The Left’s Greatest Tool: The ‘Integrity-less,’ Duplicitous, Sorry Big…

Having told a friend recently that “Prisons are full of really, really smart people,” conjured up memories of lies from the Clintons and Obama such as:

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”

“At this point, what difference does it make?”

“If you like your Doctor, you can keep your doctor,” and “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.”

From Bill Clinton’s Chinagate treason, to Hillary’s deadly Benghazi snafu, the Clinton Foundation’s ‘pay for play’ corruption, to the worst negotiation in our history which was ‘deceptional’ Obama‘s unconstitutional nuclear deal with Iran which was only topped by his creating more debt for America than all his predecessors combined on assorted ill planned programs, Americans should be roiling with disgust and venting utter vitriol over their treasonous acts!

Nothing so sickens moral ethical people as do poker face liars, and chronic liars are to be avoided if at all possible. But people like the Obama and the Clintons take the art to heightened levels hardly comprehendible by trusting Americans. As I have said on several occasions, I believe that the violation of the public trust and the violation to a sacred oath to our Constitution should be recognized as the most heinous of crimes.

Americans who vet their news and follow original sources are sick and tired of Hillary and her masterful greedy husband (check out Chinagate [from the book ‘Year of the Rat’] – it is the very treasonous scandal for which many believe the Monica Lewinski debacle served as a cover-up). These felonious Clintons could be viewed as ‘idolized models’ by imprisoned felons everywhere. They are only successful at the level they enjoy because of the support and cover-ups afforded them by a duplicitous and equally sorry media as well as their political comrades in Hollywood and the super wealthy power elitists with global power aspirations who would be unaccountable, unelected rulers who know best for everybody about everything. They want us to be like the European Union with open borders and giving up our sovereignty as a member state of ultimately a One World Government.

Scheming and manipulating might seem standard operating procedure to hardened politicians of a liberal or neocon bent but to Constitutional conservatives and folks that value traditional American values with religious upbringings Hillary and her highly successful partner in corruption are revolting. Americans expect and deserve highly principled dedicated leaders, but we are getting these corruption unlimited types because, as has been said before, ‘we get the government we deserve.’ In other words, we haven’t been paying attention and have been way too trusting of these poker faces and the sorry media. Americans must find their vigilance and start becoming wary of all that is said by politicians, start watching actual voting records by following the Freedom Indexes for the U.S. Congress at and for the state of Idaho at and FIRE!, through the polls, any elected officials who are not following our rule of law through the Constitution.

Nowhere in recent history are there people in public office with such high visibility and supposed transparency that have committed so many outright crimes against the state and continually not had to answer for them in the press as these two Clintons. Just speaking about Hillary, you should check out: HILLARY’S 22 BIGGEST SCANDALS EVER and to back it up see the incredible ‘Video Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Want You To See.

The inundation of the socialists’ agenda in schools and universities, the big media and Hollywood (especially including TV program and documentary content) is so overpowering it’s getting hard to find someone anymore under middle age who fully understands the principles America was founded on. Classroom history books are full of falsehoods and omissions and Americans are being told that our Constitution is outdated and our Founders were racist old white guys.

Given the progressive left’s ‘pitch’ of free stuff, no taxes, and concocted lies and allegations about Constitutional values and capitalism, many Americans have been following socialist Sanders and (felonious) Clinton down the wrong path to a pathetic future. Unfortunately, republican leadership puppets of the establishment aka the Council on Foreign Relations are basically in lockstep.


Our Founding Fathers had first-hand knowledge of tyranny and wanted to avoid making the same mistakes. They knew that governments tended to accumulate power so they created a constitutional government limiting federal power to a few, carefully specified functions for that very reason; they knew concentrations of power were dangerous. Thomas Jefferson actually wrote: “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.”

Our sage founders did not envision that our government would create and run or regulate large programs to provide safety nets for the poor, or programs for banking, education, labor, medicine, housing, subsidies, certainly not benefits for illegal aliens, granting a national ID and a seemingly endless amount of other endeavors that should belong untouched in the private sector. None of these things were contemplated by our Founders as legitimate aspects of federal authority, and nowhere in the Constitution can one find any legal authorization for the U.S. Government to involve itself in such matters.


