Our Necessity for Downsizing Government

From: GemStatePatriot.com            

“It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government.” – Thomas Paine

Most busy Americans have never given thought to how much better their lives would be should we get serious, as citizens, about operating our government as we were intended to, instead of passively trusting those who can’t be trusted, and force our elected officials to roll back most of our abusive runaway big government.

As I see it, the only problem our country has currently is a non-functioning government ‘of the people.’ The United States today is being run by the ‘establishment‘ (formerly clandestine and now in our face) at The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in coordination with their comrades at the corrupt UN. Government no longer acts out of concern for ‘we the people,’ but for the concerns of nefarious forces who are having their way with us and all that we are involved with. Where are our true patriots in Congress? I mean Constitutional patriots! Really?

When congress willingly relinquishes its Constitutional responsibility to negotiate all matters of trade to a lying, deceitful President with absolutely no negotiating skills to a process done in utter secrecy preventing even Congress from having any knowledge of it until it was completed producing a document that is 5500 pages which most senators and representatives will never read – we have a non-functioning government ‘of the people’ just like we had when another deceitful program called “The Affordable Care Act” and all members of Congress who approved it did so without reading it.


Following is a segment of a report from The Guardian on how much money was paid to senators for voting to give Obama that Free Trade Authority to negotiate The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agenda with complete autonomy:

“Using data from the Federal Election Commission, this chart shows all donations that corporate members of the US Business Coalition for TPP made to US Senate campaigns between January and March 2015, when fast-tracking the TPP was being debated in the Senate:

  • Out of the total $1,148,971 given, an average of $17,676.48 was donated to each of the 65 “yea” votes.
  • The average Republican member received $19,673.28 from corporate TPP supporters.
  •  The average Democrat received $9,689.23 from those same donors.” – Unquote The Guardian

This is government corruption and crony capitalism on steroids!

What has been accomplished by the CFR/UN’s minions (those elected officials violating our trust and their sacred oaths to the Constitution) who march lockstep with their dictates and the monies provided by corrupt lobbyists and crony capitalists is that so many overlapping agencies, bureaus, laws, regulations, taxes, fines, market unbalancing subsidy programs, unnecessary foreign aid, countless unnecessary do-good programs, and market manipulations through the fed have been foisted upon us that our once vibrant republic is being intentionally strangled to death.

In the first place, America’s businesses can compete with any other nation if we level the playing field by ridding ourselves of all these purposefully killing costs that other countries don’t have.

In the second place our freedoms would live again without the blatant bullying by the federal government’s unconstitutional drive to control us by taking over our lands here in the west and our water resources throughout America.

And lastly, Americans don’t need our education system, medical systems and all other aspects of our lives run by the federal government. As The John Birch Society states, “The central government was created by the states with strictly limited powers leaving the states to compete with one another to become the best state, the one with the least amount of taxation and controls, one where citizens would want to build a business and raise a family. That spirit of competition produced excellence as honest competition always does.”

We simply cannot survive this path toward absolute ruination much longer as a sovereign republic. It has been quite a testament to how residual and resolute our system has remained in the face of all we have endured in recent years. However, this level of insanity can’t last. Believe it! As the Romans went, so will we, without drastic redress.


As Eric Erickson says in his 2010 book Red State Rising“Many conservatives, disheartened by years of federal bloat under Republicans and Democrats, think it will be impossible to cut the government down to size. But we know government growth can be reversed, tax rates lowered and debt reduced – because other nations have done it.

“Over the last sixteen years, twenty-five nations have moved from progressive personal income tax structures to flat tax rates, which have enduring benefits. They are simple and fair, promote economic growth and tax competition, and rise and fall with inflation. Far from seeing revenues drop, as opponents forecast, many of these nations have seen tax revenues actually increase because fewer people dodged the tax collector and their underground economies contracted. Compliance costs for the individual taxpayers are significantly reduced as well.”

“Had the United States been smart enough to eliminate its corporate income tax, or reduce it dramatically to remain competitive, intellectual property migration, an increasing phenomenon, might never have occurred.

“New Zealand presents an admirable case of reform. In the 1980’s its annual deficits exceeded six percent of GDP. It had virtually zero economic growth. The reforms it adopted included removing wage and price controls, cutting public employee numbers, and slashing government spending dramatically (by more than seven percent of GDP) with the aid of privatization.

