It’s ‘TEA TIME!’ for Congress



End the Micro-Managing

Original Tea Party patriots were basically fed up with taxes. The ‘Fed Up’ of today’s patriots is compounded by Big Government’s extreme overreach of its enumerated powers dissolving our freedoms and commerce with overwhelming quantities of new laws, regulations and taxes. Our commerce cannot compete in a world market of competitors who operate without these overwhelming constraints.

All members of the U.S. Congress take heed: Throw off the shackles of your leadership that is influenced by others, find your patriotic backbone, organize your fellow members and straighten this mess out or we will continue dissolving away so quickly we will be history as a sovereign nation. It truly is your TEA TIME!

Most of you spend your time doing what could be called ‘busy work,’ believing you are micro-managing ‘for’ people back home. And you spend entirely too much time around special interest lobbyists and members of the Council on Foreign relations and the UN. Our republic wasn’t designed for you to ‘accommodate.’ It was designed for you to work on protecting: our freedom, our land, our sovereignty and our states’ rights so the states can do for their citizens what the states are enumerated to do for them and then everything else is for you and the states to stay away from since it’s not your job and none of your business. The word FREEDOM means that we should be free from government control! Most of our ancestors would have stayed where they came from if they wanted to be micro-managed by government controls. Do you not really remember or understand the oaths you took? ‘…to uphold and defend the Constitution…?’

Gentlemen, I am sorry but many of us are not feeling too gentlemanly since you have not been voting very patriotically. Your voting records are an abysmal average of 47% in the U.S. House and 35% in the U.S. Senate in voting with our Constitution for the last two years in the 113th Congress. – This voting record for the U.S. Congress called the Freedom Index can be viewed at

It is a testament to our Capitalist system’s resiliency that we have endured as well as we have so far while rapidly backsliding under such erosive abuse. But this erosion will finish us for sure if unchecked as sure as ancient Rome went away. Socialism fails. Socialism just takes and produces nothing that can be taxed. Capitalism succeeds. Capitalism’s profits are the roots to all our taxes. Nothing else.

FYI, read the Top 10 “Most Corrupt” List Dominated by Obama Administration article which includes a list of many related articles that expound even more.


But we still do have international enemies – who no longer fear us, but now our friends do fear us. Fox News Anchor, Lou Dobbs asked the following poll question, “Can you think of any enemy or rival of the United States that President Obama has NOT accommodated?” 95% of the vote answered NO.

And supporting all this are BO’s big media lackeys and a sorry Congress overlooking all that is being done straight in front of them because they are part of the problem: – inept or part of a contriving machine that’s directing them. There are hardly any full blooded patriots among them. Save for a couple hands full.

Again speaking to our U.S. Congress: Why is this apparent fraud with no accredited documentation of past friends, professors, students or his student records still in the White House when there are so many grounds to impeach him on? See: 350 Articles of Impeachment against Obama and The case for impeachment of Barack Hussein ObamaThe devil couldn’t have crafted a better selection to undo so much that is good and meaningful to our once great nation. Where is your patriotic fervor? If the likes of the devil is in the White House, obviously residing as a puppet with strings being pulled by unknown, diabolical handlers, but nonetheless, rapidly taking us away (with his phony poker face fully engaged), are you good with that because you have no backbone to stand up for America against an orchestrated effort or are you irrelevant? Find your backbone and impeach the deserving scoundrel while we still have his 57 states. (You can still see him on UTube in Beaverton, OR on May 9, 2008 stating that he’s visited all but one of the 57 states) Although, he is so talented with his oratory skills, I suspect he’s already taken 7 of them away from us and we haven’t even noticed. I’m sure that, every day as he is praying to Allah, he makes it a point to give thanks for his teleprompter, his puppeteers, his kingdom and the 7 ‘hidden states’ he might already claim as his own. 