Jefferson’s statement proved true and through the decades our nation has forgotten the wisdom of our Founders and rushed headlong toward a welfare state.

The insanity of all this liberal socialism is that we taxpayers have to pay for it all until there are no more of us working enough to supply the tax money it requires because the onslaught of so many costly programs with their subsequent costs of expanded government, it’s inefficiencies and wastes, overwhelming strangulating regulations, on the back of expanded taxes making us the highest corporate tax rate in the free world are cumulatively killing our lifeblood commerce and its commensurate jobs. Foolishness is part of the definition for insanity and the refusal to balance a balance sheet is a big symptom.

Did these people only study wordsmithing in school and no math? It must be outside their comprehension that the landslide of great sounding socialist programs of the last several decades are paid for only from the tax troughs of our tax paying commerce driving businesses and their tax paying employees as well as the taxes paid from the horrendous numbers of new and existing government employees whose salaries happen to be likened to beneficiaries of those very taxes.


Supportive big media has constantly promoted big government expansion that has confiscated an on-going greater share of our national productivity. Also, they support the current non-sense pushing a $15 minimum wage that will further erode both our freedom and opportunities. Socialists don’t acknowledge that the first objective of all businesses is to make a profit that will sustain and hopefully grow the enterprise. It has been said that businesses don’t pay taxes since a balance sheet dictates that taxes are just another line item cost that has to be factored in like all others. Increasing wages also requires either prices or something else to be adjusted such as reducing staff in order to remain in business and viable in the market. There’s a word these socialist elitists run from. Accountability …the missing word in the socialists’ mantra. But common sense doesn’t seem to be present in liberal minds.


America’s commerce is drowning in too many laws, overregulation, strangulating taxes, unfair trade practices, and programs that are choking the life out of once flourishing small businesses. Where is the responsible investigative reporting that should be outing the waste, corruption, scandals and secrecy in our government that is now operating like the secretive Cosa Nostra? But saying this slights the Cosa Nostra who at least live by a code of honor and consequences.


Control over the media has been a long-term objective of the globalist elite. In 1917 JP Morgan Banking interests and their allies got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and had them select 25 of the greatest newspapers from a select list of 179 papers they studied.

As William Norman Grigg stated in his article ‘Behind the Bias’ in 2003 in The New American magazine, “The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international of these papers; an agreement was reached; the policy of the papers were bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information… [on matters] considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.

“The late Georgetown University historian Carroll Quigley stated that the Morgan interests figured prominently in the ‘international Anglophile network’ as the spine of the global power elite. In his 1966 work Tragedy and Hope – after writing disdainfully of ‘conspiracy theorists’ – admitted the existence of a partially submerged elite that ‘operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years,

In the early 1960’s to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and many of its instruments.’ The network’s ‘aim’ Quigley continued, is ‘nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.’”


media02How derelict in responsible reporting, absence in reporting or guilty of tainting facts can these ‘extremely liberal’ news organizations get? As L. Brent Bozell, III states in his book ‘Weapons of Mass Distortion,’ “The fawning media acted as publicity agents for Hillary Clinton in 1999 when she announced her candidacy for the U.S. Senate, there was an almost perverse element to it all.

“Mrs. Clinton’s record didn’t matter to the media. They didn’t care that Hillary Clinton had been the architect of a failed national healthcare proposal. That it was Hillary who had invented the ‘vast right-wing conspiracy.’ That it was Hillary, not Bill, who had been the White House Stonewaller-in-Chief. That it was Hillary’s Rose Law Firm that couldn’t find and reportedly destroyed key documents. That it was in Hillary’s own bedroom in the White House, no less, where other Rose Law Firm billing records mysteriously reappeared. That it was Hillary who had been the force behind firing the White House Travel Office staff, or that the charges of fraud used to justify the firing were so dishonest that a jury needed a whopping two hours to acquit Travel Office chief Billy Dale. That it was Hillary who had given one fanciful explanation after another about how she came to make $100,000 from a $1,000 investment in the commodities market. That it was Hillary who had hired Craig Livingstone, the former bar bouncer who collected hundreds of raw FBI files on the Clintons’ political opponents. That it was Hillary, supposedly a feminist leader, who had first denied the charges of adultery against her husband and then when the truth could no longer be denied, refused to acknowledge the seriousness of what he had done.

