The Big Question: How Will Our ‘A’ Team Vote…
From: GemStatePatriot.com

Will Senators Risch and Crapo and Congressmen Labrador and Simpson vote to retain America’s sovereignty and independent negotiating strengths or will we be surrendered to the demands of globalists. That is the question in the life or death vote for our Republic’s future awaiting their decisions on the looming Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) vote.
Real FREE TRADE is as it should be, FREE. These masked agreements are chock full of restricting and illegal regulations that, like our experience with NAFTA, are ruinous to our interests, freedom and sovereignty and are forecast to be countless times worse than NAFTA in scope and affect.
Maybe the big question should be will they take the money? “The average Republican member received $19,673.28 from corporate TPP supporters” reported The Guardian for their votes to ‘fast track’ last May. Risch, Crapo and Simpson voted Yay. Labrador Nay.