Democrats should be embarrassed and sickened at the brazen ruination of their party by its hi-jacking by extreme left wing socialist crazies. States former Georgia Governor and U.S. Senator Zell Miller, a staunch democrat, in his book ‘A National Party No More,’ “All left turns may work on the racetrack, but it is pulling our party in a dangerous direction…It is a system that “Cuisinarts” individual thought into a mushy party pudding – a system that expects one to go along with the team even if the quarterback is calling the wrong signals….this never- ending back-and-forth partisan ping-pong game of revenge needs to end – for the good of our country.”

And republicans should be righting their ship from the effects of the fraudulent neo-con members and clandestine leaders who are overrunning their party’s platform. Both parties are just maintaining their gentlemen as usual lifestyles to wait their turn or see what happens because that’s the way they are. They’re luffing in the wind under the direction of others letting our country’s freedoms and commerce starve on a path to passing away. Most U.S. Congressmen and Senators have their heads in worlds of grandeur and self-aggrandizement and need being replaced with hard working patriots who take their oaths and responsibilities very seriously!

The BO administration direly needs adult supervision and Congress is ‘out to lunch.’ We want some fire in the bellies, hell raising and whatever it takes to start getting this abomination that our government has become back to the well-designed government that took us to becoming the greatest country on earth as the result of following the constitutional law found in the U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Not constitutional law as interpreted by virtually unlimited lawyers at the behest of special interests and the Council on Foreign Relations and the UN and approved of by Congress complemented by the avalanche of executive orders being thrust upon us. Read: Impeachment Support Soars as Voters Say Feds “Out of Control”

‘THE LAW’ Quoting WikiQuotes on ‘The Law’ by Frederic Bastiat: Legal plunder can be committed in an infinite number of ways. Thus we have an infinite number of plans for organizing it: tariffs, protection, benefits, subsidies, encouragements, progressive taxation, public schools, guaranteed jobs, guaranteed profits, minimum wages, a right to relief, a right to the tools of labor, free credit, and so on, and so on. All these plans as a whole — with their common aim of legal plunder — constitute socialism.

“No legal plunder: This is the principle of justice, peace, order, stability, harmony, and logic. Until the day of my death, I shall proclaim this principle with all the force of my lungs (which alas! is all too inadequate).” Try to imagine a regulation of labor imposed by force that is not a violation of liberty; a transfer of wealth imposed by force that is not a violation of property. If you cannot reconcile these contradictions, then you must conclude that the law cannot organize labor and industry without organizing injustice.

Socialismlike the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain.

“If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?

“It seems to me that this is theoretically right, for whatever the question under discussion — whether religious, philosophical, political, or economic; whether it concerns prosperity, morality, equality, right, justice, progress, responsibility, cooperation, property, labor, trade, capital, wages, taxes, population, finance, or government — at whatever point on the scientific horizon I begin my researches, I invariably reach this one conclusion: The solution to the problems of human relationships is to be found in liberty.” – Unquote from Frederic Bastiat

The publisher of Bastiat’s book ‘The Law,’ the Foundation for Economic Education, speaks of another of his publications ‘Economic Harmonies:’ Harmonies is a natural complement to his earlier works. Bastiat uncovers the great truth that lies at the heart of society, namely that the interests of all people are fundamentally compatible, that there is and can be no antagonism between the welfare of one and the welfare of all, and that all people can live in peace and harmony provided there is a free and open market for goods and services.”

American exceptionalism is still alive but not so much thriving anymore. Our freedoms and vital lifeblood commerce are being literally strangled to death eliciting small chatter from Congress and not much else as though they are really not plugged into reality or are just waiting for our inevitable end. I get the impression they consider the task of reversing it all is just too much work and so complicated it’s overwhelming. Maybe Congress is just too close to the problem and cannot see it. Like the enginemen on the Titanic who were probably oblivious to icebergs and an irresponsible captain shunning his responsibility.