“The record established Hillary Clinton as a liar and a relentless character assassin. But the media were not going to question Hillary about any of these things, and just as important, they were going to challenge anyone who had the audacity to do so. …The mainstream media would be too busy praising Mrs. Clinton to bother investigating not-fully-explored scandals that they considered ‘old news.’”

Now Hillary’s problems with Benghazi, the Benghazi cover-up, classified email/servergate and the millions of dollars she and Bill reaped from his ‘coincidental’ on-going speaking engagements with contacts in countries Hillary was calling on as Secretary of State are all begging for investigative reporting from big media and all we are hearing is the sound of crickets.


These folks just don’t get it. Socialism always fails. There is just not enough of other people’s money to support their endless falderal. Once again, there has never been a successful nation of socialism. Our capitalist system in a nation of laws outlined in the U.S. Constitution has made us the greatest nation on earth in the history of mankind and these cretins are fulltime hell-bent to ruin it.

media03I detest the words New York Times (NYT), cannot tolerate the politics of NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC or the C-SPANS except for sporting events some of them air. Other affiliated networks they own such as Disney, The History Channel, National Geographic, Discovery, MTV and The Weather Channel are also full of liberal and socialist propaganda on the green message, global climate change, morality and especially ‘factual’ history.

Some people believe that the media abuses to constitutionally conservative America and our traditional values are just examples of incompetency or an amoral attitude. As in most endeavors, possibly some. But for the most part, these are driven leftists who really believe that fundamentalist conservatives are all the way from wrong to evil or crazy and that our Constitution is outdated and should be thought of as a living breathing instrument that should adapt to changing times. They foolishly believe in socialism and One World Government.

As Bernard Goldberg states in his book ‘Arrogance,’ “These are people who operate by a double standard that gives even double standards a bad name! No matter how they cast it or try to dodge the issue, to most in the big-time media, a liberal is, by definition, a good guy, someone who is decent and compassionate. A conservative, on the other hand, by definition is a selfish, mean-spirited moral slug.”

They also believe that New York City is the heartbeat of America and that the New York Times is the high church of our national news gathering since so many dependent, unquestioning, ‘clinger,’ large newspapers, television and radio stations across our nation wouldn’t know what to report without their NYT ‘lead’ infusion.

A last quote from William Norman Grigg, “Instead of investigating and exposing the actions of the power elite, the major media are complicit in that elite’s drive for total control.”

Primetime for Patriots

PATRIOT: ‘A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.’

The roots of America’s greatness are deeply steeped in the wisdom of our Constitution. Our many successes come from the attraction to and application of that very rule of law protecting the freedoms for personal ambition and the unrestrained competitive prowess for our commerce.

Enemies and detractors include those who would take this very lifeblood from our warm bodies while we are still alive as well as those who would take our liberty and our guns from our cold dead hands.
Turncoat politicians are truly becoming those very enemies and detractors who are allowing and creating our demise by not upholding their oaths to our Constitution yet acting like they’ve been working for us while spending endlessly, creating enormous unconstitutional micromanaging agencies and bureaucracies putting tens of thousands of restraining regulations on us, passing too many laws restricting our freedoms and ruining our commerce often with marching orders from the devious Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) or in lockstep with the corrupt United Nations.

IT’S NOT ABOUT POLITICAL PARTIESQuoting former U.S. Rep. Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe in their book ‘Give Us Liberty,’ “Say what you want about political parties, they are always intellectually and morally inferior to principles and good ideas. The sole purpose of a political party is to get candidates elected. Too often the candidate of one party could have just as easily run on the opposing political party’s ticket. Political parties are empty vessels, adrift on tides that can shift with the winds of political opinion.