“As former New Zealand government minister Maurice McTique recalled, ‘When we started this process (cutting government) with the Department of Transportation, it had 56,000 employees. When we finished, it had 53. When we started with the forest service, it had 17,000 employees. When we finished it had 17. When we applied it to the Ministry of Works, it had 28000 employees. I used to be Minister of Works and ended up being the only employee… We achieved an overall reduction of 66 percent in the size of government, measured by the number of employees.’”

“Slovakia, a significant and recent success story, constrained government spending from 65 percent to 43 percent of GDP in seven years and adopted a 19 percent flat tax.

“Sweden has been the worldwide poster-child for “democratic” socialism. But this liberal home of the Nobel Prizes has been changing its ways. It reduced healthcare subsidies, cut its personal income tax in half, repealed its ‘death tax’ five years ago, and has experienced a resurgence in economic growth. Many wealthy people who left Sweden because of its burdensome death tax have subsequently returned.

“If these nations can downsize and avoid fiscal doomsday, clearly, with commitment and the right leadership, we, too, can bring down the national debt. It will require total commitment among independent, freedom-loving Americans. They must be prepared to challenge those who live off government – and like it – mainly the public employees, their unions, and the hordes of lobbyists and other ‘rent seeking’ special interests that congregate in Washington and its beltway world. Those nations which have reversed course all streamlined their government workforce and its excessive costs. “Entitlement’ recipients will have to be prepared for change and participation in the reform process, as well.”

Establishment forces are out to win and they have proven to be extremely dedicated toward taking our successful heartbeat of freedom from us replacing it with a do-as-your-told world with endless new rules and regulations for our vital lifeblood businesses and way too much of our lives.


We must educate ourselves and inform others about issues and this prevailing threat that’s rapidly destroying our very system of government from the establishment that when unmasked is the Council of Foreign Relations and the UN.

Once again, my spiel on how we must correct matters of bad government: We must purge at our voting booths the guilty elected officials we have who do not follow their oaths of office and commit what I consider the most heinous of crimes, the violation of public trust. Then we must replace them with true American patriots who truly understand how a republic with our constitutional system of government should run.

There’s a very simple way of identifying which elected representatives need replacing in our Idaho statehouse and in Congress in Washington. You study The Freedom Indexes for both bodies which show exactly how they vote with criteria in keeping with the Constitution and then cull them at the voting box. Here in Idaho The Freedom Index is published by IdahoFreedomIndex.com by ‘The Idaho Freedom Foundation.’

For the U.S. Congress see “The Freedom Index at JBS.org: A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution” which rates congressmen based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements. In this second 6 month session of the 114th Congress just completed on January 25th, here is how abysmally our congressmen and senators in Washington, D.C. voted with the Constitution: U.S. House 44% and U.S. Senate 47%. So there you see now why we are where we are.

Don’t count on a thing politicians say, only believe what you see and judge them on how they vote!

The terrible voting records revealed in the two The Freedom Indexes, are exactly the explanation for why we are rapidly becoming a socialistic society and our Republic is in danger of evolving into losing our national sovereignty and becoming first a member state of a regional government like a North American Union or Trans Pacific Union overseen by the corrupt UN, and then on to a world government run by unaccountable, unelected global power elitists who know what’s best for us about everything.

Then, all it takes to successfully downsize government is one thing. Resolve!

“It could be said that nothing corrupts like an inattentive citizenry.” — Me

An interesting aside to this article mentioning the Council on Foreign Relations is the article “Trump, Cruz, and the Establishment” from The New American.com.

This Map is a Matter of Perspective

From: GemStatePatriot.com             

You’re either looking at America from a Canadian’s view point or America is upside down.


We are now a nation of, by and for the government, promoting good will to the antithesis of Christianity (Muslims who want to kill all Christians), tolerating Sharia Law violating our Constitution, illegal benefits to illegal aliens, ignoring our most treasured citizens, our veterans, uncontrollably spending money we don’t have, ignoring laws that need enforcing and killing our vital lifeblood commerce with strangulating laws and regulations.