‘The Deceitful Free Trade Agendas’

Given the high level of all that’s not working and overwhelming us from ‘big’ government so far, does Congress think the necessary reversing of government excess, so it can work and breath as designed, is going to be righted someday far off in the future? Is that how they think it will happen? Or, are they as I believe, just accepting our evolving away into an inevitable member nation of at first a regional government, the North American Union or a Trans-Pacific Union, to eventually becoming a member of a world government run by unaccountable, unelected, global power elitists who know best for everybody about everything. That is, after all the dangerous real intent of all the issues designed in to the huge deceitful free trade agendas that U.S. legislators have been refusing to recognize. After all, maybe these overwhelming complexities are just too much hard work and way too messy – better to just be told what to do, right?

To learn how dangerous these FTA’s will be it is imperative that you read: Trade Promotion Authority: Another Rush Job on Fast Track and How to Pass Disastrous Trade Agreements.

And if legislators do ‘get it’ on the huge danger of these fraudulent FTA’s and the course we are set on currently, where is their grand plan for getting us back to what brought us?!!!

If Congress really cares about America’s continuance as a sovereign republic there is really no time for ‘tee time’ anymore. Which means if Congress is paying attention they should be ‘ticked off!’ and forthrightly cannot justify the time for ‘tee time,’ since everything is coming down around us. It is definitely time for action commensurate with the original Tea Party – in spades! It is ‘Real Tea Time’ for ‘Real Patriots’ in Congress.

“What good fortune for governments that men do not think.” – Adolf Hitler

Open Letter to Our Honorable U.S. Representatives Labrador and…

Idaho should be proud of having the best voting record in the U.S. Congress for the 113th Session. You four representatives of Idaho’s citizens have done a stellar job for the most part in voting with the Constitution as reported in The Freedom Index at for the 2 years just completed by the 113th Congress. Rep. Labrador @ 92%, Sen. Risch @ 87%, Sen. Crapo @ 85% and Rep. Simpson @ 52%. Although Rep. Simpson’s vote is not exceptional, at least it’s ahead of the abysmal average U.S. House vote of 47%. The average U.S. Senate vote was even worse at a shameful 36%.

Men of your caliber work in a complicated world where accomplishing perfection can be difficult and downright menacing to citizens of states like Idaho, where we still know the difference between liberty and puppet states of Big Gov. I am most concerned about how you vote and affect others to vote on these most serious Free Trade bills coming up. You need being educated on some real facts, real quick or you might aid in our country’s demise as a sovereign nation. There are a lot of legislators listening foolishly to the wrong people and not doing their due diligence for ‘our citizens’ America on this ‘free trade’ debacle.

The biggest threat to our continuation as a sovereign Republic that you are facing currently is the very deceitful Free Trade Agendas (FTA’s) known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Most urgently, Obama is demanding you to give him Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), a new name for fast track authority. And too many members of your Republican fraternity think that’s just fine which makes people who understand what’s really going on madder than hell!

TPA must be voted down! Members of congress, as you must know, already have been shut out of negotiations, with no press or public participation being allowed, yet corporate lobbyists, other nations and their corporate lobbyists are having full access. The only information to-date has been leaked. And now OB wants it all hurried up. You know if you don’t stop this, you’re going to wind up with a tall stack on your desk just like ObamaCare with the same ‘no time to read it’ hustle and I believe there are enough sorry ‘sheep’ sitting with you to just go along like they have been rubber stamping as they are told.

Big money lobbyists, talking heads from the Council On Foreign Relations, The UN, The National Chamber of Commerce and the in-the-tank leaders like Mitch McConnell, John Boehnner, Paul Ryan and Rand Paul (either fools or part of our problem) all sing the same propaganda song of it being good for American businesses. Just like their ilk did for NAFTA. There was a winner, right?

Let’s see: Over 720,000 American workers lost their jobs since NAFTA began and we went from having a $1.6 billion trade surplus with Mexico the year before NAFTA to over a $60 billion deficit by 2010. Before NAFTA we exported 225,000 cars annually to Mexico and in 2012 Mexico’s exports to us exceeded 1.4 million cars and Chrysler, Ford and GM transferred major production facilities to Mexico.