Principles, on the other hand, are different. Good ideas stand up to scrutiny. The right principles and the best ideas pass the test of time. They do not change based on the latest public opinion polling; they cannot be twisted like those dials on the machines experts use to measure the emotional intensity of a person’s response during a focus group.

The principles of individual freedom, fiscal responsibility, and constitutionally limited government are what define the Tea Party ethos. They bind us as a social movement. And that makes the Tea Party better than a political party—something that can sustain itself the day after the first Tuesday in November, when all of the yard signs come down and all of the campaign volunteers go back to the daily routines of their normal lives. The Tea Party is a far more potent force for social change in America because it will sustain itself beyond the next candidate’s election.”


The Machiavellian, Trojan horse administration in Washington led by a duplicitous, serial liar is being allowed to continue disassembling America as we’ve known it by a highly politicized and orchestrated Congress that allows him to usurp his authority and fundamentally transform our heretofore wonderful America to his socialist liking by fiat. Not to mention how he has made a shambles of our national integrity, image and international relationships.

The dereliction of Congress’s responsibilities to our Constitution and thusly our people is happening because we are letting it happen. We are sitting by watching our elected representatives who took an oath to protect our Constitution and follow law abdicate their sworn responsibilities to follow the edicts of the ‘wrong people,’ i.e. the power brokers and CFR/UN orchestrated party machines with ulterior designs that are diametrically opposed to the continuation of our republic.

These very legislators are truly traitors to their oaths and thusly these United States. They need to be removed from office with haste at the ballot boxes to be replaced with genuine patriots who do the bidding of the citizens’ Constitution because they take their oaths very seriously.

If you’re not feeling almost overwhelmed from about all the news we’re exposed to anymore on national and state issues, then God help us because you’re either ‘tuned out’ from not caring enough or just can’t listen to it anymore. Either way, this inattentiveness and inaction is the biggest problem in America today! America’s waning future cries for its citizens’ attention and involvement. Without asserted pressure from enough citizens these bad/corrupt elected officials will just keep on letting America dissolve away from our Constitutional based freedoms and commerce until we simply are no more. Believe it! The insanity of Socialism and its redistribution is that it kills revenue producing commerce and eventually there’s just not enough of other peoples’ money.

Most Americans don’t like our current reality. But, it is what it is. And America as we’ve known it is going away. Are you going to just sit idly and continue luffing in the wind or are you going to ‘Patriot Up’ and help put a stop to the insanity and nonsense of both our sorry Congress and this ‘socialistic steering,’ and inept Administration. Disgusted Americans want to do something but are feeling so overwhelmed they just can’t envision how they can make a difference. The answer begins with getting educated on facts, informing others and then replacing the turncoats with genuine effective patriots.


There’s a very simple way of identifying which elected representatives need replacing in our Idaho statehouse and in Congress in Washington. You study The Freedom Indexes for both bodies which shows exactly how they vote with criteria in keeping with the Constitution and then cull them at the voting box. Here in Idaho The Freedom Index is published by

For the U.S. Congress see The Freedom Index at A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution” rates congressmen based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements. In the third index for the 114th Congress, here is how abysmally our congressmen and senators in Washington, D.C. voted with the Constitution: U.S. House 45% and U.S. Senate 32%. So there you see now why we are where we are.

Don’t count on a thing politicians say, only believe what you see and judge them on how they vote!

The terrible voting records revealed in the two The Freedom Indexes, is exactly the explanation for why we are rapidly becoming a socialistic society and our Republic is in danger of evolving into losing our national sovereignty and becoming first a member state of a regional government, the North American Union overseen by the corrupt UN, and then a world government run by unaccountable, unelected global power elitists who know what’s best for us.


To restore America back in line with the original tenets of our Constitution we must first accept one absolute fact. Socialism fails and capitalism succeeds. Simple as that.

