Common Core ‘Free,’ Judeo-Christian, Classical Education for Your Children…
Please see meeting invitations at end of the article.
This quote, “Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children,” came from the great Walter Elias Disney. Truer words were never spoken, because our children’s education, good or bad determines America’s future.
The three R’s today are racism, revisionism and relativism. All this is devastating to a student’s prospects for success in a competitive world where creative thinking, skills and application reign.
As Selwyn Duke of The New American magazine says in his article ‘Craziness in Kids’ Classes,‘ “In fact, what transpires in government schools today is so bizarre that sometimes you’d be inclined to say ‘You can’t make this stuff up’ – except that someone did”.
Furthermore, Duke says, “If the ‘philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next,’ as the apocryphal saying goes, then today’s Blackboard Jungle could lead us to a true dark age.
Fortunately, in Idaho today, we still can opt out of public schools for a more traditional Classic American education, or at least a lot closer to one, in charter schools, Christian schools and in homeschooling programs. However, charter schools that need to supplement their funding by accepting government money can get controlling tentacles attached to that funding thus handicapping their ability to teach everything the way they might wish.
Six years ago The John Birch Society (JBS) created the Freedom Project Academy (FPA) which is ‘Home Schooling Done Right.’ It is a fully accredited, Judeo-Christian based classical American school with Common Core free classes and textbooks, taught ‘live’ by 47 teachers for K-12 educating that is second to none. It includes three foreign language courses: Latin, French and Spanish. FPA accepts no government funding. Cost is $2200 a year for each student. Please check the website:FreedomProject Academy
Also, many homes are made up of working couples where homeschooling is not possible, so now FPA offers an accompanying program named FreedomProject Partnership which seeks out churches and other venues that can provide a classroom environment. Charter and Christian schools that don’t offer all grades in their schools can augment those missing classes by utilizing FPA’s fine classes through the Partnership Program without having to hire extra teachers.
Dr. Duke Pesta, a tenured professor at the University of Wisconsin serves as FPA’s Academic Dean. An absolutely captivating speaker/teacher, who has electrified audiences all across the country, he will be speaking on Friday May 4th in Spokane, WA at Mirabeau Park Hotel at 3PM for RSVP invited guests on ‘The Big Picture’ and on Saturday the 5th at CenterPlace at 3 PM for the public covering the classes and curricula. See the invitations below.
For RSVP reservations for the Friday event or any questions contact Rich Loudenback at 208 755-7717.