And this doesn’t even speak to how NAFTA courts have overruled our courts. In 2004, the NAFTA court ruled against a Massachusetts company by overruling the highest courts of the State of Massachusetts and the United States. Hofstra University law professor Peter Spiro said the NAFTA ruling “points to a fundamental reorientation of our constitutional system. You have an international tribunal essentially reviewing American court judgments.”

These are not the ‘free trade’ policies that have led to lower tariffs and lower export subsidies over the past couple centuries. Catch on. The words ‘free trade’ have been so-to-speak ‘hi-jacked’ and are used very deceptively and promoted very professionally as everything they absolutely are not. (Do you remember the great words ‘Affordable Care Act’?) Great words! Sounded re-e-a-a-l good.

Real FREE TRADE is as it should be, FREE. These masked agreements are chock full of restricting and illegal regulations that, like our experience with NAFTA, are ruinous to our interests, freedom and sovereignty and are forecast to be 10 times worse than NAFTA in scope and affect.

What do these issues have to do with free trade? Climate change • sustainable development• internet regulation • homeland security • the military • labor  patent and copyright including intellectual property rights  land use  food  agriculture and product standards  natural resources  the environment  professional licensing • competition  state-owned enterprises • government procurement policies as well as financial policies  healthcare  energy  e-commerce  telecommunications and other service sector regulations. And what do international courts have to do with trade? Nothing, but its all part of the pending FTA’s as per the 151 house democrats’ letter to Obama in November 2013 opposing fast track, the secrecy, and all these un-related issues that should not be included in these negotiations.

Your comments, email replies and non-committals have you gentlemen all over the board on this one. Either you get it or you don’t. You’re either being duped or you’re not paying enough attention to facts and reality if you support these bogus plans. Don’t be wrong and sorry on this issue. America can’t take it. As my wife says, ‘what we have now is the best government money can buy.’ We have gone astray as badly as Rome did and we can’t expect different results if we don’t reverse this national suicide course we are on.

For me and a lot of other good Americans who understand this issue, we appreciate your service in the past, but if you blow it on this vote all bets are off as far as we’re concerned about caring a whit about your re-elections.

I choose to believe that you’re unable to really read emails and are unreachable by phone due to how busy you stay. I wish I knew a big money donor who ‘gets it’ on Free Trade that could have his call to you accepted so you would hear some reality rather than all the hyped lies and prattle of the ‘fix’ in magical Washington.

This overwhelming onslaught of ruinous new rules and regulations under the TPP will surely steer our republic into history and our former sovereign country will be evolved into the intended new member state of at first a regional government probably called the North American Union under the auspicious of the UN to be graduated toward full membership as a member of a new global government, eventually as a result of the TTIP being passed later, which of course, would be run by unaccountable, unelected global power elitists who know best for us on all things.

Maybe that’s just as well, since most of your colleagues are ruining our country anyway and righting it will just be too much work for those that really don’t care that much about the consequences they are creating. And getting rid of whole unconstitutional agencies and bureaus, laws and thousands of strangling regulations, redundancies and eliminating thousands of unnecessary government employees would take a serious plan and commitment. A national one! Not a party one. A plan and commitment that would require real statesmen, not politicians! But that would just be too messy and the parties’ handlers at the Council On Foreign Relations and the UN wouldn’t approve and campaign funding from Soros, Buffet, Gates and their kind would go away. Unfortunately, such a plan and commitment wouldn’t be bought and paid for such as our evolved system has.

I don’t think there are enough ‘real Americans’ with the patriotic intestinal fortitude to wake up and turn this mess off that the likes of NAFTA and these new FTA’s propose and get us back to what brought us: A constitutionally run country of law and limited national and state governments for free men to pursue whatever level of success they wish to attain unencumbered by the shackles of all these strangling laws, regulations and taxes so our commerce can flourish and truly compete in the new marketplace of the very competitive world that hasn’t all our restraints. Your world you live in today is too much about power and money and citizens know it and are sickened by it and most of you don’t know what can be done about it. But staying the course is the wrong direction absolutely!