The late, not so great Soviet Union’s socialist’s citizens experienced a life of guarantees for all the necessities of life, meager as it was: Education, Home (make that apartment,) Job, Medical Care & Retirement. Literally everything was decided on and taken care of by government. Missing, however, was one basic ingredient to make it all work.

Work. Work that would have provided the money that would have come from taxes had Government Controls not squashed the environment for entrepreneurs and investors to thrive. Government magic was an illusion.

What has made America run is vibrant business in the free marketplace of a capitalist system? Productivity and its subsequent profit are absolutely necessary for our success as a nation.

True freedom is pure capitalism. Capitalism is the freedom to win at starting a business or investment and cannot and must not provide ‘subsidized’ guarantees for those that attain less. Failure is a lesson learned well and one moves on, strengthened from the experience. One can strive to achieve all he wants or adjust to what levels of accomplishment he attains. Businesses accountably making a profit, subsequently creating commerce and providing jobs are the root sources of all governments’ funding. A growing economy that creates more tax paying employees will bring in more revenue than higher tax rates and new taxes which conversely hurt us.


I believe if we overnight, magically, got perfect patriots in all states and in Washington DC to start doing good by their oaths and their constituents going forward without eliminating existing unconstitutional agencies, bureaus, laws and regulations that are already in place we would still be destined to not survive. We just have too much stacked against us, with the strangling regulations built into unfair trade laws such as the North America Free Trade Agenda (NAFTA), the corruption or incompetence: of the National Labor Relations Board, the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the Justice Department (JD), the Federal Reserve Board, (FRB) etc, etc…..

The latest audacious and corrupt abuse of power: FEMA announced they will not support any state’s catastrophes if that state is not supporting what we know as their outrageous bogus claims of climate change, which has been debunked by most of the credible scientific weather community and is revealed in the article ‘Global-warming Skeptics Know More Climate Science, Study Shows’ written by Alex Newman which is featured in this issue of GSP. This is a massive extortion scheme by Al Gore, Obama, other power elites and “the UN and its oftentimes brutal member regimes that still intend to impose devastating policies on humanity later this year,” as Newman states in his article. They will collect billions in their scheme.

The radio talk show host Scott Hennon in his book ‘Grass Roots – A Common Sense Action Agenda for America,’ states: “When the founding fathers crafted our Constitution, they established a government with restricted powers and restrained responsibilities. You find the scope of our government outlines in Article I, Section 8: taxation, coinage, national defense, the court system, post offices, roads and the repayment of debts. There’s nothing in Article I, Section 8 about government getting into the banking or automobile manufacturing business, or getting into the health insurance business, or controlling all the nation’s schools from Washington, D.C., or subsidizing various industries or the arts or public television.”

Our Constitution was created to govern the Government, not the people, and not the states, each of which is a guardian of its own sovereignty. The central government was created with strictly limited powers leaving the states to compete with one another to become the best state, the one with the least amount of taxation and controls, one where citizens would want to build a business and raise a family. That spirit of competition produced excellence as honest competition always does.

Idaho is not a territory of the United States! We are a sovereign state with states’ rights that supersede national government edicts. The states created the federal government, not the reverse! We must remove the shackles of dependent money we’ve allowed federal programs to use to control us. So we need legislators to work to that end or continue the socialist march toward failure. Idaho is tired of being told what we need to do by ‘Big Gov.’ and we want all of our God given Idaho land back now!!!

We must have a U.S. Congress of pure constitutionally hearted patriots who recognize the necessity of eliminating whole agencies, and bureaus of government, and abolishing the damaging laws and regulations of all the overstepping unconstitutional tentacles of big government. I suppose the biggest majority of citizens would probably not agree that this is possible or can’t imagine the undertaking. I also suppose the same might have been true if they were asked about the feasibility of putting a man on the moon in such a short time.