The only reason that things have gotten this bad is that Americans have been shirking our responsibilities as citizens. We are supposed to be a nation of, by and for the people. But ‘by the people‘ is sorely missing. It is our government and we are not running it. We are shamefully believing that others will run it for us correctly. However, they are not. They are running it in their own interests which generally satisfies the edicts of their special interests and establishment handlers. We have given up our citizen responsibilities to educate ourselves on issues and informing others and most certainly we have not been watching voting records and purging the guilty elected officials that disregard their oaths of office and violations of their public’s trust. People in less fortunate countries would give anything to have our opportunities to make a difference.


As I’m writing this I am remembering Winston Churchill’s telling the British nation how they must fight the Nazi’s. So I will say that we must fight the establishment at the voting booth. We must fight them in the press or alternative media. We must fight them in our state houses, our county seats and in our local commissions. We must fight the socialist agenda of Common Core in public schools and especially in the universities. To fight them most effectively we must first educate ourselves with original source materials with the help of resourceful conservative organizations and then inform others. For we need an awakened citizenry to take back our heretofore wonderful constitutionally run nation of laws from the jackals of the establishment. We shall never surrender!

“Trump, Cruz – Patriots or Partners with World Elite?” by Chelene Nightingale at chelenenightingale.wordpress.com is one of the most informative and insightful articles I’ve ever read. It reads very easily flowing through a lot of facts with links that really educates well on why were are where we are now and what must be done about it. Irrespective of her political conclusion and anyone else’s conclusions currently it is a must read explaining the world of “the establishment” including neocons, globalists, the CFR, Bilderbergers, and more. I think this article is a MUST READ!


There’s a very simple way of identifying which elected representatives need replacing in our Idaho statehouse and in Congress in Washington. You study The Freedom Indexes for both bodies which shows exactly how they vote with criteria in keeping with the Constitution and then cull them at the voting box. Here in Idaho The Freedom Index is published by IdahoFreedomIndex.com by ‘The Idaho Freedom Foundation.’

For the U.S. Congress see “The Freedom Index at JBS.org: A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution” which rates congressmen based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements. In this second 6 month session of the 114th Congress just completed on January 25th, here is how abysmally our congressmen and senators in Washington, D.C. voted with the Constitution: U.S. House 44% and U.S. Senate 47%. So there you see now why we are where we are.

Don’t count on a thing politicians say, only believe what you see and judge them on how they vote!

The terrible voting records revealed in the two The Freedom Indexes, are exactly the explanation for why we are rapidly becoming a socialistic society and our Republic is in danger of evolving into losing our national sovereignty and becoming first a member state of a regional government like a North American Union or Trans Pacific Union overseen by the corrupt UN, and then on to a world government run by unaccountable, unelected global power elitists who know what’s best for us about everything.

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” – President Abraham Lincoln

Crony Capitalism: Thriving In Idaho – The Clagstone Meadows…

From: GemStatePatriot.com            

Idaho legislators are crazy about giving our hard earned tax money away because ‘Crony Capitalism’ is alive and way too well in Idaho! Idaho’s legislature just approved funding for $7 million dollars of taxpayers’ money for a project named Clagstone Meadows, a conservation easement on about 12,000 acres near Athol, in Bonner County, given to Stimson Lumber Co. under the Idaho Forest Legacy Program. And it was nowhere near necessary!

Last week our Idaho legislature passed an appropriation bill which contains $2 million from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) budget and a whopping $5 million from the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) budget. Stimson Lumber Company, a private company, is the recipient of these funds for a conservation easement in south central Bonner County on approximately 13,000 acres they own. The above two agencies and special interest environmental groups have aggressively pursued the plan for an easement allowing foot traffic on a portion of the property.

Taxpayers should not have had to pay a private company millions of dollars, with the company retaining ownership, and sellers’ rights, with the public being given limited access to the property!


The passage of this appropriation bill for this easement could have unknown lasting effects to the County, its tax base and funding for County services.