In my opinion, one of the vilest people I’ve ever heard speak, the extreme far lefty named Alan Grayson, U.S. Congressman (D-Fla.), is one of the few members of Congress given limited access to the TPP negotiation documents, and he told the Huffington Post, “Having seen what I’ve seen, I would characterize this as a gross abrogation of American sovereignty. And I would further characterize it as a punch in the face to the middle class of America. I think that’s fair to say from what I’ve seen so far. But I’m not allowed to tell you why. If even he gets it, what is wrong with the rest of our legislators?

The above link with Grayson’s quote from the Huffington Post is part of an even more in-depth story from the Institute forAgriculture and Trade Policy that chronicles much more detailed information that should set you straight with reality on this most important matter.

As writer Adam Needelman states at the end of this article: “Ultimately, what we see in the TPP isn’t anything futuristic, but a double down on old, bad ideas. The level of secrecy is unprecedented, the power given to corporate advisors and experts is unprecedented, and the work to dismantle local regulation goes further than any deal we’ve seen before. The choice inherent in the notion of a “21st-Century Trade Deal,” is who the 21st century belongs to—will food policy continue to go down the road of 20th-century neoliberalism that never really worked, or will it be decided by consumers and the officials they elected to represent their interests?

  1. Oppose Fast-Track: Fast Track allows USTR to negotiate trade agreements behind closed doors, and then rush them through Congress circumventing ordinary review, amendment and debate procedures. To create policies that are accountable to people, not just big corporations, Fast Track must be eliminated.
  1. No more Secrecy: The people have a right to know what United States Trade Representatives are negotiating in their name.
  1. Special provisions for food and ag in agreements: Small farmers deserve protection, and food safety standards aren’t simply “barriers” to be knocked down. Our food systems, the people whose livelihoods depend on them, and the consumers who support them deserve protection from the whims of the international market.
  1. Oppose the TPP: It’s a double down on old, bad ideas done in secrecy and dependent on the outdated fast-track model. We want an actual 21st-century Trade Agreement!” – unquote, Adam Needelman

Thank you for your indulgence and I hope you effectively influence others and see to it that this grand scheme is sent to the dust heap of history with an emphasis of disgust.

America Must ‘Patriot Up’


PATRIOT: ‘A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.’

The roots of America’s greatness are deeply steeped in the wisdom of our Constitution. Our many successes come from the attraction to and application of that very rule of law protecting the freedoms for personal ambition and the unrestrained competitive prowess for our commerce.

Enemies and detractors include those who would take this very lifeblood from our warm bodies while we are still alive as well as those who would take our liberty and our guns from our cold dead hands. Turncoat politicians are truly becoming those very enemies and detractors who are allowing and creating our demise by not upholding their oaths to our Constitution yet acting like they’ve been working for us while spending endlessly, creating enormous unconstitutional micromanaging agencies and bureaucracies putting tens of thousands of restraining regulations on us, passing too many laws restricting our freedoms and ruining our commerce often with marching orders from the devious Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) in lockstep with the corrupt United Nations.


Quoting former U.S. Rep. Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe in their book ‘Give Us Liberty,’ “Say what you want about political parties, they are always intellectually and morally inferior to principles and good ideas. The sole purpose of a political party is to get candidates elected. Too often the candidate of one party could have just as easily run on the opposing political party’s ticket. Political parties are empty vessels, adrift on tides that can shift with the winds of political opinion. “Principles, on the other hand, are different. Good ideas stand up to scrutiny. The right principles and the best ideas pass the test of time. They do not change based on the latest public opinion polling; they cannot be twisted like those dials on the machines experts use to measure the emotional intensity of a person’s response during a focus group. “The principles of individual freedom, fiscal responsibility, and constitutionally limited government are what define the Tea Party ethos. They bind us as a social movement. And that makes the Tea Party better than a political party—something that can sustain itself the day after the first Tuesday in November, when all of the yard signs come down and all of the campaign volunteers go back to the daily routines of their normal lives. The Tea Party is a far more potent force for social change in America because it will sustain itself beyond the next candidate’s election.”


