerce, accountably making a profit providing jobs are the root sources of all governments’ funding. A growing economy that creates more tax paying employees will bring in more revenue than higher tax rates and new taxes which conversely hurt us.

Capitalism is the purest example of true freedom and it is not supposed to be easy. It is just simply the best opportunity for all to pursue our dreams and improve our future. Most real true blooded patriotic Americans get this and fortunately there are still enough around who vote.


The late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said, “Any man under 30 who is not a liberal has no heart, and any man over 30 who is not a conservative has no brains.”

Well, we must be blessed here in America because a surprising number of young Americans under 30 got it about the difference between Donald Trump’s America and that of Crooked Hillary Clinton’s and voted for the Donald.

We are particularly proud that many of our young adults are among our Trumptastic Americans in spite of Common Core and the wacko lefty professors of the heretofore ‘great’ universities and colleges.


The Donald needs to learn that many of those he wants to believe in are very gifted schmoozers. He mostly needs to learn about who the Establishment really is and how they operate. Moving too fast can become his Achilles’ heel.

Lastly, Trumptastic Americans, we should pray that President-Elect Donald J. Trump receives an intense cram course on the Constitution and catches on to the reality that he needs becoming a lot more guarded about any and all remarks he will constantly be baited to give by the sorry big media.

The following oft used Latin remark has never been more apropos: “Illegitimi Non Carborundum” – Don’t let the bastards grind you down!

Electors to Be Bought Off? It’s More Than a…

From: GemStatePatriot.com               
Given the barrage of Wikileaks’s undeniable original source facts about Hillary, the high level of awareness of most of the vote cheating schemes being dealt with and Donald Trump’s recent discipline to stay on the prompter while continuing his relentless schedule I believe he will win the popular vote.

The overwhelming amount of corruption exposed by Wikileaks and the myriad numbers of other scandals in Crooked Hillary’s past can only be suppressed by the mainstream media so long. Social media and a fed up citizenry that does talk to each other are recognizing that her day of judgement is way overdue.

After the formality of our popular vote is finished, a most important question must be answered to assure the continuance of our Republic. Will our members of the Electoral College honor their obligations to vote with their state’s vote? Why?


Quoting from the U.S. National Archives & Records Administration, “There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states. Some states, however, require Electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote. These pledges fall into two categories—Electors bound by state law and those bound by pledges to political parties.

“The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the Constitution does not require that Electors be completely free to act as they choose and therefore, political parties may extract pledges from electors to vote for the parties’ nominees. Some state laws provide that so-called “faithless Electors” may be subject to fines or may be disqualified for casting an invalid vote and be replaced by a substitute elector. The Supreme Court has not specifically ruled on the question of whether pledges and penalties for failure to vote as pledged may be enforced under the Constitution. No Elector has ever been prosecuted for failing to vote as pledged.

“Today, it is rare for Electors to disregard the popular vote by casting their electoral vote for someone other than their party’s candidate. Electors generally hold a leadership position in their party or were chosen to recognize years of loyal service to the party. Throughout our history as a nation, more than 99 percent of Electors have voted as pledged.”


Actually, that may have already happened. In August, Constitution Daily.org in an article ‘Explaining how the Electoral College works’ reported, “A potential member of the Electoral College threatened to not vote for the GOP nominee this fall for President. Why is this potentially important and why does this group have such broad powers?

“Chris Suprun, a member of the college representing Texas, said he may not vote for Donald Trump five weeks after Election Day when the college’s votes are counted in Washington. Based on current polling, Trump is expected to win that state.

“Although 29 states have laws that penalize “faithless electors” selected in November by voters, Texas is not one of those 29 states.”

Idaho is also one of the states in 2016 without a law seeking to bind the votes of presidential electors.


Although electors may actually vote as they wish regardless of their commitments, in this most important election in the history of our republic, electors need to be forewarned of the circumstances they face for not voting with their state’s vote! I state constantly that violation of the public trust is the most heinous of crimes and I think in this most volatile election environment if ‘Crooked Hillary’ steals the election by electors being paid off, those greedy electors deserve a punishment that cannot be severe enough. Citizens must go out of their way to spurn them as ‘marked men’ and find ways to make them pay for their patriotic indiscretion and ruinous decision for the rest of their sorry lives.

A reminder, Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the election via the Electoral College vote. So our big concern should be how much of the fix is in with electors who might be greased from the Clinton Foundation or George Soros types or one of their shadowy shell organizations. Electors can switch their support at any time, right up until the actual voting process. We need not change the Electoral College system, but we must advocate for the prevention and/or prosecution of bribes.

I believe that George Soros and his likes among the Establishment and world global elitist will see fit to offer unheard of amounts of money to faithless elector types who can’t resist the kind of money that will be offered. We must be vigilant about what is going on with our electors almost full time after the election to protect American citizens from such advances.

Do you not believe that there will be an all-out effort to steal Electoral College votes by these very driven forces? If ‘Crooked Hillary’ wins, America as we have known it is over, as I see it. Be aware that these extremely nefarious forces will stop at nothing to steal this election. Voters be vigilant and Patriotic.

As I stated at the beginning, justice has been stolen from dealing with ‘Crooked Hillary’s many crimes for too long. If the ‘Hillaryettes’ out there, still don’t get it then dare them to deal with the following:

The Top 100 Most Damaging Wikileaks (so far)

Secrets of the Hillary Chronicles

Hillary Can Be Convicted

Clinton’s Corruption

Here they are: Hillary’s 22 Biggest Scandals Ever

I’ve saved listing the worst for the last link in this pretty thorough expose:

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History! – The Clintons should have been convicted of Treason and sent to prison long ago for life for this outrageous treasonous scandal alone.

Justice caught up with Teflon John Gotti. When will Justice catch up with the Teflon Clintons? Without their duplicitous political and media connections it should have been long ago. When justice finally arrives it should include taking down many of those supportive guilty comrades.

These disgusting, vile Clintons’ constant many deceptions, lies, violations of the public trust and criminal enterprises, should make traditional values, constitutionally patriotic Americans wish them the harshest of sentences in a court of law that should be begging that justice be meted out to them for their unprecedented quantity of transgressions against the American people.

As Detective Joe Friday on the old TV show Dragnet used to say, “Just the facts and nothing but the facts,” should dictate only one possible verdict for the ‘Bill and Hill’ treasonous crime team and that is — Guilty!

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence…. — John Adams