  • This appropriation was rushed for quick passage while the easement was in a draft form only. All Forest Legacy Program projects (administered by the Forest Service) require local government coordination and cooperation on these types of easements (your county), but Bonner County Commissioners were never contacted by IDL, IDFG, USFS, Stimson Lumber Company or any other agency regarding this proposed easement action with any reasonable notice prior to the public hearing.
  • To further complicate matters, they were denied a copy of the easement upon request and they had to do a FOIA public records request eventually to get documents and a public access management plan (PAMP). This document had virtually little time to be reviewed, and there was little coordination with the County! The lack of cooperation and coordination exhibited by the Forest Service, Idaho Department of Lands, and Idaho Department of Fish and Game when dealing with Bonner County Commissioners is unacceptable.
  • On paper it seemed like a great idea until one realized that there was no reason our public money should pay for it. Stimson could either have donated their land to the County and took a tax deduction or they could have allowed public access and obtained an easement on its own without the use of public funds. This appropriation is a great deal for the private company because they get to keep their land, deny access to part of their land, continue to log and manage their land, and if they choose, sell their land.
  • Is it an appropriate use of public funds (Forest Legacy funds – generated from the sale of resources on public lands; Pittman-Robertson Act funds – generated from sale of firearms and ammunition) to pay a private corporation $7 million for a Conservation easement to allow limited public access and to preserve the “unique wetland and forested habitats found there” which the corporation could do for free? The easement will allow them to have the option to continue to generate income (timber harvest) on these easement lands and to carve out selected areas that are off limit to the public.
  • Idaho Department of Fish and Game sold this as a “win” for sportsmen to have access for hunting, trapping and fishing as well as helping protecting big game habitat on this 13,000 acre parcel. The concerns that were not addressed were that there were no mechanisms for prioritizing recreation types or insurances in place and that hunting and trapping will not be allowed when conflicts arise between recreation like hunting, trapping or fishing and other recreational activities such as jogging, birding, hiking, biking, etc.
  • Does this type of public payment for private lands set a bad precedence fiscally for the State of Idaho? We are already a welfare state to the feds and should we not be spending public funding on more pressing issues? What precedence does this set for the State and future easement appropriations?
  • IDFG claims it is preservation issue of a “unique area, not property rights. What is the true agenda?
  • No economic feasibility study was presented to the impacts to county services such as EMS, Sheriff, road maintenance, fire suppression, property tax income, and neighboring land owners.


  • This is a property rights issue and the owner should have the right to do with their property as they wish. ResponseThen why did we giving Stimson Lumber $ 7 million dollar? Why, if they wanted to set up an easement on their property and allow foot traffic, didn’t they write it up and go to the county office and file it. What was the hidden agenda behind the big payoff?
  • There are no state taxes being used to support the project and that all of the funding is private or federal pass through funding. ResponseWhere does government get its money?
  • If Clagstone Conservation Easement does not go through the Funds from the Forest Legacy Grant will go back and go to another worthy piece of land and we will lose our opportunity to preserve our way of life for future generations. ResponseThis project is a high priority location for the Y2Y project. The Y2Y project is working on strategy throughout the North Idaho region to return lands for wild animal corridors so they can roam freely without human conflict. ***see below https://y2y.net/work/how-protect-connect-inspire/private-lands


Purchasing private land has been identified as a key strategy to restore wildlife connectivity between three

Y2Y priority areas – Central Canadian Rocky Mountains (CCRM), the Cabinet-Purcell Mountain Corridor

(CPMC) and the Crown of the Continent (COC) – and across the US-Canada border.

The CCRM and COC contain important protected areas that provide core habitat for wildlife. The CCRM, for example, has the longest stretch of protected land (354 miles/ 570 km) in the entire Yellowstone to Yukon region. And the COC comprises the trans-boundary Glacier-Waterton International Peace Park among others. These large protected areas, however, are separated by private land as well as the busy Highway 3, which runs east-west.

— Unquote representative Heather Scott


Redoubt News reports, “…Senator Shawn Keough (Republican, District 1) is co-chair of the most powerful legislative committee in Boise, the aforementioned Joint Finance and Appropriation Committee (JFAC). Many people feel she could potentially benefit from this agreement in the coming elections, due to her many years of working in the timber industry and her multiple connections within the industry. Keough tells the Spokesman Review that she believes this is a ‘win, win situation.’”

Oh really? It should be noted that Senator Shawn Keough was in the vanguard of pushing this bill through the legislature. Her voting record as measured by the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s Freedom Index has a current voting index score of 0 and her previous scores have consistently been the worst or near the bottom in her previous voting records. When will her constituents wake up to her special interests priorities and pull the plug on her?

Good job, Heather Scott. You fought a good fight.

How Crazy Do the ‘Crazies’ Get? This Crazy!