The Machiavellian, Trojan horse administration in Washington led by a duplicitous, serial liar is being allowed to continue disassembling America as we’ve known it by a highly politicized and orchestrated Congress that allows him to usurp his authority and fundamentally transform our heretofore wonderful America to his socialist liking by fiat. Not to mention how he has made a shambles of our national integrity, image and international relationships. The dereliction of Congress’s responsibilities to our Constitution and thusly our people is happening because we are letting it happen. We are sitting by watching our elected representatives who took an oath to protect our Constitution and follow law abdicate their sworn responsibilities to follow the edicts of the ‘wrong people,’ i.e. the power brokers and CFR/UN orchestrated party machines with ulterior designs that are diametrically opposed to the continuation of our republic.

These very legislators are truly traitors to their oaths and thusly these United States. They need to be removed from office with haste at the ballot boxes to be replaced with genuine patriots who do the bidding of the citizens’ Constitution because they take their oaths very seriously.

If you’re not feeling almost overwhelmed from about all the news we’re exposed to anymore on national and state issues, then God help us because you’re either ‘tuned out’ from not caring enough or just can’t listen to it anymore. Either way, this inattentiveness and inaction is the biggest problem in America today! America’s waning future cries for its citizens’ attention and involvement. Without asserted pressure from enough citizens these bad/corrupt elected officials will just keep on letting America dissolve away from our Constitutional based freedoms and commerce until we simply are no more. Believe it! The insanity of Socialism and its redistribution is that it kills revenue producing commerce and eventually there’s just not enough of other peoples’ money.

Most Americans don’t like our current reality. But, it is what it is. And America as we’ve known it is going away. Are you going to just sit idly and continue luffing in the wind or are you going to ‘Patriot Up’ and help put a stop to the insanity and nonsense of both our sorry Congress and this ‘socialistic steering,’ and inept Administration. Disgusted Americans want to do something but are feeling so overwhelmed they just can’t envision how they can make a difference. The answer begins with getting educated on facts, informing others and then replacing the turncoats with genuine effective patriots.


There’s a very simple way of identifying which elected representatives need replacing in our Idaho statehouse and in Congress in Washington. You study The Freedom Indexes for both bodies which shows exactly how they vote with criteria in keeping with the Constitution and then cull them at the voting box. Here in Idaho The Freedom Index is published by For the U.S. Congress see “The Freedom Index at A Congressional Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution” rates congressmen based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements. In the two year, 113th Congress just completed this January, here is how abysmally our congressmen and senators in Washington, D.C. voted with the Constitution: U.S. House 47% and U.S. Senate 36%. So there you see now why we are where we are.

Don’t count on a thing politicians say, only believe what you see and judge them on how they vote!

The terrible voting records revealed in the two The Freedom Indexes, is exactly the explanation for why we are rapidly becoming a socialistic society and our Republic is in danger of evolving into losing our national sovereignty and becoming first a member state of a regional government, the North American Union overseen by the corrupt UN, and then a world government run by unaccountable, unelected global power elitists who know what’s best for us.



To restore America back in line with the original tenets of our Constitution we must first accept one absolute fact. Socialism fails and capitalism succeeds. Simple as that. The late, not so great Soviet Union’s socialist’s citizens experienced a life of guarantees for all the necessities of life, meager as it was: Education, Home (make that apartment,) Job, Medical Care & Retirement. Literally everything was decided on and taken care of by government. Missing, however, was one basic ingredient to make it all work.

Work. Work that would have provided the money that would have come from taxes had Government Controls not squashed the environment for entrepreneurs and investors to thrive. Government magic was an illusion.

What has made America run is vibrant business in the free marketplace of a capitalist system. Productivity and its subsequent profit are absolutely necessary for our success as a nation.

True freedom is pure capitalism. Capitalism is the freedom to win at starting a business or investment and cannot and must not provide ‘subsidized’ guarantees for those that attain less. Failure is a lesson learned well and one moves on, strengthened from the experience. One can strive to achieve all he wants or adjust to what levels of accomplishment he attains. Businesses accountably making a profit, subsequently creating commerce and providing jobs are the root sources of all governments’ funding. A growing economy that creates more tax paying employees will bring in more revenue than higher tax rates and new taxes which conversely hurt us.