With acknowledgement of the necessity, and the same kind of determination and absolute commitment as putting a man on the moon, such a feat can be accomplished. The large task before us is for Americans to awaken to their responsibilities as freedom loving citizens to start paying attention to real facts, informing others and electing ‘real patriots’ with the dynamic zeal and hunger to right our ship before it sinks. There are only a couple handfuls of such patriots currently working on this in Washington. If you find that hard to believe check the Freedom Index at


Another quote from Rep. Armey and Mr. Kibbe’s book will wrap this up: “The miracle of the Constitution is the simple genius of limited government and its singular devotion to protecting individual liberty.

“…The Government should be concerned with protecting my liberty, not my liver.

“The founders designed a government that was to do only that which was both right and necessary; the rest was to be left up to the states and individuals. It is simply the best organizational chart for running a society ever created. However, this division of labor only works if people mind their own business. The problem is that politicians and bureaucrats often do not know their limitations and make it their business to mind yours.”

To which I add, it is our fault for not paying attention, letting them get away with it and not replacing them.

When Is, Isn’t

From:                  Rich Loudenback

Timothy Noah in his article “Bill Clinton and the Meaning of ‘Is’,” at states:

“Years from now, when we look back on Bill Clinton’s presidency, its defining moment may well be Clinton’s rationalization to the grand jury about why he wasn’t lying when he said to his top aides that with respect to Monica Lewinsky, “there’s nothing going on between us.” How can this be? Here’s what Clinton told the grand jury (according to footnote 1,128 in Starr’s report):

“‘It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If the—if he—if ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement… Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true.’

“The distinction between “is” and “was” was seized on by the commentariat when Clinton told Jim Lehrer of PBS right after the Lewinsky story broke, “There is no improper relationship.” Chatterbox confesses that at the time he thought all these beltway domes were hyper analyzing, and in need of a little fresh air. But it turns out they were right: Bill Clinton really is a guy who’s willing to think carefully about “what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” This is way beyond slick. Perhaps we should start calling him, “Existential Willie.”

See the video ‘Bill Clinton: His Life‘ on why Bill Clinton really ‘isn’t’ at all what you might think he is. The video will blow your mind if you think he’s a good guy and you need to watch it all. It’s incredible that he’s not in prison! What a testimonial to sheer power and corruption!

And read ‘Hillary Can Be Convicted’ by yours truly written last November and look at the link listing her 22 biggest scandals to discover that she really isn’t about what she says she is.

Today there is so much deception, spin and outright lies being fed us by a complicit media on behalf of the Clintons, Obama and the deceitful, corrupt UN and their comrades at the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) who actually are the establishment, we can just about count on what they say is, really isn’t.

They are steering us into giving up our sovereignty to become firstly a member of a regional government on our way to full membership in a One World Government run by unaccountable, unelected power elitists who know best for everyone about everything. Pure socialism, which has never been successful anywhere in the world. Can you say USSR, Cuba or Venezuela?


Cites Warren Mass in his article in The New American magazine ‘Democratic Platform Proposes Two Constitutional Amendments and UN Treaty Ratification:’

…”The 2016 Democratic Party Platform urges U.S. ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) — an international treaty adopted in 1979 by UN General Assembly.

“As was pointed out in an article posted by The New American in 2010, CEDAW is “a treaty that could be used to justify sweeping social engineering across the nation.” That article quoted from an exposé written by Christina Hoff Sommers at National Review, which revealed that the most damaging aspect of CEDAW is how it defines discrimination: as any distinction based on sex.

“Sommers offers the following as an example of the intrusive behavior practiced by UN bureaucrats toward people in countries that have ratified CEDAW:

“Under CEDAW, even private behavior such as how couples divide household and child-care chores is subject to government oversight and modification. The U.N. monitoring committee routinely censures countries like Denmark, “Norway, and Iceland for failing to prevent women from taking primary care of children, a practice it deems discriminatory.

“Sommers also outlined other problems with the treaty:

“‘American law is based on the ideal of equal opportunity; CEDAW demands equal outcomes…. Groups such as NOW, the Feminist Majority Foundation, and the National Women’s Law Center view a ratified CEDAW as a legal mandate to implement their agenda in the United States. For them, the treaty is a license to sue, re-educate, and re-socialize their fellow citizens — opportunities that have eluded them under the U.S. Constitution.