Y2Y – The Government Scheme to Move You Out

y2y“… the collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans.”

— Reed F. Noss, Wildlands Project co-architect

Does… The Wildlands Project advocate the end of industrial civilization? Most assuredly. Everything civilized must go…

— John Davis, Editor, Wild Earth magazine

It is by creating a matrix of “cores,” “buffers,” and “connecting corridors” that Wildlands activists seek to re-primitivize the North American landscape – and the “web of protected wildlife cores and connecting wildlife corridors” envisioned by Y2Y would be a quantum leap in that direction

‘Re-Wilding of the West’ was published in 1999 by The New American magazine and is now considered a classic report since it is still very relevant and timeless. Particularly, it is difficult to believe the scope of audacity in the conquest for land control and sheer power by our government in lockstep with their comrades at the corrupt United Nations revealed in this special report This report is not available as a link so I am making it available here has a PDF.

The grand scheme to totally un-populate our Western lands called ‘Re-Wilding of the West’ will probably stun you.

Also see the two most recent articles from William F. Jasper, senior editor of The New American‘The Federal Bootprint’ which serves as an update to the status of the ‘Re-Wilding’ article and another, ‘Victims of the Federal Bootprint.’

Y2Y originally stood for ‘Yellowstone to the Yukon’ an area that the crazies in our government and the UN, believe it or not, intend, through concerted efforts, to turn back these western populated lands to nature. And now they have even expanded this original geography grab to change the meaning of Y2Y coverage to mean that they want it to cover the Yukon to the Yucatan. Hard to believe? Read on.


In 2003 the proponents of the Wildlands Project, the plan to re-wild 50 percent of the United States from the Yukon in Alaska to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, ramped up their propaganda promoting to secure large areas of the western United States as a migration corridor for all wild animals.


The Wildlands Project is a radical plan whose website states; “It is not enough to preserve the roadless, undeveloped country remaining. We must re-create wilderness in large regions: move out the cars and civilized people, dismantle the roads and dams, reclaim the plowed land and clear-cuts, re-introduce extirpated species.”

Mead Gruver, an Associated Press writer quoted Jen Clanahan, the group’s regional director on 9-25-03, ”A park here, an open space there, isn’t working because we’re still losing species at much higher than the natural extinction rate.”

“Clanahan explained that while few species migrate all the way from Mexico to northern Canada, contiguous protected areas make replenishment possible when isolated populations are wiped out due to wildfire or disease.

“And she said large animals such as wolves and bears require lots of space – as do natural processes like wildfires and floods.

”’It’s a big plan and it’s going to take a while to implement. We call it a 100-year vision,’ she said. ‘The first step is you need to get out there and talk to everyone. And that’s what we’re doing now is talking to agencies, the landowners, other conservation groups, local community leaders.’

Gruver continued, “She said she hopes the blueprint can influence long-range planning by the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management.

“Five ‘endangered linkages’ are considered in need of immediate protection: Crowsnest Pass on the Alberta-British Columbia border north of Waterton Lakes National Park, southern Wyoming’s Powder Rim, Vail Pass in central Colorado, the area between Sandia Mountain Wilderness and Cibola National Forest east of Albuquerque, and the Arizona-Mexico border.” – Unquote Mead Gruver

From The New American report “Re-Wilding of the West:”


After reading the articles from The New American magazine, should you a have fuller appreciation for the quality of original source factual information produced by The John Birch Society and its magazine The New American you should know that The New American.com website publishes around a dozen such new articles every day. The print magazine for subscribers and JBS members prints twice a month. An annual subscription to The New American magazine and .com enhanced edition is $49.

The John Birch Society annual membership fee of $87 provides numerous tools for members and supporters to use to help create an informed electorate: • Social networks • Interactive internet sites • Constitutional news magazine (The New American published twice a month, including an active .com edition publishing about a dozen articles daily • Monthly Bulletin • Action programs for chapters • Congressional scorecard twice a year • Legislative Alerts • Local and national support • Books, pamphlets & videos • Apparel and so much more!

The John Birch Society is focused on establishing informed electorates in all congressional districts. JBS never supports political candidates or parties, rather it informs the electorate to discern and support those candidates who are likely to adhere to the Constitution.

Globalists need the American people to be ignorant; American patriots need them to be informed.

“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.