I believe if we overnight, magically, got perfect patriots in all states and in Washington DC to start doing good by their oaths and their constituents going forward without eliminating existing unconstitutional agencies, bureaus, laws and regulations that are already in place we would still be destined to not survive. We just have too much stacked against us, with the strangling regulations built into unfair trade laws such as the North America Free Trade Agenda (NAFTA), the corruption or incompetence: of the National Labor Relations Board, the Internal Revenue Service, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the Justice Department (JD), the Federal Reserve Board, (FRB) etc, etc…..The latest audacious and corrupt abuse of power: Just this week FEMA announced they will not support any state’s catastrophes if that state is not supporting what we know as their outrageous bogus claims of climate change, which has been debunked by most of the credible scientific weather community and is revealed in the article ‘Global-warming Skeptics Know More Climate Science, Study Shows’ written by Alex Newman which is featured in this issue of GSP. This is a massive extortion scheme by Al Gore, Obama, other power elites and “the UN and its oftentimes brutal member regimes that still intend to impose devastating policies on humanity later this year,” as Newman states in his article. They will collect billions in their scheme.

The radio talk show host Scott Hennon in his book ‘Grass Roots – A Common Sense Action Agenda for America,’ states: “When the founding fathers crafted our Constitution, they established a government with restricted powers and restrained responsibilities. You find the scope of our government outlines in Article I, Section 8: taxation, coinage, national defense, the court system, post offices, roads and the repayment of debts. There’s nothing in Article I, Section 8 about government getting into the banking or automobile manufacturing business, or getting into the health insurance business, or controlling all the nation’s schools from Washington, D.C., or subsidizing various industries or the arts or public television.”

Our Constitution was created to govern the Government, not the people, and not the states, each of which is a guardian of its own sovereignty. The central government was created with strictly limited powers leaving the states to compete with one another to become the best state, the one with the least amount of taxation and controls, one where citizens would want to build a business and raise a family. That spirit of competition produced excellence as honest competition always does.

Idaho is not a territory of the United States! We are a sovereign state with states’ rights that supersede national government edicts. The states created the federal government, not the reverse! We must remove the shackles of dependent money we’ve allowed federal programs to use to control us. So we need legislators to work to that end or continue the socialist march toward failure. Idaho is tired of being told what we need to do by ‘Big Gov.’ And we want all of our God given Idaho land back now!!!

We must have a U.S. Congress of pure constitutionally hearted patriots who recognize the necessity of eliminating whole agencies, and bureaus of government, and abolishing the damaging laws and regulations of all the overstepping unconstitutional tentacles of big government. I suppose the biggest majority of citizens would probably not agree that this is possible or can’t imagine the undertaking. I also suppose the same might have been true if they were asked about the feasibility of putting a man on the moon in such a short time.

With acknowledgement of the necessity, and the same kind of determination and absolute commitment as putting a man on the moon, such a feat can be accomplished. The large task before us is for Americans to awaken to their responsibilities as freedom loving citizens to start paying attention to real facts, informing others and electing ‘real patriots’ with the dynamic zeal and hunger to right our ship before it sinks. There are only a couple handfuls of such patriots currently working on this in Washington. If you find that hard to believe check the Freedom Index at


Another quote from Rep. Armey and Mr. Kibbe’s book will wrap this up: “The miracle of the Constitution is the simple genius of limited government and its singular devotion to protecting individual liberty.“…The Government should be concerned with protecting my liberty, not my liver.

“The founders designed a government that was to do only that which was both right and necessary; the rest was to be left up to the states and individuals. It is simply the best organizational chart for running a society ever created. However, this division of labor only works if people mind their own business. The problem is that politicians and bureaucrats often do not know their limitations and make it their business to mind yours.”

To which I add, it is our fault for not paying attention, letting them get away with it and not replacing them.