“‘These three proposals — two to amend our Constitution to erode freedom of speech and radically change the social structure of our nation, and the third to entangle the United States in a UN treaty that would subject American families to the arbitrary dictates of UN bureaucrats — are what one might expect to come from a political party that would nominate Hillary Clinton as their candidate for president. As such, they may not be surprising, but that does not make them any less threatening.’” – Unquote Warren Mass


Americans need to be ‘reality focused’ and mindful of real vetted ‘original source’ news, like never before, which is sorely non-existent from the unscrupulous establishment’s locked-in-step big media partners.

Don’t count on a thing politicians say, only believe what you see them actually do and judge them on how they vote!

There’s a very simple way of identifying which elected representatives need replacing in our Idaho statehouse and in Congress in Washington. You study The Freedom Indexes for both bodies which shows exactly how they vote with criteria in keeping with the Constitution and then cull them at the voting box. Here in Idaho The Freedom Index is published by by ‘The Idaho Freedom Foundation.’

For the U.S. Congress see “The Freedom Index at A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution” rates congressmen based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements. In the third index for the 114th Congress, here is how abysmally our congressmen and senators in Washington, D.C. voted with the Constitution: U.S. House 45% and U.S. Senate 32%. So there you see now why we are where we are.

The terrible voting records revealed in the two The Freedom Indexes, is exactly the explanation for why we are rapidly becoming a socialistic society and our Republic is in danger of evolving into losing our national sovereignty. We must start educating ourselves and informing others and do right at the voting booths. If we lose America, and believe it or not, we most certainly can (think frog in pot of slowly boiling water) chances are it will not come back without a very, very bloody conflict that will make our Civil War pale in comparison.

The global power elitists are very serious and are extremely well prepared, have mapped us out and fully intend to wrap us up. It is extremely important for us to always know that ‘what is really is!’ See: Who the ‘Establishment’ Really Is

Cleveland: Classic Example of Open Carry Effectiveness


Is there a better example of how open carry law serves as a detriment to would be shooters than the recent success of the GOP Convention in Cleveland, Ohio? I’d say not.

Present were a lot of radicals up to causing trouble for the proceedings including an in your face ‘armed to the teeth’ vigilant New Black Panther Group. So concerned about possibilities becoming probabilities, Stephen Loomis, the president of the Cleveland Police Patrolman’s Association, sent a letter to Ohio Governor John Kasich asking him to restrict Ohio’s “open carry” law for Cuyahoga County for a week. Among Loomis’s comments were: “Somebody’s got to do something. What we have now is completely irresponsible.”

Jeff Larson, the convention chairman echoed Governor Kasich’s response that Kasich didn’t have the authority: “The governor can’t simply say, I’m going to relax [the law] for a day.” Besides, said Larson, “The open carry laws in Ohio haven’t changed.… They’ve been in effect for quite some time. [We’ve] had a number of big events that have taken place with open carry without any issues.”

Of course, helping this fine outcome was the awesome contingency preparedness established by a consortium of law enforcement and other government agencies. America should be proud of Cleveland, Ohio planning and implementation of securing a successful national event under the scrutiny of high profile international news coverage.


It’s pretty obvious that shooters really hate the thought of ‘visibly packing others’ could shoot back. And even worse for them, is not knowing who is legally carrying ‘concealed.’ Here in Idaho it could drive would be shooters nuts wondering about concealed carrying citizens because our citizens no longer even need a permit to legally carry concealed. ‘Permitless concealed carry’ can literally be everywhere. What a state! Thank you Idaho legislators and Governor Otter.

Special kudos should go to Greg Pruett of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance who doggedly spearheaded a movement around the state by traveling all over Idaho speaking to gatherings of concerned patriots and affecting such influence through them and their joint efforts with our legislators to reap an overwhelming congressional vote pressuring Governor Otter to sign it into law.

See the fine article written by the attorney, Alexandria Kincaid: The Four-Year Rickety Road to Permitless Carry in Idaho. How the People of Idaho MADE it Happen.”